A/N: Here's my new story She's Mine! as it was voted on!

This one is a super short chapter, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!

Disclaimer: I do not own FBNFH.


Chapter One

This Means War!


Shade had finally managed to ask Rein out on a date and she had accepted…but why…

"...Why is she here?" Shade motioned to Fine, Rein's twin sister, who was currently sitting next to Rein smiling smugly.

"She said she wanted to join us at the café!" Rein smiled at Shade.

It seems Rein had misunderstood what Shade had been implying when he asked her out to the café. Rein thought they would just be getting a drink as friends so when she told her sister about Shade asking her out Fine immediately jumped in and said she wanted to go too.

'There's no way I can leave him alone with my sister!' Fine thought.

And so here they were…at a café close to their school…all three of them…

"So how was Theater Class Shade?" Rein asked. Shade was in Theater Class and was one of their best actors.

"It was great! Actually our next play is soon and I'll be the lead would you-" Shade was cut off by Fine.

"Hey Rein! Rein! Doesn't this parfait look sooooo cute? We should get one!" Fine placed the opened menu in front of Rein's face and pointed at a picture of a parfait.

"It is cute! But it looks a little big…I don't think I could finish it all." Rein said.

"Let's split one Rein!" Shade said, perhaps a little louder and quicker than intended.

"Oh, that's a good idea!" Rein agreed.

"Wouldn't you rather share one with me sis?" Fine pouted.

"You probably wouldn't even leave any for Rein with the way you eat." Shade spat.

"What was that!?" Fine yelled.

"Now, now, it's okay Fine! You love parfaits so you should enjoy one completely yourself! I'll share with Shade it's okay." Rein said.

Fine slumped back in her chair while Shade smiled triumphantly.

"I'll go order!" Rein got up from her seat and went to go place their orders.

"You can go now." Shade glared at Fine.

"I don't think so." Fine glared back.

"Look, no one likes a clingy sister so just be on your way, I'll have Rein bring you your parfait home once we're done with our date." Shade said.

"Pffft, she doesn't even think this is a date." Fine giggled.

"She will once I ask her to be my girlfriend, so run along now I don't need you here ruining everything." Shade tried to shoo Fine away.

"I don't think so! She's Mine! I won't hand over my sister to anyone especially you!" Fine declared.

"That sounds like a proclamation of war…I'll show you, Rein will be my girlfriend and there's nothing a clingy sister like you will be able to do about it!" Shade said.

"Alright! Our orders should be here soon." As Rein walked back to them, Fine and Shade acted as if nothing had happened.

"So did you guys talk about anything interesting while I was gone?" Rein asked.

"Oh, just the weather…" Shade lied.