Bloom's POV

See, I knew he was just going to walk out of my life and never come back. I was so fricking stupid to think that he actually loved me and that he meant it that he would never ever break up with me. How could I actually have believed him, just by thinking of him breaking up with me made me dissolve into a fresh wave of tears. He said he loved me, but I guess not enough to care for me after I was raped.

I think that I heard footsteps, I am pretty sure that the girls are coming up to check on me. I honestly really don't want to talk to anyone right now. I am seriously on the verge of a mental break down. I think I should just lay down and pretend to sleep. I mean I just came back from a week of torture and my boyfriend just leaves me, and the girls do not know what happened so they can't comfort me, and I am super-duper sure that he is going to break up with me tomorrow, and I feel like killing myself right now, maybe I should, I don't know… I'll decide tomorrow morning after a cup of coffee. I shouldn't make stupid decisions. Gosh I think way too much. Whatever, I'm just going to close my eyes and lay down and pretend to sleep now.

Sky's POV

I really shouldn't have walked out on her like that, but still, it's not like it's a normal everyday thing that your girlfriend starts crying and tell you that she was raped. Ughhh, now I feel like the worst boyfriend, she probably will never speak to me again. Damn I am so stupid. I think she will break up with me, I really hope she doesn't but if she does I won't blame her.

I didn't say a word as I waked into the dorm me and Brandon share, which was unusual for me because normally when I come into the dorm I greet Brandon and all that stuff. As I put down my stuff I wonder what I can do for Bloom, I can't help but wonder if Bloom will ever return to normal, the way she used to be when I first fell in love with her, gosh I sound so much like girl, ya like I should totes stop… like right now.

I feel so bad because now because I can't help her, she'll just push me away, I bet she will tell the girls what happened so basically I ruined all of our chances together. Shit, she'll probably never want to speak to me again, and Stella will probably kill me before I can apologize to her.

Flora's POV

As me and the girls stopped in front of Me and Bloom's dorm the only thing we could hear was silence. When I walked in I could see Bloom sleeping. Although I knew she wasn't really sleeping I told the girls that she was resting and that we shouldn't wake her. After I closed the door I walked up to her bed and shook her gently.

"Bloom sweetie, I know your awake" I said, making sure that the door was closed and that the others couldn't hear us.

"Wait, how did you know" she replied getting into a sitting position.

"Bloom sweetie, I've been your roommate for 4 years, I think I would know you well enough by now." I replied, smirking. Instantly I could see she was troubled by something big although she was trying to really hard to hide it. My smirk was instantly gone and replaced with concern.

"Bloom, what's wrong honey." I said.

"It's Sky, I think he wants to break up with me" She replied choking beck a sob. What the hell did that twat of a Prince say to her, I swear I want to kill him right now, but first I need to know what exactly did he do.

"Bloom honey, what did he do to you." I asked.

"Nothing, he just walked out on me after I told him what happened." She told me now with tears in her eyes.

"Bloom, can you tell me what happened." I coaxed.

"N-No, you would hate me and I would hate that."

"I could never hate you, and besides I won't tell anyone, even the girls if you don't want me to, I swear." I said.

"O-Okay, um, I was raped." She mumbled so softly that I almost couldn't hear her.

"What did you say, I didn't hear you"

"I was raped" she said and burst into tears after that.

I am going to kill Sky. Literally, she told him she was raped and he walks out on her, what the hell is wrong with that idiot. I hope she dumps him before he dumps her.

Hi guys, sorry 4 not updating. I'll try my best to update faster. 3 Bloom4ever!