I have too many ideas while I have too many stories. So far I will only do two chapters until I have more ideas or until I finish some of my other stories, so this crossover won't be updated for a while. Enjoy anyway~

A 15 year old girl with long pink hair and stormy grey eyes looked out the car window as a small red and black animal slept on her lap.

"Oh come on Sil, don't be so brooding" the driver, a woman with blond hair and blue eyes sighed.

"I'm not brooding" Sil glared. "I'm thinking"

"About?" the unnamed woman asked.

"How lonely I'm gonna be"

"You aren't gonna be lonely, you have Zorua and your other Pokemon" the woman took a sharp turn, causing the creature to wake up.


"True, but I can't show them off to people: Sil gently rubbed the black and red Pokemon's head.

"At least you can carry all your Pokemon" the woman took a hand off the steering wheel to point at a small coin pouch that was filled with shrunken pokeballs.

"Only because I'm never going back, because you decided I need to get to know the side of the family that don't believe in Pokemon, Kelly"

"First name bases? Your that mad?" Kelly giggled slightly.

"I thought you are a Pokemon Trainer! Don't you guys thrive on going to new places?" the blond haired woman sighed.

"Adventure. We thrive on adventure" Sil chuckled as Zorua licked his trainer's cheek. "This is a boring town in Nevada"

The car stopped in front of a house with a yellow and black sports car across the street.

"Oh, look we're here!" Kelly literally tossed the two passengers onto the sidewalk than threw a pink backpack next to them. "Love you, call you tonight bye~!" the car drove away so fast dust flew into the air.

"Dam it Kelly!" Sil shook a fist at the departing car.

"Zorua!" the black and red Pokemon growled.

"She's not getting a card on the holidays" the pink haired teen shouldered her backpack.

"Zora" Zorua leaped into his trainer arms.

Sil walked up to the door and knocked, after a while the door opened to reveal a familiar 12 and a quarter year old.

"Hey Raf, it's been a while" the stormy grey eyed teen smiled.

"Sil!" Raf wrapped his arms around his distant cousin's stomach.

"Zorua!" the Pokemon snickered.

"And Zorua" the boy released the 15 year old only to have his hair ruffled.

"Anyone home?" Sil looked around the room as she walked in.

"No, everyone left when they heard you were coming" Raf closed the door.

"Good" the pink haired teen smirked as she threw her bag on the ground and enlarged a pokeball. "Come on out!"

In a flash of bright blue light a Jolteon leaped at the 12 year old with a happy shriek.

"Jolt!" the electric type nuzzled her trainer.

"Spark!" Raf laughed and hugged the Pokemon. Only to stop when the pokeball was hovering in front of his face. "Are you sure?"

"You've been caring for her since she hatched and you're old enough to have a Pokemon" Sil smiled kindly. "Just remember to keep her a secret"

Raf nodded and took the red and white ball.

"It's late and I was just thrown out of a car, so let's head to bed" Sil and Zorua both yawned at the same time.

"Does Kelly do that often?" the two humans and their Pokemon walked up the stairs.

"Depends if I'm 'brooding' or not" Sil opened the door to her cousin's room. She sleeps on his floor considering Raf's siblings don't like her.

"You do brood" Raf giggled.

"Eon!" Spark laughed as the pink haired teen stuck out her tongue.

"Did your parents enroll me into the school?"


"Uuuuuggghhh! They really do hate me" Sil fell on her sleeping bag.

"Pretty much" Raf climbed onto his bed and Spark soon joined him.

"Blunt much?" the stormy grey eyes 15 year old sarcastically asked, earning three laughs.

"We should go to sleep, we have to wake up early" Raf turned off his light. "Goodnight"


