I am so sorry that I left this for so long! I feel so bad and I am so sorry. I don't really have any excuses for leaving this for such a long time, and all I have to say is that writer's block coupled with unhappiness with the whole story and a whole lot of procrastination caused this. Also, I had already almost finished this chapter but it got deleted so I had to start all over again (on the plus side now I think it is better). A few months ago, I wanted to pick this up again so I promised myself that I would write a chapter before the summer holidays, so here is the chapter, one day before I go on holiday. Happy Summer Holidays everyone and I hope that you enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer- I don't own any of the characters or anything in this story apart from the story line I created.

Chapter 5

Last chapter

I looked around me. All that my searching eyes could perceive was a seemingly endless mantle of complete and utter blackness. Oddly enough, I did not feel afraid. I felt the darkness accept me gladly, like a mother embracing her long lost daughter after she finds her way home, and I could almost lie to myself and state that I did not want it. Almost. I faltered and shook myself, resolving to look around me. There was nothing. Nothing at all. I blinked, and when I opened my eyes, I found piercing blood red, hawk-like eyes glaring furiously into cobalt eyes before a deafening scream tore mercilessly through the silence. I faintly realized it was mine before I felt no more.

"And now you are here, alone" echoed a voice suddenly, piercing through my consciousness.

I gasped upright into blinding darkness and breathed in sharply, eyeing the nothingness warily from my sitting position, hoping to identify the owner of the eerie voice.

"And your master won't be coming to save you this time" whispered the voice menacingly, its haunting message reverberating into the unknown, bouncing off the slippery polished floor, as forebodingly and ghost-like as the calm before the storm.

Tensing up, I frantically searched around me for any indication, my instincts kicking in find a hint of where I was, or who the voice belonged to, but as I stared, pupils wide and breathing heavily, I saw nothing. But, over the sound of my heartbeat resonating frenziedly within my ribcage, a shrill note shattered through the silence, the ringing sound vibrating maliciously louder, until even the floor was shaking thunderously, and just when the intense sound seemed to reach its peak, a mighty crack pierced through the clamour and ceased the commotion, giving way to silence once more.

Then another "CRACK!" snapped painfully through the air like a whip, and then, another "Crack!" resounded in the silence, the intervals between the cracks getting smaller. I jumped abruptly to my feet and whipped around briskly, desperation shining brightly in my eyes, searching for the source of the disturbance, before I felt it..., a wild shaking of the floor, erratically growing larger for every "Crack!" that shook the heavy air.

And then, within my field of vision, a spider-web-like pattern started covering the polished ground. Alarmed, I eyed the cracked surface warily, "A mirror" my now panicking mind comprehended, "I'm standing on a mirror!"

And before I realised it, the crystalline design crawled quickly all around me, and converged beneath me at a single point, lit up brightly, and with one last mighty "Crack!", the mirror gave way and shattered into millions of cutting fragments, their last reflection was that of a teenage Togruta that I hadn't looked at in many decades. The togruta staring at me through the broken reflection was me. And with a jolt of realisation, I begun falling once again into darkness, this time through the twinkling fragments of my past glistening sharply past me.

A glint far away, coming closer, closer, close…"Bang!", the sound resonated loudly in the new chamber as I panted heavily, eyes closed and desperately trying to inhale air after the terrifying fall that I had just experienced, which had forced my heart into a furious scotch jig.

Whilst I calmed my racing heartbeat, I noticed that I felt strange… different in some way. I opened my eyes and my eyes instantly found the source of the alien feeling.

I looked young again.

Confused, I incorporated right away and tested out my limbs, and with much dismay, I found that my body was back to the petite form that I had during the Cone Wars.

Whispering a curse in my native lounge, I stood up unsteadily and awkwardly moved my limbs to dust myself off, promising to myself that as soon as this was over, I would ponder my strange situation. For now, I needed to get out of this…place and back to the rebels, and then I could think about my transformation and what had caused it.

Suddenly, a shiver crept up my spine and slowly and I wrapped my small arms clumsily around my body to keep warm, and I moved my head from side to side, searching for the source of the breeze in order to find an exit.

"There isn't a way out of this one" echoed a knowing voice behind me. I whipped around stiffly and came face to face with…The Son.

"You!" I shrieked with surprised, stumbling backwards in shock, "You were supposed to be dead!" I continued, starting to hyperventilate

"Surprised?" he responded with amusement as he stood calmly, his red eyes twinkling maliciously with glee. "Besides, I had to come back. You owe me a debt" He declared while grinning dangerously.

Realisation dawned upon me, "That was all you! I don't owe you anything you rat!" I shouted confidently.

"Are you sure about that?" He said, tilting his head to the side, his smile getting larger. "When you were trapped in the prison at Mortis, and I took control of you, you became mine." He stated. "Back then, I didn't have any use for you, but now, the link that I formed between us is the only thing keeping me alive, and since your "precious" master destroyed your defences, I am free to control you and your power once again" He narrated triumphantly as I gasped in horror. "Yes, that's right, your master set me free once more, and with you as my vessel and daughter of darkness, I can finally rule the world!" I stepped back, horrified by his words, and I turned to run.

Then, out of nowhere, I felt a foreign, warm feeling wash over me, and my mind felt sluggish "Why do you keep running away from me, you are already mine" whispered a seductive voice in my head. And then as soon as it came, the feeling rushed away and my mind cleared, leaving me disgusted with myself.

"What happened?" I questioned in my mind, turning to look back. There standing with his hand outstretched was the Son, smiling playfully at me. "I told, you It's no use trying to escape me. I can easily control you, and I will" his voice echoed within my mind "I can make you feel excruciating pain" I screamed, falling to the floor as extreme pain flooded through my body, "I can control you and make you do my will, without your consent. You see, it's useless to resist, you are mine!" He shouted and dark smoke shot out of the ground, grabbing my limbs and encasing my midsection in darkness. I shrieked as the dark strings pulled me towards The Son, like a puppet being pulled towards its master.

When the dark vines finished pulling me towards the Son, he stepped forward, a malevolent smirk forming over his dangerously sharp teeth. Dreading what was to happen, I struggled against the darkness holding me prisoner, while Son's grin grew wider, and reaching out his hand, he raised up two fingers to my forehead and brushed them tenderly over my head, a dark mist forming over them. "Don't worry, this will only hurt if you struggle, daughter of darkness" he stated while concentrating on the force.

And then, an excruciating pain filled my head and spread through my body, crashing like a thunderstorm through every cell of my being and numbing my mind. I screamed an ear-splitting scream as the pain continued to spread like wildfire, destroying my will. The chains of darkness grew from around my midsection, engulfing my body and whispering at me to surrender to their loving embrace. As the darkness encompassed me, the pain slowly subsided as I finally gave up on resisting the loving call of the darkness, and as my consciousness ebbed away, a voice echoed in my mind "Good, give up control child of darkness", and I was embraced by darkness.

In Vader's prison

"Open your eyes child, it's time to wake up" Amber eyes blinked open to the darkness of a cell.

Hahaha, cliffhanger! (Sorry) Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and once again, I would like to say sorry for taking so incredibly long to update this fan fiction, and I hope I can update soon, but it will probably be a long time.

Please review, like and favorite but please don't leave any flames.