Wow, it feels so surreal to be starting a fourth part to the Erin Black series. I hope you guys like it!

Just so you know: Growing Up starts two weeks after the end of Without You. Kim is 22 weeks pregnant and you'll hear all about Erin's pregnancy soon so I'll just leave that there (chapter 3, I think?).

So, onward to the story: I do not own Twilight, I only claim Erin, Jordan, and Baby Wolf.

Sometimes I don't know who I am

Sometimes I question why I'm here

I just wanna be a good dad

Will I be? I have no idea

I collapsed to the floor, pressing my sweaty forehead against the cool porcelain of the bathtub. Trying to catch my breath, I forced myself to take deep breaths as my stomach finally began to calm down. Morning sickness was absolutely going to be the death of me. I hated throwing up and now couldn't avoid doing it at least once a day, sometimes twice, if I was lucky.

Sue, my boyfriend's mother, had told me to get used to it. I was sick for months when I was pregnant with Seth, it's somewhere in the Clearwater genes. She'd then shrugged casually, like the idea of vomiting for months on end was just no big deal.

At least Sue seemed to be coming around to the idea of Seth and I becoming parents.

Being both a nurse and a mother bear, she had become almost protective of me, making me write down every question I could think of for when my first doctor's appointment rolled around and advising me on how she'd handled her pregnancies with Seth and his older sister, Leah. It was almost becoming suffocating to have her constantly talking about babies and ways to stay healthy whenever I went over to the Clearwater house.

But I supposed it was better than most of what I got while here at home.

I groaned and pushed myself off of the floor, flushing the toilet and brushing my teeth. It was a routine I was becoming very accustom to. Glancing in the mirror, I checked my abdomen for any sign of a difference but my stomach had remained stubbornly flat so far. How could something so small still cause so much trouble?

When I returned to my bedroom, I was thankful to find that Jordan, one of my best friends, had finished her orange; it's acidic smell had been the thing to set me off in the first place. Sitting on my desk chair, I twirled to face her, "New rule: No oranges around me for the foreseeable future."

She sat crosslegged on my bed and rolled her eyes, "Erin, it's getting to the point where you just can't be around food. Is that like, normal?"

"Sue said not to worry." I muttered, picking at the bottom of my jean shorts, "Besides, I have my first doctor's appointment coming up next week, so…"

Jordan shrugged, glancing around the room until her eyes landed on my comforter beneath her. She smirked, mischievously and bounced a little on my bed, "So, tell me, what is the percentage of likelihood that you either lost your virginity or conceived your baby on this bed?"

"Jordan!" I snapped, rolling my eyes and blushing scarlet, "I am not talking about that with you!"

She gave me a look, "I already know it's true for one or the other or both. You and Seth don't exactly strike me as 'adventurous' in your sexscapades." She used air quotes to further mock me.

Glaring, I considered my words for a moment. I knew both Paul and Jacob were somewhere within the house and while they both knew far more intimate details about Seth and my relationship, I wasn't sure I wanted to chance bringing it all up. I especially didn't want to set Jacob off again…

Biting my lip and inspecting my converse, I shrugged, "98% sure Baby Wolf was here. I was at Seth's for the other thing."

She laughed, "Yeah, Seth's would have been my next guess." Calming down and getting a more serious look, Jordan leaned back on her palms, "So, where is your Romeo now, anyway?"

"Uh, working." I easily covered. Seth was actually running patrol right now, so a form of working I suppose, but Embry had still not told Jordan about the wolves and the Legends. And, considering that both Seth and I were beginning the process of job searching, my lie wasn't that far from the truth.

About a week and a half ago, once Seth was almost completely healed from Jacob's discovery of my pregnancy, Sue and my Uncle Billy had sat us both down. They weren't happy but at least they didn't yell, well not at me. Billy had snapped pretty harshly at Seth a few time, which had set my boyfriend on edge.

However, they had ultimately agreed to support our decision but said that they had raised the kids they were meant to raise. Our baby, our responsibility completely.

Running a hand over my stomach, I sighed, "So, Miss. All-In-Erin's-Business, any developments on you and my brother?"

Jordan, though she was still unaware of it, was my half-brother, Embry's, imprint. And they had just about the weirdest, complicated non-relationship I'd ever seen. She refused to commit to any form of a real romantic relationship, Embry wanted that more than anything, and they had recently taken to spending tons of time together 'as friends'.

