A/N Hi, everyone!
I've wanted to do this for a while, a few years actually but I haven't had the time. I've been watching Buffy for as long as I can remember and, as i'm sure you can tell, I kinda fell in love with Spike. He was my first favorite character. Season 4 is set in 1999 so please bear with me if I kinda suck writing for such a long time ago but I hope I do all right.
Also, there is no 'Big Bad' unless you count Lottie as one, which you could.
If you don't like the idea of this story, please don't leave a review because it's not helpful to the person who spent a long time writing something only for someone to be cruel.
Anyway, I hope you like it.
Daddy's Monster
She's got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face, it takes me away to that special place
And if I stared too long i'd probably break down and cry
Oh, sweet child o' mine. Oh, sweet love of mine
She's got eyes of the bluest skies, as if they thought of rain
I'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place, where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by
Oh, sweet child o' mine. Oh, sweet love of mine
1199 A.D
Edward ran through the woods, yelling at the top of his voice for his Slayer. He whirled around, running backwards, looking out for a sign that could show him where his Slayer was. The Slayer, the most formidable yet rebellious Slayer that had been seen in recent generations, had run into battle surrounded with a clan of vampires and hadn't been seen for a while, a few days, to be precise.
Being rash indeed was her forte.
But this time it had been personal.
The vampires had taken her little brother captive and, in return, had wanted her.
He suddenly came to a sharp halt when the sound of ravenous growling echoed in his ears.
Dread creeping up his spine, Edward's breathing labored in nervousness as he slowly turned in the direction of the sound, breath catching in his throat when his eyes landed on a young woman hovering over a whimpering male.
It was Charlotte.
His Slayer was bestriding a young man against a tree and was ripping into his throat as if a woman starved, uncaring if the flesh tore beneath her fangs, attention solely focused on the blood running through his veins. He gasped as he looked at the dozen corpses scattered around for him to regard. Each had several bite-marks on their body mostly on their throats and wrists.
And, sprawled on the drenched grass, lay her ten-year-old brother. His eyes were still wide open and clouded filled with horror, his pale face streaked with blood.
Little Lukas.
He covered his mouth at the stench of death, and he floundered backward, staring at his Slayer.
She was feeding as if she were starved.
His Slayer snarled as she got up from the body, turning around in the direction of the sound, stumbling slightly. Her dark eyes met his own, but the light that had been there before was no longer. She had tears in her dress and was covered in blood from head to toe. Mud discolored the once white dress and, beside her, he could see a shallow grave that she had risen from.
His eyes widened, and he swallowed the lump in his throat as he finally met her gaze.
"Edward! My dear Watcher!"Charlotte sing songed, holding out her arms, blood dripping from her chin when she smiled."Finally, you have found me. It took you long enough!"
Twirling around in a circle on her bare feet, Charlotte dramatically gestured to the corpses with a shameless smile.
"Forgive me, but there is no more food left to share, but we can go looking for more."
What had his Slayer turned into?
A Slayer turning into a vampire? That was unheard of.
"Charlotte? What have you done? You have fed?"
"Of course. It is known that if you don't feed, you die."Charlotte tittered, shaking her head with a laugh, as if his words seemed ridiculous to her."I do not want to die."
"This..."Edward stared at his Slayer in horror, pointing at her with a disgusted curl of his lip."is an atrocity. You were not meant to take this path. You should have accepted your fate."
"Think about the power. The power, Ed."She completely disregarded his words, holding her hand to her chest in wonder."The power is unbelievable. I can feel it flowing through me."
Edward merely offered a head shake in return. This wasn't his Slayer.
"I feel like i'm flying."Charlotte carried on, holding her arms out and flailing them around as if she believed she'd take off."My Slayer energies have not deserted me, and these newfound ones that grace me with being the undead is...well, it's magical."
"A blend of both. A hybrid."Edward murmured to himself in horror, voice cracking as he staggered, the wind knocked out of him."You...You can't be allowed to live. You're an abomination!"
