23rd October, 2013

A terrible ache permeated my body from the tip of my scalp to the soles of my feet. My eyes felt as if they were about to roll out of my sockets.

Regardless, I ripped myself from the seat of the SUV, shut the door and staggered into the bright Seattle lights. I did not realise the time had flew by so fast - it was already evening.

Get a hold of yourself, Max.

My eyelids began to droop as I dragged myself towards the door of the building. I pulled myself up a couple of flights of stairs as fast as possible, ignoring whoever got in my way. With the little strength I had left, I curled my hand into a fist, and rapped on the wooded door. After a short wait, the door opened a crack. First, a hazel eye appeared, which then disappeared along with blonde hair. Another twenty seconds or so passed before Kate finally opened the door. Without wait, she threw her arms around me.

'You're okay, thank you Lord, thank you...'

'Kate, listen. There's no time to explain. I'm incredibly tired and-'

'Stop. Come in, take a seat, I'll make us some drinks. Would you like tea?'

'Coffee. Black,' I requested, stepping into her apartment and seating myself on the couch, 'so thick I can stand a spoon in it, please and thank you.'

Her expression shifted slightly. 'Alright.'

While Kate was off making drinks, I noticed a rifle leaning against the wall. The furniture also looked as if it had been hastily rearranged. Had Kate been expecting trouble?

'So,' said the blonde, 'where is Chloe?'

'That's why I'm here, Kate. Needed someplace safe. Someplace where they wouldn't follow. I rewound so they didn't see me take the car, but I needed to be sure. We got caught. Or, rather, I did, and Chloe came after me.'

I pondered the state of Kate's apartment. 'She was here, wasn't she?'

'Yes. I didn't try to stop her, Max. I'm so sorry.'

I shrugged it off. 'Not like you could have stopped her anyway. It doesn't matter. Listen. I'm going back. I'm going to break Chloe out. And then I'm going to... tie up loose ends.'

Kate approached, one hand holding the thickest, blackest cup of coffee I had ever seen and the other holding a cup of chamomile tea.

'I trust you'll do what's right.'

We drank in silence. After we finished, Kate spoke up again.

'You're going to rewind, aren't you? So far back. Before this conversation.' Her expression turned gloomy.

'Yes. You'll get quite a shock when I turn up a few hours ago.'

'Hours?' Kate's face now took on a completely different look. 'You'll stress yourself out too much. No way.'

'Not like you can stop me. I'll see you as long ago as I can, Kate.'

Yet again, I bent space and time to my will. I focused on channeling my love, my hate, my very life force into it. Chloe's face appeared in my mind It was, without a doubt, quite possibly the most painful experience of my life. My vision was blurred and I was on the verge of passing out before I finally halted the rewind.

Kate was still (for want of a better word) sitting down next to me. Instead, she nervously held a rifle, glancing about as if she had heard a noise. When her eyes rested on mine, seeing me, panting and holding my head, she screamed, dropping the gun.

'Max! What the...'

I looked down, dazed, realising I had carried the empty mug with me in the rewind.

'Kate. Hi.' She simply sat there, stunned.

'How did you-'

'Rewind,' I groaned in pain. Kate paused, grimacing slightly.

'I have to ask, Max. Why are you here?'

'Chloe. She was taken. I know she was here, we've already had this conversation, or at least we did in the future. I don't blame you for what happened. I needed somewhere safe to rewind this far back after I escaped.'

'Where is she?'

I moaned again, holding my head. 'Prescott Estate. I better get going. What time is it?'

'Eight in the morning. Listen, you aren't going alo-'

'Yes I am. You stay here. End of discussion.'

The blonde looked at the floor, knowing she couldn't win.

'How far forward did you come from?'

I thought briefly. 'About from four-ish, why?'

Kate didn't respond immediately; instead she held out her rifle. 'Take it. If you're breaking Chloe out, you'll make better use of it.'

'I can't take this! What about you?' I couldn't let Kate give up her only protection for me.

'If something bad happened to me, you'd have told me after your rewind. So I know I'll be safe at least until four. Ish. Daylight's burning, Max!'

Gingerly, I took the rifle, holding it. It wasn't as heavy as I had imagined.

'Kate? How do I...?'

'Oh. Right. See this handle here? That's the safety. Push it down when you're ready to shoot. Don't forget to pull the cocking handle,' she gestured to a bolt on the side of the gun, 'to chamber a round. There's thirty of those in there... I think.'

'Thanks, Kate.' I pulled the girl into a tight embrace. 'By the way, the SUV I stole will have gone. Can I borrow your car?'

Kate reached into her pocket and handed me the keys.

'You get Chloe back,' she whispered. 'And stay safe. We'll see each other again.'

'I don't doubt it. Farewell, Kate.'

Without another word, I turned around, the rifle in my arms, and rushed out of the apartment, into Kate's car.

