True Hanna Friendship Chapter 4

The next morning, Zoe had a phone call from Nick to say that she needed to come into work because they were under staffed, yet again.

"Linda, you awake?", Zoe come into their room where her friend was lying,

"I wasn't until you came in", Linda said sarcastically,

"Sorry, are you going to be alright, for a few hours, I shouldn't be too long", Zoe said, smiling at her friend,

"Yeah, I should be, I don't feel like getting up yet", Linda said, lying back down and closing her eyes,

"Hey, that's fine, don't worry about it", Zoe smiled and put her hand on Linda's arm.

Zoe left for work leaving Linda to rest and headed into work, she decided to walk today because it was a lovely morning.

"Moring Nick, where do you want me, if we're so under-staffed", Zoe said, looking confused considering there was no-one in reception and no breaches,

"Resus please, and we have had a big incoming, apparently there has been a fire at a local School", Nick said in management mode,

"OK, right I'm in charge today, so can I have Tess and Kirsty with me please and Lenny, you can help me too, just don't try and kill anyone", Zoe instructed the team while walking into resus where the first patient was needing attention

Back at Zoe's house, Linda was resting and was content, until her mobile rang,

"Hello Zoe", Linda answered, eye closed,

"It's your sister, and I hope you're not with Zoe", Denise was on the other end of the phone,

"Denise, I can't talk right now", Linda was shocked,

"Yes you can, because Britney and Joe are involved in a fire, and I caused it", Denise informed Linda.

Linda was speechless, she got dressed, "Where are they now Denise?",

"Don't know, but they are sending a team, your friends", Denise sounded smirky.

Zoe hadn't taken her car, so Linda drove herself to work, she had no idea what had happened to her family, and knew something was up with her sister. All this time, Zoe was working in resus and had not yet had a break, but she was due one soon.

Denise was waiting outside ED, thinking Linda might come there first, properly to find Zoe,

"Denise, leave and get out my way", Linda came over and ran passed Denise, who stopped Linda,

Denise then decided to hit Linda in the face, "They don't need you as their parents,

"And you think that they need a mum who hurts her sister", Linda shouted, Denise calmed down, but was not leaving,

Linda went in ED and towards the staff room. She entered the staff room and stuck the kettle on, leaning on the edge of the work-surface by the sink, tears in her eyes,

"Linda, what you doing here?", Zoe walked in with an empty mug in her hand, shocked to see her friend at work,

"Hey", Linda said, turned from Zoe, as not for her to notice the red mark on her face,

"How come you have my car keys?", Zoe saw them on the side, by the kettle,

"I…..", Linda was not sure what to say,

"Linda, don't tell me you have driven my car into work?", Zoe looked at Linda as is she was a naughty school girl,

"I Didn't mean to", Linda looked worried,

"Linda, is everything alright, has something happened?", even Zoe was confused now,

Linda just stood there and cried, her head in her hands, Zoe saw something was up and wasn't going or leaving her friend until something was found out and sorted,

Zoe sat Linda down and got her a cup of water, they sat down on the staff room sofas, Zoe determined to work out what was wrong,

"What has happened, otherwise you wouldn't be crying would you", Zoe was the first to speak,

"I was sleeping and then my phone rang and I thought It was you", Linda said, looking disappointed,

"Who called you? because it wasn't me", Zoe smiled at what she had said, but this made Linda cry more

"Come on, you can tell me Linda", Zoe held Linda's hand,

"I was fine until Denise phone", Linda managed to say under the tears,

"Denise!". There was a pause from Zoe and then Linda turned,

"Linda, what's happened here?", Zoe said seeing the mark on her friends face,

"Denise", Linda said, crying again,

"OK, alright, I'll sort things out but first I need to look at that cheek", Zoe said standing up,

"NO, I want to stay here, with you, just a little longer. Please", Linda said, looking up at Zoe,

"OK, that's fine, come here, friends forever. It'll be fine, I promise", Zoe said, hugging her best friend tight, allowing Linda to be in control of the situation.

Zoe and Linda sat there, Zoe holding onto her friend, who couldn't stop crying,

Linda was crying hard, a little breathless,

"Linda, listen to me, calm down for me, and don't worry about anything at the moment", Zoe soothed her friend, rubbing her back,

"What if it happens again", Linda sobbed,

"Then you tell me", Zoe cared, and hugged her friend, letting her cry her worry out,

"OK, thank you Zoe", Linda had calmed down and was able to concentrate on her friend more.

"It's OK, just makes sure you let me help you. Come on, let's go and get you something to eat and see to that cheek of yours", Zoe sad holding Linda's hand and they walked off together hand in hand, leaving the staff room. Hanna and Andrews went in the direction of the café and cubicles but were interpreted by someone. What were the girls going to do?