I would like to thank Decode9, CrazyTimesAMillion, xXRocketShark216Xx, MistyCharming. I like to also thank ICrzy, Zackattack1, Jimzy123, AR, and Miss Sass, Thank you all for the Support you are all kind :-).

by the way i like to thank ChainsawCheerleader for Submitting the Character of Jennifer, and i like to thank The TheWhatzupwriter26 for The Character Leo O'Malley, Charlotte 'Charlie' Hartley for the Character Amanda Schlein.

Tiger Pride Resturant-Taigapuraidoresutoran

Chapter 3: Building A Well Belance Team

During the first week the new Cyberdyne Ranger team was training to use their new powers by the Old Cyberdyne Ranger Team, they were training at the beach as they were across the beach training with their former rangers, as it was early saterday morning as ten color coded teenagers were show training

"Remember that your powers can only become stronger if you train yourself to get use to them" said Wesley as he was spearing with John, Wes powers was he was a Super Genuse, he saw all fighting look a Blue Print, Wes was wearing a Red Tank Top with the Star of David around his neck and Black Basketball Shorts wit a Red line on the side.

"I got you this time Wes!" John said as he sent a roundhouse kick to Wes as he ducked it, John turned it into a left jab as Wes foresaw it and caught the punch as John was about to senda right jab as Wes kicked him back on the sand, "Ooof...H..How did you do that Wes?" said John as he was about to stand up as Wes stopped him, John was wearing a Red Tank Top and Grey Sweatpants.

"No don't get up just yet, I give you a kick to the stomach, if you move to fast, it will curl and you will fall over" Wes said with a calm voice.

"You're...Right" John said as he pulled out his Water Bottle and took a sip, he looks up at Wes as he took a breather, "Hey Wes! Can I ask...What happen to you and your group of Rangers? if you want to tell me of course" John said as he watch Wes turn back with a nod.

On the other side of the beach Alice was training with Amanda as the two want at it, Amanda want in for a sweep kick as Alice jumped over it as she land knee first giving a jab to Amanda's Stomach, Alice's Notice she put to much power into the punch by mistake, Alice's grow worried,.

"Amanda! You okay? I so did not mean to do that" Alice said checking on Amanda as Amanda's face turn calm as she raise her hand softly as a push of water was raising up behind Alice.

"You...should not take your guard off you're...Enemy" Amanda said Softly as the torrent of water hit Alice as she fall and the water drug her back, "Oh and it's Mandy Remember" said Amanda as she Cross her arms waiting for Alice to get up as the water subside back into the ocean.

Alice cough up a little as she got ready to fight again as she notice the scar on Amanda's Arm as her eyes widen, Amanda notice as she covers her Arm quickly, "Umm Mandy, I was wondering what happen? that made you stop being a ranger, we know what happen to Wes, Zach, and Jay, just not you and Emma" Alice said walking towards Amanda as Amanda looked down kind of sad.

Logan want in fast as lightning towards Jay as Logan punch and kicks his way as Jay blocked most of his hits with a equal amount of speed as they Lock Arms as a Lightning Charge happens between each other as Logan tries to knee Jay in the stomach as Jay elbows Logan's knee away as Logan loss belance as Jay Flips Logan over his back as he ready a punch.

"Now you see, relaying on your powers is not good" Jay said with a serious look as it turns into a smile, "But...I like how your speed is improving more and more my friend" said Jay as he helps Logan up, Jay was in a yellow T-Shirt with Yellow Shorts.

"Dang! I almost had you Jay, But your faster then me man" Logan said while dusting himself off as he looks to Jay, "Now...can you tell me when you became a ranger" said Jay excited as he notice Jay rub his Morpherless wrist.

Pryce was training with Zach with a little of his skills as Pryce was able to push back Zach more and more, as Zach sees a opening as he was able to trip Pryce down, Pryce falls down he hits the sand in anger as he gets up and turns to Zach with a mad look as Zach's eyes want wide as Pryce charge forward quick at Zach knocking them both down, Jay and Logan over hears the argument as they both look at each other and runs towards the sound, they both see Pryce swing a punch towards Zach as Zach uses the momemtum of his kick to lodge Pryce off him as Jay helped up Zach and Logan restrin Pryce.