The drive to the estate was nothing short of terrifying. It gave me a good few hours, even at breakneck speed, of time. Time that was primarily spent thinking. About how the next hours would play out.

I'll most likely be dead. Chloe will be too, then Kate. Our families next. So much more is at stake than just Chloe and I.

The sedan kept rolling. Kate had probably stopped for fuel on the way up from... where were we?

It all felt like a lifetime ago. Even being face to face with Jefferson felt years away.

The terrain grew familiar. I was in range of the estate. Perhaps five minutes out.

This is it. The showdown.

I parked Kate's car in a secluded spot, slamming down the hand break to relieve some tension. Sighing loudly, I picked up the rifle from the passenger seat, and opened the door. They came, then: memories. Of Chloe and I, as children, playing in the woods by the lighthouse. Of spilling wine on the floor in her house. Her holding me as I cried, watching William leave the Price household for the last time.

Memories of our first kiss. And the night before, spend trawling through Principal Wells's desk looking for information about Rachel Amber. Our moonlit splash in the pool.

Another new, powerful emotion emerged within me. Lust, again. But a different kind of lust, a more dangerous one altogether. Bloodlust.

My world was at stake. For those in my way there would be no mercy, no respite. The metal of the gun felt at home in my hands. I opened the door, and stepped out into the sunlight.

My head still hurts from the rewind earlier. I don't think I'll be able to rely on my powers too heavily.

The sedan was parked outside some forest. I'd chosen the spot because I remembered it, but also because the foliage gave ample cover for me to move closer to the estate. The amount of men on guard had increased considerably, no doubt as a result of my vanishing act. Hopefully I'd be able to dodge past the majority of the outside guard with what little I could muster of my powers.

Branches snapped and leaves dry leaves crackled as I jogged towards the estate through the woods. Dappled sunlight shone through the roof of leaves as I climbed up a gravel path, ascending.

Before long, I came to a wooden fence blocking off a grassy bank. I had reached a convenient overlook that I could recon the estate from, without easily being seen.

It seemed that there were six teams patrolling the grounds, each with three armed men. They walked around the grounds slowly, not particularly paying much attention to each other. The men looked tired and weary.

The mansion itself was truly massive; there were only two doors I knew of. The one I could see, and the front door. There was little point in trying to get in through the front.

The door I could see had one guard standing by it at all times. All windows were barred and no doubt locked, meaning I couldn't sneak in then rush out with Chloe. And I couldn't base a plan around being able to take everything back with a rewind. I wouldn't be able to take Chloe with me and if I tried, we would both be in immeasurable danger. Probably. I didn't even know if I'd be able to sustain a long rewind at all.

All in all, it looked like I'd have to find a way of distracting the guards somehow. Or, if it came to it, shooting them down. Trouble was, I'd maybe be able to take out one patrol, maybe two if I was lucky, before others came. I would then have to deal with any other guards inside the building itself.

The closest patrol turned a the corner, giving a brief window in which I would be able to run to the door. It's now, or never!

I vaulted over the fence, holding the rifle in one hand. I slid down the bank, jumping off at the right moment to land with two feet on the ground. Dashing forwards, I brought the rifle up to aim, watching as the back door guard glanced up, noticing me. I had a few seconds to act.

No choice.

Suddenly feeling its weight, I aimed the gun at his head, and pulled the trigger. The gunshot rang loud and clear, almost deafening me, resulting in curses from other guards. I had to be fast, grab the guards key, rewind if I could once I was inside.

Blood seeped from the deceased man's head as I rummaged in his pockets. I could hear shouting closing in on me as I searched. I breathed a sigh of relief as the cold metal clinked against one of my fingernails. I'm coming, Chloe!

Separate words could now be recognised as the patrols grew closer. Hyperventilating, I shoved the key into the lock, turned it, yanked the key out, opened the door and stepped inside, slamming it behind me. I locked it again, and raised my hand to rewind.

It was only a few seconds, but my head still pounded as if someone was knocking on it with a hammer. The kill was exhilarating, even though it never happened. I was extremely disgusted with myself. Was this what I had to become to save Chloe? One who enjoys what she does, so she can save those she loves?

My philosophising was halted by footsteps. Once again, I raised the gun, ready to shoot. I peeked round the corner, trying to see what was going on. Two guards were walking towards me down a tight corridor. And they had seen me.

'What the fuck!?' Exclaimed one of them.

'INTRUDER!' Screamed the other, beckoning his allies. I tried to rewind... but my head simply pounded even harder and I felt blood trickle down my nose.

To hell with it, I thought. Looks like we're doing this the hard way.

I was shaking. From adrenaline, from sheer terror, from the coffee I'd downed earlier.

'Just drop your weapon and come out with your hands up!'

