A/N Hello everyone. Crystal bullet here. Now this AN will only be a question. It will be in all my newest chapters to my fics. The simple question i'm asking is for you to PM me personally and tell me If you would support me with a Pat reon or not. I love writing fics like this one, Azure love, Two cats and a kit and most importantly i'm having real fun writing Feel Invincible as things will soon kick off with it. But i'm finding less and less time to write for my fics mostly due to housing costs, Bills and things like internet and Phone payments as well as my new job in Fred Meyer Taking up nearly 6 Days a week. With a pat reon i could potentially take less hours for work and push it to 5 days or even 4 days if i'm supported enough on it. Hell i even have a few plans for rewards for my Donors if i do decide to put up and make a . Now again this thing isn't a reality just yet. So once again i'm only asking you to PM me And tell me Yes, Make the Pat reon or No, Don't make the Pat reon. I'll even leave a poll up on my Profile for others to answer there and I'll tally all the Votes at the end of June.
Naruto and Kushina are currently walking up towards a modest sized gate in front of a large Village. Upon entering the village Naruto notices that all eyes are on them both as he and Kushina both walk confidently through the village. Most of the Jounin avoiding Kushina entirely as they know all too well the reputation she has and the power she wields. Anyone strong enough to make Orochimaru shit himself in fear is someone you don't want to mess with. As both Kushina and Naruto come upon a lone man walking towards them.
He's wearing a loose fitting kimono with the top half off of his torso leaving his chest exposed with a purple bow on his waist. He just bumps into Naruto and keeps on walking getting Naruto and Kushina a little pissed off. Naruto walks over and grabs his shoulder turning him to face him.
"Hey chrome head, You just bumped into me and didn't say sorry. What's with that?" Naruto asks getting the man to just scoff at him.
"As if i would bother apologizing to trash like you. Not to mention how ugly you look especially with your ugly urine stained looking blonde hair." He says irking Kushina and Naruto both. These words get Naruto to try to punch the man as hard as he can in the face only to have his punch blocked by a bone shield. Naruto has to think quick as he blocks a strike at his face from a bone sword.
"My name is Kimmimaru Kaguya. . . You stand no chance urchin. For attacking me you now have to die." Kimmimaru states getting Naruto to look at him a bit blood thirsty as his face goes from angry to manic.
"Well Kimmimaru Kaguya my name is Naruto UZUMAKI! And you will taste no victory here in the grounds of Kenjutsu." Naruto says as Samehada growls in agreement when Kimmimaru and Naruto separate the battle begins.
Kimmimaru races forward only to have naruto do the same and meet their blades together in a struggle for power. Naruto wins out and throws his swing diagonally upwards towards the high sun before swinging Samehada towards Kimmimaru only to have his attack parried and for them to meet once again in a power struggle. Kimmimaru kicks Naruto's legs and then his stomach only to have Naruto spin slice Samehada upwards deflecting Kimmimaru's next attack. Naruto leans forwards and slashes at Kimmimaru landing a blow to his arm before he swings samehada upwards as hard as Naruto can launching Kmmimaru into the air nearly 40 feet only to have Naruto Jump and downward slash Kimmiamru hard in the chest hurling the Bone user through several buildings before he crashes into a petrified tree only to have to dodge Naruto's horizontal slash by flipping onto the tree then Jumping into air behind Naruto. Only to see the attack he dodged cut through the 30000 year old great redwood petrified tree that had become the landmark for Otogakure as despite countless attempts it remained untouched when taking damage from any source. Surprising Kimmimaru at his strength Naruto turns around and launches at him.
Kimmimaru sees this and thinking quickly gets into Naruto's unguarded zone and impales him in the only opening he has which is the soft meats before slashing upwards and kicking Naruto away from himself. Naruto landing on his back on the downed tree only to quickly dodge roll left as Kimmimaru lands where Naruto used to be with the bone sword impaled where his head was just moments ago. Naruto leaving a gift behind as the smal henged bug which explodes launching Kimmimaru away. Naruto Leaps into the air after him slashing downwards cutting Kimmimaru in the arm only to have the bone user soon begin blocking the blows as the two kenjutsu masters fall the ground and soon trail through the entire village as sparks and clanks of metal on metal are heard echoing through the area.
Naruto and Kimmimaru soon come to a stop in front of a rather large building leading into what seems like a bunker only for Naruto to spin flip in the air slashing down to the ground making Kimimaru dodge barely missing the strike as Naruto slashes diagonally upwards then swinging his blade from left to right slashing Kimimaru's gut shredding a good inch of skin away from him leaving a very nasty wound. Kimmimaru growls as he looks at Naruto only to rocket forward and make multiple slashes at Naruto cutting into his gut, chest, arms and legs with multiple different angled slashes only to lift Naruto in the air with one slash upwards and he slams his blade downwards as Naruto blocks it getting smashed into the ground only to have Kimmimaru impale Naruto in the chest where his heart is. Kimmimaru believing the fight is done just turns his back and struts away never noticing that Naruto poofed into nothingness with a distinct pop until the near silent sound hit his trained senses.
Kimmimaru hearing this just turns around to look where Naruto used to be only to find nothing and is startled only to feel a major gash in his back as Naruto leaps from the shadow's behind Kimmimaru and taking a nasty chunk of flesh out of the bone user. Samehada enjoying his blood and Chakra as she shreds her wielders foe slowly and painfully. Naruto slashes into Kimmimaru's chest then his arm taking a few fingers with him only to then just as quick as Kimmimaru had slash at all the angles Kimmimaru did before spinning in a circle twice and slashing into Kimmimaru's legs. His only reason for standing being his bones are a bit stronger than most and aren't shredded or broken easily. Naruto taking this chance quickly slashes in an X throwing Kimmimaru away from him as both look at each other while blood is seeping down their forms.