Hand shaking and tears welling in his eyes, Edward's hand tightened around the take in his hand, and he did not hesitate before surging towards her. She was not the girl he once knew, she was nothing short of a beast.
He cried out in anger, rearing his hand back and prepared to drive the stake into her heart. Only to suddenly find it difficult to breathe as his vision became blurred and, with a forceful weight pressing against his chest, Edward found himself staring at the sky above.
"Amazing, no?"
Charlotte's words echoed in his ears and Edward blinked rapidly, the sky abruptly out of sight and replaced with a wicked smile and glimmering eyes. Dress billowing in the breeze, Charlotte smiled down at her watcher, swaying from side to side.
"I'll miss you."
She kissed her fingers and leaned down, ignoring or not noticing how he trembled, still holding the stake tight in his hand but unable to find the strength to wield it.
"Thank you..."Charlotte crooned as she pressed her fingers to his cheek, lingering a moment before straightening, gaze trailing over to her brother."Ensure he has a lovely send-off, will you?"
The last thing he saw was her sweet smile, bared fangs and lips painted red.
And then, she was gone.
"The apartment is furnished with all the extravagances money can purchase, and, while the asking price may seem dismaying, i can guarantee that your view of Sunnydale will be wonderful..."
The realtor gestured to the darkness outside, the moon hovering over the town radiantly."...especially at night, as you can see, it's a beautiful view."
A young blonde realtor turned and smiled at the potential renters, clipboard hugged against her chest as she, obviously feigned, smiled at them. A dozen pair of eyes trailed over the inside as many personages lingered at the doorframe, bunched together and quietly conversing.
It held two bedrooms, side by side but they looked very spacious. The living room was connected to the kitchen as well as the dining room, making for one large and spacious layout. There was also a step out balcony through some french doors that could be used a night view of the town.
"So, what do you think?"
A tall man, around 6'1, sauntered further into the apartment, leaving his other male friends standing at the door. He smoothed back his dark hair, standing at one of the many windows, staring out into the night.
He turned back to the woman with a raised hand, wagging his finger to and fro when she opened her mouth to speak, a smirk curving at his lips when she snapped her mouth shut.
"The windows, they are sun-proof, right? You did do what we asked for, did you?"
She nodded, letting out a shaky breath as he stepped closer, her silence no longer amusement to him. He loomed over the blonde, looking almost amused when she gulped.
"You did what we paid you generously for, yes?"
"Y-Yes!"She nodded once more and took a moment to compose herself before replying."Yes, your friends' particular sun condition has been taken care of."
Moaning in approval, the man reached out and took hold of her cheek, making her nervously laugh.
"I..."She tried to step away only to be refused when he tutted, his hold on her tightening."I don't think-"
His smirk swiftly faltered when, all of a sudden, the sound of heels hitting the hardwood floor made him pause and straightened, retreating away from the blonde.
Swallowing, the blonde's eyes drifted from the intimidating man and sought out the new presence, the aforementioned Lottie. She watched quietly as the crowd of men parted immediately, allowing a young woman to pass through. Donning a long, white dress that reached her ankles and a heavy leather jacket, the brunette's large brown eyes and innocent features had the relater breathing out a sigh of relief.
Relief that instantly turned into hesitance when Lottie's full lips curved into an eerie smile when she noticed the frightened expression on the blonde's face.
"Calvin."Lottie softly greeted, a quick smile appearing before it faltered when she looked at the woman."This is it?"
"Yes, it is."Calvin answered with a nod, holding out his arms and glancing around before he inquired."Everything's sorted."
"Lovely."She murmured, peering around before she pinned her gaze to the man."Homey."
"It's good enough?"
"It's enough."Lottie looked around the apartment, bouncing as she imagined what she could do with it before smiling at the male vampire in approval."You know your Lottie, it's why you're my favorite, Calvin."
Calvin bowed his head in reverence, mumbling a grateful reply that made Lottie's smile widen. She slowly entered the apartment further, a glazed look in her eyes when she noticed the moon shining through the windows.
