Before I start, this is going to be the first story that I flat out say, don't freaking flame me. I haven't had that problem yet, but I already know people are not going to like some of what I have to write, so I'm telling you now, straight up flames will be ignored or deleted. So I started watching Bleach in 2009 and I'm still fond of it, even with the shitty ending. Why? Because I love the characters a lot. I feel because Kubo rushed the ending so much, most of the characters didn't get the justice they deserved. Too many plot holes, loose ends, fates left unknown, and I did not like the ten year time skip. I didn't like the ships either, but if they had been handled a little better I may have liked them. Any way, this is my version of how it ended. I don't own Bleach, if I did this would have been what you saw. Anyway, there will be a few chapters focusing on different people. This one will focus on Uryu when the battle actually ended.
Ishida Uryu dashed into the room. He could see Aizen, Ichigo, and Renji but his eyes immediately focused on the Quincy King himself. Uryu wasted no time in pulling back his bow and firing the silver arrow head his father gave him. He could see Ichigo and Yhwach both looked down at the teen in shock. Suddenly light surrounded the King, paralyzing him. "Kurosaki, NOW!" Uryu screamed. He didn't know how else to convey that this was his only chance, just a second. Ichigo was close, but he might not make it. If he missed, it was all over. Ichigo swung, Yhwach put out an arm to block it. Zangetsu went through the arm and body behind as easy as going through butter. Yhwach gave Ichigo a stunned look, before turning to glance at Uryu before he fell. Uryu felt a wave of nervousness and exhaustion come over him. Was it done?
Yhwach hit the ground hard and his body didn't move. Ichigo and Uryu were next to collapse. Uryu's whole body was shaking. When he first arrived in Yhwach's presence, he was made the Prince of the Quincy's, Yhwach's successor. At first Uryu thought it was because he was called the last Quincy. It was clear that the Quincy's that followed Yhwach were not of the same time. They were the followers he gathered nearly a thousand years ago before he was sealed away. Uryu figured they had been sealed away in this space like him. With them being the age that they were, they needed the extreme reshi concentration from their realm to survive. However they needed a proper place to hide that. That was why they captured Tier and hid in Hueco Mundo.
Yet when he talked to Yhwach, the man had said that Uryu had a power that surpassed his own. If it hadn't been for that, he would have died just like his mother had nine years before. Uryu hadn't thought that was true, but now he could see what Yhwach meant. Uryu was somehow able to keep himself from being seen or killed by Yhwach's Almighty power. He still didn't fully understand it, but there was only one thing he understood at the moment. The Quincy's were gone. Yhwach took his own men's power before he fell. It was back to just him and Ryuken again.
Ichigo climbed to his feet to check on Aizen and Renji, who were both right beside him. They had to get the two of them to Orihime, and fast. Uryu had no idea what kind of shape she was in, but he hoped she was alright. The last he saw her, she was with Ichigo, so she couldn't be too far away. Uryu shakily got to his feet and walked over to where Renji was. He expected Renji to start yelling at him, to refuse his help, but Renji and Ichigo just silently watched and allowed Uryu to help the red head up. He could use his Antithesis, but he had no one that he was willing to direct that much damage to. Not only that but even if he did it wouldn't change the problem, they would still have a heavily injured person. He took most of Renji's weight and turned to look at Ichigo.
"Where's Inoue?" he asked. Ichigo seemed to understand what Uryu was intending to do and supported Aizen.
"This way." he said, leading them back the way he and Renji came.
Uryu was horrified to see the shape Orihime was in. She was sitting next to Rukia, healing herself. She looked so badly hurt that Uryu didn't want to imagine what kind of shape she was in when she started. Her and Rukia looked over as they arrived. Both girls looked horrified at the state the four men were in. "Ayame!" Orihime yelled, without missing a beat. The small spirit moved out Orihime's healing shield so that it covered all of them.
"Inoue, you're going to overexert yourself." Uryu softly scolded. The orange haired girl gave them a determined look and didn't remove her shield. Rukia smiled at her. Orihime had come such a long way since they all met. They all had in fact.
"Where's Chad?" Ichigo asked. They all shook their heads to show they didn't know.
"Right here." Ganju and Sado came into the room and Sado gave them a thumbs up to show them they had defeated all that stood on the path home. The others all looked relieved. Uryu helped Renji sit down before deciding he should leave. He had no right to face the others. Not after what he had done. He had helped the enemy. He was even the second in command for goodness sake. He was about to exit Orihime's shield when a hand fell on his shoulder. He turned to see Renji just before the red-head's fist crashed into the side of his face. Uryu fell to the ground, but didn't make a sound. He deserved that.
"You idiot!" Renji yelled. Uryu sighed. Why must this group of people always use their fists instead of words? Renji grabbed him by the front of his clothes and pulled him back onto his feet. "Just where the hell do you think your going?" he yelled. Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime, and Sado came to stand by Renji with Ganju standing a little off to the side. He was there friend, yes, but he didn't know them so well. Uryu looked away.