Kimmimaru having felt this way only once before spits out the blood in his mouth before looking at Naruto as they both know how this will end. Kimmimaru races forward and slashes at naruto digging deep and hard into his flesh with his sharp bone swords dual slashing and slicing at every opening Naruto has sending cascades of blood over Kimmimaru before Naruto is launched into the air blocking the spinning slashes Kimmimaru gives him only to have himself smashed into the ground as Kimmimaru roundhouses him in the head and slams his hardened bone fist into Naruto's chest.
Naruto getting up from his position notices his right arm is gushing blood and missing as he growls. His body encasing in a red cloak of chakra surprising him as right arm instantly regenerates and his wounds begin closing. Naruto looking towards the bloodthirsty Kaguya feels his own blood boil as well since the Kaguya are his family's cousin clan. After all the Kaguya had to get the rage from somewhere. Naruto growls and in his cloaked form bum rushes Kimmimaru surprising him with his speed only to face multiple chaining strikes into his body lifting him higher into the air with each slash before Naruto uppercuts Kimmimaru and jumps in the air horizontally slashing Kimmimaru into the dirt landing in front of him as Kimmimaru spins around and faces Naruto as his blood begins to come alive. Both swordsman look at one another before racing forward and in one last move use every last bit of chakra they have to keep themselves going as they spin in constant circles meeting blade to blade well over 30 times only to have the match end as Kimmimaru sees an image of Naruto's head coming off when Kimmimaru and him break apart only to meet once more head on. Kimmimaru is about to compliment the corpse of Naruto only to see it disappear before his very eyes as if it was an after image or a clone before blood erupts from the top of Kimmimaru's head down to this waist dropping the Kaguya to his knees limp as a wet noodle.
Alive but barely hanging on Kimmimaru looks at Naruto who's soaked in not only his blood But naruto is also soaked in his own as he licks his wetted lips and groans rather lustfully at the action as his sword gurgles and ticks in rapt pleasure and moans when Naruto pulls her formed maw to his mouth kissing the formed lips deeply sucking on the tongue that's shoved into his mouth confusing the Kaguya.
"You're an awesome swordsman. Hell Zabuza barely got me into this kind of mood. I'm glad to have met you Kimmimaru Kaguya. . .I'll leave you alive for now since you didn't know that i get ANGRY when reminded i look like my bastard father Minato Namikaze. Heal up Kaguya. . .I look forward to our next fight." Naruto says leaving the Kaguya in the field to be picked up by a group of Oto nin as Kushina murrs as she rubs her thighs together loving the display her son just gave her.
"Mmm that's my boy. Not even in a village for 5 minutes and already kicking ass and showing everyone who's boss. Come on we have to pick up your sister and meet with Orochi-Teme and have him do a gene swap." Kushina says getting Naruto to nod at his mother happy he put on a good show for her.
"He pushed the wrong buttons. But he's a good swordsman so i let him live. Besides, He's a Kaguya so that means he's family. Our closest cousins isn't that right?" Naruto says getting Kushina to nod happily at that statement and hug Naruto to herself. The two leave the area as Kimmimaru is taken to the hospital to be healed.
Only half an hour goes by before Kushina and Naruto are in front of a door. Kushina Knocks on a door only to get a rather livid response.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU SHITHEADS WANT?" The voice says before it hears the response.
"For you to stop being shy and come to meet your brother." Kushina responds only for both Naruto and Kushina to hear hasty rustling and see the door rip off it's hinges showing to reveal what Naruto can say was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.
Standing before him is a woman that stands at a good 6 feet tall. Her spiky red hair reaching down to her ass in length. Her deep amber eyes staring into his own blue orbs. The womans skin is pale white looking just like porcelain. Her face is nice and rounded as her body is nice and curvy. Her breasts are a nice solid DD cup and a nice thin waist but with a rather plump ass. Her arms and legs nice and slender showing taut and lithe muscles that flex and strain as her body moves on auto-pilot.
"HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOURSELF HERE YOU BABY MURDERING PIECE OF SHIT I'LL KILL YOU!" The woman before him says as Naruto holds his cheek where the women's open palm smacked him.
"Tayuya apologize to your little brother right now young lady!" Kushina says as she stares angrily at her daughter. Tayuya looking at her mother just widens her eyes before looking at the man in front of her only just now notice the 3 whisker marks on both his cheeks. Tayuya immediately just gasps as she looks at him once more before she quickly tackles the tall and muscled swordsman in front of her holding onto him tightly and she just begins to cry silently letting the tears flow as she holds onto the man in her arms.
"Don't lie to me . . . .Don't let this be another dream or Nightmare. Please i can't take another one of these." Tayuya says into his chest as she feels hands on her back rubbing it tenderly. She looks up at the man in her arms and sees only the love he holds in his eyes as well as surprise. She just feels him place his hand on her cheek before he leans in and nuzzles into her.
"Don't worry. . . this isn't a dream. It's really me sis." Naruto says in a deep voice getting his older sister to blush deeply before shuddering in surprise and pleasure. She just looks at him from her place ontop of him and smiles nuzzling deeper into his chest.
