Hey I'm back! Took me quite a while. I decided to add a bit more to the story. It was supposed to end at the library (There's a final breaking point in the story, a real good ending no worries) but I really wanted to add a couple adventures. I'm planning to rewrite this whole story, Just for fun. Put much more detailed adventures and a crap load of emotional roller coasters. I also want to put more history in it. Of course, everyone will know the ending of the rewrite, but I think it's the journey more than the ending, right? I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. Don't worry, I did not forget, I've just been busy. Life, ya know?

Chapter 11

Chloe could feel the pain and sadness that radiated off the Doctor.

Only a couple hours ago he had lost someone, they both had lost someone special to them. She recalled the awful smell that filled the room after river fused her consciousness with the computer mainframe. The ache in her heart as everyone inside the mainframe was returned to the library at the price of Rivers life. She could remember the warmth of Donnas hand as they walked back to the Tardis. The Doctor had assured Chloe that Rivers consciousness was safe and not lost, but rather stuck inside of the library. Despite the positive look on his face, the Doctor still held an air of sadness around him.

Chloe slowly crept into the control room in the Tardis where the Doctor was leaning against the console scribbling something on a yellow post it. He looked up and gave Chloe a smile that broke Chloe's heart. He wasn't physically showing it, but the sadness filled the room.

"Doctor…" She started, but she didn't know what to say.

"Please don't". The Doctor replied. He let out a sigh and put down his pencil.

For a moment, Chloe was confused.

"You had called me…er…dad…earlier, and…" The doctor trailed off.

Chloe's cheeks flushed red. She had called him that when he was about to use himself as an organic computer, and it was a slip of the tongue.

"Just… It's okay if you want to call me that, I prefer it actually." His hands buried themselves deep in his pockets and he looked up at her over his thick glass rims.

Chloe felt a warm feeling grow in her chest. Despite the awful sadness that lingered in the air, she could feel the pulse of hope grow stronger. She walked forwards and embraced the Doctors torso. The Doctor, in turn hugged her tightly back.

Donna 'hmmm'ed' behind them. It was a sweet moment that she walked in on. She herself knew that the doctor was having a hard time and she felt joy knowing that Chloe was mending the Doctors broken hearts.

The Doctor looked up to greet Donna as she stepped into the console room and suddeny straightened himself up looking refreshed and full of life again.

"Well," He said, almost too enthusiastically, "no point moping about, we did good! Saved lots of people! Now Chloe, where would you like to go? We can go to the shores of Ba'lero, or to the bustling city of Geu R'rrrrro where they have the most diverse market in the universe! Or Barcelona –"

"Dad?" Chloe cut him off. She felt a bit awkward calling him that but it made her heart surge at the same time.

The Doctor had started dancing around the console as he was talking, but stopped and looked over at Chloe with raised eyebrows and hope gleaming in his slightly red eyes.

"I want to go somewhere where I can practice thinking." Chloe looked down at the grating on the floor before glancing back up at The Doctor. "Somewhere quiet maybe."

Chloe didn't think she could take she could take any more adventure if it was this heartbreaking, and somehow she felt that The Doctor would understand.

There was a brief moment where no one moved when suddenly The Doctors face lit up and he grinned hugely. "Oh! I know just the place Chloe! You'll love them, absolutely love them!". He danced around the console once again pulling more levers and plugging in new coordinates into his key pad.

"Met them not long ago actually!"

The Tardis shook violently, trembled, then gave a gentle relaxing groan.

The Doctor gave an excited pat on Chloe's shoulder indicating that she could go see where they landed. She didn't realize just how tightly she was gripping the railing until she let go to move to the door.

When she opened the door, she saw SNOW! Amazing snow!

Chloe had never seen real snow before. She launched herself outside the Tardis doors and immediately sank a good 30 centimeters. The drop caught her off guard and she flailed her arms about to stay standing but failed and ended up falling shoulder first into the frozen white ice.

"Its COLD!" Chloe wailed back at The Doctor who had stopped right at the Tardis doors to watch.

He let out a happy chuckle before moving aside for Donna who had the right mind to put on a jacket, and who was carrying a smaller jacket for Chloe.

"Oi! Com'on, put this on, don't want you catchin any alien flu."

She hoisted Chloe up out of the snow and brushed her off with vigor before helping her put on the jacket.

She was already slightly damp as Donna was slipping on the coat.

Out of the corner of Chloe's eye she saw someone, or something, head towards them.

Then, softly at first but entirely recognizable, was singing. Chloe looked over at the thing walking towards them, and then back to The Doctor. He had a rather large smile on his face as he looked out at the creature…or person?

"Are…is that person singing?" Chloe asked The Doctor.

"Good, you can hear them, that's good." He stepped out of the Tardis and didn't sink half as deep as Chloe. "Yes, They are some good friends of mine, sing all the time."

"Singin?" Asked Donna. "What singing?"

Donna looked over to the creature headed their way. "That not… That's not an Ood, Is it?"

"Yep!" The Doctor stopped next to Donna and Chloe. "Hello!" he called out to the creature walking to them.

Chloe could see why she was confused before. This person LOOKED like a person, but had an octopus for a head. The singing got louder.

"Doctor". The Ood greeted.

Short, sorry, To be continued … :D