"Beautiful."Lottie whispered in awe, reaching out and touching Calvin's cheek as she passed him."It's all yours. You make sure to share, i don't like it when my boys fight."
With that, Lottie abruptly stalked off in the direction of the nearest room, her swift exit informing Calvin that she was satisfied with the situation.
He waited for Lottie's bedroom door to slam shut before, his wicked grin returning, he turned to face the young woman once more.
"We'll take it."
The realtor huffed out a relieved sigh and gave Calvin a broad smile."Great!"
"Enough with the false pleasantries!"Calvin waved a hand at her, his yell making the woman flinch."You do not even know..."
Calvin trailed off with a dark chuckle, motioning to his men and beckoning them to enter. The realtor's heart thumped against her ribcage when the sound of shuffling made her breathing as Calvin's men entered the apartment.
"W-What? What do you mean?"
She shrilly squeaked when he was nearer than before, his hand taking firm hold of her chin and tilting her head up. She jumped when fingers brushed against her throat and winced when a growling noise resounded in her ears.
"You came in contact with divinity, and you didn't even take a second look."
The relator let out a fearful gasp when Calvin's tone turned harsh and turned, her eyes welling with tears as his men circled her with hungry snarls.
"Please! Please, just let-"
Abruptly, Calvin snarled at her, unveiling his fangs and vampire face, and she let out a loud scream as several vampires lurched for either her throat or her wrists.
"They cry out for mercy, they cry out for mercy..."
Spike watched as Drusilla skipped ahead of him, spinning around with her arms stretched out in front of her, humming underneath her breath. He smiled, pure adoration in his eyes as the love of his life gazed up at the stars. He couldn't stop himself from beaming as she continued to dance, not bothered by how she seemed to other people.
She knew that he would kill anyone who looked down on her.
They had joined Darla and Angelus some time ago but, as usual, the two men had come to blows and Drusilla had decided that a pleasant stroll would settle things. Her daddy had a temper, she would always whisper, her daddy didn't like sharing his masterpiece and sometimes was a tad bit overprotective. Spike had protested at; first, he'd go up against Angelus any day of the week, but it had upset Drusilla as greatly as she adored her 'daddy' and wanted her two favorite boys to get along.
Only Drusilla could mark her Spike, it wasn't fun when others took part, not even daddy.
Snapped out of his daze at Drusilla's call, the vampire opened his mouth to reply only to close his mouth swiftly when a resounding scream caught his ears.
"Brother, help me!"
Spike turned around, his ears searching for more sound, lips curling up in amusement as he silently hoped there was to be some entertainment to pass the time. Drusilla, in awe, looked up at the sky and she and twirled around in a small circle as she murmured to herself.
"Oh, do you feel it?"
Brows knitting together, Spike curiously made his way over to Drusilla."Feel what, love?"
Drusilla offered up no reply and as if on cue, the voice was heard again. Chanting filled their ears, the sound causing Drusilla to squeal happily as she bounced on her feet.
"Shhh..."Spike cocked his head, turning and trying to decipher which direction the voice was coming from."one at a time, please, one at a time."
"...what the bloody hell is that?"
"My present, of course!"Drusilla happily answered, rubbing her hands together, eyes sparkling with complete excitement."I've been so very good!"
Spike hummed—the presence wasn't quite as welcoming as Drusilla seemed to think—and shifted from foot to foot, wiggling his fingers before he furled them into his palm, attention solely focused on the sounds. He listened as carefully as he could, eyes darting around and prepared to fight if the need called for it.
At Drusilla's shrill yell, Spike spun around to look at his lover only to find her cavorting off in the direction of the screams.
Shouting her name through clenched teeth, Spike rolled his eyes with a sharp exhale before he trailed after her, doing his best to catch up when she held out a hand behind her.
"It's time to unwrap my pressie, love, come along!"
Spike almost tripped over his own feet as he reached out."All right, all right! Wait up!"