"Awww so cute. I approve of your choice of husband Tayuya but please don't get to fresh with him till we change his gene's sweety." Kushina says as she looks at Naruto with a lust filled gaze just as Tayuya blushes a deep scarlet red and jumps off her little brother only to smile at him.
"Kaa-chan. . . Onee-chan. . . .We're finally together. Let's get this gene swap done with and get out of here." Naruto says as Kushina walks towards Orochimaru's lab Tayuya holding onto her brother gently.
Coming into a lab Naruto, Kushina and Tayuya all walk in on what looks like a pale eggshell white skinned man with yellow slitted eyes and black ebony hair reaching his mid back working on someone laying on a metal slab. The body is torn open with limbs missing and his ribs exposed showing his beating heart and his breathing lungs. I.V's and wires are all attached to him as Orochimaru cuts into him more.
"Fufufufufu My my how interesting. It seems that you have an anomaly here near the thoracic lumbar vertebrae. A bit of an oddity seeing as how it's half the size of a normal one with twice the fluid while also having stringy muscles. So those of your family Tsurugi who don't activate the bloodline always retain a bit of the Kekkei Genkai for extreme stretching and flexibility. My my my so interesting." The man speaks as he cuts more into the screaming man who stops immediately upon seeing Kushina. Orochimaru smiles a bit as he hears the heart monitor picking up in speed showing pain and fear but he stopped screaming.
"Oh my what happened. Why did you . . . Stop." Orochimaru asks before seeing where the Tsurugi is looking only to see in the reflection of his nearly dead eyes a glimpse of red. Turning around Orochimaru freezes in place before immediately getting to his feet and bowing in front of Kushina.
"Ku-Ku-Ku, Kushina-sama. . . So glad you could uh . . .Stop by. See i did as promised and taught your little girl what genjutsu and forbidden arts i could give away without harming her or anything. I didn't even give her the usual Juijutsu of my Curse seal of Heaven." Orochimaru stammers before trying to regain his confidence.
"Oh i know that Orochimaru. Thanks for that by the way. For it the Uzumaki clan owe you one favor. But would you like to make it two?" Kushina says looking towards her daughter seeing that she does indeed have a seal on her neck but it's not a slave submission seal nor the usual one she sees on his Elite guard. Just from a glance it has all the benefits with none of the drawbacks and it apparently isn't drawing on nature chakra like the others.
"Oh really? Thank you Kushina-sama for your generosity i'll happily accept your favor and the chance to earn a new one. What can i do to help you?" Orochimaru asks getting Kushina to point to the tall lithely muscled man behind her.
"My son, He needs a gene swap. I have the paternal male DNA he needs added with me. I want any trace of his sperm donor wiped from the face of the earth." Kushina says looking at Orochimaru who smiles some and begins to laugh a bit maniacally.
"Fufufu, I get to not only earn a second Uzumaki favor but wipe Minato Namikaze's genepool off the face of earth at the same time? Oh as if you have to ask twice. Please come with me little. . . .uhh Guess that doesn't apply to you does it. Please come with me young man it will be my absolute PLEASURE to rid you of that plague known as the Namikaze chromosomes." Orochimaru says with a sincere smile as he escorts Naruto to a very clean and sterile vacant metal slab.
"Just lay down and i'll get started i only need one blood pack from the potential paternal father to get what i need for the procedure." Orochimaru said as Kushina pulls out a blood pack only somethings wrong with this one. It seems the substance inside it, is blue.
"K-Kushina-Sama thats. . .not a blood pack." Orochimaru says as Kushina nods at him.
"Correct it isn't. While i trust you not to betray me Orochimaru i wouldn't let you near the son i JUST GOT BACK with a thousand foot pole while you wear a full body condom. This blood pack here is filled with my first husband's DNA and his ingenious C.R.I.S.P.R. Formula. The pack is all you need. I just want to do it here in Oto because it's secure, safe, and away from many prying eyes." Kushina says getting Orochimaru to nod hastily.
"Yes of course Kushina-sama i understand. . .But why? Also do you think i could have that . . . C.r.i.s.p.r. Formula your husband created or at least get an explanation of it?" Orochimaru asks wondering about both.
"Simple Orochi-chan. I don't want my sons ass being violated by you. I know you like men and that you like them young. Around maybe 16 or so like that silver haired swordsman my son faced. But my boy is barely 12 years old. Wouldn't want you to be labeled a Pedo like that perverted sage Jiraiya now would we?" Kushina says to a nodding Orochimaru.
"Good point and wow 12 really? He looks about 20. I was tempted to try my hand at seeing if he'd play ball but that young isn't my thing. Also how do you know Kimmimaru?" Orochimaru responds.
"Kimmimaru's ass wrote a check my son's foot cashed in a battle of kenjutsu with Samehada. Now as for my husbands formula what it is, is basically gene manipulation and replacement at it's HIGHEST peak of efficiency and has a 100% chance of success with no loss of the patients. Think of it as a Mega Virus with a strong protein sheath, The virus is programmed with introns of corrected DNA that binds with hosts Cells then completely rewrites the DNA of the hosts with what ever Genes are present in the programing of said Virus. But the formula itself and the real outcome of what is happening is much much MUCH more complicated and it's not really a virus though." Kushina says explaining the process in the simplest form possible.
Orochimaru looks at Kushina surprised while racking his brain on all he knows about genetics.
