"What's your favorite food?"
"Do you actually like watching Voltron with me?"
"It's tolerable."
"I think we should let the patient get some rest, BG."
"But this is so much fun! What's your favorite Disney movie?"
"That's enough, Beast Girl," Cyborg was clearly amused by Beast Girl's interrogation. It appeared as if Raven had been hit with some variety of truth serum, and his normally impeccably guarded bundle of secrets was free for prodding and poking at Beast Girl's hands. She was taking full advantage of the opportunity. "You've torture him enough as is."
She let out a resigned sigh. "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine. He does need his beauty sleep." She made her way to the exit as Cyborg stepped out, only to make an instant one-eighty as soon as he was out of range. She scooted right up against Raven and whispered into his ear.
"What do you think of Beast Girl?"
The thumpthump of her heart became more intense as Raven was clearly taking his sweet time in providing an answer to her query.
"Beeeeeast Girl," The silence made Beast Girl want to smack him square in the jaw. "I've struggled to think of how to say it for quite some time now."
"Jackpot!" The words nearly escaped her person. "Wait, shit! I don't know if I'm gonna like this, but I gotta know!"
"Beast Girl...she's…she's…"
"Annoying? A pest? A blight on human existe-"
She didn't know if she was going to cry every last bit of hydration out of her being or die of laughter.
"R-really?" She found herself tripping over her words in the presence of Raven, which really wasn't that uncommon of an experience. "You think I'm...cute?"
"I just want to hug her and tell her how…"
Whatever he was going to say was lost to eternity as Raven swiftly fell into a deep sleep. Beast Girl clenched her fists, enraged, but swiftly freed them once she recalled that Raven just called her cute. She swiftly hustled to the exit, being sure to shut the door behind her,
"He thinks I'm cute!" She pumped her fist at the ground before jumping up in excitement. "Raven thinks I'm cute!" Her jovial nature prompted her to do a quick, impromptu dance celebrating the fact that Raven found her appealing.
"Don't pout, Rae, my cooking is excellent," He clearly was not being persuaded into Beast Girl making pancakes for the two of them, given how poorly her last expeditions into chef-hood went. "Maybe I'll convince you with a hug," She sighed contently as she wrapped her arms around Raven's sturdy body. "And I knoooooow you like pancakes, so whadya have to lose?"
He let out a sigh of resignation. "Fine."
"Look at that, my hug worked! My hugs always work on you."
"But I'm so cute!"
"Enough, for the sake of my sanity."
"Aww, but I am! You even told me so." She smugly sing-songed.
"And when did this occur?"
Beast Girl let out a wicked laugh as she brought back the visual of her memory. "Do you remember that time we fought Doctor Kill-ton, and you accidentally stumbled into that weird mist?"
"Yes?" He was skeptical, but he didn't completely dismissed her.
"Wellllll, you completely lost your secret filter, so I asked what you thought of me, and you were all like: Oh, I love Beast Girl. She's so sweet and perfect and cute," She liked imitating Raven's deep monotone quite a bit. "I love her so much."
Raven clearly had some recollection of the event, as he was blushing furiously. "I did no such thing, stop exaggerating."
She burst out laughing at his reaction. "Okay, okay, maybe it wasn't exactly like that, but you did say you I was cute, and you said it with such passion and such sweetness, I replayed the clip of you saying it countless times."
He was still trying to hash out a retort despite his burning face. "You should be thanking me."
That was true. "Well, we all wanna be told we're cute. You're cute."
"I am most certainly not."
She yet again threw herself around Raven. "Yeah you are. You're sweet, adorable, cute, and the fact that you try to deny makes you even cuter."