All of them heard Motherboards voice through the Com, "Training has ended Rangers there's a issue" said Motherboard as the Beach glitch over as it turned into a Metal in case room as John, Wes, Amanda, Alice, Shiva, and Emma ran towards the fighting rangers.

"Guy's, What happen?" John said as he push Pryce back a little.

"HE Push me to far Reese! I don't see you pushing Him!" Pryce said as he started to get out of Logan's grip.

"Pryce! Don't do it man, don't make me" Logan said as he rise his hand like a high five as a eletric spark form in his hand as he Shock Pryce as he falls to the ground passed out, "I had no other ideas" said Logan looking at everyone as Jay give him a thumbs up and a encourgeing smile.

A Half Hour Later.

The Nine Rangers was talking among themselves as Amanda was wrapping up Zach's Wounds that was visable and giving him a ice pack, as they wait for Pryce to wake up from his sleep.

"...Ow! That Hurts Mandy!" Zach said as he jumped a little from the pain.

"Oh stop being a big baby Zachariah, here's your ice pack" said Amanda with a amusing giggle as she toss Zach's Ice Pack to him as he caught it and puts it on his eyes, "So...how's it feel to get knocked out by the rookie" Amanda said giving a teasing smile as she puts her hands on her hips teasing him.

"You know what Mandy..." said Zach as he looks at the room Pryce was in as he came out with Jay as they talked, "Speaking of the Rookie" Zach said glairing at Pryce as he had a Ice Pack as well.

"Okay everyone, I talked to Pryce and he knows what he did was wrong, but it is up to you the entire team to say weather or not to forgive him...Right Pryce" said Jay as he cross his arm letting Pryce walk in the middle of the floor to speak to everyone, Pryce was looking upset as he breaths in and out before he speaks.

"Guys...I was a idiot, I was upset before Training begin, from home...And it is no big deal now so.." Pryce said still bother by it, "I can hand in...My Morpher if that's what you want" Pryce said looking up at John who notice everyone was looking at him.

"...Look Pryce, there's no need to hand in your morpher" John said as Wes told him "good job" by mouthing the words, "But you got to learn to leave your issues at home and not bring it in Training" said John with a firm but easy leader voice as he's cousin Shiva give her cousin a clap.

"Yeah Reese..." said Pryce in a lower voice as his lowers his head.

"I can't hear you Lancaster" John said.

"Yeah Reese!" Pryce said as they shake hands earning smiles from everyone.

Meanwhile in the lair of Malwere sounds of a Robot Factory was at wrk as Sparks was flying as more Trelobytes was being built, as a Chamber door open as a Robot walked out and bow before Malwere.

"How may I help you Master Malwere?" said the Robotic Soldier Hunger for Battle.

"You will go and cause havok, PowerTrip, now rise up my creation" Malwere said as The Drone know as Powertrip relish in his new name, "You have been downloaded with Battle tectics to help you fight more well with the humans know as the Power Rangers" said Malwere as he's red light hum more brighter as Powertrip teleported out as Adwere from a com sees Malwere's new robot go to deal with the rangers.

"There goes Soldier number two to face the Rangers Brother" Adwere said with a hint of disdain in his voice.

"I see you are worried about our Baby Brother eh...Little Brother" said Spywere as he works on his swords with Adwere beginning to let out a Scream causing Spywere to look at him as he walked out, "Little Brat...All there is...Is our Misson Fool" Spywere said as he looked at his swords looking at himself as he's eyes glowed Red.

Meanwhile The Rangers left their base the new team now called the Computer Lab or Circit Board, the five made there way to Shiva's Parents Resturant called The Outer Rim, it was a Mix of Japanese and American Food, Shiva asked her friends to go there for lunch, after the incident with Pryce and Zach, but the former team give a kind refusely to allow Zach time to cool off and let there team get to know each other Better.

