I am so sorry for the late update, my life got pretty busy and it didn't help that I lost all my notes and drafts for this story and had to start over again. But anyway, thank you all for the reviews and to everyone that is following/favourite this story it means a lot to me. Anyway here is a new chapter for you all. Also thank you to those who shared their ideas to the questions I left at the bottom of chapter 2. They were all interesting and I may be able to work with in future.
A/N: This story is rated M for language, mature content, violence, dark themes and situations and other themes and situations in the future.
Have no beta so all mistakes are all mine. English isn't my strong point.
Disclaimer; I don't own any rights or anything related to Twilight, Suicide squad and DC comic or the characters. Twilight/Suicide Squad crossover. DC comic's world will be included. Other characters will be used for both worlds. All characters will be very OOC from both worlds.
Pairings: Bella Swan/Harley Quinn/The Joker. Future pairings of other characters TBC
Chapter three
Mid-morning Bella pulled the car to a stop that looked over a lake that she had come across in the town she was driving through. Bella had been driving pretty much nonstop for the last few days and she decide that she needed a break for a while and thought that the lake would be a good place to stop for a while. Bella was exhausted; she was frustrated with herself as she had no plan of action. She didn't know where to go, who to talk too. She sure as hell didn't know who to trust. She looked down at the disposable phone that was out and on the passenger's seat. She knew that she had to make the call she was scared of making but the truth was her mother deserved to know that she was alive and doing well, even if she didn't know the truth.
Bella sighed and picked up the phone. She took a couple of deep breaths in order to calm her nerves. She switched on the phone and dialled the number she knew by heart.
Bella continued to calm her nerves as waited for her mother to answer the phone.
"Hello," a feminine voice answered after the sixth ring.
Bella took a deep breath, "Hi mom,"
"Bella is that you? Are you ok? Where are you? Are you safe?" Renee answered in a panicked voice down the phone.
"Yeah mom, it's me. I'm ok and I'm safe." Bella said calmly hoping she would calm her mother down. Bella was grateful to hear mom's voice and didn't release until now how much she truly missed her.
"Thank god you are okay. I've been so worried about you I haven't heard from you in over a month." Renee answered. Bella could hear the relief in her mother's tone of voice.
Bella sighed, "I know mom, and I didn't mean to take this long to contact you."
"Bella, I will admit that I am very disappointed that you took this long to ring me. Anything could have happened and I wouldn't have known about it." Renee said before sighing, "But I am relieve and just so happy to hear from you."
"I am sorry that I didn't get in touch with you a lot earlier and I understand that were upset with me. I'll try not to do it again."
"That's all I ask. What have you been this whole month anyway?"
"Just been doing some traveling, taking in the sights that America has to offer."
"That is what I thought you were doing. When Charlie rung me and informed that you had taken off I had told that you probably just wanted to do some traveling. I will be honest he really didn't like that answer, he said that it wasn't something you would do."
Bella started to slightly panic when she heard that Charlie had been in contact with Renee. Bella wondered what her now ex father had told her Renee. Bella no longer saw Charlie as her father after what had happened in Forks.
"You've heard from Charlie?" Bella said as she kept the tone of disgusted from her voice.
"Of course I have. He is your father after all." Bella held back the snort of disgusted when Renee said that. Bella didn't want anything with that man.
Renee continued, "He wanted me to know that you had left Forks and didn't leave any information about where you heading or what you were doing. He calls here very few days to see if I had heard from you at all. He's very worried about you. You should probably call him to let him know that you are okay."
Bella cringed at the thought of talking to him; there was no way she was going to. It wouldn't a pretty conversation anyway. Bella thought it was best that she avoided it.
"It was irresponsible on my half. I should have left a noted or called you about what I was doing. It was a last minute decision and I really didn't have plan and it slipped my mind, all I could think about was getting away for a while. I am truly sorry though." Bella answered.
"It really was foolish of you not to let us know. It was really out of character for you to make this kind of decision without talking to one of us."
"I know mom, I just felt like getting away from Forks."
"I don't understand why though. You had never mentioned about doing some sightseeing to me before." Renee asked
Bella had made decision not inform her mother about the real reason as to why she left Forks. She didn't want to drag her mother in it too; also she wasn't sure if her mother was in on it too.
Bella sighed, "As I said it was a last minute decision but also I felt that after the year I had, it was best for me to leave for some time."
