Hello, lovely readers!

This chapter is named after 'Happy Ending' by Mika

Georgina Hale's Point of View

6 months later…

Dean and I were settled down for the evening in Dean's apartment, cosying up on the sofa. I was sat on his lap, his arms wrapped comfortably around me as we watched the large plasma screen TV, enjoying one of our few evenings off work.

We always liked to make the most of this time and spend it together, just the two of us, no one else to bother us. These evening off were few and far between, so we always spent them doing something we wanted to do. We had chosen to watch Dirty Dancing that evening. Well, I say we, more like I had chosen it.

"How many times have you watched this film?" he asked me, shaking his head in amusement.

"This week?" I teased.

He chuckled. "I feel like we watch it every other day."

"It's a modern day classic," I said. "Sweet and innocent girl meets hot and good looking bad boy and they create a secret and undeniable love."

"Sounds familiar," he smiled. And it did. It was just like us. But our love, which had once been secret and quiet, was now out in the open for all to see.

Dean and I had officially come out as a couple as soon as we had made our move to Smackdown, something which had been one of the best moves for us.

As soon as we had won our match, the draft for the two brands had begun, and I was safely drafted to Smackdown with The Shield. The Authority remained on Raw and I'd not had to deal with them since being under the strict protection of Shane McMahon.

The man had been wonderful, looking after us and making sure we had no further problems with his sister and brother-in-law. We were now able to wrestle and not have to deal with the shit constantly thrown at us. It had enabled us to bond again and reform as a group, hence giving Dean and I the freedom to be a happy couple.

And things had only gone up from there.

Becky and Sami had been drafted to Smackdown too, and after much discussion and explanation about why I did what I'd done to them, our friendship was finally back on track. They had forgiven me and things were slowly starting to return to normal, something I was grateful for.

Losing them both as friends had been one of the hardest things to go through, but knowing they were back on my side again was a total blessing.

My wrestling had improved too, finally surrounded by my team mates again. Not only that but I was able to enjoy it more now I was finally out of the Authority hell hole. I could wrestle how I wanted and it was so much more fun. It felt like the old days again and it made me remember why I chose to be a part of this business in the first place.

I was with Roman and Seth again too, two men I loved and looked at like big brothers. I'd missed them like crazy and was so happy they'd forgiven me for all I'd put them through. We were a team again and the only way for us all to go was up.

And then finally there was Dean, my boyfriend, the greatest man I'd ever met. The man who had fought for my freedom and made me the happiest girl in the world. Our relationship had come on leaps and bounds since I'd returned to The Shield.

I'd practically moved in to his place in Vegas, both of us spending every free second together. My time with The Authority had meant we had to live in secret and could hardly spend a moment together. So now we were making up for lost time, acting like the normal everyday couple we'd always wanted to be.

And it was complete bliss.

We lived together, hung out together, slept together, and loved each other. We'd visited mom and she adored him as always, so happy that we were a couple. Things couldn't be better for us knowing we finally had the life we'd always wanted.

Things were looking up for Dean too. Ever since everything had been settled, Moxley had hardly shown up. And I knew it was down to Dean's ease and contentment. Moxley was a personification of all Dean's anger and negativity, two things he had a lot of before all this. But now things had calmed down, Dean had no reason to be angry or upset. Life was good for him, so Moxley was no longer needed.

We were together, we were happy, and it was all we'd ever wanted.

"You must know this film word for word by now," Dean suggested, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into my hip.

"Probably," I said. "I've watched it enough times."

"You really love it, don't you?" Dean asked me.

"It's my favourite," I smiled down at him. "Which is why I'm so grateful that you put up with me watching it time after time."

"It makes you happy so I'd watch it a thousand times if I had to," he smiled before we settled down to watch the film. It wasn't until the credits had begun to roll and the movie had finished that Dean spoke again. "I wonder what happens afterwards."

I looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Well we see them get together and dance the night away, but I wonder what happens after."

"Who knows," I said. It was something I'd never really thought about before. Once the movie was over for me, that had always been it.

"What do you think?"

I looked at him thoughtfully. "I think they live happily ever after. They dance the night away and-"

"Dance with me now then," he asked me suddenly.


"Yeah, come on. Dance with me." he lifted me off him and stood us both up. The music from the credits was still sounding, so I wrapped my arms around him and started to dance in the middle of the living room, both of us swaying to the rhythm. It was so unexpected, but I liked the moment. Just the two of us dancing like goofballs. It was nice.

"What do you think happened next?" he asked me.

"I don't know," I said as we continued swaying.

"Have a guess."

"Okay," I said. "Well… they probably lived a happy life together. Spent time together, lived happily ever after, got married, had-"

No sooner had I said the words did Dean let me go and suddenly drop to one knee, taking my hands in his and looking at me.

My body froze as I looked down at him with wide eyes, the music in the background all but forgotten. It didn't take me long to realise his plan and why he'd asked me all those questions.

"Dean, what-"

"Marry me," he said.

"W-What?!" I asked in complete shock. Was he serious?!

"I want you to marry me, Georgie," he said in earnest. "I want you to marry me, spend the rest of your life with me and allow me to make you as happy as you make me."

"Oh my god…" I whispered.

"We have… we've been though some fucking shit during our relationship," he said. "We've had so many ups and downs that we could make a fucking soap opera out of it. But the one thing that remained all the way through it was how much we loved each other. I love you, Georgina Hale, with all my heart. I've never been in love in my life but the second I fell in love with you I knew I never wanted anyone else. Only you. And I want you forever. So will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I dropped to my knees in front of him, my eyes tearing up as I wrapped my arms around him, vigorously nodding as I held him close.

"Yes, yes, a thousand times yes," I cried, kissing all across his face.

The smile on Dean's lips was like nothing I'd ever seen before. He looked so happy, so content, so blissful.

And I did marry him. I became Mrs Georgina Ambrose, and I spent the rest of my life beside the greatest man I'd ever known. The man I loved. The man who had fought constantly to make me happy.

And life had never been better.

And that's all folks!

I have adored writing this story and I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who came along for the ride. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I'm really gonna miss this story.

But the end of one story means the beginning of another. And as voted for by you guys, my next story is going to be a Finn Balor/OC story. I have so much planned for it so I cant wait for you all to read it.

I will be posting the first chapter in 2-3 weeks time as I want to take some time to write it and bank some chapters before I upload. There would sometime be 2 weeks between updates with Unstoppable due to not having time to write, and I don't want the same thing to happen with this one. So I'll be taking a couple weeks to upload so I can really write some chapters first.

So keep your eyes open for the Finn/OC story soon!