I do not own food wars, please support the official release…

In an Orphanage…

A teen with long dark brown hair, wearing black turtleneck shirt with a red pea coat wear a pair of jeans, brown western shoes, was inside a kitchen, he was making dinner, "Aright, the pasta is done cooking. The parmigiana is has already been settled. Now to check on the chicken breast", he look at a grill he had, the chicken piece had a nice grilled look to them, "Alright, there done!".

He then took the chicken piece off the grill and place them on a board, he soon began to dice up each piece of chicken, he then got the pasta he made and pour it in a bowl. He then pour the parmigiana sauce over the pasta, he garb the diced up pieces of chicken, place them on top of the parmigiana pasta. He soon mixed it with the pasta, the chicken help give the pasta a wonderful aroma. He then took the bowl outside and place it on a table with other kinds of foods, such as caesar salad, garlic bread, ice berry tea and lasagna.

He then began to set up plates, forks and knives around the dishes. He then open a door of a the dinner, "Alright, Sister the food ready. Tell the kids to get their ass down here to eat!".

"Shinjiro Aragaki. How many time have I told you not use such language in this house!", an elderly female voiced scolded the teen for cursing.

"I lost count after a hundred. Just tell the kids to come down to eat or else food will get cold!", Shinjiro yelled back at the voice, he soon heard many small foot steps coming.

"Yeah, dinners ready!".

"Shinjiro made Italian cuisine this time.".

"I can't wait to eat!".

Soon children came in the dining hall, the sat down in each of their seats. Soon an elderly nun came down with them with a frown, "Sigh, youth I wished I have it with me".

"Calm, down in you old coot!", Shinjiro replied to the old woman, "Alright, kids. Dig in before the food gets cold!".

The children ages of 5 & 6 came running down and sat down on the table. They began to serve themselves, the nun soon stood next Shinjiro, "The children sure love your cooking, Shinji. I only wish you gone to school like Akihiko.".

The teen nodded in disagreement, "Nah, Aki can go to school. I can't go to I those places without falling asleep.".

"Sign, Shinji what will I do with you. Maybe you should go to culinary school!", the nun told the teen, "Your always cooking for the children and reading those old cook books in the library".

"I'll give some thought about it. Huh, I only wish Miki were still here.", Shinjiro mumble to himself, "She loved my cooking especially.".

The elderly nun place her hand on the teen's shoulder, "Now, now she wouldn't want you to feel down.".

*Knock *Knock

Shinjiro and the nun heard the knock on the door. The nun went and open the door, "oh, it you!".

Shinjiro came towards the door, he saw a muscular old man with a long beard and hair, wear an olive yukata and had a large scar over his right eye, "Ha, ha, ha. Long time no see Leah!".

The nun sigh, "Senzaemon, why are you here? I thought I told you I never want to see your ugly mug.", she told the man with a venomous glare.

"Cruel as ever Leah. You see my car that I was driving in, broke down!", Senzaemon explained to the old woman, "I saw the weather it seem it about to rain, I was wondering if you could give me and my employees some shelter, since this is the only place I knew was close.".

The nun look at the man and sigh, "Fine, tell your employees to come in and to use the phone to call someone to help with your car.".

"Thank you!", the old man turn to his employees, "Hey, come in. My friend has agreed to let us stay here in the orphanage!".

Soon two men in black suits came in.

Leah turn to Shinjiro, "Do you mind them eating some of your food Shinji? They're probably hungry!".

Shinjiro shrugged, "yeah, it not a problem. But the only thing left is the Lasagna. If that okay with the old geezer.".

"Yes, that is fine. What is your name young man?", Senzaemon asked the young man.

"My name is Shinjiro Aragaki.", he gave him his hand and the old man shook it.

They came it the dining room, all of the children went to their rooms to sleep. Shinjiro went and cut the a piece of the lasagna and present it to Senzaemon, "Here, you go. It good thing the kids left you something to eat. They say that my food so good that they eat it entirely.".

"Hahahaha, I sure they must like your cooking!", the old man soon use a fork to cut a piece of the lasagna and eat it. His eyes soon widen, "mmmm!". Shinjiro was shocked by his reaction, "Lasagna, it has status of being in the gourmet world! How did you cook this young man!".

"Oh, well I got the recipe in a book I read. I was instructions to used a pot to put in the sausage, ground beef, garlic and onion to cook it. But, instead I used a Dutch pot instead, to get it to a well brown color. And then add crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce and water. Then used Italian seasoning, salt, pepper and parsley", he explained to the old man, "then made the noodles. In mixing bowl I combined ricotta cheese with egg. Then after the meat sauce was done I pour it in a tray, layered it with noodles and then pour in the ricotta cheese mixture on top of it, then layer it with mozzarella cheese. I repeat this until I have enough layers and then put it the oven.".