It didn't take Drusilla long to find whoever was shouting, she'd run straight in the direction and, without trouble, had located the cause of the yelling.
But what they found wasn't a sight they had prepared for.
A young woman, features hidden by a curtain of dark hair, was curled into a ball, her entire body shaking as she whispered to herself. The torn dress she donned, a dress that almost to barely covered her revealed bruised legs and bloodied arms, blood that Spike was almost sure wasn't her own.
A thought that was confirmed when he shifted his eyes from the woman to finally take notice dozen dead bodies that were scattered around her, their bodies were torn apart. Slowing his pace, Spike gasped in awe as he stalked over to the shaking woman who still had her arms locked around her legs and forehead pressed to her bruised knees.
"Found you!"
Drusilla all but lunged at the woman, for once unbothered by dirtying her dress as she kneeled beside the trembling form. With a series of elated whispers, Drusilla eased the woman into her lap, hooking a leg underneath her knees and her other around her waist. Drusilla paid no mind to the ramblings of the trembling woman; instead, she seemed more focused on holding her close, as if feeling compelled.
"Hush, little baby, I heard you, and I followed. I'm here."
Effortlessly, she scooped the woman into her arms, settled her on her lap and proceeded to cradle her. Drusilla brushed the woman's hair from her face, gasping in wonder as her hand clasped the woman's cheek before beaming at her even though her eyes were tightly closed.
"Wow."Spike mouthed to himself, eyebrows raised and eyes trailing over the corpses as he mumbled."I'm impressed..."
"Brother?"She whispered with a whine, her eyes wide and, after a wince as if it had been a while, her gaze zeroed in on Spike."Is it really you?"
Spike simply blinked at her and remained silent, feeling her gaze follow him as he circled her, coming to a stop behind Drusilla. He was right in her eyeline and indulged her a tilted head in response to her question but decided to keep quiet to allow Drusilla her moment.
"Nicely wrapped."Drusilla breathily sang, her hands softly fawning over the young women, her eyes hooded when her shakes, almost instantly, started to subside."Pretty, pretty, pretty..."
Spike crossed his arms over his chest as he watched Drusilla, expression softening when his sire relaxed against the woman, crooning to herself in an almost comforting manner. His love hummed a melody that seemed to calm the young woman as, in response to Drusilla's murmured encouragement, she allowed herself to release her legs.
"Tell me..."Pausing in between her croons, Drusilla slowly leaned forward, the pad of her thumb stroking the other woman's cheek before she made her first query."Do you have a name?"
Drusilla faintly brushed the pad of her thumb over the other woman's cheek and, as soon as she did, her eyes slowly opened again. Her pupils dilated when she gazed up at Drusilla, lips parting almost reverently and Spike felt a rush of pride soar through him at the sight.
"Yes, yes, I do. I'll always remember."Nose scrunching up at the sensation of Drusilla's dar locks tickling her cheeks, the bruised woman slowly blinked up at Drusilla before she answered."Mother. My mother named me. She named me Charlotte."
"Hmm, a pretty name for a bundle of joy."
Her brows furrowed at this and, as quick as it came, Charlotte's lucid moment was swiftly over when she suddenly started to tremble.
"The thoughts are spinning. Never lingering, always spinning and it's..."Charlotte's breathing labored, tears welling in her eyes as she desperately arched up into Drusilla."Make them stop. I can't think."
Drusilla started to croon again, Charlotte's name being chanted in between pauses and began to rock to and fro, something that slowly silenced the pleas of what seemed to be a broken person.
"Love, give us a tidbit."Spike gently intruded in on the moment and leaned down, hand clasping Drusilla's cheek from behind."What's troubling her?"
"Her mind, love. It's like a playground."Drusilla gently answered with a frown, her words making no sense to anybody but herself as usual and resulting in Spike being even more puzzled."And i'm gonna play with her. Nobody special should play alone."
Teeth grazing her bottom lip, Drusilla bounced on her knees, tilting her head up to peer up at him."Spike...?"
