
(Start Song)

What is freedom? Many people know, but some people aren't so lucky. One person for example, is a young 16 year old girl that goes by the name (F/n) (L/n). She's a beautiful young woman, who most people thinks has it all. It's true, she has wealth, power, and beauty...but there was always something missing from her life. She never knew what is was. All she knew up until this point was, she hated her life.

(Y/n) is a Celestial Dragon. Some people envy them, others are afraid of them. Who wouldn't be? They have the power to arrest you, to enslave you, to kill you. (Y/n) was different from the other arrogant Celestial Dragon's. She's kind, she buys slaves just so she can let them go, she gives to the poor.

The people who know her personally, know that she is different. But just because of her title, other's hate her or respect her out of fear. Tomorrow was her birthday. Her seventeenth birthday to be exact. What was she gonna wish for? Freedom.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Ma'dam (Y/n), supper is ready." said one of father's slaves, Willow.

"Thanks. I'll be down in a minute." I said, as I was fixing my hair. She nodded and left the room as the door shut with a small click. I sighed, and stared at my reflection. 'Tomorrow...I'm going to leave. Leave this awful life.'

'Freedom. That's all I want. I just, need to escape. I want to live on the edge, have adventures, be my own person.' I stood from my seat, and left my room, starting down the several stairs leading to the dining hall. Tonight we have guests visiting. More Celestials I expect. It always is. 'Damn, these heels are so uncomfortable,' I thought as I reached the bottom of the staircase. I was wearing a long (f/c) dress that reached my ankles, and matching (f/c) heels. My hair was in a side braid, and I had on only a slight bit of mascara and pink lipgloss.

I entered the dining hall, and all eyes are on me.

"You look lovely as always, dear." said father. I bowed as a thanks, and took my seat next to Gary Charles.

"Father, I didn't know the Charles family was coming over." I spoke. If I didn't this formal crap, I would get hit later.

"Yes dear. We have a very important announcement for you." I rose my eyebrow at this and nodded my head as a sign for him to continue.

"We're getting married!" yelled Gary in my ear, and hugged me from the side. I swear my eyes popped out of my sockets.

"Excuse me?! When in the hell did you decide this!?" I yelled, standing and slamming my hands on the table.

"Dear, it is efficient for both families if you both were to marry. You have no say, and a young lady like you shouldn't be speaking such vulgar words." he spoke, every word laced with venom and hatred. 'I hate ya too dad.'

"No way in hell am I marrying him! I want to marry someone I pick. Not you!" Shit...I'm losing my temper. Now he stood and slammed his hands on the table, causing me to jump a little, but it's still not enough to falter my confidence.

"Dammit (Y/n)! Listen to me! You have NO choice in the manner, so be a good child and do as I say!" The whole room was silent. Something warm is pricking at the corner of my eyes. 'T-the hell? W-Why am I about to cry?' I immediately stormed off to my room, and started packing all of my things, letting my tears freely cascade down my face.

"T-There's no way in hell that I-I'm gonna marry that asshole." I kicked my heels messily across my room, and disposed of my dress, ripping it in the process. I ditched the corset that made it hard to breath, and changed into normal clothes. It was a baggy deep sea blue v-neck tee shirt, with short black shorts with white outline and a white string, and some black sneakers. I took down my (h/c) hair and let my locks fall. I wiped away all of my makeup and tears. I looked like a normal human being. It felt nice.

'I can finally be normal...I can finally be, free.' I took a deep breath in and gazed at my window.

"Finally." I slung the backpack over one of my shoulders and dashed for the window. I opened it up and slid out onto the roof. 'Second floor, shouldn't be too hard to get down. It was that dumbass dad's fault for forcing so many karate and self defense lessons down my throat.' I scanned the area and found a nice sakura tree. I slid my way over to the spot where the tree was and jumped, landing perfectly on a branch, causing a few petals to fall and fly away in the light breeze.

'Beautiful. They look so free.' A large smile spread across my face as I hopped onto the ground, and ran at full speed towards the ocean that I have been waiting so long for.

'What is freedom? I'll finally find out.'