Welcome one and all to my newest mini-series concerning the War of Invasion, which is the Fallout of Nigel's decision in the Stop the G:KND short. I plan for it to run 4 or 5 chapters, so let's see how it goes. I know others have already made fics of this type, and I've poked around some but never finished any, so if there are blaring similarities they are unintentional. I don't own KND but I would love to see a G:KND series put on the air (#MakeCartoonNetworkGreatAgain) I love reviews, so leave one for me on the way out, yes? Yes.

Please enjoy!

"Don't do it, Nigel!" He urged, struggling against his shackles, "this isn't what the Kids Next Door is about!"

"SUPPRESSED!" The communal voice of G:KND High Command ordered.

The next thing he knew he was teleported away from the courtroom and back into the entrance of the Alphacate Station, where deep within his high security cell awaited him. The trial of Earth was proceeding without him, but he hoped with everything he had that Nigel had heard what he said, that those words were still ringing in his mind...otherwise. He didn't want to think about the otherwise in this scenario.

He was shoved into the floor by a Noth-rak operative, orange skin, very large. He probably was the equivalent of an 8 year old human operative, but he dwarfed the officially turncoat Numbuh 274 of Earth.

"You go, else you cry."

The translation modulator between some species was still imperfect, the Noth-rak being one poorly translated to human. Despite this, Chad knew immediately what the alien was hinting at. Much as he hated to give in, another hour inside the torture chamber called The Unspoken Room would break him down too far to do anything useful if Nigel failed him.

Please, please Nigel, don't fail.

He lifted himself off the white floor that smelled of overdone cleansing agents, the blue data transmitted between the millions and millions of operatives through the universe gliding within at speeds he couldn't process. He took a few steps, but his pace was not his guard's liking, and he was shoved again, but managed to keep his footing this time. He sped up accordingly, and looked down the halls when they came to a crossroad, and into open doors when the chance presented itself. He had to know. He had to know if Nigel would throw it all away.

The seconds ticked by at a maddeningly slow pace, and he felt like the worst hours of school were over in a flash compared to this growing dread inside. He was periodically guided along with extra force by the Noth-rak, but he was too close to the cell blocks to keep going. He needed an answer.

And when the red lights began flashing, he scolded himself for asking that...even though he knew perfectly well he had done everything possible to prevent this. Nigel had given in after all. The verdict was in, Earth was sentenced to oblivion. Even as the Noth-rak grabbed him by the neck and hurled him down the hall he felt the entire station moving. It was always tractored to the War Station Ookhal, which would be one of the first, if not the very first, G:KND assault vessels to reach his home. Earth was over thirty-five years away by the fastest technology his planet could manufacture, but it would take the War Station less than an hour. He didn't have much time.

"GO. OR CRY!" The Noth-rak screamed.

Chad tested the strength of his cuffs. As he figured, they were top of the line, straight from supply dispatch. Probably never worn before. No loopholes to exploit here. Then it would be a little more challenging, not game breaking.

"Hey...what number are you?" Chad asked as he picked himself up and wiped the blood from his lip.

"I number Fox."

"...sure," Chad rolled with it, "Let me tell you something-"

He was grabbed by the throat and cut off most violently.


Chad was already nearly out of breath, but he made sure he only needed one movement to take this one down. He struggled to get the words out, but he managed it as his feet propped just above the operative's massive belly button.

"I hate being pushed around," Chad choked, pushing off the agent's belly and swinging his full might into the organ that made the Noth-rak a very glass tank kind of species. If you knew just where their sleep organ was, you could put them down for days. Chad hoped this one would keep quiet for at least one.

The orange giant dropped Chad immediately and clutched its stomach as if it was about to have a long and embarrassing trip to the bathroom, but instead it fell to the floor in one large flop and began snoring at once.

Chad wasted no time in darting down the hall, already passing cells. Most of them were filled with adults and teenagers of other species, some of which made the Noth-rak seem like rag dolls in comparison. It was by no accident that planets were eventually deemed to be too unfit for life. Maybe in some planets, where the adults were the sizes of mountains, and kids were his own size, and they were outnumbered despairingly, then just maybe the complete euthanization of a species was necessary.

