
Both cheerleaders sprang forward almost colliding with the oak desk in front of them. On the other side sat their cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester, the gleeful smirk on her lips beamed wickedly as both girls rose to their feet, The blonde cheerleader Quinn shouting incoherently while the dark haired Santana threw her arms wildly whilst Spanish flew angrily from her mouth.


They both ignored her


They ignored her again.

"Shut the hell up" Sue shouted above their ramblings, they both stopped and turned to their coach, Santana crossing her arms across her chest and Quinn practising her bitch pose with her hands stacked on her hips.

Chapter 1

"Please don't be there, please don't be there"

Rachel Berry peeked around the corner and quickly stepped back, of course they were there, they were always there. Giggling, leaning and waiting. Why did she have to have a locker neck to Quinn Fabray? She looked up to the ceiling, cursing the god she didn't completely believe in. If there was a god he hated her, he had to, and I mean why else would he be cruel enough to place her locker next to her unrelenting bully and head cheerleader Quinn Fabray.

Rachel looked again, Quinn was in her own locker probably hiding her latest sacrifices head while Santana Lopez stood with one shoulder against Rachel's locker. She had her back to her but from Rachel could see she was sharpening her talons with a nail file. Whatever they were doing they didn't look like they were going to move anytime soon. Rachel steadied herself and looked down at her outfit, she pulled down her yellow argyle jumper and wiped off invisible crumbs from her blue pleated skirt before running her fingers through her sleek brown hair. Squaring her shoulders she breathed in deeply before allowing her feet to carry her to her impending doom.

She arrived at her locker and beind Santana quicker than she wanted to. She cleared her throat but Santana ignored it,

"Excuse me"

Santana ignored her again.

"Santana, I need into my locker"

She still didn't budge

Rachel raised her hand up and placed it on Santana's shoulder, the Latino instantly spun around and faced Rachel waving the nail file in the air, recoiling in horror as though she just had acid thrown down her back

"Did you actually just touch me with your man-hands?"

Rachel took a step back, as Santana stepped in her face

"I'm sorry, I just need my biology book"

The entire student body seemed to appear around them and Rachel became very aware of this, her eyes travelling each set of eyes as they devilishly looked on in anticipation for her fate. She looked to Quinn who had snapped to Santana's side, accepting that this was how she would die. She could already feel both sets of hands around their neck. Squeezing her mediocre life out of her body. She was on the cusp of greatness, this after all was how the greats died. Young and before they had the chance to shine properly. Squeezing her eyes shut she waited for the first blow.

It hadn't always been like this, in middle school she was happy, school was good, she was getting good grades, singing in school productions and had a best friend Lucy. Who she did everything with, EVERYTHING from sleepovers to practising first kisses. They had great plans for the rest of their life, high school would be a breeze, they would have all the same classes, they would spend lunch gossiping, Rachel would join a drama club, Lucy would join the school paper or yearbook club where she could take picture all day long. They would both graduate top of their class, maybe even be valid Victorian. College would be even better, they'd be roommates, they would have independence, their own space, they would grow into the amazing successful adults they were bound to become.

All those ideas crashed around Rachel's feet on the first day of high school. Rachel's fathers had took her travelling Europe for the entire vacation. When she returned Lucy had vanished of the surface of the Earth, her phone calls and texts went un-replied. She went to her house, she was turned away. Lucy's Facebook page had also disappeared, there was literally no trace of her best friend. The first day of High school was all the more daunting now that her best friend was no longer by her side. She searched the corridor for her new locker, excitement buzzing all around her. Eventually finding it she stood there just looking at it and a body swerved in beside her, she looked quickly to her right and smiled at the blonde before turning back to her locker but her head snapped back.


Her eyes trailed the unknown slim body beside her up to the newly dyed blonde hair. Rachel was ignored. She moved closer but the blonde backed off

"Lucy why won't you talk to me?" she was ignored again


"My name is Quinn" she said through gritted teeth only loud enough for Rachel to hear her.


Lucy/Quinn suddenly moved meanly towards Rachel pinning her against the metal locker, Rachel was scared, she had never seen this anger in Lucy's eyes before, she grimaced when The blonde moved closer, still gritting her teeth

"If you tell anyone my real name or who I am, you'll regret it"

With that she backed off and sauntered down the hall. The rest of the student body watched on with anticipated eyes, a look Rachel would come to know all too well so well she almost found comfort in it.

"What's going on?"

Rachel opened her eyes to see Mr Schuester had appeared, looking between the 3 girls he waited for his answer

"Berry was just giving us our homework assignment from English" Quinn answered

Rachel shot her eyes to her former best friend who cocked hr eyebrow in an attempt to threaten her.

"Rachel?" he queried

She nodded and moved to her locker and opened it pulling out her biology homework to hand it to Quinn

He looked between the sceptically but deterred when the warning bell rang above their head signalling the beginning of classes

"Right" he sighed "get to class"

Rachel watched him walk away, silently begging for him to come back when she noticed Santana's eyes where still focused on her but the second bell went and Quinn tugged on Santana's arm

"She's not worth another detention"

Santana thought for a second before relenting, she really couldn't afford another detention, as much as she regretted it she removed her laser stare from Rachel

"Next time" She grunted and moved to the other side of Quinn, both where about to walk away when Quinn lunged at Rachel. Quinn shouldered her so hard that landed with a crash against the locker before she and Santana sauntered down the hall laughing their heads off,

"Are you ok?"

She most definitely was not ok, but when she turned and saw the schools quarterback Finn Hudson standing beside her with a worried look on his face, she suddenly felt semi-ok. She smiled and what had pertained moments before melted away.

"Yes thank you Finn"

She beamed but realised she was beaming just a little too much when his eyes turned from worried to a little frightened.

"You know, um, Quinn doesn't , I mean, she isn't" he stumbled over his words and scratched the back of his neck, Rachel found it endearing but rolled her eyes knowing that he was of course going to defend his girlfriend. She expected him to, but she hated it, he was too good to defend her, he was too good for her, he should be with someone like her, no, he should be with her. Her body warmed itself as her imagination ran to thoughts of Finn kissing her, she felt s mile form along her lips which she quickly controlled when she realised that Finn was still rambling on without actually saying anything.

He was so cute, she had never really noticed or knew who he was before he suddenly and unexplainably joined the Glee club, but she was more than glad he did. His voice matched perfectly with hers it was inevitable she would develop feelings for him, the fact he had the most perfect eyes was just the cherry on the top.

"Rach?" That was it she nearly died on the spot at the shortening of her name. He was just the cutest. She dreamily eyed him and dreamily felt the smile form across her lips.

"Rachel, I better get to class" He side stepped her and looked worriedly at her just standing there smiling inanely but not saying anything.

The final bell ringing above her head brought her back into reality.

Santana, Quinn and Brittany, where scowering the school cafeteria, their eyes wandering from student to student.

"RuPaul" A wicked smile formed along Santana's lips and Quinn's eyes widened in horror, she shook her head wildly and looked over to where the brunette sat alone in the cafeteria, nibbling at a perfect triangle piece of sandwich, eyes darting around the room, scared of the direction the next slushee would come from.

"Are you serious?" she muttered out and Santana's wicked smile spread reminiscent of the Grinch's whilst Quinn's stomach fell with dread.

"Anyone but her" she pleaded but Santana shook her head

"Thems the rules Q, I get to pick if you refuse you forfeit"

"Fine" she scowled and banged her lunch tray onto the table and stood up.