Author's Note: This is the sequel to my story 1918. I recommend reading that one first so this story makes sense.
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight
Chapter 1: 2022
Nessie's POV
I was scared and confused. I had so many questions still and so many answers. I didn't know what to do or what to think. Time travel was a huge pain in the ass that way I guess.
"Carlisle how long was I out for?" I asked him.
"104 years"
He laughed at the expression on my face that must've appeared in response to his answer.
"Well since it is 2022 and you lost conscious in 1918 that is technically the correct answer. But in reality it's only been six hours. You were in very bad shape when you arrived here. Thankfully you're showing vast improvements with the medicine I've been administering. Sending you back was definitely the best thing to do. However I now have the impossible task of explaining to the family why you appeared to get so sick so fast"
"Yeah that will be difficult to explain" I couldn't help but feel bad about the situation I put my grandfather in.
"Renesmee there's something that I've always been curious about and I hope you have a good explanation for not telling me"
"Okay, what is it?" I asked my grandfather.
"Back in 1918 why didn't you ever tell me that you had a fraternal twin brother?"
"Uh because I don't?"
"Uh oh" he said.
"Carlisle what's going on?" I was now even more confused by what was going on.
"Nessie you have a brother. Edward Jacob Cullen. The two of you were born on September 15th 2-"
"Hold on! I was born on September 11th not September 15th and I most definitely do not have an fraternal twin brother!"
My grandfather rubbed his forehead as if he had a migraine which I knew was impossible. That just told me how serious this whole situation is.
"So I have a brother now? My lord this is heavy! Is there anything else that I should know about?!"
"Actually Nessie there is one more thing. Regarding your son. He was in love with your mother"
I actually had to scrape my jaw off the floor for that one. My son was in love with my mother? I felt like I was going to hyperventilate soon.
"He competed with your father and Jacob for your mother's affections. We tried to discourage him from pursuing your mother but he didn't listen. When your mother chose your father over him he was devastated and angry at your father. Accused him of being selfish and everything. There's been a huge rift in this family ever since that day. Your son left and we didn't hear from him all these years. He came back this morning I'm hoping to try to make amends. You've no idea how much the family has missed him"
"And that's when he found me unconscious? He was on his way back and he found me? Did you know he was coming?" I asked my grandfather.
"No I didn't know he was coming. It was a complete shock to me as I imagine it will be for everyone"
"Do you have any idea where he could've been all these years?" Even if I didn't know my son I still worried about him and loved him. Even though he was technically older then me. Lord time travel was confusing!
"I can't say for sure but if I had to guess I'd say he's been in Lexington, Kentucky all this time. Jason loves horse racing. Ever since the 50s he's been heavily involved in the business. He buys them, breeds them, and races them. It's his passion and it brings him great happiness"
"What do you mean by heavily involved?" I asked grandpa.
"I mean that he's famous in the business. Well, let me explain. As far as the public and everyone involved in horse racing is concerned he, his grandfather, and father were all prominent figures in horse racing. Every twenty-something years he claims to be a new heir and he re-inherits everything from himself. He will alter his appearance by wearing colored contacts or dying his hair so people don't suspect anything"
I sighed. This was a lot of information to take in at once.
"There's one more thing in concerned about though Nessie. When he brought you in earlier he mentioned being attracted to you"
That was all it took for me to lose consciousness again.
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