Ben 10 Villainous Harem


Co-Writer GreyKing46

We do not own these characters.


To all the reviewers: Thank you for reviewing this story. This is the end of this story, future stories are to come.

Author's Note: Happy Valentine's Day everyone, your platonic gift is a cavalcade of story updates.

It was a few years later for the Tennyson home and there have been a few things that have and haven't changed.

One thing that stayed the same was that the family was happy

Ben had risen through the ranks of the Plumbers to be one of its greatest heroes.

Turbine was promoted at her work, becoming a chef at Maison Paris.

Swift was somewhat reinstated by the Plumbers, being on a consulting status

Albedo was a 'housewife', happily keeping the house in great condition and cooking

Rojo became a mechanic. Well opened her own parts shop and helped fix vehicles

Sceles helped out in the local zoo; apparently she's good with animals.

Elena was reinstated with the Plumbers being tech support...She's currently the boss of that division.

Vicki...Well, she thought "why not make our house a castle". So she brought back the castle she made so that the family could live in it.

The kids each have stories of their own.

But first lets go over to Gwen, Hope and their children.

Their daughter, Cassie, was currently in meditation focusing on her new spells.

Their son Jason was...learning about girls.

And he took after Hope in the 'pervert' category

It wasn't his fault that his hormones were throwing themselves at him.

And when he first saw Ashley's 'new look' he genuinely confused him with a girl

Speaking of Ashley, he was living his life as a maid-boy like his mother...He was even looking for a girlfriend.

He was currently out at the mall, shopping happily

Zee was out at her mum's parts garage using some stuff for a personalised motorbike.

Penn was in his room in college, finishing off some hands on homework.

Frightwig's daughter, Mandy, a quite flexible girl who had her mother's long orange hair but her father's eyes. She was tall and thin with B-Cup breasts hidden under a modified costume that was a orange and black body suit. She was currently at the gymnasium working for her acrobatics scholarship.

Turbine's son Aiden, who looked like Ben just with black hair was working at his part time job at a garage.

And finally Swift's son Jesse, being partially Aerophibian meant that his skin was tinged with red pigments but he had his lengthy tail and retractable wings from his mother. Having his mother's black hair but his father's green eyes.

Jesse and Mandy where with Ashley, shopping together and bonding as siblings

"So...Properly a girl, right? N-not that there's anything WRONG with that." Mandy asked her half-sibling

"Yes Mandy." Ashley giggled before blushing "Well... maybe a threesome with a girl and a guy might be fun but I want to focus on a girlfriend, as I DO like girls MUCH more."

"Well...That's that then. No better place to try than a place full of strangers." Jesse commented

"Yep!" Ashley smiled, hugging them "Thanks for coming with me as well."

"Hey...what's family for?" Jesse answered

Ashley smiled, but blushed

"Come on, we've got a whole day of flirting and clothes shopping to get through." Mandy smiled

Ashley nodded, happy

As the trio walked around, Jesse was rubbing his eyes from tiredness, being honest he wanted to go check on any the new music in the CD store.

He was just dragged along by the two... Not that he minded but still

That was when he caught sight of a beautiful Kraaho girl, who was shopping on her own.

"Hey, what about her?" He asked as he pointed Ashley at her

"I...I guess...She IS cute..." Ashley blushed

"Go talk to her." Mandy smiled, egging him on

Ashley stumbled a bit as he was pushed but walked over to the girl while nervously rubbing a finger around a strand of her white hair "H... Hello?" Ashley asked her, making the Krahoo turn to him

"Hi there...You alright?" The girl asked kindly. She was a C-Cup sized girl; her hair was a natural pink and her silvery eyebrows, her pink and warm lined coat and fur-lined boots.

"Fine...I-I'm fine...I'm Ashley." Ashley introduced himself

"Kari..." She smiled looking at Ashley with her kind blue eyes

"Um...Is...Is there something on my face?" Ashley asked awkwardly

"No...No it's just...You're really cute." Kari answered

Ashley blushed even brighter; looking down at the slightly heeled boots his mother got him for his last birthday

"Um...D-Do you...Want to...Hang out...Sometime?" Ashley mumbled under his breath.

"I'm sorry?" Kari asked

"Do you want to hang out later?" Ashley blushed

"I... Yea. That sounds cool." She smiled, finding his shy submissiveness cute

"So I'll see you later?" Kari smiled

"Yeah...I'll see you later." Ashley nodded as Kari gave her number to him

She smiled, and kissed him gently on the cheek "See you babe." She winked

With that Kari left with a smile.

Ashley looked at the number and blushed happily; he had gotten a girl's number!

"Sweet!" Mandy smiled

"I...I've got a girl's number!" Ashley blushed

"Hell yeah you did." Jesse smiled

'I could be like mother!' she thought happily

"Congrats dude." Jesse patted Ashley's back

"I wonder what our parent's will say when you tell them?" Mandy smiled

"I don't know." He blushed

"Well, we can either: go home and tell them now or later." Jesse answered "I'm saying later."

"Why later?"

"Well, dad's due back from a late shift at work...I doubt he wants to be woken up after a hard day's at work." Jesse answered

"Okay." Ashley nodded

"But right now: let's go get you something good to wear for your date with Ms Kraaho." Mandy smiled

*Back at the house*

Albedo hummed as she took a pie out of the oven, blowing it gently

"Hmm...Master's going to love this when it's dinner..." Albedo smiled putting it down on the windowsill

"That he will." Victoria smiled, hugging her from behind

"Hmm...Mistress...You're awake..." Albedo purred feeling the woman who helped start this entire adventure off.

"Of course." She smiled

"Mistress..." Albedo kissed Vicki gently

"What's going on here...? Is it proper for a queen to fraternise with the staff?" Ben's voice spoke from behind them, looking slightly tired

"My King." Vicki smiled happily, kissing him

"Hmm...The pie smells great...But you two smell better..." Ben smiled

"Master, you'll make me blush." Albedo teased happily, rubbing his chest with her red painted nails teasingly

"God, you two drive me wild..." Ben smiled rubbing his trouser clad cock against Vicki's ass

"Bedroom, My King?" Vicki moaned lightly

Before he answered the door opened and some of the kids walked in

"Dad!" the kids cheered seeing him

"Later." Ben whispered "Hey guys." He smiled turning around

He hugged them all lightly, the kids getting 'too old for Daddy hugs' "So, you lot get into any trouble?"

"Nah, not really." Zee and the majority answered

"Our big "sister" got a girls number today." Mandy smiled nudging Ashley lightly

"You have a Mistress?!" Albedo gasped happily

"Mum...!" Ashley blushed "I don't..." 'Not yet at least...' He thought

Albedo grinned and dragged her away

"Oh... She's going to 'teach her how to be a good maid-boi'." Ben groaned

"Dad?" the others asked

"Oh boy..." Ben rubbed his eyes

"Do you want me to tell them My King?" Vicki asked kindly

"Please...I need a shower and a nap." Ben sighed

She nodded, kissing his cheeks as he went upstairs

As Ben walked to the bathroom, he stopped by Ashley's room and overheard the conversation he and his mother were having.

He heard about them saying things about cleaning, the best way to please them without sex, and genuine relationship stuff

Ben just smiled and headed to the shower. 'Way to go Albee...You get something right...'

He loved his family and his wives

And he loved his god children.

Despite the insanity he was living and the craziness of having former criminals, an alien vampire and a maid-boi as his lovers...He wouldn't change it.

The End

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