More footsteps thudded. 'Jenkins!'

'What!?' The mercenary named Jenkins shouted back.

'Feds just pulled up!'

'Who? Police? SWAT?'

'It's the fucking FBI!' The man yelled, panicking.

'What? How!?' He replied exasperatedly. 'This day keeps getting better and better. Owens, take your men, get Prescott and guard the hostage. We'll deal with this.'

How did the FBI know to turn up here? Why were they here?

A man began banging on the back door frantically, trying to get in. 'Let me in!' He yelled amidst the gunshots outside, 'my key has gone!

'Don't come near me!' I warned the approaching mercenaries. 'I'll kill you both!'

'Bullshit, you're just a fucking girl! Come out with your hands up and you might live to see tomorrow!'

They were still in the tight corridor. I poked the barrel of the rifle round corner without revealing myself, and began pulling the trigger quickly. Screams rang out, sending goosebumps all over my body.

The FBI was here, yes, but it seemed they were still a long way off. Chloe was a hostage, which meant she would be used as a bargaining chip. I couldn't allow myself to be taken and used in the same way.

I sprinted up the hallway into a grand, tall room. There was a staircase, which I hurled myself up. The way forward was clear. I jogged, holding the rifle tightly. I had to find where they were keeping Chloe. A door was slightly ajar behind me, leading to an empty room.

Suddenly, three men burst out of a room, bearing weapons. They aimed at me, about to fire, when I dodged into the room behind, slamming the door. A bullet penetrated the wood, grazing my left shoulder.

'Fuck!' I cursed loudly. My heart was in my throat, beating like a drum. Only my instincts remained - self preservation. I opened the door gently, steeling myself for the hail of bullets. It didn't come. I looked round the corner through the dark oak doorway, to find that the men had run off. I dashed after them, coming to the end of the corridor to find another flight of stairs. Taking two steps at a time, I ascended up the stairway, breathing heavily.

Once I came to the top of the floor, I saw a man standing there, his gun on the floor, and his hands by his sides. He was shaking. His brown hair, matted with sweat, fell in front of his panic-stricken eyes.

'I don't get paid enough for this,' he declared. I said nothing.

'Why are you- oh. You're the one that disappeared. Looking for the one with the blue hair?'

I nodded.

'I'll tell you where she is... if you let me leave.'


He lowered his head in gratitude. 'Everyone's scarpered. I was about to leave myself. Through that door is Prescott's study. She's with him. I'm out of here.' With that he ran, leaving his weapon on the floor.

'There she is! Get her!'

Apparently, not everybody had left the building. Five men appeared from the right, pointing their guns at me. A table stood against the wall - I pushed it down, using it as cover as gunshots rang out. I peeked out, aiming quickly with the iron sights. One trigger pull sent brains across the wall. The deceased's four comrades, seeing this, became enraged, all emerging from their cover at the same time, firing. Once it stopped, I peeked out. I saw nothing, except the lower part of a leg jutting out from cover. Another trigger pull put him on the floor, holding the wounded leg. One more ensured he wouldn't be getting back up.

The three others cursed loudly. 'Come on! Let's go!'


'You two can leave, but I won't run from a little girl!'

I stayed down, waiting for a taunt, or heavy footfalls, gunfire, anything. It stayed silent. This was was smart, likely holding the angle on me. I could feel the gaze of his gun's barrel, patiently waiting for me to take a shot. I'd need a distraction of some kind, anything to take his eyes off my cover.

I reached down to untie the laces of one of my trainers. Removing the shoe was no easy task, for my hands would not stop shaking. Eventually, it came under control, and the trainer slipped off without issue. I tossed it into the air, prompting gunshots. I quickly peeked out after, catching the mercenary off guard, putting five bullets into his chest. He cried in pain and fell to the floor. Avoiding looking at the bodies, I picked up my shoe and slid it back on.

When I turned around, the door to the study was already open. I walked through it, met by the sight of Sean Prescott, holding my Chloe captive as a human shield. With a gun to her head.

'Max. So good to finally meet you.'

I forgot we hadn't even met.

'Let her go,' I growled.

'Now, now,' he said, tapping the pistol against Chloe's head. 'Don't want any more bloodshed, do we? Sounds like you've caused enough.'

'Let her go, fucker.'

A loud yell and a crash could be heard outside the room.

'If I let her go you're going to kill me. Even if you don't, I'll get taken by the hostage rescue team outside. And I have no intention of letting that happen.'

'You're gonna drop that-'

'I will tell you what's going to happen, you little shit,' he hissed. 'You're going to drop that ancient piece of hardware. You're going to sit down there and be a good hostage. Or else Chloe will scream. Then when the FBI arrives, you can go over to them safe and sound, and I'll leave. You'll never hear from me again.'

'Don't you dare drop that gun!' Chloe screamed. Prescott smacked her over the side of the head with his pistol.

