Berry protected

Chapter 6

Not mine , i just came up with the plot.

A/n – not mine. Except the concept.

Deputy David Hale at times despaired for humanity. The thought that people were capable of what was in front of him sickened him to a degree that the prospect of upchucking at a crime scene was a very real possibility.

Blood and viscera as well as scraps of clothing littered the ground of a ditch on the outskirts of Charming.

Lorrie Adams had been a beautiful girl but 2 weeks ago she went missing they had all hoped to find her safe. Instead she is dead in a ditch with seasoned cops looking ill while trying to be professional.

"chief Unser!" the voice of the ME makes David look over to see the two senior officials conversing in low tones.

Wandering closer the words he hears are enough for him to know that the Adams girl did not have a quick end to this life.

"Hale, once the scene is cleared we're going to take a trip to the clubhouse, i know you don't like the club but we have had 2 girls go missing in 2 weeks. Lorrie was the first found but i don't hold out much hope for the other after seeing this."

For once putting his animosity to the bikers aside i nod my head.

Heading to the car i take a quick look back and pray that whoever did this that we catch them soon.