The Team walked in as both John and Shiva notice a older Woman that looked like a Older Shiva as they both bow in respect to heras she did the same, causing there friends as both Logan and Alice Quickly bow Quickly in respect, The Older woman looked up as Pryce was the only one not doing it, he bow as he fall over, earning a laugh out of The Older Woman.

she compose herself as she cough a little to gain the five her attainion, "Ahh Hello, Aisatsu, Greetings, Welcome to the Taigapuraidoresutoran, I am Raine Xerox, Shiva's Mother" The Woman named Raine said with a kind smile, "How are you all? John I am Surprise you didn't join the Kendo Club with Shiva" Raine said to John with a rise eyebrow, Raine wore White Shirt over a Black Apron and Black Pants, and Black Shoes.

John looked at Shiva with a lowered eye, "Shiva...You told me,you would tell me when sigh up's was for Kendo Club" said John in a low voice.

"What?! You said to tell you when's Practice, so I told you" Shiva said seeing the same look of anger on John's face, " Practice was at 3:00pm after school to 6:00pm every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday" said Shiva adding on, as John facepalm.

"Sorry Aunt Raine, I was not Aware when I Had! To sign in Earliar" said John to his Aunt and Cousin, as John looked at his other friends he just realize he didn't intoduce them, "Oh Aunt Raine, I like you to meet our friends, You already know Logan, this is Alice Labelle and Pryce Lancaster" said John.

"Hi Mrs Xerox, I'm Alice nice to meet you" said Alice as she shakes Shiva's mother's hand.

"Hello Ma'am how are you? I'm Pryce" Pryce said shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you all, I remember talking with Shiva about her new friends and...Welcome to the Taigapuraidoresutoran" said Raine as she extend a welcoming hand for the group to walk in with her as she takes them to a seat for five, John sat down with Shiva siting on his right, Alice sitting on John's left, with Logan by Alice, and Pryce by Shiva, Raine brought all five Menu to read from as she left to give them time to look over the item.

Logan looked around as everyone was looking at their menu's, "So...That Training Room, it was amazing! Right guys" Logan said noticing Pryce looking down more in his Menu and Alice giving a small smile look at Logan.

"It was a cool Training room, I mean the water was so real when Mandy hit me with it" Alice said looking around as she caught her mouth hoping no one heard her, "Even the sand falt real as well" said Alice in a low voice.

"I thought the Air falt real, it was so cool, i want to go again" Shiva said her eyes feeling with glee as they heard a Female voice say "Did you go to the beach" said the Female voice as all eyes swift to the voice.

"Sis! What did you say Kira?!" said Shiva in a panic voice.

"I said did you go to the beach? How could you go without me?" the girl known as Kira said pouting, she is Shiva's little sister and John's Younger Cousin, she turns to John, "Johnny did you all go to the beach" Kira said looking at all five with a smile, "Because you all are dress for the beach" Kira said as she was aboiut to say something else as a man yall to her from the kitchen.

"Kira! You said you wanted to get Shiva's and John's table, Please take their orders Young lady" said the man in the kitchen.

"Yes dad I will" Kira said as she pull out a notepad out of her Aparn Pocket as she pulls out a pan looking at her sister and cousin and their friends, "May I take your orders please" Kira said focus.

"I'll have the Miso Soup please" John said.

"Can I Please get the Remen Noodles " said Alice.

"I'll have the Yakitori please" Shiva said.

"Can I get the...Tonkatsu please" said Logan looking at the menu as he puts it down.

"Can I try the Donburi rice bowl please" Pryce said.

The Five Rangers said what they order as Kira wrote them down as she give a friendly nod to her Sister and Cousin and their friends as she took their menu's away, as they wait around for their food to be done, the rangers talked among theirselves, Just then their teacher Ms. Stevens walked in and notice her students as she walk over to them.

"Hello Everyone how are you all?" Ms. Stevens said wwith a warm smile as John, Pryce, and Logan could not help but smiled back like possums as the girls said hello, "Good to see you five, you all getting along okay, by the way Congrats to all five of you getting that internship" said Ms. Stevens as she put her phone in her pocketbook, she was wearing a Black Dress and Black heel shoes with her hair done.

"Hi Ms. Stevens! How are you?" The Group said together.