"Oh my kami, That's . . .That's BRILLIANT! The explanation of that actually makes sense from a certain standpoint. I have to know about it Please tell me." Orochimaru said as Kushina has Naruto up on the slab before sticking him with the IV. The effects are immediate as Naruto begins Convulsing on the slab as his entire genetic structure is rewritten Kushina smiles as she strokes Naruto's head while his hair changes from blonde to deep crimson blood red and his bright blue eyes shift to a deep Royal Purple.
"Well to explain it from what knowledge i can get from his notes. He discovered this while building the Uzumaki Magma Core. Crispr as he named it stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats. You see when bacteria is attacked by a Virus it has never encountered before and it manages to successfully fight it off with inefficient enzymes the bacteria takes the remnants of the Virus putting it into it's own genetic structure and slices the genetic code of the Virus apart sort of like a mugshot. It begins replicating the mugshot in it's proteins so if it encounters a virus with that genetic code again the proteins will hunt them down and destroy them without hesitation. And that's where C.R.I.S.P.R. comes in. Using the same kind of procedure just give the protein the select genetic coding and inject it into your test subject. The proteins will then ATTACK, kill and replicate the preprogrammed genetic coding. So say i Crispr my 1st husbands DNA into the proteins which will act to rewrite the DNA i section off as the MUGSHOT and inject that into my son. The C.R.I.S.P.R. Proteins will attack his previous father's DNA as that's the mugshot. In doing so it begins destroying the mugshot without remorse while replacing it with the DNA that is in the proteins." Kushina explains rubbing her head not really understanding the process of making the proteins only having what was left after Uzu's destruction.
Looking at her son She sees that his body isn't convulsing from pain but rather from the changes his body is having. Looking at him she just blushes a very deep and dark blood red as Naruto then stands up. His height not changed at all remaining 6 feet tall but his face became more angular as his hair loses just a bit of it's spikiness only to even out to more of a shaggy spikiness. Naruto sits up and rubs his head groaning.
"That . . .felt really fucking weird." Naruto comments getting a giggle from Kushina as Tayuya stares at her brother and drools a bit getting lost in thought. Orochimaru having taken notes down from Kushina's words.
"That is brilliant, BRILLIANT! Your first husband Kushina was a genius not before seen on this world. His works must be completed. Please tell me he has more." Orochimaru asks getting Kushina to look at him.
"Of course he had more projects and inventions. He was the highest caliber of genius even by Uzumaki standards. Seeing him use only seals to create the Magma Core Uzushio used to power our village with his inventions of electric lights and that's not including his plasma and genetic theories." Kushina says reminiscing about her husband as Tayuya giggles before adding in.
"Hey mom remember when i was a little girl and dad was watching me at work one day while you entertained the whole uzumaki royal family and guards? only to have him burst into the house destroying the steel door completely while speaking nonsense to everyone but us. I still remember the look of utter disbelief and surprise the royal family gave us when Tou-san began his yelling." Tayuya says with a smile as Kushina begins genuinely laughing. The sound is something foreign to Orochimaru as he has never seen her smile let alone laugh with such honest mirth and love.
"Boy do i. "MY LOVE, WHERE ARE MY JIM-JAMS AND DOOHICKEY'S?" Kushina says while Tayuya continues.
"Doo's are in the drawer, Jams are near the whats it's." Tayuya says in a mimmiking tone.
"AS I EXPECTED. WATCH OUR LITTLE TAYU-CHAN!" only to then hurl you towards me underhand like a soft ball while i made dinner and caught you with my Kongo Fusa. Oh and who could forget "Put the fridge in the groceries! I've had a breakthrough with my eureka moments and must get them down to blueprints but my papers are neither prints nor blue. TO THE LAB!" only to have him SMASH THROUGH the wall right next to the door he had just broken to get inside." Kushina says laughing even harder at the memories while Tayuya also giggles and sighs with her mother in fondness at the memories of the husband who quite literally saved the uzumaki clan himself by detonating the magma core and destroying the island after using crispr to change the color of eyes and hair on every Uzumaki clan member except those who wanted to stay and fight the invasion force.
"He sounds awesome. . .wish i could have met him." Naruto says as he stands next to Tayuya who hugs him tightly and just smiles. Orochimaru is looking at them like they were insane. That is until he remembers. He too is a genius by everyone's standards but normal by Uzumaki standards. Yet to everyone else he seems vile and evil to which he gives them credit because he is utterly evil. Nothing redeeming about him whatsoever. Yet the Uzumaki see him as a normal everyday person with a strange hobby. Who is he to say this genius of a man who created this gorgeous masterpiece of genetics is strange.
"As amazing as this is that you are now fully Uzumaki due to a genetic cocktail of genius and masterfully crafted proteins i must know if i can have his formula for Crispr. It would make acquiring things a lot easier for me." Orochimaru says as Kushina sighs
"Sorry Orochimaru i can't. That's my husbands work and while i know what you'd use it for. I'm afraid i can't let you have his formula. Not even with the favor. But what i can do is make the things you need with it. I noticed that Kimmimaru was sluggish and seemed to be coughing a lot. Is the Kaguya genetic disease getting to him?" Kushina says getting Orochimaru to growl at not being able to get the formula only to smile when she says she'll make him some. Hearing her question he sighs and nods.
"Yes it's true. He's suffering from the Kaguya plague that infects the lungs with cysts and Tumors. Tuberculosis i believe it's called and it's already spread to his blood. Why?" Orochimaru asks until it dons on him.