Shinjiro finished explaining his dish, he saw the elderly man with the upper body exposed, "What the hell?!".

"It his legendary strip!", Leah explain to Shinjiro, "He strips from his clothes when he eats good food.".

Shinjiro was still weirded out from the old man stripping in front of him, "Young man.", Senzaemon spoke to Shinjiro with a serious tone, "What school are you attending right now?".

"Well, to tell you the truth I haven't going to school for awhile.", Shinjiro replied to the old man, "All I've been doing is reading cook books, sleeping and cooking. If I were going to school I probably be in my third year by now.".

Senzaemon rubbed his bread, "I see, I'm surprised Leah hasn't teach you how to cook herself.".

Shinjiro rose an eyebrow, "Why would she? I never seen her cook before.".

"Ah, you see the cookbooks that you were using are the books that she had in her personal library. Back in her day!", Senzaemon told the young man, "She quite a chef back in her day.".

"Chef really were?", Shinjiro asked the muscular old man.

"You see Shinjiro.", the nun began to tell the teen, "This ape here, is the director of Totsuki Culinary school Senzaemon Nakiri. He and I were students back in the day, me the 2nd seated in the elite ten and him the 1st.".

Shinjiro eyes widen he had heard of Totsuki. He read it in a article one time, how it was the top culinary school in the world, that it had a 10% percent rate of graduation. He had even thought of going there, but decided it was too much work.

"Those books and knives in the kitchen were once mine, back in days at the academy.", Leah explain to Shinjiro, "I was call the "Iron Maiden of Knowledge.".

"Shinjiro Aragaki!", Senzaemon stood before the man, fully clothed once more and place his hand on his shoulder, "I would like to give you a chance to take the third year exam. Everyone who have taken this test have fail ultimately no one has ever pass it, but you I see something different. I see you as a knight who ride a magnificent black stallion, who have dedicated his life cooking in training yourself to make it your sword of cold steel. Your sword wishes to have a taste of the gourmet world!".

Shinjiro was stunned by his words, he has been called many things, but was never been called a knight before, "Should I do it. I mean i've been teaching myself to cook for the kids, but mostly for Miki.".

"You should do it Shinjiro", Leah told the teen as he tried to answer, "I have seen you grown in your cooking skills throughout the years. And I believe going to that school will help improve your skills even more and help you make some friends other then Akihiko. Most importantly Miki would have wanted you to do it.".

Shinjiro lowered his head, her words reach towards his heart, "Miki", … "Alright, i'll do it, I'm going to take the third year entrance exam. And i'm sure as hell! That i' going to pass that test no matter what!".

Senzaemon smiled widely, "With that kind of motivation! You will pass I know it! I will inform the school to put you in exam!".

Shinjiro nodded, "Alright, I better get ready. I'm going to show you how well a self chef can be.".

Totsuki Academy…

A red hair girl in the school uniform with a brown vest walked around the halls of the school with a bag of chips in her hand, she is Kobayashi Rindou, she soon went in a office, "Hey, Eishi are you in here!". She when saw teenage with white hair on a desk with exhausted look, he was on a computer.

"Oh, hello Rindou! Did you come to do some paperwork with me!", Eishi asked weakly with some hope in his voice.

"Nope!", she calmly replied without hesitation. And cause the white haired teen to sulk, "I wondering if I can help do the first year exams, instead of the third years exam.".

"I'm sorry you can't!", Eishi replied to the red head, "We need someone to be in charge of the third year exam! We have Kuga and Kinokuni in charge of the second year exam, since their second year. I put you charge in charge of the third years since your a third year.".

"But, Eishi no has gone and apply to the exam, the last time someone took that test was when we are in middle school...huh?", Rindou was about to throw a fit, but soon saw someone had applied for the entrance exam!

"It looks like someone applied for exam!", Eishi look a the email that was just sent to him, "Let's see who has been applied. Name… Shinjiro Aragaki, Age…17, Cooking History Unknown, Cooking Style Unknown, Huh? This is confusing, why is he applying if he does have any history of cooking?".

Rindou soon saw something else in the application, "Look at this! By the Grace of the Chairman, Shinjiro Aragaki has been given a chance to take the third year test. Woah, the Chairman himself is the one who gave him the chance!".

Eishi soon look at the picture of the application, he saw the brown haired teen, "Shinjiro Aragaki. Rindou.", the redhead look at the first seated, "If Shinjiro passes the test I want you, to give me your opinion on him. He interests me.".

Rindou eyes widen by his words, and soon smiled, "Alright, I just hope he makes tasty food that all!", she then left the first seated office.

"Shinjiro Aragaki are you a man who can match me?", Eishi whispered to himself.

The end of the first chapter please review.

And if you have recipes that I could use PM me.