'I'll give you ten seconds to drop the rifle. One.'

Chloe's azure blue eyes began to water. She stared at me intently.


Another crash resounded through the building.


I wanted to drop the rifle, but I couldn't.

'Four. Her life is in your hands!'

I focused, trying to look for somewhere I could shoot him without hurting Chloe.

'Not happening, Max. Raise that rifle and she dies. Six.'

My hands became moist as I began to sweat.


I placed the rifle on the ground and kicked it away.

'Good girl. See? How hard was that?' Prescott grabbed Chloe by the hair, moving her to the other end of the study. Prescott pressed the spine of a book in one of the bookcases. It moved, revealing a door. 'Secret passages. Handy, right? My getaway car is almost here. Just thought you should know.'

Another crash. Extremely close. The FBI was right outside the door.

The door opened. It was not the FBI. It was Jefferson. His glasses were skewed, and he held a metal bar in his hands that was soaked with blood.

'You lying, manipulating, bastard son of a-'

Prescott shot him in the head before he finished the sentence. I took the opportunity to dash for my rifle, while he was exposed. I dived to the floor. He began shooting, keeping Chloe in the lock. She struggled, but could do nothing against him. One of his bullets found me, lodging itself in my right shoulder. I fell to the ground, holding the rifle.

'Max!' Chloe screamed. 'He killed her!' Chloe continued screaming to nobody in particular. 'He killed a fucking hostage! Let me go, you prick!'

I registered the pain, but the adrenaline kept me going. I couldn't stop now, not for anything. As Prescott struggled with her, his side became exposed. I picked up the rifle surreptitiously, crudely aimed, and pulled the trigger.

Prescott's pistol dropped to the floor. Chloe broke away, kicking him down. I rose from the floor like a phoenix, and walked to the writhing body on the floor. Prescott held his wound in a vein attempt to stop the bleeding.

'Goodnight, motherfucker.' I put the barrel to his temple and pulled the trigger of the rifle one final time.

'Jesus, Max,' Chloe murmured. She embraced me. I dropped the rifle, and wrapped the one arm that wasn't killing me around her.

'It's over, Chloe. It's over.'

30th October, 2013

The agent sat next to my hospital bed gently. He was bald, with green eyes and a stocky build.

'We're putting you into witness protection. There were some very, very nasty people involved in this whole ordeal.'

'What about-'

He held up a hand, silencing me. 'Everyone else involved who was at risk will be safe too, don't worry. I'll do my best to make sure you end up together. As together as possible. You, Chloe, her stepfather and the Marsh family. No promises though.'

'Thank you.'

'As for everything you did that day... there's no proof that any of those corpses were caused by you. This case has brought on a massive workload for the Bureau. Off the record, you did what you did to survive and I don't care in the slightest about getting you in trouble. Because, thanks to you and your friends, we've uncovered a massive, multi-million possibly billion dollar crime ring. I'll be back once I get more information.'

He nodded curtly, turned around and was about about to leave, before he turned round again. 'Oh, I was told to give you these.'

He handed me two plain white envelopes. One was addressed to me - in Kate's handwriting. I opened that one first.

Hey Max!

Sorry I couldn't come visit. Sounds like hell up there, and I've been told to stay away from Oregon. In fact, stay away from the Pacific North West entirely. Who am I to argue with the FBI?

I should probably own up to it. You've likely been wondering how the FBI found you in the first place. My car has a tracker on it. I tracked you, and once you stopped, I called the feds.

'That little bitch,' I mumbled quietly to myself.

At any rate, I probably saved your life. Payback!

I so badly wish to see you. Please contact me as soon as you can.

Kate xoxoxoxoxo

I smiled, picking up the next letter. The envelope was simply marked 'Maxine Caulfield.'

Dear Miss Caulfield,

First of all I would like to thank you for putting an end to our mutual friend. I don't know how you did it, but it matters not. You've saved me a great deal of money, trouble and men. I was indebted to him, but now it seems those debts are irrelevant.

Simply know that you we will no longer pursue you, or anybody affiliate with you. You have nothing to fear from us.

You may have already worked out that Prescott was not acting alone. I will not divulge information about myself or my organisation, but I will say this: do not try to find us, or contact us.

Kind regards,

A friend.

After reading the mysterious letter, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off my chest. For the first time in months I felt safe.

Chloe then walked into the room. She kissed me on the forehead, embracing me, her faded blue locks falling onto me.

It was then that I realised that my journey, my trial, was over. And I knew happiness, and was content.

Note - That's it! Thank you so much to everyone who read this. I can't believe what started out as a little four month project ended up taking twice as long!

I've no doubt that I will continue to write in the future, throughout sixth form and university. But for now, I've got exams to pass. Once again, thank you all, and goodbye!