"I am doing fine thank you" Ms Stevens said with a smile as she looked towards a Older Couply, "Oh! I am late, see you kids on Monday okay" said Ms. Stevens as she want to the table as she hugged both the man and woman, her Parents.

Meanwhile as the rangers ate their lunch a Robotic scan the area as it notice the high level of a bio field as it notice the rangers, it charged up it's lasers through it's ray gun about to fire as a hand point it upward in the air.

"What! Who dares to...?" Powertrip said as he jumped back seeing a The Black Shadow Ranger, "You...Whar=t are you doing? Umm Sir" Powertrip said with a slight fear in his voice.

"Fixing your Mistake, The Rangers are not alone in their, if i let you fire you're shot, you would have hit a Normal Human...Alerting the rangers to you, destroying you're Element of...Surprise" The Shadow Ranger said with a deep Robotic voice.

"But Sir, Our goal is to take out the Humans, not just the rangers" Powertrip said taking a stand.

"Then you would anger our Master, and believe me he is not as kind as I am" The Shadow Ranger said as he kicked down Powertrip onto the street causing a soundwave destroying glass everywhere in the range as it broke the resturent glass window as the people jumped down in a panic, The Shadow Ranger looked in as he saw the people get up as Ms. Stevens worried about her parents as they was okay the Rangers made it outside causing him to disappear, John notice him.

"Who was that guy? He looked like someone I know" said John to himself as Powertrip got up slow as he dust himself off, "Hey you Tincan, if you wanted us, you got us" John said as he ran up to Powertrip as he signls The others to ran off to a safer spot as he punch and kicked Powertrip as he rans to catch up to his team.

"Get back here Human!" said Powertrip as he chase after them, "Darn him, the next time I see that Ranger...I don't care if his Fa...Master Malwere's Favorite" Powertrip said to himself as he sees the rangers morph waiting for him.

Meanwhile in the resturent the people was getting back up as some was cut by the statther glass as Ms. Stevens helped her parents up checking on them as a shadow was blocking her light.

"Excuse me please, You're blocking my light" Ms. Stevens said trying to make sure her parentswas all right as the shadow stayed, she got a little mad as she jumped up tp face the person, "I said!...Huh?" said Ms Stevens as she notice the new teacher Mr. Smith standing there with a charming smile, "So what? Are you sulking me now?" Ms. Stevens said with a small smile and arise eyebrow.

"Well I mean, if I was, I still would've said Hi" said Mr. Smith with a Charming British Accent and smile, "Sorry if I was in your way, I was having Lunch and I notice you walked in, and then saw you talking to what look like our Students. By the way it is nice seeing you Ms. Jessica" said Chris as they both turned to her Parents as her father cough to gain their Attanion.

"Right, Mom, Dad are you okay?" Jessica said with a slight blush on her face.

"Yes we are fine dear, Who's your friend?" Jessica's Mom said with a small smile, she was wearing a Red Dress with red heels, she had red hair with a lightly Grey streak on both sides.

"Ahem, Yes Jesse, who is he? a fellow Teacher?" said Jessica's Dad, he had a rise eyebrow looking at Chris, he was wearing a Black Suit with a Dark Blue Tie and a Blue under shirt, with Black Dress Pants and Black dress shoes, he had a short hair cut with Gray sideburns.

"I am so sorry" Jessica said feeling bad as she looked at her Parents, "Mom and Dad, this is Chris Smith, he is a Friend and New Teacher at Highland high" said Jessica as she let Chris walk to them.

"Hello Sir and Ma'am, Ahem I'm Chris" said Chris as he shakes her dad's Hand, Nice to meet you both, sorry it had to be after...that weird glass breaking" Chris said looking around, as Jessica and Her Parents Agree.

Meanwhile the Rangers are fighting Powertrip as he does not summon the any Trelobytes as he fights the team himself as he knocks back the three guys down as Shiva and Alice double team Powertrip.

"Let's give him a blast of Girl! Power Shiva" Alice said as she summons her Cyber Daggers to slash at Powertrip as sparks flew off him, "Whoa all right!" said Alice impress as Shiova bounce off Alice's Shoulder as she kicks Powertrip.

