Wilde Effect

In the year 2148, bunny explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an anchient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, the mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars. The basis of this incredible technology was the force that controlled the very fabric of space and time. And also had some very strange effects on bunnies.

They called it the greatest discovery in Bunny history.

The civilizations of the galaxy called it…

Wilde Effect

"Doctor Solus! Archangel is about to be overrun! Move out!" she said, her tone commanding as she made her way to the final barricade.

"On… My… Way… Commander… Shepard…"

Blinking, she glanced behind her to see the sloth running towards her. If the slow, lazy meander could be called running. To his credit, the stocky mammal had his pistol drawn and his tech flared up. Ready for battle.

How long did it take a sloth to pull the trigger?

"Whyyyy did I bring you?" she cried into the helmet, not really intending to get a reply from him. But a reply came, of course.

"It… Was… Either… Me… Or…"

"I know! I'm going over, you catch up!"

"Of… Course… Comma…"

She cut the com channel, just for a minute as she readied herself to vault over the barricade. Because if she had to listen to one more slowly spoken sentence, she was going to pull her ears off. And no bunny should live with that shame. Being distracted almost cost her ears anyway, as the figure in blue armor on the balcony took a shot that she heard buzz against her shields. A glancing blow, but one that would have been right where her head had been.

"I'm on your side, you idiot!" she yelled from cover, checking her heat sink as she glanced as the young bunny mercenary armor beside her. He had obviously heard her, and looked to be considering the wisdom of exposing himself to sniper fire in favor of dealing with the cute little doe. With a roll of her eyes, she didn't hesitate to slam the butt of her rifle against the side of his head, sending him crumbling to the ground. "Hey, good news. You're not going to get shot today, buck. You're welcome."

Seeing that Flash was still only halfway down the corridor, she moved. The minute she was out of cover, the concussive round slammed into the chest plate of her armor, sending her stumbling sideways before she managed to steel herself and move forward. She sent a glare to the narrow muzzle of the blue helmet before she raised her rifle to take out the first group of three weasels with a quick series of three shot bursts. And as soon as she did that, she was hit in the chest. Again!

Ugh. Foxes! Still, he wasn't as good with that rifle as Vakarian. And that was a good thing.

Damn it, Nick. Where are you?

She increased her pace until she was over the bridge, lobbing a grenade towards the group that was almost at the stairs before she shoulder-slammed the sloth that was planting the bomb (who the hell had planned this raid, anyway?) into the pillar. Then she bolted forward again, firing as she ran to finish off the one merc that had survived the grenade. Once she reached the stair, she glanced back to the bridge.

Flash was just starting his climb over the barricade.

Never, ever, ever taking him on a mission again, she thought, rethinking her own tactics. I don't care if I do have to deal with a psychotic biotic badger. Hey, that rhymed.

Rifle at the ready, she hopped up the stairs two steps at a time. The ambush was expected, and the few pistol shots that pinged on her shields didn't slow her down as she leapt skyward and dropped both of her heavily armored boots into his chest. The drop kick sent the poor buck slamming into the wall, bouncing forward into the railing, cutting an impressive tail-over-head flip as he toppled over the edge. She winced a little when he landed on his helmet, then simply shrugged as she moved on.

Swinging into the room, ready for anything with her rifle sweeping from one corner to the next, it only took her a second to realize that the only occupant was the figure in blue armor. She also noted the thick, fluffy red tail that flowed out of the back of that armor, and the butt that tail was attached too.

"Archangel?" she questioned after flicking her radio back on. When the figure held up one finger, she saw him take aim though the scope of his rifle again. Quickly dragging off her helmet, she stepped forward a few steps as she realized what he might be aiming at. "Hey, I have a sloth…"

The whump of the rifle shot cut her off, followed not too quickly by a monotone "….Ow…."

Archangel leaned on his rifle as he drew himself to his feet, and she gazed up at him curiously as he reached up to unfasten his helmet.


Her muzzle dropped open a bit when she saw the orange and cream muzzle come into view, the deep green eyes with that holographic eye piece over one…


… The pleased grin that instantly curved his mouth as his ears perked up while he swaggered towards her with all of the cocky confidence that had always…


…Radiated off of him. He spread his arms wide, not in a way that really called for an embrace. More of a friendly declaration of pleasure at seeing her. "Carrots! I thought you were dead!"


Her muzzle still hanging slightly as he moved to a stack of crates near her, his armor clacking against it as he settled himself into a sit, sniper rifle settle across his lap. She found the pose to be particularly appealing for some reason.


"Shut UP, Flash!" she yelled, and corrected herself mentally. Badass, not appealing. He looked badass. Really, really badass in that blue armor, with that two toned fur looking a little ruffled from the helmet while still managing to look slick. The smile came suddenly as she processed the fact that Archangel, the most feared vigilante ever was her best friend. "Nick! What are you doing here?"

"Oh you know," he replied with a shrug, which turned into a roll of his shoulders that told him how tense and tired he must have actually been. "Just keeping my skills sharp. A little target practice."

"You okay?" she asked, moving a little closer to him to get a good look at him.

"You're the one who's dead, Shepard," he deadpanned, one brow quirked as he looked down at her with a smirk curving his muzzle.

A laugh that came was quick and natural, and the first she'd had in a long while. The swell of affection and gratitude that overcame her made her chest ache before she noticed that he was looking at her strangely. She knew why when her vision blurred with tears. He propped his rifle up and stood quickly with his arms spread towards her, and this time it was an invitation.

"All right, get in here," he said, keeping his arms wide as she walked towards him with her head low, laughing and sniffling at the same time when she plopped her head onto the chest of his armor. His voice light, he placed his gloved paw over her ears and then stroked down to the back of her head, drawing her closer until she was pressed into his chest. "Oookay. Oh, you bunnies. You're so emotional. There we go, deep breath. Are you just trying to get a hold of my rifle? If you wanted to try it out, all you had to do was ask."

She choked on the bubble of fresh laughter when she glared up at him playfully through teary eyes, and noticed the embarrassed flick of his ears as he cleared his throat. "Okay, that came out entirely wrong."

The moment was broken when they both turned at the sound of footsteps behind them. The scarred wolf in heavy red armor glared at them, and tapped his shotgun into his palm once as he glared between the two comrades.

"Garm," Nick frowned, his eyes ticking towards the rifle that was only a step away as Judy's own hand itched to reach for the rifle at her back.

"Well, well. Aren't you two sweet?" the wolf growled, and leveled the barrel of his weapon towards them. "A shame I'll have to bloody such a touching…"

Both of them blinked when the Wolf Pack leader suddenly burst into flame, a strangled howl escaping him as his fur went up in in a hot flare of smoke and orange fire, followed quickly by the rest of him. In the end, all that was left was his armor, which dropped to the ground with a hollow thump. Two wide pairs of eyes turned to the sloth that stood at the door, his tech amp glowing brightly, his pistol still gripped in his other hand.

"Uh. Good job, Flash!" Judy managed to get out, still not really believing that they had been saved by the sloth. Now she would have to rethink taking him on missions, if he could manage to incinerate a fully armored warlord with one tech burst.

The slow – very slow – smile that crawled up the doctor's face had her rethinking yet a third time.

"Happy… To… Help… Shepard."