"Yeah I guess you right especially after what you went through it was probably for the best that you left. I know Forks held many memories for you both the good and the bad."
Bella sighed in relief she was grateful that Renee could understand her reasoning for leaving so quickly without her know the real reason.
"Yeah I do, so can see why I had to leave."
"I do, I do see why. Do you know what you are planning to do now or where you are heading?"
"I haven't got a clue as to what I am planning to do or even where I am heading to."
"What about college Bella? You should really attend a college." Renee asked
"I do plan to go to college mom, I just don't know when and what college I would like to go to."
"Alright, as long as you are going to attend one at some point and you will let me once you have decided."
"Of course, mom."
"Good. Are you ok with money though? Did you need anything?"
"I'm fine with money mom, and when I do run out I will find a job to earn money and no I don't need anything at this stage."
"I am just so glad that you are okay. You are being safe aren't you?"
"Yes mom I am being safe." Bella replied rolling her eyes.
"That's good to hear, so what are you planning to do now."
"I'm not sure I might take a couple days to rest before I hit the road again. Just need to decide where to head."
"Letting the open road guide you then?" Renee chuckled.
"Pretty much," Bella smiled and lightly laughed with her mom.
"Alright than, I'll let you go and rest but please don't take so long to contact me and to keep me updated. I don't want to worry about you."
"I will mom; I will try and contact you next week if I can." Bella told her
"I would like that. Love you and be safe." Renee replied sounding happy.
"Love you too, Bye." Bella said sadly
"Bye and be safe." Renee said before hanging up the phone.
Bella sighed as she switched the phone off again. She hated lying to her mother but it was for the best and to keep her safe. Bella believed that she didn't know what the real reason as to her leaving. She wasn't surprised that Charlie didn't tell her. She was sure Renee would be upset and furious as to the Charlie was treating his daughter. She didn't know what Charlie and Jacob were capable of doing if other people knew the truth and she didn't want Renee in danger again.
Bella knew that Renee would be contacting Charlie right now that she had just spoken to her. Bella knew that Charlie would be doing everything possible to find her and force her back to Forks. Jacob would also be looking for her too unless Sam commanded him not to. But how long would that last for? How long would it be until Jacob snapped and ignored the command and start trying to chase her down? Bella knew that she was in danger now, and that she had to ditch the car. She was positive that Charlie would have traced her truck to the car yard on Seattle and most likely had her current cars details. She had to get a new car and get off the road as soon as possible but where would she go, where she could blend in and hide in plain sight. She needed to hide in a big city but which one. She needed to get to a public library so she could use the computers there so she could research and find somewhere for her to hide and hopefully find someone that could help her with new ID.
'It wasn't much of a plan but it was a start.' Bella thought to herself as she started up the engine of the car so she could head back into the town she just drove through in search of a car yard that sold cheap cars.
Later that same day in Forks,
Leah's life had been completely turned upside down in the last year. It all started when she lost her fiancee, the man that she thought was deeply in love with her like she was with him but that wasn't the case. Had disappeared for a few weeks which had concerned her greatly but when Sam returned he had pulled Leah aside and told her that he didn't want to marry but also that he didn't want to be in a relationship with her anymore. Sam told her he no longer had any romanced feelings for her and it was for the best that they went their different ways. Leah was devastated and demanded to know why the sudden change. The only reply she got for him is that she wasn't right one for him. Leah wanted to know what he meant she wasn't right one for him, but Sam refused to go into detail with her and just walked away. It wasn't until a few days later after he had broken up with her that she find out that Sam been cheating on her with her own cousin Emily.
Leah could not believe that her own cousin had done that to her with the man Leah had thought was the one and were going to spend the rest of their lives together. Leah was deeply cut by their betrayal and to make matters worse is that the whole family including her parents supported Sam and Emily being together. It wasn't just her family that supported the new couple but the whole tribe.
Her own father had told her that their relationship was good for the tribe just like everyone else thought.
'Hello…what about me, your daughter, I'm the one they betrayed and dumped?" Leah wanted to scream at her father when he had told her this.
That hurt Leah the most, to know that her own family supported Sam and Emily being together, but why did everyone believe that them being a couple was good for the tribe. It was like they knew something that she didn't. That they were keeping a deep dark secret from her.