"Let's do this girl" Shivasaidas she readies her Cyber Blaster as she fired a Blue Falcon size being throwing Powertrip back as she fires a second shot, but this time Powertrip blocks the shot with his own Laser.

"Get up guys, we have to help the girls" said Logan with his Bison Hammer as he send a shockwave to Powertrip making him lose belence, "Let's Rock and Roll bro's" Logan said making a pose as Pryce gets upset walking up on Logan.

"Dude get a grip! Let's serious" Pryce said aiming his Cyber Wolf Crossbow as he fires three shots at Powertrip as he took two hits as he blast a tractor beam on the last one causing the five to look surprise to see it, "What the?!" Pryce said Stun as it powers up as it turn to face the rangers.

"Hahaha, Surprise are we? That's what I thought Humans" said Powertrip as he fires a stronger blast combine with his own Laser and Pryce's Crossbow Laser Arrow as it blast the rangers All four rangers got hit expect Shiva as the other four fall down as they demorph in pain, "You're all not so tough" Powertrip said walking in the path of Pryce as he points his Laser full blast, "Good bye...Human" said Powertrip sending out a large laser to Pryce as it fires, Pryce ready to take a hit as he was surprise as a blue figure saved him,it was Shiva as she was blasted over Pryce as he looked as she fall and demorph as she was knocked out from impect, All rangers was shocked as they turned to the slow clap of Powertrip, "Aww, don't cry, you will fall just the same" said Powertrip pouring salt on their wounds.

"No! You're Strap Metal" John said as he hit the morphing button as he change back into The Red Cyberdyne Ranger as he drew his Cyber Lion Sword as he slash away at Powertrip as he punch Him down as the sparks fly off Powertrip, "Get up and face...!" John said before being cut off by Wes.

"John! Get a hold of yourself, Retreted for now and get Shiva back here Now!" said Wesley through com, "Please...I know you're upset but...You're her only hope" said Wesley's voice sounding sad.

"All right, Team! Back to base now" John said still looking at a downed Powertrip as both Pryce and Logan helped to move Shiva as Alice was insurting them to take it easy as she looked back at John with a sad tearful look.

"Be carful guys...Watch her head" Alice said with a sorrowful voice.
as they was Teleported by Motherboard back to base as they got close together for the teleporter to work, Powertrip got up and teleported back to Malwere's lair, as Amanda and Emma get the mad bay ready for Shiva to rest on as Wesley helps to get her better as the girls looked shocked.

"What do you think your doing Wesley?" Amanda said with a rise eyebrow and her hand on her hips.

"What!? My Bio Power give me the ability to read faster then the normal human, I study Medical Books to help all of us"said Wes as he pat himself on the back, "Excuse me ladies, please prep her here" said Wes with a smile as Emma smiled a little as Amanda notice.

"What you laughing at? Let's help the smarty pants" Amanda said mad as they turn on the machine

The Rangers brought in Shiva as they placed her on the table as both Emma and Amanda place a oxygen mask on Shiva as Emma place sensors on Shiva's neck and shoulder, Amanda looks at the Machine as Shiva's Scan came through, she looks towards Wesley and give him a nod to start.

"Okay, I understand all of you want her to be safe, rest assure I know what I am doing, And I need just Amanda and Emma in here with me" Wes said giving a knowing look to the team, "Please, Trust me guys, John I got this" said Wes as Alice walked up to Wes.

"Can I stay with Shiva, I was there when she got hit, Please" Alice said looking at Shiva.

"Sure, I don't see why not" Wes said sighing as he looked at John, "You can stay too, but only one guys" said Wes.

"That's okay Wes, Alice can stay, Let's go guys" said John as his fist was glowing red as Wes notice it but he want to help ShivaasAlice held her hand.

John, Pryce, Logan, Zach, and Jay was waiting as Pryce was leaning on the wall, John was pacing back and forth with Logan, Jay was looking at the computer replying how Powertrip's weapon worked, and Zach notice how Tense Prycewas as he's knees was shaking crazy as he walked up to him.

"Pryce, you ok?" Zach said standing in front of Pryce.

