Thanks for the review snipps0415!
Warning: just reminding you guys ... 18+!
Aomine panted as he finally reached his home after running for what seemed like hours. His mind was still going over the events of the evening at Kagami's house after the meeting. He couldn't understand why his body reacted the way it had, hell he had even blushed because of Kagami.. a guy. Aomine quickly locked up his front door before walking into the kitchen and grabbing his favorite type of alcohol downing it fast so he could forget about what happened.
It didn't take long before he was completely drunk and having a good time again with himself watching a comedy show on the television. It was a nice way for him to ignore the things that were rushing through his mind over and over not allowing him to have any rest. A few hours went by without much occurring before Aomine fell asleep on the couch in a groggy way. His body was way too tall to sleep on his small couch, it was very uncomfortable but being drunk like he was he couldn't get himself up and to his bedroom.
Daiki had hoped that after fogging up his mind with some booze he would have no trouble having a good long sleep before the next day would come, but he was terribly mistaken as he was haunted by nightmares all through the night. And it wasn't a surprise to find out that they were all about a certain red-haired man. The dreams ranged from Kagami chasing after him to having sweaty, pleasurable sex with his boss. It woke him up a couple times when it was still dark and each time Aomine would wake up having a cold sweat and a body part having achingly hardened.
Aomine grunted after being awake for an hour or so unable to catch any more sleep. Kagami was still on his mind and preventing him from getting the much needed rest. How was he ever going to live through another day at the office? He sighed swinging himself out of bed and grabbing a new set of clothes to wear today before having a cold shower to calm his body down. His mind was still foggy and banging from the amount of alcohol he had taken in not too long ago. Unfortunately it didn't help on forgetting the images from last night. The cold shower helped a little bit on clearing himself out as he then got dressed for his work. He was not looking forward to seeing Kagami again.
It was a great surprise to Aomine that Kagami ignored him completely throughout the entire day at the office. Not even as much as once did Kagami look his way or talk to him. He wasn't even acknowledged when he brought in coffee three times during the rounds of that day. On one hand it was a great relief to Aomine not having to talk to his boss or discuss what happened the other day, but on the other hand it irritated him. Kagami had the nerve to do what he did to him and then pretend like he didn't exist the next day. Aomine was getting fed up with this and it clearly showed in his demeanor. By the end of the day he grabbed his things and stormed out of the coffee room slamming the door shut behind him. At that time Kagami just exited his office seeing a very angry blue head storming towards the elevators to go home. Kagami chuckled to himself amused to see that everything was going according to his little plan. He had, of course, on purpose ignored the young boy today. If it worked he knew that Aomine would crave him more and more, which was exactly what he was aiming for.
The next few days went by in the exact same manner. Aomine worked at Kagami's company and brought everyone their coffee, he would fall asleep most of the time during his break hours, Kagami ignored him completely and Aomine getting more and more frustrated with the fact that Kagami didn't even look at him or talked to him. The blue-haired boy didn't fail to notice the familiar guests arriving at Kagami's office now and then which ultimately angered him even more, although he couldn't quite grasp why it upset him so much to see Kagami giving attention to other people but not him.
After work hours Aomine usually spent time on the court working out his body to the max to forget about work. It seemed to be the only thing that really worked for him to set his mind to something else. During his basketball game he completely focused on the ball and scoring as many points as he could. Sadly after going home his relaxed state of mind didn't last long before he went back to brood over his recent thoughts. It bothered him the most that Kagami actually had this much of an effect on him while he normally wouldn't be affected by any other guy. His 'normal' attitude had a way of putting off other guys to even try intimidate him. They knew better than to push Aomine into a wrong direction.
So why was this happening when it came to Kagami? His mind and his body completely ignored him..just like his boss was. It started to really irritate him to the point of wanting to go out and punch the guy in the face. Aomine sighed deeply as he closed his eyes and tried to calm down again. Maybe he just needed another shower... His body seemed to soothe from the hot water trickling down his muscles. He glanced down at himself seeing his nice tanned, flawless skin. No wonder really that everyone fell at his feet because physically he was all you could ever want in a guy. Was Kagami like him? Was he also muscly and sexy underneath that formal business suit? Aomine's thoughts drifted off way too much as he started to imagine what Kagami would look like without his clothes. Almost absentmindedly his hand traveled down to touch the place that was starting to swell and ache at his thoughts. Would Kagami be bigger than him? Aomine's cheeks slightly flushed over at that as he started stroking himself up and down his shaft. He tilted his head back against the cold tiles of the shower while his hand started to squeeze and tug at his front. Damn why did he feel so good...
Aomine's cock was swollen and angry red by the time he was completely lost in his thoughts. His face displayed a cute red shade over his tanned cheeks as he was lost in self pleasure. His front was very hard by now and aching as he kept on jerking from base to tip, sometimes moving his thumb over the slit and nearly sending him off the edge. 'What would sex be like between Kagami and his clients...' Aomine thought seeing vivid images before him of Kagami and a woman doing sexual favors in the bedroom. "Ugh..." Aomine grunted as his cock started spurting out white sticky cum onto the shower floor. After coming down from his high he felt so embarrassed having thoughts about Kagami in that way. He felt out grossed with himself as he moved a hand to cover his face as the hot water still ran over him as if trying to wash away his sins.