It was until two months ago that she got her answers when she shifted into a grey wolf. The council members and anyone who knew the tribes secrets where completely surprised including herself. They couldn't understand how Leah could shift since she was a female the tribe has always had male shifters only, how was it possible? Their history books held no information about female shifters. They were all stumped as to why Leah had shifted. After Leah had shifted she learnt the real reason as to why Sam broke up with her and ended up with her cousin. It was all because Sam had imprinted on Emily after Sam had shifted for the first time. Imprinting is basically finding their soulmate and that they were fated to be with each other. When Leah saw the imprinting through the pack mind she was made to understand that there wasn't any way to stop it or fight it. The imprint wouldn't allow it and that it wasn't Sam's or Emily fault. Just because Leah understood it didn't mean that she liked it.
With her being a wolf now has caused more problems than she had before she shifted especially within the pack. None of the others liked Leah being in the pack. Some went as far as thinking that she was an abomination to the pack, that the wolf gene was only meant for the males of the tribe not females.
Leah had heard most of them think through the pack mind every time she shifted into wolf form. It truly sickened her every time she heard them think this. It had gotten to the point where she would try and avoid shifting. It got to the point where they have all shunned Leah because she is female and didn't help that Sam didn't stop this behavior since he was the Alpha of the pack.
The behavior of the pack has gotten worse over the last few weeks especially Jacob. They had all seen what happened to Jacob after he attacked and tried to rape Bella. Leah supported Bella and what she did to Jacob and told him she would have done the same if she had been in Bella's shoes. Of course that statement didn't sit well with Jacob nor did it with others of the pack that supported Jacob. It made Leah sick to her stomach that they all encouraged and supported his behavior.
Now that Bella has disappeared and with no one knowing where she has gone it has made Jacob extremely uncontrollable. It didn't help that every time he shifted his thoughts were disturbing and disgusting. Leah made a point never to shift when Jacob was in wolf form in order to avoid listening to his thoughts. What she had seen made her sick. He had the mind of a rapist, a monster, and all the others all agreed and supported him. At times she wished she knew all this before Bella had left because she would have left with her.
It was late afternoon as Leah walked through the woods, she needed to get away and clear her head. She sat down on a fallen log. She sat there for a few minutes until she caught several scents that had blown in her face. She immediately knew those scents and wondered why they were in the woods as well. She decided to track the scents to where they had come from. It wasn't long until she heard voices coming from further up. She stopped where she was hoping that they wouldn't hear her. She was grateful that the wind was blowing the other way so they couldn't pick up her scent.
She stood quietly in between the trees listening to the conversation that was taking place further up.
"Why did you ask us to meet you out here Jake?" Sam's voice asked
"So no one could hear us." Jake's voice drifted down to Leah.
"Ok, so what did you want to talk about that was so important that we had to do out here away from the tribe?" Sam asked
"I would like your permission to leave the Reservation and go hunt down Bella and return her to the tribe. It's been too long."
Leah gritted her teeth, she knew that Jacob was desperate to find Bella and bring her back.
"I know Jake and I agree with you, Bella needs to be found and brought back to the Reservation where she belongs. She is important to the tribe." Sam answered.
"Are we sure she is important to the tribe? We all know that she is no longer fully human and we have no idea what she is now." Jared voice asked
"That may be true that we don't know what she is but she's still important to the tribe. Bella will be a great asset to the tribe. Anyway once Jake claims Bella she will have no choice but to obey him and the rest of us no matter what she is." Sam replied with a hint of his Alpha tone coming through.
Leah shivered she didn't like the idea of Bella being forced to do something against her will. And she knew what Jacob would do to Bella once he had found her.
"So do I have your permission to go and find her?" Jacob asked, Leah could the smug tone in his voice knowing that Sam would agree with him.
"I will talk to the elders tonight and give you the answer afterwards." Sam said
"Thank you Sam. I would like to leave as soon as possible." Jacob said
"Was there anything else you wanted to talk about because you wouldn't have asked us to meet out here if you were only asking for permission to find Bella?" Sam asked
"It's about Leah. I think I have a solution to deal with her." Jacob said.
Leah paled quickly when she heard this. She was scared and worried about what idea Jacob has come up with. With the way his mind works lately it is bound not to be good.
"Ok Jake, what is your solution to deal with Leah?"
"Well, what you need to do is put Leah in her place; teach her a lesson and what her position is in the pack." Jake said
"Mm and now would I do that? What is her place in the pack going to be?"
Jacob grinned, "Make her the pack's bitch, dominated her until she knows what her place is within the pack. A sex slave and toy for us to play with, to satisfy our desires. She is abomination to the pack and tribe this is properly the only thing she is useful for." Jacob told the pack.