"You're thinking of putting the crispr to use in making a way to destroy the genetic disease and write it out of his genetic code permanently while simultaneously curing him aren't you?" Orochimaru asks getting a very happy nod from Kushina.
"Orochimaru, I may not like you at all and despite your many plans. You may be a vile, evil, despicable, spineless, toothless worm of a man who parades himself as a snake but you have never once broken any pact, oath, promise or agreement you've had with me and never once have you attempted to stab me in the back. My first husband had a saying. "Words are empty, Beliefs do not matter neither does religion, race or moral alignment. Actions are what matter as they define who you are as a person." Your motives, Moral alignment and beliefs i couldn't care less about. But your actions are what keep me from doing what everyone else wants and what they want is me killing you. Your actions have spoken volumes where others would use words and false promises. It is because of that i'm even offering to help your boyfriend. You've certainly earned it. Now i've given you the knowledge i had on how C.R.I.S.P.R. works. It's up to you to remake it for yourself. You're a genius after all." Kushina says as she begins walking away with Naruto and Tayuya in tow.
The trio Uzumaki's leave Oto rather peacefully after stopping by the hospital. Naruto had greeted the Kaguya with a happy grin and a different outlook on him when learning of their familial connection. The both became fast friends while Kushina takes a sample of his tainted blood to begin working on the formula to cure him.
"Thank you Kushina-Sama. I now see why Orochimaru-Sama fears and respects you. And thank you Naruto. I'm sorry for calling you trash. You're obviously very talented. You've earned my respect." Kimmimaru says looking at Him.
"Yeah well it was no big deal. Anyway We're heading to Konoha. Good night and don't let the bedbugs put their foot in your ass." Naruto says as he and the others leave the hospital and out of Oto. Once out the Uzumaki Trio head out towards the valley of the end on their way to Konohagakure.
(Konoha front gates. 7 hours later.)
Currently at the gate are Izumo and Kotetsu surprisingly up and about rather then bored out of their minds. The reason? Izumo had used the stealth taught to him by Naruto to swipe an Anbu's mask as a prank and when he put it on the mask refused to come off no matter what they tried. Currently both Izumo and Kotetsu had their hands on the mask and were pulling as hard as they could to rip the mask off Izumo's face.
"Grr stupid mask Why wont it come off." Izumo groans as he pulls with all his might.
"I don't know it's just as surprising as this strange writing on the palm of your hand." Kotetsu says as Izumo and him stop as Izumo lifts his hand infront of his face.
"What writing?" He asks surprised only to have Kotetsu smack Izumo's hand into his face effectively making him slap himself as Kotetsu laughs.
"Dude you can't keep falling for that." Kotetsu says as he breaths.
"Shut up god damn it just help me get this thing off." Izumo says as he pulls at the mask some more. Kotetsu joining him in the pulling until Naruto and his family walk up. Naruto seeing this happening before him just hides his laughter before he speaks.
"What the hell's going on here?" Naruto asks as seriously as he could given the situation as Izumo answers the question.
"Oh just a classic case of mask stuck on face." Kotetsu just stops pulling on the mask and looks at naruto holding the position he was in before.
"Well knock it off or you'll have a classic case of foot stuck in ass." Naruto says walking past Izumo and Kotetsu with Kushina and Tayuya following suit shortly after.
"Man we're lucky Naruto was in a good mood or our asses would be sore." Izumo says rubbing the back of his head as Kotetsu nods.
"Yeah i know. Hey dude your hand smells like chocolate." Kotetsu said as Izumo raises his hand to his face again.
"What no it doesn't" Only to have Kotetsu once again smack Izumo's hand into his own face again.
"Those guys were funny." Tayuya says holding onto her brother lightly.
"Yeah they are pretty funny. They're two of the only people who actually cared for me when i was younger. I like them." Naruto says as both Kushina and Tayuya make a mental note to thank them both personally for protecting him. As they were heading towards Naruto's house a purple haired woman lands down next to them.
"Naruto-san, You're to report to the council chambers by order of the Hokage. On an unrelated note have you seen my mask?" The purple haired woman asks.
"Yeah i've seen it. Izumo and Kotetsu have it. If i were you i'd just watch them for awhile as it's a very entertaining show." Naruto says getting the woman to nod to him and smile.
"Thank you Naruto-san. I'll also take that suggestion i've been in need of some entertainment for awhile." She says while smiling some heading towards the gates to watch the show.
"Bye Neko-san." Naruto says as they walk towards the council chambers annoyed at being called this soon after just having arrived back home.
(Council chambers)
Currently all the clan heads and Civilian council were in the room sitting down waiting for the object of debate to arrive as the elders and the Hokage finally show up and take the seats left. The shinobi side of the council had been angered and pissed off at this as any time Naruto does anything at all they were called in to deal with the "demon." The clan heads were sick of it. This time they were bitching and squawking about how he injured their precious Uchiha.
Speaking of the Uchiha the insufferable brat was squawking harder than the others about power that should be his and how the "dobe" should be given to him as a slave. As if they would even entertain that idea. The civilians were eating it up having forgotten the power the Uzumaki held. As things were getting to the point that the shinobi were about to slaughter the Civilians the door to the council chambers open and walking in are three red haired people they've never seen and the fact that the new redhead has Same-hada fills the civilians with glee knowing that blade would never leave Naruto unless he died.
As Naruto takes his seat he makes sure his face is completely hidden as Kushina and Tayuya both sit down to his left and his right. The civilians see the famed red death return with someone who has more than likely killed the demon.