Kagami was going over paperwork at home during the later hours of the day. Usually he would have to take his work home and finish it up there instead because work always seemed to pile up at the end of the day. As the boss he couldn't not finish his work on time. His work week always consisted of a fair amount of hours more than a normal forty-hour work week, but he didn't mind too much. He had chosen to work himself up after all over the years and now for a few years he was in the top position in his company. It took him a lot of time and effort, but in return he was a well-known person and earned a considerable amount of money. It wasn't for no reason that he drove an expensive car and owned a beautiful villa.
Kagami looked up when the doorbell rang not expecting anyone at this hour anymore. He frowned just slightly as he made his way to the front door. Outside the door it was beautifully lit with small spot lights in the garden and the glass by his door clearly showed him who was in front of the door. Kagami smirked inwardly but hid it from coming onto his handsome features as he strolled down the corridor and opened the door to reveal a familiar blue-haired boy. "Can I help you Aomine-kun?" Kagami said with his dark, sexy voice as he eyed up the young male in front of him. He wondered what Aomine was doing at his front door this late, but it could probably only mean one thing: his plan had worked out. Kagami managed to make Aomine lose his mind.
Aomine hesitated in front of Kagami, gulping slightly when the red-haired male opened the door. He had somewhere in his mind secretly hoped that Kagami wouldn't be home and he could just go back to his own apartment and forget about his stupid choice to go here. But unfortunately for him the gods weren't on his side. "This is all your fault." Aomine said obviously irritated by something that was on his mind. It amused Kagami to see Aomine struggle to tell him what was going on. Kagami already had an idea what was up with the other male but decided to let Aomine battle with himself for a little longer.
"I'm not sure I understand what you are talking about Aomine-kun." Kagami said nonchalantly as he leaned against the doorpost with his shoulder eyeing up Aomine.
Aomine clearly become more irritated by the way Kagami was avoiding the subject. He knew that the red-haired man wasn't stupid and already knew why Aomine had come here, so why couldn't he just admit what was going on already so he wouldn't have to say it... Aomine's jaw tensed slightly as did his body while he lowered his gaze to the floor. "You're the one who did this to me." Aomine started but realizing he wasn't really telling Kagami exactly what he meant by that. "You're the one that makes me think about dirty things involving you!" Aomine raised his voice slightly, although on second thought he shouldn't have as it made him blush just slightly. He cursed about to turn away and just walk off...damn he was making a fool out of himself right here in front of his boss.
"You're having dirty thoughts about me?" Kagami asked which made Aomine halt. "I'm surprised I thought you said you were straight?" Kagami pushed a little bit trying to make Aomine angry which obviously worked seeing the blue-haired man coming at him with his fists ready to punch. Kagami swiftly grabbed Aomine's wrists when he attempted to hit him, then pulling him into his villa and using his foot to kick the door shut. He pulled Aomine inside with him using his strength and his body to push the blue-haired male further into the place until his back hit the wall. Aomine let out a small grunt as his back slammed into the wall a little harshly.
"Don't forget it was you who came here." Kagami gave him as a warning. He had pushed Aomine by saying that he was not straight and Aomine couldn't deny the fact that he wasn't which made him angry. All his life had he thought he was straight and now this guy ruined his mind. Kagami knew that since Aomine had come here Aomine's mind had gotten the better of him and he probably wanted to know more about this secretive world that KAgami played in. And Kagami was going to tell him all about it because he very much wanted to do these things with Aomine too.
Aomine tried to get Kagami to release the grip he had on him, but to no avail. This man was a lot stronger than him it seemed even though Aomine was strong himself from work outs. He couldn't get his wrists out of Kagami's hands nor could he move away from the wall that Kagami was pressing him against. "I take it you want to see what it's like to be a submissive?" Kagami said seductively against Aomine's lips. Aomine glared at him trying to look like that wasn't at all what he wanted. "Who said anything about that? I want to be your Master!" Aomine said although his position didn't do any good for him. Kagami chuckled a little at Daiki's attempt to switch their roles. "Not in a million years kid." Kagami said before crashing his lips against Aomine's and pushing his body against the smaller male's. Aomine whimpered and grunted trying to seem like he was displeased with it but as Kagami pressed his body against him in all the right places he couldn't help but give into the fact that his body and mind wanted Kagami to do these things to him.
Kagami made sure to give Aomine's body some good attention as he kept Aomine's wrists pinned to the wall beside his head, his knee moving between Daiki's legs and up against his groin making Aomine moan almost silently. "Your body seems to be ready and eager for me." Kagami said the lust in his eyes clearly showing as he looked into Aomine's navy blue ones. Aomine was way too embarrassed to reply to that comment looking down shamefully. Kagami let go of one of his wrists so he could lift Aomine's chin up and stare deeply into his eyes. "Let's find out what your body craves the most." Kagami said hinting to all the different things they could do together. He was happy to see that his plan had worked out and he had achieved his new plaything.
Thanks for reading :-) reviews are love