It had been deemed so by G:KND High Command only twelve times in the past. Guess Earth was now lucky number 13. Nigel….that idiot.

Chad had hoped that in the red alarms of going for a destruction protocol against a planet the attacking of a guard would go unnoticed, but he was not so lucky. He saw and heard many others scrambling in the distance, but if he was careful he could navigate the maze of cages under the cover of the alarm without being seen, he should be fine. He only needed to go three places to stop this invasion in its tracks.

First, and most easily due to its close proximity, would be to get into the armory and get back all his equipment...plus a little more. He could also remove his handcuffs along the way. After that he couldn't waste any time in getting a covert message to Numbuh 362. She had been a little luckier than he had been when the incident last week went down. To his knowledge, she was still a fugitive of the G:KND, and had no doubt fled back to Earth. She could handle the preparations if he let her know fast enough.

Finally, he had to cut the head off this monster before it grew too large. It was a time honored, ancient protocol in the G:KND that if the operative who had begun the mission was taken out, the mission would be declared a failure. If he stopped Nigel, Earth would be spared. But they were both more skilled now, both fighting in a life and death situation...and both desperate to protect what they had in their hearts. That British blockhead….was he really so lost in the monster of the G:KND that he no longer cared? Chad honestly wasn't sure, but he was intent to find out just how deep Nigel was drowning.

The Armory wasn't much farther from a horizontal plane perspective, but was three levels up. The teleporters wouldn't let anyone with handcuffs use them unless accompanied by at least one operative registered as on duty. There were stairs, but they were an unsafe bet. Elevators were no good, too often used by security.

He rounded one last corner and almost ran into the many antennae coming from a blorax operative. Blorax had four arms, three legs, and resembled moving cacti, only able to get around from the many prickly antennae sprouting out of their many limbs. Despite their lack of taste, smell, sight, and hearing, they were very effective operatives when put to the right task. The question of whether or not this was such a task, though, was questionable. They relied on touch anatomically speaking, but most Blorax seemed to have a sixth sense about whatever needed to be done. An instinct of the highest caliber.

Chad crept around the operative, who appeared to notice something was near him, but he had not yet identified Chad as an escaped prisoner. The blonde teenager moved slower still, but kept himself moving all the time towards the open closet not fifteen feet behind the alien. There was a good chance some half-functioning weapon was stowed in there, or perhaps a master key misplaced and hastily stowed away in the dust. It was a deep weakness of the G:KND, easily exploitable, if you knew it was there.

The operative on guard moved like a ninja that caught wind of blood, reaching out inches away from Chad and grasping at air, making an odd humming noise which was (as of yet) unable to be interpreted by humans. Another arm reach just behind him, and then a third shot out to grab his chest. He had just enough time to duck and crouch against the wall. Its hands lingered around and above him for several seconds, and then it hummed again loudly and ran off down the hall, feeling every possible orifice to guide itself.

Chad sprinted into the closet and found a smirk on his face. A blaster with a half-blown targeting pack was still usable...for species with eyes. He scoured the rest of the scattered items in the closet, but did not find any master key. He'd have to pick-pocket, or if push came to shove, forcefully take one.

Peering out the open doors, he made sure the coast was clear and ran towards the stairwell. He slowed down as he approached the door, but was flung through the opening they made when an explosion rocketed him forward and activated the motion scanners. He stumbled up the the corner and felt a great pain in his arm before it quickly went numb. An Aegorta operative, wounded and leaning against the wall for support, had one blaster attached to its armless chest. Chad fired back as he fell down the few steps he'd ascended and the creature was out as cold as the Noth-rak. He cursed under his breath as he fumbled upwards, feeling the great fatigue of a high level blast.

With his armor on, that shot would've felt like a mediocre punch, but that was a luxury he did not yet have. He got through the first two floors when he heard an oncoming rush of operatives and took a major chance at playing dead. That explosion could've been any number of things, but his best guess was sabotage. Whether it was related to the judgement on Earth or purely coincidental, he was willing to risk his plans on it. He dropped the blaster and fell to his stomach, putting a semi-pained expression on and lay still. Within seconds a herd of alien operatives found him.

