Hello Everyone! This is the sequel to "This Is Where We Start" and it might be confusing reading this without having read that one. This story will have a bit of a plot but it will be made out of oneshots and the timeline will jump around. Feel free to leave any comments/ideas! I hope you all enjoy!

Also, this story will have spoilers for Civil War and for comic things that I have a strong intuition will also take place in the movies.

(Spoiler alert right now: this oneshot will contain references to a certain someone's death in the comics and to the news that a black woman will be replacing Tony as Iron Man one day.)


"I hope you know that this is a deep betrayal and that we can no longer be friends."

"Oh, please," Georgiana sighed, and rolled her eyes in a playful manner, as if they were simply bantering. "Don't you think you are being a little dramatic here, Tony?"

"I don't think I'm being dramatic at all," said Tony. "You are making a horrible decision."

Georgiana seemed to deflate, and she walked across the room to slump down into one of Tony's large leather armchairs and stare out the glass wall.

Tony felt himself calm down the longer she stared outside. He wondered where she was. Grumbling to himself, Tony walked towards the bar in his office and poured two drinks, and then made his way over to sit in the matching armchair that faced Georgiana. He placed the drinks on the small glass coffee table between them.

It was not often that Georgiana visited him at his tower, and when she did, it was usually because Pepper had blackmailed her into going shopping. The worst part was that Pepper didn't even allow Tony to tag along on those trips, instead telling him that Georgiana needed a break, not a public appearance with Tony Stark that would likely end up on the news. Georgiana had always liked her privacy a bit more than the rest of the Avengers. Except maybe Clint, and Bruce - who Tony had not seen in quite some time now.

Tony took a moment to gather his own thoughts as Georgiana stared quietly out the window. His office was on the one of the top floors of the tower, and had, in Tony's opinion, the best view in the world. Outside, the city seemed to shine in the light of the sun.

She looked tired, Tony noticed, and Georgiana never looked tired. Whether that be because of her rapid healing abilities or her natural happy and optimistic state.

"I miss you, kid," said Tony.

Georgiana finally turned away from the window and gave him a small smile. "I miss you, too."

Over the last year and a half, from when Tony had met Georgiana, their friendship had grown deep rather fast. Tony didn't often let people in, but there had just been something about Georgiana. She was empathetic instead of sympathetic.

"We never go on missions together anymore," Tony said. "And now you're telling me you don't want to renew your contract with the Avenger Accords? Not even for another year? I thought you liked being an Avenger?"

"We don't go on the same missions because you like to go in guns blazing and I prefer the stealthy approach. Also, aren't you supposed to be retiring yourself, after you finish training your little shadow?" said Georgiana. "And I do like being an Avenger-"

"Then keep being one."

Georgiana frowned and returned to looking out the window, as if retreating. Tony frowned, this was not his usual Georgiana Barton Barnes. The sunlight lit up the side of her round face, showing the freckles that went from one cheek to the other, and highlighting her shiny white hair. Tony took a slip of his drink, then placed it back down by Georgiana's untouched glass.

"Is it Barnes wanting you to stop?" Tony knew he was treading on thin ice now. "Because of what happened with Steve?"

"No." Georgiana's voice was quiet, she turned away from the window to look down at her lap. Her feet were tucked up underneath of her in the armchair. "No. I haven't told Bucky that I don't want to renew my contract, or anything. Although I'm sure he'll be happy about this decision."

James Buchanan Barnes would likely be very happy that his fiancée would be retiring as an Avenger. Barnes had never wanted to sign the Accords even after the Amendments had been written. Even after what had happen to Steve, and now that Barnes had taken up Steve's shield, the little twerp still hadn't signed the dang piece of paper. Perhaps Barnes was more like Steve than Tony had originally thought.

Tony took another sip of his drink, twirling it in his hand a moment before placing it back down.

"Come on, Georgy," Tony said. "You obviously have something on your chest. We're friends, just take your drink already and tell me what is going on that could possibly keep you from continuing doing what you love to do. Which, let me remind you, is helping people."

Georgiana gave him a hard look. Likely because he was being pushy. There, that was the Georgiana he knew. The short innocent looking girl who could secretly kick your ass.

There had to be a real reason that Georgiana didn't want to renew her contract with the Accords, and if it wasn't because of Barnes, than Tony had really no idea what was going on in that little white haired head of hers. As the Reviver, the public adored her. Mostly because she protected everyone with her force-shields and in the last year had personally healed half the public. Including Rhodey, and more than a few cancer kids.

Tony gestured towards her untouched drink. "Go on."

Georgiana shook her head, and gave him an expression that made him feel like he should be understanding something that he wasn't.

"I can't drink, Tony," Georgiana said.

"Oh come on," said Tony, standing up on and pacing towards the middle of his office. "Why the hell not? What is with you today?"

Georgiana smirked at him from her armchair. "I can't drink, Tony, because I'm pregnant."

Well, shit.