W: Well were back.

D.D: Already? That was a quick turnaround.

W: What? I have a lot of time recently.

D.D: Are you sure it wasn't spyro259'sreveiw asking for an update?

W: (cue sweatdrop) Uhh…

D.D: Or the 34 Favs and 46 Follows?

W: (Cue anime sized sweatdrop) No, just wanted to do it that's all.

D.D: Right….

Naruto: Seriously Wobbufet? I could lie better then that.

W: Who asked you? Mr. Blond Fishcake.

Naruto: Oh now THAT is low!

W: Want to go?

Naruto: Let's do this!

W: Someone do the disclaimer! (Dodges Rasengan as set turns into a brawl reminiscent of a certain guild hall)

D.D: Well Wobbufet does not own Naruto or Fairy Tail, he isn't creative enough to make those worlds and also does no own anything else referenced here.

"Kit! Kit!" a female voice shouted. Naruto opened his eyes to see himself lying on his back staring at a stone ceiling, rolling over and looking ahead he saw a massive cage that appeared to be made of steel with intricate carvings where it met the stone wall around it. Inside the cage was a massive orange fox with nine tails with a look of concern and relief on it's face.

"I'm alright Kurama," Naruto answered the fox's unspoken question, "just a bit sore and stiff."

While Naruto wasn't the jinchuriki of the Nine-tailed fox Naruto had found out that the soul and chakra of the tailed-beasts were actually separate entities, with the soul having the intelligence of the beast and the chakra half having most of the raw power, this is why the beasts appeared to be mindless killers, when the soul became overwhelmed with emotions or supressed with a chakra technique like Sharingan, the power took over and went berserk, attacking anything in sight. Naruto had met Kurama after his first 'birthday beating' when he was four after being knocked unconscious, when he had first met the fox she had tried to scare and intimidate him but after finding out why he was visiting her at such a young age she had taken pity on the poor boy.

"I'm not surprised." Kurama stated, "Those shinobi were very persistent, they dragged you into the forest than continued to beat you before getting tired and throwing you into the river."

Due to the unique nature of the tailed-beast's soul when their jinchuriki is unconscious they can still see what is occurring around them, however Naruto was very worried by what the fox said.

"Don't be concerned you floated down the river face up so you didn't drown plus despite the speed the river has very few rocks so you just floated down till you washed up on a bank." Kurama explained at the worried look on Naruto's face.

"What about Hinata?" Naruto asked.

The fox just frowned and looked almost nervous looking away from Naruto refusing to make eye contact. Naruto just stared at the fox surprised by the very out of character behaviour, till he noticed that the carvings on the walls of the cage were cracked. Eyes widening, he turned to the fox and shouted

"What did you do?"

The fox just signed before answering.

"The girl was beaten as much as yourself, if not more so. She was going to die Kit I had no choice. I knew how much she means to you so..." The fox hesitated looking at Naruto's face though told her to finish, "I pushed through the leaks that already existed in this seal and connected her chakra to my own and by extension your own."

Naruto just blinked, while he had not gone to the Academy in his home due to his age he had read enough in the library and from his Jiji's office to know what that meant. As of now Hinata was a pseudo-jinchuriki meaning that while she didn't have the tailed-beast sealed within her she could now access its chakra and if she focused speak to the fox like Naruto was now. As Naruto continued to stare at Kurama she stated.

"Naruto I know you wanted to keep her from baring your burden, but if I had not done this then she would have died from those wounds and I knew that you couldn't live with yourself if that occurred."

Naruto was surprised at the apology which was genuine. He could tell because Kurama had used his name and while she refused to admit it, she only did this when she was being serious or cared. She called him 'Kit' in any other case or 'Baka-fish' when she was very annoyed. Naruto let out a deep breath before looking up at the fox.

"It's alright Kurama," he said, "you were looking out for me, and while I feel upset you did this without asking me, I'm glad you did this for me. However, do something like this again without asking me and I will shrink this cage so small you can't move." He stated the last part with narrowed eyes and a very serious face.

Kurama just nodded her head, she knew that when Naruto gave his word on something he always kept it. She quickly checked her host's body before saying.

"My chakra has finished healing you and the Hyuga girl, however I wold wait before telling her about her connection to me, she will have my marks but I think she will be much more scared of me the you were."

Naruto just nodded, he knew that Hinata was naturally nervous and timid so Kurama's belief was well founded. He knew he would have to tell her eventually but he would have to do so slowly, nodding at his hasty 'plan' he began to fade away as he woke up.

Naruto opened his eyes again and stared at the forest canopy above he sat up noticing that his lower body was still in the river and his clothes were dirty, soaked and ripped. Letting out a groan he stood up before looking to his right to see Hinata lying on her side further downstream her blue hair had patches of dried blood matted into it and her beloved hoodie was ripped in several places as well as her shorts. Stumbling to his feet due to his legs being so stiff he fell next to her before rolling her on her back. Looking her over for injuries he was relieved to find nothing however, he saw what he had been dreading there were the tell-tale whisker marks of Kurama's chakra, they were very faded and unless you were looking for them like himself you could easily miss them. Standing up again much more steadily he grabbed Hinata under her shoulders and lifted her up before bringing her deeper into the forest and away from the river in case more shinobi showed up, finding a large tree Naruto collapsed down with Hinata in his lap. The jostling seemed to wake Hinata up as her eyes opened blinking a few times before seeing Naruto above her and the unfamiliar forest canopy above.