Once Jacob had finished speaking the clearing was full silence. Leah paled in fear; she couldn't believe what Jacob had just suggested. She felt horrified and disgusted, she didn't want to become the pack's bitch, she just prayed that Sam and the rest pack don't agree. She could hear the heavy breathing of others as they all process Jacob's idea.
"I think it would a great fucking idea. I need a good fuck and I bet she's tight as hell. I am so down for this idea. Maybe that is why she shifted, to be the packs bitch." Paul agreed to Jacob.
Leah felt her stomach drop even further as she heard Paul's vile words come out of his mouth.
"Your idea does have merit and seeing none of the others have imprints, and we all have needs that need satisfying. And Paul maybe right, maybe that is why Leah shifted to be the pack's bitch." Sam agreed.
Tears leaked out of Leah's eyes. She was horrified that Sam was basically agreeing with Jake's idea. The she man she had loved was gone, she didn't recognize the man before her, he had changed and she didn't know how it was possible. The man she was with before he shifted would never agree with such an idea, actually none of them would. What happened to all of them? Did they all change because of shifting or because Jacobs mind poisoned them? Leah drowned out the rest of the conversation she didn't want to her the rest of the pack agreeing to Jacob's revolting idea. She had to come up with a plan. She knew she couldn't go the elders as none of them would support her including her own father. She knew how they all felt about her; she had seen the repulsive looks they had given her at every council meeting. They would more likely agree to Jacobs idea seeing as he is the rightful Alpha not Sam.
She had to run, and get far away from the Reservation as fast as possible but how? She can't leave in wolf form, Sam would order her to come back and tie her to the pack more tightly than before. That would mean she had to leave by car and sooner the better. Leah could hear the pack had finished talking and making their way out of the forest. Leah slowly creped backwards the way she came. She didn't want to alert the others that she was there. Once she knew she was at a safe distance she bolted out of the forest and made her to the house.
A few minutes later she arrived at the house to find it completely deserted which she was happy about. She went up to her bedroom, she took a deep breath to try and calm herself down and get her emotions under control. She had been surprised with how her emotions were that she didn't shift but she was grateful that she hadn't. Once she had a better hold on her emotions she went to her closet and grabbed her back pack. She couldn't take much with her, like she wanted to but all she cared about was getting out of there. She made sure she had her ID and passport just in case. She went to her dresser and grabbed her secret stash of money that she had been saving. She had a few hundred dollars saved up she knew it wasn't enough but it was a start. She may have to find a job once she knew she was safe.
She put a few sets of clothing, her money and ID in her backpack and left her room and went down stairs. Went to the kitchen and grabbed some food and a couple bottles of water, to last her until she could go shopping. She couldn't hear anyone coming from the distance which was good for her. She grabbed her car keys and went to her car. She threw her bag in and jumped into the driver's seat. Leah allowed the tears to run down her cheeks as she drove away from the house, knowing that this would the last time that she would see it. There was no way she would return.
Leah had been driving for the last few hours, she had decided to head north to either Alaska or Canada she just didn't know which yet. Leah had thought about going to find Bella but she had no idea where to look, she could be anywhere. If Charlie and Jacob couldn't find her, than she had no chance of finding her. Leah decided that once she knew she was safe from the pack and had set up somewhere she would search for Bella, if it was only to see if she was alive and well.
Leah pulled into a clearing on the side of the road as her car was almost empty of petrol. She had decided on the way the she wouldn't full her car up and just drive it until it ran out so she could ditch the car and go on foot or hitchhike. Leah grabbed her bag and a blanket that she keep in the car and got out of her car. She left the car keys in the car and closed the door. She didn't care to what happened to the car as it had been a gift from her parents and she didn't want it anymore. She walked back to the road which was quiet and walked along the side of the road in the dark continuing up north.
Leah had been walking for the last few hours, she looked down at her watch and could see that it was almost ten pm, her body was tired and she knew she had to stop and rest for a bit before she continued on her trip. Leah wasn't looking forward to sleeping in the woods, she would have preferred a nice bed but she hadn't come across a town yet nor a motel since leaving her car. Leah sighed she hoped it was only for the one night. She walked into the woods that surround both sides of the road. She walked around for a few minutes looking for somewhere she could sleep and still be closed to the road. She found a small clearing between some trees that would do for the night. She sat down; she wrapped the blanket around her and opened her bag. She grabbed a bottle of water and something to eat. The food she had wasn't enough to full her up with and would have to make what she had last until she could get to a store to buy some. Once she had finished she placed her bag on the ground and laid her head on so she could use it as a pillow. Leah allowed herself to cry as she thought about everything she had lost. She had no family, no home, no friends she had nothing. She was alone with no idea about what she should do.