"Does it look like I'm okay, I got! Shiva HURT!" said Pryce as he grip Zach's coller as Zach kept cool.

"Yeah, I saw man, look you should not beat yourself up for it, Shiva know what she was doing, saving a teammate"Zach said making Pryce let him go as he lean on the wall with Pryce, "I am sorry about early today, I saw you was upset but...I decide to train you the same way as the others train everyone else" Zach said looking at his hand.

"No, I should have control my Anger more, I let my home life into my Ranger life" Pryce said putting his head down in shame, "Now I got Shiva hurt because I was trying to up my day..." said Pryce as he was pulled from the wall on to the ground asJohn hit him, "...John! Chill man" Pryce said trying to cover himself.

"You got my Cousin hurt! And you want me to Chill! Not a chance" said John a Zach and Jay pulled them apart, "Let me go! Jay" John yalled out.

"No Calm Yourself Johnny" said Jay as he give Logan a nod to knock out John, "You leave me...no other way John" said Jay as Logan shocked John knocking him out.

A Hour later as John came to as he looked around as the others was sitting calm as he saw the red light turn green as Wes came out of the room, he looked down at John with a rise eyebrow.

"...Well everyone, Shiva is okay, she's woke but she wants to talk to Pryce guys" Wes said shocked,"Then John you can go in after you and I have a talk, Come on bro...Oy voy" Wes said as he took off his gloves and wash his hands,him and John want outside.

Pryce looked at the others as Amanda and Emma walked out holding the door for Pryce as Zach give him a Friendly nod, ashe walked in Alice give Shiva a hug as she walked out, she saw Pryce as she patted his shoulder walking out as he watch her close the door, he looked at Shiva as he stopped in his Steps.

"Shiva...Are you okay?" Pryce said looking scared.

"I'm good...Please come talk to me, I need to tell you something" Shiva said as she sat up a little as she points to the chair as Pryce sat down.

"What's up Shiva? You look better" said Pryce as he notice her bandages and small cuts.

"I don't want you to blame yourself Pryce, I jumped in front of the blast and took the hit myself because..." Shiva said with a small blush, "Because...You're my friend, I would have jumped in front of John or the others as well" said Shiva as she brush her hair behind her ear as Pryce looked down.

"Look Shiva, don't go blaming yourself as well, I could have dodge the hit if I was not thinking on this morning, my dad was on my case for saying my after school job was...Useless, so I wanted to prove him wrong by fighting that monster myself" Pryce said fiddling with his Fingers as Shiva held his hand as he looked at her with a slight blush as she had a slight blush.

John and Wes was staring at the Sunset as Wes took in a breath looking at John.

"You know, being a leader is not easy you know, it is tougher with a sibling or a Cousin on the team as well, but it is no excuse to take your anger out on a teammate" Wes said a John looked down,"I don't mean to sound herse, but I know what it is like to fight with my teammates and caring for them when we got hurt, I blame myself for a long tim, even now" said Wesley looking at his morpherless wrist as the Alarm want off as they both ran back in looking at the monitors as many people was running away in horror.

"We have to go guys, Alice, Logan, let's go" John said looking at the door at Shivaand Pryce as he walked to his Cousin as they hugged each other as she looked at John with a knowing look as he nods as he looked at Pryceand he looked at John, as they shake hands.

"Shiva, can you fight, or should you sit this one out" said John looking at Pryce in the eyes as he turned to Shiva with a grin, "What do you say cuz?"

"I give her the ok to fight, have fun making sheet metal out of Powertrip" saidWes with a firm hand as the five nod together as they teleport to Powertrip.

The Five Appear in a spot unseen by the people as they face Powertrip as he notice them.

"Hello Rangers, ready for Round two?" Powertrip said as he snaps his fingers as a group of Trelobytes as the rangers ready to fight.

"Ready guys?!" John said showing his morpher.

"Ready!" said the group as the show their Morpher.