"So. . .Why was it i was called here before the Honorable Shinobi council and the whiney crying pissants called the civilian council?" The man speaks annoying the civilians as Danzo stands up.
"Young man how did you acquire the Samehada? I was led to believe it wouldn't leave it's wielder unless they died yet you have it." Danzo says getting Naruto to think for a moment before speaking.
"Wow not many know that's how it works how did you come to that decision? It impresses me how smart you are." Naruto says with false sincerity to fool him. Danzo takes the compliment and the bait.
"Well it takes a keen eye and a sure foot." Danzo speaks with pride.
"How would you like your keen eye to watch my Sure foot Kick your smart ass?" Naruto says in an annoyed tone.
"Yes the Naruto you know is dead. I know this because i killed him." Naruto speaks shocking everyone in the room.
"Praise be to the new guy for killing the demon" claims one of the fat Civilian members who immediately has his body torn in half. Naruto had shunshined behind the man and quickly and quietly lifted him up off the ground and slammed him back first into his leg snapping his spine like a piece of plaster only to then flip him in the air and grab hold once more and slam him down even harder then before tearing him in half at the break in the spine only to then toss the lifeless halves of the former councilman away like garbage.
"What is the meaning of this." Hiruzen screams at the new intruder.
"What he broke the law concerning me Jiji." Naruto says to Hiruzen as Naruto gives him a clear view of his face shocking Hiruzen to the core as he looks more like an Uzumaki than ever.
"N-Naruto my boy is that you?" Hiruzen gasps out in surprise.
"Yeah it's me. Like the new look Jiji? Kaa-san helped me get it." Naruto says looking towards Kushina.
"How dare you lie you brat. Kushina-sama would never give birth to a demon like" The councilman who spoke this time instead of having himself torn in two had his entire top half of his torso explode. Standing behind him is Kushina with a rasengan still spinning as her hair is dancing behind herself.
"No one, and i mean NO ONE will talk about my sochi in such a way ever again or i swear to Kami and my first husband that i will kill each and every one of you dickless meat sacks AND FEED YOUR CHOPPED UP CORPSES TO YOUR FAMILIES!" Kushina says shocking everyone only to look at Tsume.
"Tsume girl how yah been tell me what is this meeting about?" Kushina says as if nothing really happened just now.
"The uchiha princess is acting like he's kami on earth and demanding Naruto's power, Sword and to claim him and you as his sex slaves." Tsume says looking towards the Uchiha who was sitting down by the Hyuuga clan head.
"Well i am what i am." Sasuke says arrogantly as he looks Naruto over with lust filled eyes only to have Naruto respond.
"So you are a chicken." Naruto says getting most of the shinobi council and his sister to laugh.
"Why you, do you know what i was doing while you were away?" Sasuke asks looking at him hoping his training had made him stronger.
"Inspiring that new singer Helen ready to write her new song "I am Poultry?" Naruto asks getting more laughs before sasuke growls.
"You have some nerve dobe." Sasuke responds standing up angry.
"Well i have to have nerves just to stand the stench of your feet." Naruto says waving his hand infront of his nose as if to shoo away the odor. The action making Sasuke growl and slam his hands on the council table.
"Enough. Those motions are denied and Naruto will face no criminal charges what so ever. Now onto more important matters." Hiruzen says getting Kizashi Haruno to stand up.
"Yes like the Marriage of Kushina uzumaki and Her daughter to help bolster the number of Uzumaki in the Hidden Leaf. I hereby Nominate myself as a potential Marriage partner. So seeing how i'm the only retired Shinobi on the Civilian Council it makes me the most likely to be accepted by law and as such it will happen no matter what. The marriage will be held in a few hours and as the new Uzumaki clan head my first act is to BANISH THE DEMON NARUTO UZUMAKI FROM THE UZUMAKI CLAN!" Kizashi says looking at Naruto angrily. Only to at that instant feel as if death itself is bearing down on him as he looks towards Kushina and Tayuya. Kushina is enveloped in her unique blood red chakra. The chakra so thick and viscous that many think it's a coat of gel. Tayuya is also encased in her own cloak of Chakra colored a ruby red shaded cloak as both women's hair begins rising floating behind them.
"You miserable little, Grr. Kizashi I'm going to tell you exactly what i told you the first time you tried to "Claim" me as yours. I will never be yours. Not in a million fucking years. Unlike you useless subspecies called Civilians which i only see as walking FUCKING CORPSES! I am immortal, My daughter is immortal and now because of what i put my baby boy Naruto through HE IS IMMORTAL. I would never and will never even think to touch or be near you hideous troglodyte cock sucking, ass sniffing, Cum chugging, degenerate reprobates. I am so fucking angry that you would suggest this i." Kushina stops as her rage peaks only seeing Konoha burning to the ground in her mind making her calm down and sigh. She narrows her eyes at the Civilians and Elder council who are going along with Kizashi and she just sighs.
"I don't care if you're the fucking Daimyo of Fire country. I'll still tell you to go fuck yourself Kizashi. I'd kill you myself but i feel someone else deserves that right. Besides i have to protect my children. Now i believe someone just broke a law. Naruto my dear sweet baby boy. Kill for Okaa-san." Kushina says looking at Naruto with a loving and comforting gaze as Naruto on instinct immediately rushes Kizashi and picks him up by the waist making sure to squeeze him as hard as he can. The action causing Kizashi to scream in pain as he begins coughing up blood.