As I had expected, Jordan rolled her eyes and glared at me, "There's nothing to develop, Erin. I've told you a million times, Embry's sweet but I don't do domestic. You know it, he knows it, no one's getting hurt."

Wouldn't be too sure of that, I thought, being one of my brother's confidants. Embry was not at all content with just being Jordan's friend, something that actually irritated him because he was supposed to be whatever she wanted him to be. I gave her a look to display my thoughts and she just stuck her tongue out at me.

"Very mature." I sighed, glancing over at my open English textbook with my half finished notes scribbled in my notebook beside it.

Jordan grinned at me, mockingly, and jumped up, "Well, I better go. Mrs. Lahote said she wanted to see me by noon and I still have to run home for my guitar, so…" She pulled her keys out, "I'll see you later, Black." She leaned in, bending so her face was level with my stomach, "And you too, my future goddaughter."

I looked at her like she was crazy before shoving her playfully back. "Go get your guitar, you weirdo." Scrunching my eyebrows together as she pranced to the door, "And there's no guarantee the baby will be a girl…or your godchild!"

Jordan just waved to me over her shoulder, closing my bedroom door behind her. I smiled after my friend before spinning my chair back to my weekend homework. I was attempting to get a jump start of my schoolwork and classes, with Baby Wolf looming in my future.

Kim and Jared had inspired me; he was studying for his GED and she was going to be able to graduate with full credit before their son was even due in the early spring.

Their son, I thought, tapping my pen on the spiral of my notebook. Kim had sworn she wanted to wait to find out the sex of the baby until it was born; but, according to Jared, she had practically yelled out the opposite when the ultrasound tech had asked. And so she'd called me, gushing and rushing through her summary of the appointment.

"And guess what! Guess what! Guess what!"

"Haha, what, Kimmy?"

"It's a boy! We're having a son!"

I knew circumstances were different, Jared and Kim were seniors and Seth and I just sophomores, but I was determined to stay as close to on track as possible in my academics. Baby Wolf was gonna need at least one parent with a high school diploma, since Seth was legitimately worrying me. He was already behind in school because of absences from Pack responsibilities and it was still a task to get him to do make-up work, study, or even show up to class some days.

Finishing my notes, I decided to skip lunch because of my risky stomach and moved onto a lab report for Biology. By the time I was done, the light from my window had turned golden from the setting sun, the chilly breeze sweeping crimson and yellowing leaves past the glass on their way to the ground.

There was a knock on my door, startling me out of my contemplative observations. I spun around to find Rachel peeking her head in, gorgeous wavy locks dangling over her shoulder. "Two things, it's dinner time and you're not allowed to skip because it's bad for the baby, nauseous or not, and Paul and Seth are eating with us."

"Seth's here?" I asked, looking over at my alarm clock. Huh, he was off patrol.

"Just got here and Dad basically ordered him to stay." I cringed at that piece of information, "Now get off your ass and come help me set the table."

Groaning, I forced myself up and drug my feet after her, linking our arms as we walked to the kitchen together. A large lasagne sat on the counter, cooling, and bundles of silverware were stacked next to it. The room was otherwise empty, making me worry more about my boyfriend, alone with my Uncle, cousin, and fucking Paul somewhere.

Reading my expression, Rachel rolled her eyes and shoved the silverware at me, "They're in the living room, I think. Breathe, EA. Only Jacob's tried to actually kill Seth, which he's sorry for, and Dad's just slowly torturing him."

"Ha ha." I glared, using a monotone voice. "You're hilarious, Rach."

She grinned and started putting glasses at each spot on the table. We fell into a rhythm, easily getting everything ready together before she placed the last napkin down with a flourish. Hands on her hips and looking around proudly, Rachel turned to me, "Why don't you go save Seth and I'll start dishing everything out?"

I rushed from the room, practically crashing into the living room. Hopefully Jake and Billy hadn't managed to not murder my boyfriend just yet.

So, first chapter down with relatively no drama, right? Well, trust me, it won't last. What are you first impressions? Excited or nervous? How will dinner go? I mean, the last time I wrote a scene with both Seth and Jake, Jake was trying to legitimately kill Seth… so…yeah… But he said he was sorry!

BTW, I am updating The Click of Imprinting again, so if you were ever interested in that story, there will be new chapters. It's basically Jared and Kim's story leading up to where Erin meets them in Times of Change. If you haven't checked it out, you might want to? All up to you guys!