Revamp time. Major thanks to everyone who still follows me. I owe a lot to . I'm not actually coming back- but I felt inspired by a couple of reviews I recently received.


She didn't know what to make of her new boss.

He seemed to be one of those high handed guys who had girls falling at his feet- in fact, he was surprised when she didn't come in dressed like all of the others vying to be his secretary + assistant. Her job was to make sure no weirdos got through to her boss, and to help out with pretty much anything around the office. She was there for the pay- it would definitely cover rent and pay off her student loans.

She didn't know what was so great about him. Long, silky hair aside, he was short- barely taller than her. He was lean and packed with muscle. Her boss had plenty going for him in the looks department.

She could see that he was physically very appealing. And his voice. Like silk sliding over a sword. Like a sinfully decadent chocolate cheesecake melting in her mouth. It was dangerous.

Besides his overall hotness, perhaps girls flocked to him because he had a nice personality? Or the money. Definitely the money.

When she had walked in, interviews were being conducted on a first come-first serve basis. Everyone had been recommended and prescreened with background checks. She had been surprised at the amount of beautiful women in expensive clothes.

Well, some of them weren't really wearing clothes. But then again, this is a super-rich hot guy.

Also surprising- his face had sort of… brightened when he saw her professionally dressed and wearing actual clothes. It was a nice feeling. As she sat down, he barely even glanced at her resume and pronounced her his new secretary.

"Welcome to the company, Kamiya-san. If you'll just give me a moment…"

He headed to the door, stuck his head out and yelled out for everyone to go home. The screeches from the other women in protest were loud and clear.

Kaoru gulped. What sort of person was he going to be?


Back to her original point. The man was simply infuriating! He had hired her on the spot, without looking to see if she was qualified (she was, but that's hardly the point). He insisted on being so informal- he wanted her to call him by his first name! Without a Mr.!

He was exasperating. All she did was type up notes from board meetings, file papers, sometimes retrieve them from the archives. She brought coffee and scheduled appointments. With a typing speed of 94 WPM, she had all the time in the world.

From the way her boss acted and constantly hung around her, so did he.

Never inappropriate, always smiling and almost always polite (sometimes his eyes flashed when a particularly incompetent person came through his office), Kaoru simply didn't know what to make of him.

Of course, she had only been here for three weeks and was only just getting used to everything. The grandmotherly secretary who had been here before her had declared her finished with her training and had retired.

What was she to do?