"Yes, ducks?"
Turning her head, cheek rubbing against Charlotte's, Drusilla's grip tightened in the woman's dark locks, possessively holding her body tighter. Smiling against skin, Drusilla's free hand reached up and touched Spike's hand still on her shoulder.
"She has Slayer blood."
"She what?"Spike bluntly inquired, confused and parting his lips to ask more, feeling somewhat piqued with himself that he had to question his sire."Truly? She's undead, she's a vampire. I can smell it."
"She's unique. Old."Drusilla mumbled and pulled back to get another look at Charlotte, hand cupping the other woman's cheek, smiling to herself when Charlotte mewled."Powerful. Her mind tells me lots of naughty things."
Rounding the pair, now hovering over Charlotte, Spike breathily laughed in disbelief, slowly shaking his head as he tried to process the information. In spite of her ramblings, most that made no sense to anyone but her, Drusilla was rarely wrong.
"Spike!"Drusilla suddenly yelled, eyes wide and glimmering with glee as she turned to face her lover, free hand reaching out and touching his cheek.."She names all the stars, too."
"That can't be right."Spike hissed through clenched teeth, slumping down on his knees next to the pair, eyes closely studying Charlotte."A Slayer as well as a vampire? Never heard of it."
"She calls to me. To you."Drusilla caroled in delight, tilting her head up and gently kissing Spike's jaw, humming happily when he turned into the touch."And we followed. Searched. Her power roves round and round, tick tock and never stops."
At this, Charlotte suddenly huffed out a croaked giggle, garnering Drusilla's attention. His sire turned to look at the woman nestled in her embrace and chimed in on the laughter. Spike pursed his lips, cocking his head in fascination as he watched the two women stare at each other.
He eyed them as they both tilted their heads, refusing or unable to break their eye contact. It was as if they were talking without saying anything. Their giggles grew shrill, resounding in the night air and, for some reason, a melody to Spike's ears.
The laughter slowly subsiding, Drusilla slowly to face Spike, petting Charlotte's hair with a broad grin.
Spike instantly raised his head, eyes shifting to Drusilla, his eyes shining with constant ardor."Yes, love?"
"I want to take her home."Drusilla bluntly stated, the beaming smile still on her painted lips and eyes still glimmering with delight.
Straightening, on his knees, Spike released a tentative sigh."Dru, she's unique."
"Like me."Drusilla innocently drawling, holding Charlotte closer, hand reaching out for Spike."Lifetimes apart but the same."
Spike took the outstretched hand with a murmur of her name and placed it on his cheek, covering it with his own.
"If she's as old as you say she is, then surely she can keep going on her own."He chose his words carefully, aware that he'd never seen his sire in such a state of wonderment and delight and while intrigued with Charlotte to the point he felt a pang in his chest, he needed to act in their best interests."She's gotten this far."
Drusilla let out a whine, her lower lip jutting out, looking down at the ground with a distressed expression.
An act that always brought Spike to his knees.
"Love, you do realize that this is a big responsibility, right?"Spike murmured in a tone that made Drusilla look up at him, tucking stray hairs behind Drusilla's ear, index finger trailing across her jawline."This isn't just a cat's paw or a pet, Dru. She's unique, you said so yourself."
"Just like her mummy."Drusilla mouthed to herself, lashes fluttering when Spike's thumb pressed down on her bottom lip to keep her attention and, after snapping her teeth at him playfully, she requested."Let me take her home."
"And you'll take care of her. All the other pets-"
Drusilla cut Spike off by claiming his mouth with her own, swallowing the contented snarl he gave when she kissed him hard and fast, teeth nipping his bottom lip until he complied with her silent demand and parted his lips.
"She's not a pet, my sweet, she's my baby. Our minds are connected. Mummy will take care of her."Drusilla gasped when she pulled back, nuzzling against Charlotte with a content purr, eyes still fixed on Spike."Our baby."
Thank you for reading!
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