"Naruto w-w-where are we?" she asked.

"Hinata!" Naruto exclaimed in surprise, "I didn't know you had woken up. I don't know where we are, you were knocked unconscious after which they dragged us out here and continued to beat us, I must have lost conscious because I next remember waking up on the riverbank with you."

Naruto hated having to lie to Hinata like this but if he didn't he would have to explain about Kurama and Hinata's new connection to the fox and himself. As he contemplated telling her the truth at a later date he felt her shift and stand up, or at least attempt to as she was like himself when he woke up, this caused her to stumble backwards and land on her back.

"N-N-Naruto?" she asked, "D-D-Do you s-s-see this?"

Naruto looked up and blinked, in front of him was what looked like the remains of a large building. The brick walls were cracked and collapsed a large metal bell was at the top of the rubble, having turned green with age long ago. The walls were covered with think sheets of ivy and moss with several trees having begun to grow from the remains. Around the front was the stubs of a wall that most likely had surrounded the building with a large rusted gate having been blown away with massive force. Naruto stood up and walked up next to Hinata who had gotten onto her feet by this point. Looking at it in wonder that mirrored his own.

"I don't know Hinata," Naruto answered, "but I think we should find out."

"A-A-Are you s-s-s-sure N-N-Naruto?" Hinata stuttered, obviously uneasy about the wrecked building in front of them.

"Why not?" Naruto stated, "The Shinobi won't be here for a long time we might as well look." As he explained Naruto walked towards the building. Hinata hesitated before looking into the forest around her and scrambling after Naruto who was looking at the remains of the wall with curiosity.

"Strange," he thought, "why are the tops of these remains and the debris not being touched by the plants here?"

"Kit." Kurama answered in Naruto's mind, "that rock has been melted and there are traces of chakra all over this place…very powerful chakra…the kind you only see in a war." Naruto blinked, he had looked into the village history while in the library and there was no mention of a conflict like this in the area, no rival or rouge villages that had been taken out. While he contemplated the oddity in the records Hinata called out to him.

"Naruto look over here!"

Naruto walked over to where Hinata was standing at the foot of the large central pile of debris, at her feet what looked like a large plaque he had not seen earlier. It was a large arc that looked to have been part of the gate if the twisted metal bars embedded into it were any indication. On the arch were the remains of letters that appeared to say 'FA Y TA ', there was obviously more to the sign but either time or whatever had hit the gate destroyed it. As Naruto stepped next to Hinata to get a closer looked he suddenly heard a crack. Naruto and Hinata both quickly looked down to see the floor cracking beneath their combined weight.

"Mo...!" Naruto began to shout but the floor gave out falling away into the inky darkness below along with himself and Hinata.

The two of them screamed as they plummeted down after what felt like hours (but was really about 15 seconds) Naruto and Hinata smacked into a bend before rolling out into a cavern. Naruto groaned as darkness creeped into his vision.

"Dam it. Twice in one day this sucks." He thought.

Just before Naruto fell unconscious he thought he saw a young girl with flowing blond hair and eyes with green pupils but no iris like Hinata. She was wearing a beautiful white dress that just showed her bare feet and a pink bow at her throat. What really caught Naruto of guard was the wing-like attachments in her hair that seemed to be standing up in surprise and shock like the look on her face suggested, and that while she looked a few years older than the Hinata and himself she was about the same height. As the bliss of his mind took over again he thought.

"How is this girl here?"

Yah I ended it the same way last chapter but I felt it was a good point to do so. Don't worry this will not become a thing in this story.

Naruto: It better not!

?: Quiet you. (Naruto is suddenly knocked out by an expertly thrown…book?)

Anyway, it is time for People, Places, Planes, Peggio und Panzer! Don't forget answer right and get a shoutout next chapter!

And the RNG declares it to be, Places!

A large town of 60 00 residents, located in the southeast of the nation it belongs too it's strategic location of being near a port to the South and a major railway to the North as well as a friendly Nation to the east this town is a major trading center with it's yearly Harvest Festival being well loved and world renown like it's large central cathedral. The most famous thing about this town is that it changes its layout to allow one of the people who work in the local businesses to walk straight there due to his clumsiness and abilities. Though some may see the a crazy for being home to what is considered the most destructive group of people in the nation the townsfolk love them and often comment n them with smiles and laughter.

Also I'm taking ideas for Naruto's Magic I already decided on Hinata's so no ideas for that. Also answer my Q above and consider it extra brownie points for you idea (therby making in more likly to be picked, nd pervious chapter stacks for it as well.) just try to make it work by giving an explanation an why it would be good for Naruto.