Leah had cried herself to sleep to only be woken up sometime later when she cried out in pain. The pain was excruciating, it felt like her whole body was on fire, that someone invisible was crushing her bones. Her body felt like it was being pulled in the direction she came from. She wanted to scream out in pain but she couldn't, somehow an invisible cord had wrapped itself around Leah throat cutting off her air supply and to stop her from screaming. Leah couldn't make sense of it as she tried removing the invisible cord with her hands. She gulped in as much air as she could as the cord slowly tightened around her throat. Her hands scraped her neck as she tries removing the cord that she couldn't feel with her hands. Tears leaked from her eyes as she continued to struggle, her body started to shake like she was going to shift.
Someone or something was trying to force her to shift. Leah didn't want to shift that would allow Sam to know where she were her location was.
Sam. could he be doing this to her? Could an Alpha really have that much power over their pack? Could it be the bonds that connect the wolf to the pack that he could he using on her?
"Submit to me and return home. NOW!" the voice commanded in her mind.
With that sentence Leah knew that it was Sam, he was using the bonds to force her to come home. Her wolf struggled against the command; it didn't want to obey the command.
"No, I won't." Leah's inner wolf growled out
The Alpha wolf snarled in Leah's head, "You will do as I command, that is an Alpha order."
"I won't obey you." Leah growled out.
"As alpha I COMMAND you to return to the pack NOW." The Alpha growled out louder.
The weight of the command got stronger. Leah could feel herself submitting to the Alpha.
"I won't return to the pack. I want to be free of your vile, disgusting pack. You are a disgrace to the wolf spirits."
The Alpha growled menacing, "You are the one that is a disgrace to the pack and the tribe, and once I have claimed your flesh you will learn your place in this pack. NOW SUBMIT TO ME BITCH."
"I WILL NOT SUBMIT TO YOU. YOU ARE NOT MY ALPHA." Leah roared in her mind at the Alpha as she continued to fight against the bond which was starting to weaken.
Leah knew that the bond was starting break as she continued to fight it, "I will never SUBMIT to you. I am my own wolf."
"This cannot be happening I am Alpha and you have to obey Me." the weakened voice of the Alpha. Leah knew she was about to break to the bond to Sam and the others.
"YOU are NOT my Alpha and you will never be again. Go to hell you bastard." Leah shouted at the Alpha, Leah knew she had won as she felt the bond snapped, the Alpha no longer had any control over her. Her wolf was a lot stronger than Sam's now. It was like Leah had become the Alpha now.
"NO… when I find you, I will kill you." Sam's voiced drifted away as the bond broke.
The pain Leah had been going through stopped once the bond broke. The cord that was around her neck vanished and she could breathe properly again. She couldn't believe it she had just fought Sam with the pack's bond and actually won against the Alpha. She was free of the pack. She could now shift without the pack knowing where she was through the pack mind. But she knew that Sam would order one of the boys from the pack to try and hunt her down. She knew that Sam would want her dead now not alive. She needed to leave the area immediately she had been there too long. She didn't know if Sam was able to get her location through the bond or not and she wasn't going to risk it by staying where she was.
Leah quickly decided that she wouldn't shift just yet but to wait a few days just on the safe side. She packed up her things and continued on her journey. Hopefully she will be able to find somewhere to stay for a while and start her new life in peace.
The next morning in Forks.
It was early the next morning, by now everyone in on the secret knows that Leah has left and has disappeared. The elders were worried about how Leah was able to break the pack bond and disobeyed Sam who was Alpha. They had spent the night going over the tribe's records to see if they were able to provide an answer to how it was done. A storm had rolled in overnight. The wind howled around the hall, they all could hear the thunder that was right above them, the lighting flashed brightly outside around them. Some of the elder tribe members believed that the spirits are angry with them and with Leah. That the storm was their way showing their displeasure of the wolf pack. Some feared that the storm would continue until Leah was brought back to the pack or that she was killed for disgracing the tribe.
