Okay, last chapter. Hope you have all enjoyed the story and please R&R.
Ch 24 Epilogue
Splinter sighed as he looked down at the picture of the two smiling turtles staring lovingly into each others eyes and resting their foreheads against each other. It was the picture he took after Leo's first appointment when they learned they were suppose to be having triplets. Splinter placed the picture inside the cover of a book. He placed tape on the sides to hold it in place then put the book in a box. He smiled sadly and looked up at the picture of his wife that showed her holding a small baby girl and looking so happy. He played his thumb over the small picture. "How I wish you were here my beloved." He whispered softly. "So much is going on with our small family."
The ringing of the doorbell pulled Splinter away from his thoughts and he turned toward the entrance to the living room. He stopped and smiled at the chaotic scene before him.
Renet and Mikey made their way to the front door and smiled upon opening it to reveal Leatherhead, Rockwell, Mr. Kirby O'Neil, Angel, Mr. Arnold Jones, Casey and a three month pregnant April. Donnie ran over to Angel and gave her a tender kiss. The group walked in and Mr. O'Neil began setting up his camera.
"Okay everyone, let's get ready." He called out.
Splinter walked over to the Christmas tree in the corner and placed the small box under it. He then walked over to the couch and smoothed his red kimono. From the side of the couch, Raph walked over to him. "Sensei, who would you like to hold?"
Splinter smiled up at him. "I will take my granddaughters." He told him. Leo walked over to him with a bright smile, in his arms were two little turtle tots of about three months old. "Here is Shen." He told him handing over a chirping brown eyed dark green female turtle dressed in a beautiful red velvet dress.
Splinter took her in his arms and nuzzled her cheek. "My beautiful Shen, so much like your grandmother."
"And here is Venus." Raph said, taking a lighter green skinned blue eyed female turtle dressed in a beautiful blue velvet dress, from Leo and placing her in Splinter's other arm.
"Ah my beautiful Venus." Splinter nuzzled her cheek as well "So much like your other grandmother." He chuckled as Venus grabbed at Splinter's long beard.
"Quick D…"Mikey called out. "Runaway turtle."
"I'm on it!" Donnie yelled back He jumped over toward the corner of the living room where an army emerald green eyed turtle dressed in a plaid vest with white shirt and black pants attempted to toddle his way toward the very tall Christmas tree. "Gotcha Yoshi." He scooped him up and walked over to Raph and handed him his son. "How does he keep getting out of the play pen?"
"He's just curious about all those pretty lights." Angel said laughing.
"Always on the run there, huh Yoshi." Raph laughed as he tossed the happy, squealing turtle into the air.
"So much like you were huh Raph?" Renet said giggling.
A loud wailing noise coming from the play pen had Leo walking over to pick up their smallest child. "What's the matter Matthias?" Leo asked the little yellow green hazel eyed crying turtle whose outfit matched that of his brothers'. "You feeling left out?" He picked him up and hugged him contentedly and began humming the tune 'Pretty Little Horses' as he made his way over to the couch.
"Okay, we all set?" Mr. O'Neil asked.
Splinter sat in the middle of the couch with his two granddaughters on each knee. On his left sat Raph with Yoshi and on Splinter's right sat Leo with Mathias. Behind Leo, Donnie had his arms wrapped around Angel, a beautiful diamond engagement ring adorned her left index finger. They had set their wedding date for May.
Next to Angel was her father, Mr. Arnold Jones and beside him was Casey holding April as she rubbed her slightly swollen belly and smiled happily. Beside April was Renet and Mikey, both with shiny gold bands around their fingers. They had married at the beginning of December and were looking forward to starting their own little family. On the right side of the couch was Leatherhead and on the left was Rockwell.
Splinter looked at the camera and smiled. So much had happened in these last few years but finally, everything was settling down and Leonardo and Raphael were finally enjoying their new life.
Chaplin had been arrested and Falco had not survived the wound Leo had inflicted on him. The foot clan Karai and Tiger Claw had been apart of were no longer in New York. From what the police had told them they, along with Karai and the mutant tiger, had been rounded up and deported back to Japan. Leo had attempted to speak with Karia but she would have nothing to do with him.
"It's okay." He told Raph, coming out of the police department. "I've never been apart of that family and besides, I'm happy being part of this one." Raph was proud of his mate and new family, for him, it was good to see Leo being happy.
Leonardo's transfusion had been a success and he was now finally the happy young turtle he was suppose to be. He had taken over completely for Splinter in teaching the classes and the dojo was thriving under his teachings. Raphael was back in school and looking forward to being a full-fledged veterinarian.
Splinter was enjoying his new role as grandfather and, although he was still somewhat involved in his business, his new family took top priority. The happiness that surrounded him was more then he had dreamed of. He hugged his two little granddaughter's proudly and looked at the camera.
"Okay on the count of three, big smiles." Kirby said as he got in between April and Renet. "Everybody…one, two, three….!"
"FAMILY!" click
And so ends my series 'The Travelers.' I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE review. I would love to know what everyone thought. I have to admit, I never expected this story to go where it did. Originally they were going to meet in high school and I still might do a one shot of that. We'll see. Still so many stories to get to. Will be posting again soon.
-PEACE- :)