"N-Now Naruto, Show your Future Tou-san the love he has shown you." Kizashi says desperately hoping to not die.
"Hug" Naruto says sadistically as Samehada clicks and ticks away happily at the display. Naruto spoke that one word and immediately crushed Kizashi Harunos Spine like a piece of glass only to then grab his head by the chin and thrust his arm forward and to the side with such strength it snaps Kizashi's neck and tears all the flesh in the front of his neck wide open making him gush blood like a fountain as his face now looks at his back. Kizashi died instantly but in so much pain it lasted an eternity in his mind. Naruto now having dead weight in his arms just tosses the limp lifeless body aside and looks towards Kushina who's happily licking her lips and running her hands through her hair moaning rather loudly.
"Mmm that's the stuff Sochi. You make me so wet, I love you." Kushina says getting Naruto to smile and blush at the proclamation making him think on it.
"I love you too Kaa-chan." Naruto says walking down and standing beside his sister.
"Okay, okay, enough fun for one day Sweeties. First off, You civilian council fucks have no power. You were only in place during war times and as we are in a peaceful era as stated by the Nindiame hokage in the Konoha Council charters subsection 5 paragraph 3 article 2d. " In times of war a civilian council will be needed to dictate the allocation of relief and village defense funds to better ensure the safety of the populace. During times of peace when wars on all fronts for Konoha cease the Civilian council is to be disbanded and remain only as Witnesses to the Hokage and Shinobi council decisions so as to not overstep their boundaries in the dictatorship." You wrinkled ass, old as dirt, pinko, queerbait, troglodytes hold no authority over me, My Daughter Tayuya or my son Naruto. You only think you have power. But you don't cause you forgot it's Hiruzen who runs this Village so as the Hokage his word is law. You can not make decisions, you can not overstep your bounds in this meeting and you sure as hell aren't turning Me, My daughter OR my son into a sex slave for little miss energizer chicken Sasugay cocksuck, Dead as a doornail Kizashi limp dick Haruno or stupid, ugly, bald, fatty fat fat fat lying in half on the floor over there." Kushina says getting the council to growl a little bit before they see her go for her weapon.
"Growl like that again and this will be a non issue as i'll just kill all of you." Kushina says.
"Hiruzen you must control Kushina." Danzo says hoping not to lose the idiot civilians as they were his supporters.
"That's Hokage-Dono to you Danzo. Make that mistake again and i'll kill you myself. Kushina is right and with her back I can finally do the one thing i've wanted to do for the longest time but never was able to cause no one was strong enough." Hiruzen walks over and places the Hokage hat on Kushina's head and smiles.
"I hereby retire and leave the title of Yondaime Hokage once again in Kushina Uzumaki's hands." Hiruzen says getting Kushina to sadistically grin at the Civilians as the elders stand up.
"Hiruzen what is the meaning of this? She can not take the spot of Yondaime hokage as Minato already took that position." Homura says in a panicked tone as he begins fearing for himself.
"Oh but he can. You see i was the real Yondaime Hokage. I was the one filling out the paperwork in my name. I was the one signing peace treaties and alliance papers as well as Cease fire forms and border update forms. I ruled the village while my husband got all the fame and glory. In finding this out Hiruzen used a favor from the Hi no Kuni Daimyo and had Minato's Yondaime Status revoked and put me as the true Yondaime hokage. I let that pathetic sperm Donor keep the face on the mountain because i didn't give a fuck at the time. I was pregnant with my precious Naru-chan. Until you elders Lied to me and told me he was DEAD!. Well only Homura and Danzo lied, Koharu you're the only one whose guilt free. It has even come to my attention that you helped Hiruzen in finding where i was. You failed but still. Mind explaining?" Kushina asks the older woman with a gentle smile.
"I at first was not there to speak with you at the sealing because my husband had died from fear when seeing the Kyuubi. I was busy caring for my daughter when they were telling the lie. When a few months passed and word got to me about the Kyuubi in Human form i thought i had a chance to avenge all of the fallen but when i went to the location i saw that it was just a baby boy. A boy named Naruto. I was going to stab him with a proper dagger and kill him instantly but when i got next to him he opened his eyes and looked at me. He just . . .Giggled. He giggled and began blowing spit bubbles and grabbing up to me. I saw the sealing matrix on his stomach and realized he wasn't the Kyuubi but it's container. He was just so cute and innocent. I couldn't bring myself to do it. So i left and found Hiruzen trying to find you. When Naruto hit 5 and somehow came into possession of Samehada i was happy he could finally protect himself while me and Hiruzen looked for you. All the while i pretended to hate Naruto to gain information." Koharu says shocking everyone to the core as she looks at Naruto.
"I'm sorry i couldn't help you Naruto. But with so many against me i couldn't risk it. But now that Kushina is back at her position i can say this. You are by far the sweetest, Kindest, most gentle pure hearted soul i have ever had the honor of meeting. And i know of how you are training Konohamaru and his two friends Udon and Moegi. Moegi happens to be my third Granddaughter. The way she speaks of you only adds to my belief that you are indeed not the Kyuubi and that the Village populace are the true demons. That being said i have still sat Idle while you were used, abused and tortured. I'll take my punishment of death with dignity and all i ask is that you spare my only living relative Moegi by adopting her into the Uzumaki clan." Koharu says as Kushina smiles.