Sam was still shaken by how powerful Leah was in order to break the pack bond. He had never felt such power and it shook him to the core. He worried that one of the boys from the pack might be able to break away the same way as Leah did and that scared him. He was leader the Alpha and no one should have the ability to break away. His inner wolf was furious and wanted to hunt the bitch down and teach her a lesson, that he was the alpha and no one could break away from the pack. He was going to kill Leah if she didn't resubmit to the pack. A slow, painful death.
Sam watched as Jacob mutter to himself quietly in the corner away from everyone else. He couldn't hear what he was saying but he had fair idea what he could be saying. Sam knew that that he was angry. He had been given permission from the elders that he could leave the reservation to try and locate Bella but that was before they realized that Leah had left. When the elders learnt that Leah had left they rescinded their permission until Leah was brought back. They didn't want to short of anymore wolves especially since the tribe would be left unprotected.
Jacob didn't take their decision to well, he has been furious since he was told. Everyone had been keeping clear of him knowing that he was dangerous at the present time and no one was able to calm him down. He should be out there looking for Bella, he didn't care that Leah was able to pull away from the tribe. Good riddance, the pack and the tribe are better off without her. But no the others didn't see this as a good thing, they want her brought back to face punishment for disobeying the Alpha.
Jacob was about to head over to the elders and ask them to reconsider their decision and allow him to leave, when his phone started ringing.
"Hello," Jacob answered without looking at the caller ID.
"Jake, its Charlie."
"Hey Charlie, what can I do for you?" Jacob asked wondering why the Chief of police was ringing him.
"I just wanted to tell you that Renee called me yesterday to inform me that she had spoken to Bella." Charlie said over the phone
"She spoke to Bella? Did she say where she was?" Jacob asked quickly. He wanted to know if Bella had told her mother about where she was.
Jacob heard Charlie sigh over the phone, "Yeah she spoke to Bella yesterday, but sadly Bella didn't slip of her location to her mother."
Jacob growled not happy with that answer, "Are you serious?"
"Yeah I am. Renee tried to get Bella to tell her but she wouldn't."
"Sounds like Bella was being careful." Jacob replied as he started to pace in a circle.
"It does and it really doesn't surprise me. Renee did say that she should get a phone call from Bella next week sometime so hopefully she may get a location."
"I don't think I can sit around for another week on the off chance we get a location, I should be out there looking for her now. We both know Bella won't tell her mother where she is." Jacob told him
"I thought you were planning to ask for permission to leave."
"I did get permission to leave but they withdrew it once they learnt Leah had left."
"Leah has disappeared?" Charlie asked in concern.
"Yeah and no one knows where she is." Jacob replied still angry at Leah, it was her fault that he can't leave.
Charlie hummed before answering, "What is everyone planning to do? Do her parents want to file a missing persons report?"
"Not sure at this stage. I think there were talks about organizing a search party but that's about all, I doubt her parents want to head in the direction of filing a missing persons report just yet."
"Well, Leah is an adult so it might for the best that they wait a week or so before they file it just to see what happens. She may be back in a few days." Charlie replied.
Jacob doubt that Leah would return to the tribe, "Yeah properly."
"OK, so what are you planning to do now?"
"I am going to see if I can get them to reconsider allowing me to leave."
"Alright, let me know how that goes."
"Will do Charlie, also thanks for updating me."
"All good kid, catch up with you later." Charlie said down the phone.
"Talk to you later," Jacob said hanging up the phone
Jacob pocketed his phone before looking over to the elders. He squared his shoulders, took a deep breath and made his way over to the elders, he was going to ask again and hopefully get them to reconsider and allow him to leave if not he will have to come with a plan that would allow him to.
AN: that's it for this chapter, I apologize that there was no Joker and Harley in this chapter but they will be in the next one. Just need to get this one out. Maybe next chapter Bella will get to meet the King and Queen of Gotham?
Now Leah does have a big part to play in this story so this won't be the last that we see of her.
Who do you think Leah should imprint on?
Now the Cullen's won't make appearance for some time but then again that could change as the story gets further along.
I have no plans made yet to bring in the Volturi but doesn't mean that I could change that. There will be another coven that will be in this story though. Any guess who?
Please review and let me know what you think?
Once again I do realize that all the characters are very OOC in this story, but for now that is how I want the characters, I wanted to show different sides of them.
I would love to know what you think about these questions. I am opened to any ideas and suggestions. So Please leave a review, feedback or any ideas are welcomed but please no story hating or flames.