"Look, the betrayer, Number 274 of planet Earth. He has been subdued," A female ab-ka-kor proclaimed triumphantly.

"No time to bring him to a secure cell, we must ensure the Station does not get separated from Ookhal."

"Let us hurry then," A third alien declared and pointed them forwards.

To his comfort, he had not been discovered, and got back to his feet when he heard the doors shut behind the party a few floors up. To his great dismay, whatever was going on, it would ruin his plans if he was separated from the Warship charging towards Earth. Furthermore, one of the operatives had the wherewithal to swipe his blaster.

When he went through the doors of the armoy level, he found himself forced into the middle of no man's land amidst a great battle. He dove for the cover of a spilled medical supply crate, taking refuge inside the box as best he could.

Behind him, where his eyes could not see, he heard the call of several aliens, his translator straining to convert their languages into his own.

"They are rallying!"

"Defend the armory! If they overrun us, this station is as good as lost!"

"Aim for Bar-bar-koth and Un-Chezo, they have no doubt started this riot!"

"Also former Earth operative number 60!"

True to their calls, Chad saw an assortment of prisoners, most with blasters or rifles in hand (or anatomical equivalent) fighting to escape confinement. And in the middle of them, like the commander he was at heart, Patton was fighting harder than any of them and relaying orders.

Chad analyzed the situation and observed as best he could what the side he was going to end up shooting at looked like at the moment, but his heart almost stopped when he heard the distinct noises of a dog fight racing their way.

The armory level was, for reasons lost in ancient code, many times larger than most other levels, reportedly so that one of the now extinct races could run it. In any case, it was the size of five regular floors, just enough room for the smaller classes of starfighters to race around, if the pilot was skilled enough.

Blaster bolts fried the ground around him, but he escaped their wrath this time. Before another pass could be made he heard the operatives behind him mounting for a charge, and grabbed a medical scanner. If you knew what you were doing, this tool of healing could become a serious

health hazard. Granted, he wasn't sure it would work, for he was no such operative that knew what they were doing, but he had a pretty good idea.

When several aliens ran past him he counted them off and ran behind what he accurately guessed was one of the last of them. He threw the rapidly heating scanner in the midst of the rushing group and yanked the Sarksii operative through the hall running perpendicular to the battle lane. A few quick moves and the guard's weapon was his and she was unconscious. He felt the heat of the scanner's explosion from where he was, and imagined that anyone foolish enough to not take cover from the loud warning beeps it made before destruction would not be battling any longer.

Another, more menacing explosion rocked the entire station, and one of the fighters in the distance crashed into the ceiling and exploded in a storm of flames. He didn't have the time to wait and play this level safe, he had to move, so that he did. Chad sprinted as best he could and turned left towards the central hub of the armory.

It was a shelter for the guards and operatives amidst a blazing assault from the escaped. Whatever hesitation was in his heart about joining with the rioters disappeared when he thought of the stakes resting on his success. He was technically a rioter, he'd just started a bit early.

He wandered into the assault group and joined in the bombardment. It was going to be a tough battle, given their advantage as defenders and with an entire gallery of weapons and defenses to use. After a few minutes and little progress against the fort, Chad began to wander away to try a different approach, but was stopped by a Hargund prisoner, blob like and gelatinous encased in a frail frame.

"Human! Why do you still have your cuffs on? No matter, come here!"

His luck was very fickle, but he took its fortune where it was given to him.

"How's it looking?" He asked, almost against his better judgement.

"Almost all of us are free, but the RND fleet isn't taking enough of the heat. We're outnumbered and outgunned. If we don't break in soon, we'll have to pull out and accept our losses," The alien reported.

"RND, huh?"

"Resistance Next Door, obviously."

"I know...I'm part of it."

"How about that? I'm more rented out at the moment, but I don't hold a grudge against your type. You fight for what you believe in, I respect that."

