(A/N Hey yo. So when I posted that last chapter I was SOOO tired and it was a short chapter. I apologize for being so inactive. Also I will be starting a story on Wattpad soon once I finish off some of my other ones. Hope you enjoy this one, and THANK YOU SO MUCH for the reviews. They motivated me. The song for this chapter is Titanium Anna Kendrick cover, plz listen to it. One last thing is that I changed m y username to TrisPedrad202 because as you probably know by now, I'm obsessed with the Pedrad brothers, and think that Tris should have been their sister. Anyway without further ado, THE NEXT CHAPTER!)

Tris POV:

(A week after Tris met the Uriah and Zeke's friends.)

"Hey Tris!" Uriah calls out. I look at him. "The gang is coming over to play truth or dare, wanna come?" He asks. "Sure, since I live there." I reply in a duh tone. I have become a little closer with Uriah and Zeke now, but no one else. "Yay! Trissy is playing! Well, see you later." He screams.

I'm currently heading to music class, it's secretly my favorite. I love to sing, but no one has ever heard me before. I'm pretty early to class. No one is here yet, not even , our teacher. I feel the urge to release my feeling that I have bottled up since my parents death.

Walking to a stool, I sit. I make sure the door is closed first before I start to sing.

Four POV:

Im on my way to music class when I hear a faint voice. I follow it and end up standing in front of the door that leads into the music classroom. I peek threw the window and see a brush of blonde hair. Tris. Carefully, so I don't alert her that I'm here, I creek the door open and listen to her beautiful voice sing, with so much emotion in each word.. She singing titanium.

"You shout it out

But I can't here a word you say

Im talking loud not saying much

Im criticized but all your bullets ricochet

You shoot me down but I get up

Im bullet proof nothing to loose

Fire away fire away

Ricochet, you take your aim

Fire away, fire away

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

She finishes singing the song after a few minutes. I see a tear slide down her cheek, and Tris pushes the palms of her hand into her eyes. It's almost as if she's trying to push memories out of her own brain. Well of course she would you idiot. Her family just died. I remind myself.

Tonight is Friday, it's also truth or dare. I have a plan.

Zeke POV:

Tonight is truth or dare. Everyone has been so excited for it, except Tris of coarse. I'm actually surprised she even agreed to play. Anyways, I plan on asking Shannau out on a date. I'm SOOO nervous. Uriah is planing on asking Marlene out, and Four was taking to himself about something. I'm not sure what it was. I have strange friends.

Uriah POV:

I'm asking Maelene out on a date tonight and I'm SOOO nervous but excited. I REALLY hope we have dauntless cake at home. I have to admit, I'm surprised Tris agreed to play with us. I have some really evil truths and dares in mind.

Well, I just need to get through this last class until I can go home and EAT EAT EAT!

Tris POV:

Finally school is over, so I hop on my bike and zoom off home.

When I pull in I notice my brothers cars. They must be here with the gang. I walk in to the sight of Uriah stuffing his face with cake, and Will, Zeke, and Four trying to steal Uriahs cake. The girls sit on the couch on their phones, all except Lynn. Lynn just swiped Uriahs legs out from under him, and is currently pinning him to the ground and threatening him unless he gives up the cake. For the first time since my parents died, I laugh and surprise everyone, even myself. "Wow Tris, you actually laughed! A real one too!" Uriah exclaims, which earns him a punch from Lynn. I just roll my eyes. "We are all human after all." I retort back, and go back to my silent self.

"Well, let's get playing!" Uriah shouts, rubbing his hands together and cackling evilly.

(A/N Hey peeps. This was a filler chapter and there will be truth or dare next chapter, I just wanted to set it up with this chapter. I'm sorry for how short it is. Hope you forgive me! Bye!:):):):):):):)