"What the hell were you even thinking!? You were really going to die with these guys weren't you?!" Ichigo yelled. Uryu winced. That had indeed been his first intention, but that plan was shot to hell from the beginning anyway. After all he couldn't have destroyed everything when the people he was trying to protect wouldn't get out of harms way!
"Why didn't you talk to us?! Haven't we been through enough to show you we would have helped?" Rukia asked. Uryu was confused now. They weren't mad at him for joining the enemy?
"That was reckless. You should have told us what you were doing." Sado agreed.
"What do you think you dying would have accomplished?" Ichigo yelled at him. Uryu scowled. They were being the ridiculous ones. It was a war, if one life is the cost to end it, then it is a cheap price to pay.
"We're a team Ishida! You can't just run off and do whatever the hell you want!" Renji agreed. Uryu glared at the ground.
"Stop!" he ordered.
"Stop what?" Rukia asked. Uryu looked up at them.
"Stop! You should be angry at me! I helped destroy the Seiretei! I was part of a group that killed so many Shinigami! I fought you! I shot you off a platform! Be angry at me, but don't just go back to being friends so easily!" Uryu yelled at them. They all looked surprised, but then they smiled, Orihime's eyes filling with tears. Uryu was frozen at the sight of that. Orihime then hugged him, crying out of relief. Uryu tentatively hugged her back.
"I'm sorry." he said softly. Ichigo gave him a huge smirk.
"That's all we wanted to hear." he said.
Kisuke didn't know how he was alive. He looked next to him to see Yoruichi and her brother were both unconscious and Grimmjow was on his side facing away from the scientist. He looked in front of him to see Nel standing guard, looking to make sure no more enemies came up behind them. "It's over." she said softly. Kisuke looked around.
"How are the others?" he asked.
"The healing properties of my saliva can only do so much. They'll live." she said. He could just hear Grimmjow grumble something about not wanting to owe her for this. Kisuke sighed. He couldn't believe it was all finally over. Aizen, the Quincy's...they were finally going to be able to have peace. Over a hundred years of stress and constant threats, and finally peace was on the horizon.
"I guess all that's left is rescuing miss Harribel." he remarked. Grimmjow groaned.
"I helped that girl and the gorilla kid do that before we got here. She's back to ruling Hueco Mundo." he spat. Grimmjow wanted to be the King. However he was promised that if he helped he could have a rematch with Ichigo. Ichigo had to have gotten mountains stronger and he wanted a good fight. Kisuke nodded. He looked down at Yoruichi and smiled. He was a little afraid for when she woke up, she'd probably kill him for making her transform. She had always been a unique person, even as children.
Kisuke had met her when he was out exploring one day. He and Tessai were from the Rukongai and were always curious. They had creped into the Seiretei unnoticed and managed to get too close to the Shihoin estate. Yoruichi had been watching them though and was impressed with their skills. So she came to say hi. After that they started to come and see her, but soon found out it was not reasonable. So Yoruichi set up a secret training ground where they would all meet up at least once a week. Eventually they all started to train there, wanting to be shinigami. Yoruichi was one of the few who never saw him as creepy when they were kids. She liked that he was interested in science and other things that most people avoided. He shuttered to think of what would happen if he lost her. She had always been there, like Tessai. He could hardly remember life without them, and didn't want to know what it would be like if they weren't there.
"Then we should check on Kurosaki and the others." he said.
Ryuken lit a cigarette and began heading towards the portal to leave. "You're a real piece of work you know." Isshin said. Ryuken paused.
"How so?" the younger man asked. Isshin folded his arms.
"You came all this way only to deliver an arrow head and then leave without even talking to him?! You're one hell of a model father you know." Isshin taunted. Ryken took a deep inhale of smoke before slowly letting it out.
"We haven't seen eye to eye for years. At this point any words are meaningless." Ryuken said. Isshin shook his head.
"I haven't even been able to count how many times our boys nearly were killed in the last two years, but one day that luck just might run out. Don't keep wasting the time you have." Isshin scolded. Ryuken took another long drag on his cigarette.
"As if you have any room to talk. Since when did you get wise anyway Kurosaki?" Ryuken asked. Isshin smiled.
"I don't know if your calling me that out of spite, or if you finally accepted me." Isshin said. Ryuken started walking again.
"You should at least tell him that your happy that he's alive." Isshin said, following him. Ryuken flicked some ashes from his cigerette.
"If you know that, then you tell him." he said. Isshin mumbled about it not meaning the same thing. Ryuken meanwhile was lost to his thoughts. He was glad Uryu was alive. He was proud of the boy and glad he found friends. He trusted Uryu completely, and he hoped all of that was clear when he gave him the arrow forged of the silver from Katagiri's heart. She was finally avenged, and now they were all at peace.