"So the RND came out guns blazing to free prisoners and take up arms?"

"Not all of them, in fact it was a covert move. My contract was just ending when I got captured last month. Figure I might as well do my part here and then take my leave after all this euthanization business. As far as I know, only one frigate engaged this station in particular, but a few more are keeping Ookhal busy. I suppose the rest of the fleet is rushing to defend whatever planet is on the chopping block."

"Is Ookhal the lead ship?"

It was hard to know where in the galaxy Nigel was leading this assault from, but the Ookhal would be both convenient and plausible.

"Don't know, sorry."

The cuffs were finally cut from his wrists, and the two moved to rejoin the fray.

"Is Numbuh 60 leading this RND mission?"

"He's field commander, at least."

"Alright...I've got to find him, I'll try a different approach on the way."

"Sure. Just remember, the fallback order can come at any time."

Chad ran past a storm of bolts and managed to get into a vacant position of cover. The missing insurgent or prisoner had almost gotten a morph grenade ready when they vanished. A morph grenade would change the integrity of the fort's walls, the perfect solution to a conundrum like this, but only if they didn't see it coming.

It would be better to have their entire front side taken from them, then the masses could swarm in and overrun the agents inside, but Chad knew the frontal wall was the most heavily fortified. He'd go through the back. Unfortunately, a turret on the second floor had him pinned in place as soon as he arrived.

His attempts to take out the gunner proved ineffective, and he was almost ready to get really desperate and chance a fake-out, but the whirring of another fighter overhead stopped him. To his disbelief, he saw a figure jump from a second fighter engaged in a game of chicken with the G:KND fighter. They collided in a loud crash of flaming metal, but both pilots jumped out in time. They wrestled on the way down, trading blows to stay on top of the other. At last, the resistance fighter was caught upside the head and thrown onto the roof of the armory fort with a crash. The G:KND pilot, another Sarksii, pulled his chute and got in the way just enough for Chad to race out of firing range.

He threw himself into the rear wall and finished the grenade set up. He stuck it the side of the armory and ran as he knew his life depended on not getting caught in the blast which could turn his bones to jelly.

The wall ceased to be in a bright flash and mighty wind, and Chad rushed in to follow up with a quick and precise surprise attack. He managed to gun down several foes and create an opening for those who'd seen him to follow suite, but was soon pinned down again behind an almost full supply shelf in the corner.

Another morph grenade was thrown inside, and Chad backed against the wall, suddenly very aware of how dangerous the shifting of matter was was he felt the impact run through his entire being. He also had to cringe at the waste of equipment and supplies that was, but these qualified as times of desperation. He was soon joined by more of the insurgents and another blaring alarm was raised to signify the armory's compromisation.

"Tell me we have a way to flush them out...we can't go poking around in here with all these hidden operatives," a stranger said.

"We've come this far, can't be stopped now," Chad replied.

"Agreed human," a second stranger said as he came up behind them, "They won't give the fallback order anymore. We just have to get in and out with the goods. Transportation is online, we'll be beamed right back to the frigate."

"I don't mean to be a bother, but I didn't come with the frigate, I hope we can account for that," Chad told them, realizing that his best bet was to join back up with the RND. He could get what he needed from them and go after Nigel easily enough, and they must have a better idea of where to look than he did.

"Of course, all freed prisoners are being evacuated to join in the defense of the judged planet."

"Alright then...let's get to work," Chad said, running from the cover of the shelf and blasting every few seconds to scare the operatives, shed more light in the dark areas, and maybe even get lucky and tag a guard.

He was making solid progress for a moment, but before he reached the second level he found himself slung up in a mess of tentacles, and a Flolor operative emerged from the shadows. Chad did his best to struggle out as his backup provided support, but the confrontation brought many of the hidden operatives into the fire fight.

Now outnumbered and outgunned, the rioters had no choice but to leave Chad dangling in the swarm of organic ropes. He felt them worm their way around his limbs and his throat, choking the life right out of him and shaking him around in the air to throw off the little resistance he could muster. It was all starting to go black, and he tried the proven tactic of playing dead before it could actually happen, but this Flolor was overly aggressive, and Chad was fading into what he feared could be his final sleep when yet another explosion saved him.