"Koharu, For treason against the Hidden leaf by not bringing the crimes to the attention of the hokage i hereby judge you to. . . .House arrest and retirement from your position as elder for the rest of your natural life. Now get out of my sight. . . Be sure to bring yourself and Moegi over to the Uzumaki Shrine as that is my new home." Kushina says as she smiles getting Koharu to open her eyes rather wide in surprise. She just nods and leaves the area as Kushina looks towards the Anbu in the room.
"Anbu have the parasite's been taken care of?" Kushina asks as a Cat masked Anbu lands down next to Her.
"Hai mistress Hokage. They have been eliminated you are free to do it." Neko speaks as she walks over to Naruto who smiles at the Cat masked Anbu. He leans in and whispers.
"How was the show?" In response Neko just silently chuckles and whipsers back.
"It had to be the funniest thing i've seen in a long time. Thanks for the tip on just waiting and watching." Naruto nods some hearing that and chuckles as he sees his mother walk towards Danzo and Homura.
"Good, then i don't have to worry." Kushina says as she floods the room with her Chakra lighting up hidden seals on the floor made from her chakra as no in the council can move. Danzo is soon feeling his mind being penetrated as if a yamanaka was plundering it of all his knowledge. Kushina then turns to him and giggles.
"Oooh you've been a naughty boy haven't you Danzo. Poor, Poor wrinkled and weak willed little Coward Danzo. Hiding in the shadows using Root to do your dirty work and weaken the Leaf so you could take over. Pathetic. You are just not worth my time." Kushina says as she snaps her fingers sending a jolt of chakra to the floor where a second sealing structure makes it's appearance. Danzo is immediately sucked into the hidden sealing scroll and it begins burning away destroying the sealing scroll and everything inside it killing Danzo instantly leaving no trace what so ever.
"Ahh so much better without that old Sharingan stealing pissant to bother me. Now Homura. . . . You're to be escorted to Ibiki morino where you will be . . . "interrogated" till you either die or give up all your secrets. It doesn't matter to me. Neko take the old ass man out of my sight and tell Ibiki operation Blackout is in effect." Kushina says looking towards the remaining Council.
"Let this be a lesson to you all. Nothing gets by me. My word is law. My fortune will be returned, Minato's fortune will be returned, The Uzumaki shrine Items will be returned. And all by the end of the day in . . .4 hours or every last one of you fucks, your families, your pets and all your employees will be murdered by me in public as an example of what happens when you fuck with the Hokage and the Uzumaki clan. As my first act as Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki seeing as how i am both Uzumaki clan head and the hokage i am allowed to do this. Naruto Uzumaki you are hereby ordered into the Restoration of Clans initiative. You are to take as many wives as you want to bolster the number of uzumaki members. You will not be given a list of women to marry nor will marriage contracts be brought up as you yourself will choose who is worthy of marrying and bearing your child. With that out of the way. Meeting dismissed. Anbu escort the civilians out of here and get rid of all those useless "Civilian" Documents that seem to make it into my pile. New law i'm instating. If any anbu see a civilian council member what so ever near my office with papers they are to be confiscated and read. If they claim only i can sign them you are to kill them immediately after reading the document and deciding what is worth my valuable time or not. It goes into effect right now. So unless the village is going to be destroyed unless i have to sign that paper don't send any documents to me you ignorant fuck offs." Kushina says leaving the meeting hall with the other clan heads as Naruto and Tayuya follow her out and towards the rather large shrine.
"Naruto now that the family is back together and i am back in my spot as Hokage i need to speak with you and the members of your Swordsman crew. But that can be held till later. Come with me, Anbu you're dismissed leave me and my family to our dues." Kushina says as four Anbu land next to her and race out of the shrine.
"Naruto it's time i let you in on our plan. The Aburame, Inuzuka and Sarutobi clan are all loyal only to me and as such have agreed to help. I need you to talk to your Swordsman members and build up the numbers. So far it's only you, Ameyuri and Haku. You need atleast 2 more and since i'm Hokage i can't join." Kushina says with her back turned to him a she looks at the only remaining mask in the Uzumaki shrine. The mask of the Shinigami.
"Of course Kaa-chan i'll do whatever i can. And Tayuya has the right to join if she's good enough at Kenjutsu." Naruto speaks looking towards his sister.
"I'm just as skilled as mom is Naruto. We are Uzumaki after all and Kenjutsu is in our blood." She says pulling out the Kusanagi blade she was given by Orochimaru.
"Well there now i only need one more member. . .And i know exactly who i should recruit. Only problem is i have to find him." Naruto says grabbing Samehada's hilt and rubbing it tenderly getting the blade to moan.
"Good, Then i'll devote resources to finding who you want. The remaking of the Hokage Monument will take place in a week to replace Minato's face with my own. When you have your 5th member to the "Dākuhando kasai kenshi" you will help me with my personal mission." Kushina says as she hardens her gaze at the Shinigami mask.
"What mission would that be Kaa-chan." Naruto asks her tilting his head to the side.
"To burn Konohagakure to the ground, Return to Uzu no Kuni and restart the Uzumaki clan and bring Uzushiogakure to the forefront as the elemental nations most powerful Hidden Village." Kushina says turning around looking at Naruto with a tender and loving smile showing her blushing face. Unknown to all of Konoha is what will happen and what choices will be made in the dark of night and under cloak and dagger never to be revealed till the very last moment. After all, Deception is a ninja's greatest asset and a true shinobi never strikes until the time is right. The time will come soon, very soon. Kushina will see to that personally.