The Alienated Heart is based on the Ben 10: Alien Swarm movie.
Disclaimer: I own no part of Ben 10. All rights belong to the people who created Ben 10 and the Alien Swarm live-action movie. I only own the character Kade Roman and her plot and dialogue.
Six months had passed since the 'nano-chip' incident. Kade had regained her position as head mechanic and analyst at the Plumbers base, and the five teenagers worked well as a team. The blue-haired Anodite spent her days between the Tennyson and Levin households. Gwen and Kade had sleepovers just like when they were kids. The Osmosian and Anodite duo tended to work into the early hours of the morning, tinkering on cars and inventing weapons to help the Plumbers.
Kade and Ben…were another story. The two had been in a relationship for the entire six months, and hardly left each other's sides. The relationship itself was what deteriorated Elena's friendship with Kade, and however said Kade was about losing her friend, she felt an overwhelming happiness with Ben.
In the last week of the month, Kade had taken to sleeping in Ben's bed. Nothing ever occurred, but the two – mainly Kade – were comforted by the hours of talking about anything and everything, and holding each other close.
But that was all going to change.
Kade pushed back the sheets, sliding out the bed silently. The three-quarter Anodite muttered a spell, magically getting dressed in an off-the-shoulder white gown. The girl left a note, simply reading, 'I'm sorry,' and pressed a quick, sweet kiss to Ben's lips. The boy stirred slightly and shifted, and Kade remained silent and still, waiting for the brunette boy to stop moving, before walking out of the room. The blue-haired Anodite hurried down the hall and paused at the front door and wrung her hands. Kade sighed, gaining her confidence and stepped out of the door.
A group of guards stood in the street. It was time after all, and Kade closed her eyes for a moment, before meeting them in the street.
"Princess Azkadellia of Anodyne," the head guard greeted stiffly, and all three bowed. "Under the order of Queen Kalora of Anodyne, you are requested to return to Anodyne."
Kade frowned, but extended her hand slowly. She couldn't change her title, she could not change her name. The blue-haired girl looked mournfully back at the house, feeling a strong sense of deja-vu. The head guard, a tall, dark-pink mana woman, took Kade's hand, and in flash, the street was empty once again.
Kade is a princess! Aah! I never saw it coming!
Sorry, had to...
Also, to those who didn't really understand, I mentioned that Kevin knew Kade's real name in one of the first chapters. 'Az' is a nickname of 'Azkadellia.' (pronounced: Az-kay-del-lia)
Big thank you to everyone who followed this story and read it, favorited it and reviewed it.
Sadly, The Alienated Heart is finished, but don't worry, there is already a sequel in the works. I have no idea when I'll post it, but keep an eye out for...drum roll...The Alienated Soul!
The Alienated Soul will continue on from Kade leaving Bellwood and Earth.
Thanks again!
~ Raven