The ceiling above collapsed and rubble fell on them all like rain, the Flolor operative being crushed under a large fragment of wall and its tentacles receding to try and free the rest of it. Groping for the gun, Chad stumbled around and found himself lucky once more to not be crushed under the wreckage. He had almost regained his bearings when a furry arm wrapped around his neck and hoisted him in the air again. A Xizil operative then put a blaster in his back.

"You did well to escape...but you will never see your planet again," It taunted, amidst Chad's struggle to free himself.

"Agent 274 of planet Earth, I sentence you to the same fate as your home world by the decree of Agent 1 of Earth."

"Agent 60 of Earth has a problem with that!" A familiar voice called out in the settling dust, from which came many blaster bolts that subdued Chad's assailant before he could react.

Next thing he knew, a friendly hand was picking him up.

"Hot darn I'm glad to see you again...sir," Patton regained himself.

Chad rubbed his throat and shook hands with his rescuer, "Likewise."

"Secure the upper levels, we take what we can and then we leave; beaming out in about three minutes people!" Numbuh 60 shouted, then quieted and turned back to Chad, "I heard from Numbuh 362 things didn't go well."

"No...Nigel has….I don't even know what's gotten into his head. I need to straighten him out."

"Good thing we showed up when we did then."

"It saves me an uncomfortable call. She's with that frigate I've heard about, right?"

"Of course."

"Good. I need to talk to her, but you might be able to help me too, do you know where Nigel is leading this assault from?"

"Afraid not, but that's not going to stop you."


"Need backup?"

"No. I'll do it alone. I give him credit for being skilled...and a few years back, on that carrier...he beat me, fair and square. It's time for a rematch."

He realized he was wasting time, and began walking around until he found his gear under a lock easily taken care of by a quick blast.

"The RND has seen some influx of recruitment these past couple months, and we're winning battles, but losing this war. If Earth goes…"

"It won't."

"But if it does-"

"It won't."

"Are you that confident?"

Chad hesitated for a slight moment, but he answered a resounding affirmative, "Yes."

He started poking around for anything and everything useful. He'd need more than one ace up his sleeve when he confronted his friend, or perhaps the agent his friend had become. He also needed to be in the know as much as possible.

"So you're leading the raids under Numbuh 362's command. Where's Maurice? What about Fanny?"

"Numbuh 86 was working in the Davos System...it's been too long since we lost contact to know what she's up to know, but rumor has it she's working her way back to us. Numbuh 9 was actually back on Earth just a few days ago, preparing for this eventuality. When we lost you and Rachel, he was prepared for the worst…."

The heavy edge on his voice made Chad pause whilst stringing a few surprises on his belt. He walked towards his friend and looked him in the eye, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"He wasn't prepared for betrayal."

"What happened?"

"He was working with Numbuhs 5, 2, and 37 on installing planetary defenses, but 74.239 ratted him out. I actually thought he was on our side, like Vine. Not so. He was seized by undercover G:KND operatives, but I heard it from Abby herself that they left Earth. Now we just have to hope he did a good enough job in the time he had."

"We don't know if he's here?"

"Nobody has seen sign of him. Not yet."

"And 74.239?"

"Fled back to G:KND High Command, for all we know."

The anxious and agitated voice belonging to Rachel McKenzie was so loud over Patton's earpiece Chad couldn't miss it.

"Numbuh 60! Time to go NOW, or we don't go AT ALL!"

"Roger!" He called back.

"All hands prepare for evac, T-minus 10 seconds to beam out!" He called out over the comms.

Chad grabbed a few extra power cartridges before he felt the familiar flash and rush of pure energy surging through his veins and running down his bones to take him away. It was a relief this time.

Phase one was completed, and phase two had been done before he'd come up with it. Earth was lying in wait for the invasion, all he could do now was take aim at the head of the enemy and hope to cleave it off before it was all too late.