"Cyberdyne! We're Online!" The Rangers said as they morph

The Morph Rangers with their weapons ready to fight as they ran as Shiva fires her Cyber Falcon Blaster as a few Trelobytes want down, Logan swings his Cyber Bison Hammer takind down a group of Trelobytes as the fall but a few stagger as Alice takes them down with her Cyber Fox Daggers as they blow up, Both John and Pryce double team Powertrip as Pryce covers John bu cross firing his Cyber Wolf Crossbow as John slice at pOwertrip as he staggers back from Pryce's hits as well as John's hitsas falls down as more sparks fly off him as Powertrip blow up as the rangers pose, as they join together the remines of Powertrip grow to giant size as the rangers looked shock.

"Well at least it's not Godzilla guys" John saidas the foyr rangers looked at him, "What?! I thought it was funny. Umm Jay, Motherboard, how do we take care of this?" John said throuh his com when a Red Lion Teleported on a Mountain as it ran down and ponce on Powertrip as it clawed him fast as it lands, "Whoa! is that mines" John said with a excited voice.

"Yes for now Johnny, but I built him" Motherboards voice said as The lion roar, "Commend him to take down powertrip, any commended.

"All right Motherboard, Okay Lion Zord Fire Torrent of Flames" John said through his Com as The Lion blast a flame shot towards Powertrip as he Explode as The Lion roar as it fires it's jets flying away, "Awesome! Let's get back guys as they teleport back to base as the Lion zord disappear.

The Five rangers was talking with their Counterparts, as Motherboard Singnals them to her.

"Rangers, I have detact the source of The Ranger that Attack Wesley's Team During The end of May" Motherboard said as a picture of the shadow ranger appear as it hit Powertrip off the building, "There is a Enemy among us" said Motherboard.

"That's him all right, How could I forget" said Wes as he boil up his fist.

"That guy still gives me the creeps" Jay said shaking off his jitters as Emma hugged him

"Man! Next time I see him Ranger or no Ranger, I'll take him down" Zach said noticing Amanda give him a side glance of worry.

"All I can say is, to bad we don't know who he is, me and Em was close, But..." said Amanda looking down.

What happen?" Alice said wondering as Emma turned around.

"Me and Amanda was on our Mission trying to get the plans for a...Weapon of sorts" Emma said crossing her arms, "That's when he got the drop on us, he demorph us but we got teleported by Motherboard, when we came too Motherboard inform us that the guys got attack too" Emma said looking at te shock faces of the new rangers and same look on some of her friends as she blush a little eraning a kiss on the cheek by Jay.

"Guys, I know I seen him before" John said getting closer to the screen, "I had a vison, of a Red Ranger battling The Shadow Ranger on the day we became Rangers" saidJohn looking at the screen as he blink out.

Vison look.

"Red Ranger, you will fail, just like the others, You cannot defent me, Ask The Other Red Ranger, Hahaha" said Shadow as he kicks the Red Ranger who sounded like John as he looked to see the ground getting closer as he blinked out again.

"Whoa!...huff puff.." John said as Pryce and Logan was holding him up, "Guys...We have to...Train more" said John Grimly.

What is the Vison John's be having, is it a Future unseen by the rangers or a different route all together and who is the Shadow Ranger and where do his Service lies, Tune in Next Time to find out on Power Rangers Cyberdyne.

Chapter 4: Giant Bout between Program and Virus

Hello Guys! This is Ranger Red 2.3 and I like to apologise to everyone who help make Cyberdyne what it is, I been meaning to update this story in a while, my Mother was sick about two weeks ago and I wanted to help out as much as I can, also my Birthday was on the 13th of this month :-).

Now I like to take this minute to say this, I enjoy writing on Fanfiction and i won't stop anytime soon, A while ago my account was acting funny but i got it fix with a little advice from a friend and i want on Forum, now i won't say forum is a bad place to go but it can bring on a lot of Negative Haters in the form of Guest Reviews where they will say anything hurtful, i didn't take it personelly but i let one slide in on my Cyberdyne story, not this one but on my Prequel Story as well as on my Power Rangers Delta Force Story Character List Review, Now let the Haters come if they like, Those Immuture Bastards BRING...IT...ON! Excuse my French Ladies and Gents, Please Enjoy the story to my True Friends :-D.