A/N: So here's another Veggie Jr./Reka fic, request for my amazing friend 123Rainstar123, who goes by Rainstar-123 on DeviantArt! I'd strongly recommend checking out her stuff!

This is a short story of a love-struck Saiyan boy, who yearns to capture the heart of his beautiful childhood friend, only to be devastated, upon learning that she belongs with another man. How will Junior cope with his heartbreak and will he and Reka find their way towards one-another?

Keep in mind that this Vegeta Jr. is my friend's OC and not the same as the one from GT. He's Bulma and Vegeta's third child (about a year older than Bra) and while he shares many of his father's attributes (especially in the looks department), he can also be very shy, sensitive and sentimental. All in all, you'll find him really awesome and loveable, so tag along and enjoy the journey! :D

The Lovelorn Princeling:

"How about you Vegeta?" Asked the supple, rosy-haired Reka Gardenia, pointing towards the two equations, written in green, on the whiteboard. "Can you show us how to solve this problem?"

The flame-haired half-breed scarcely absorbed a word, enraptured by the fruity, floral fragrance that exuded off of the glamorous enchantress, surrounding her in a divine aura of crimson red. Her scarlet hair neatly fell to her bosom, parted in the centre of her hairline, each tress radiating with an entrancing, cadenza richness, like no other. Her azure eyes shone with such depth that he could very well drown in them, but Vegeta didn't mind. She was garbed in the standard school uniform: a white buttoned t-shirt underneath a red blazer that brought out her satiny hair, a maroon tie with white spots imprinted on the front and a deep mauve skirt, that exposed a nice portion of her enticingly long, lissom, porcelain legs. With only a pair of black heels covering her feet, one could see the elegant garnet nail polish that glistened her nicely pedicured toenails, same as her manicured fingernails. She was so perfect in every way, a lustrous gemstone fashioned in the heavens above, her dazzling appearance matched only by her intelligence, wits and spirit.

'Today!' He decided, his will strengthening and heart racing faster and faster. 'Today, I'll ask her!' He'd resolved the same thing every day, for the entire week, but fell short each time.


"Wh-What?" The ensorcelled boy shook his head, to the sniggers of his classmates. One hard glare shut them right up. Everyone knew better than to cross Vegeta Jr. whose reputation for advanced combat preceded him greatly, even more so than that infamous, fiery temper of his. He'd competed twice in the Junior division of the World Martial Arts Tournament and made it all the way to the finals, on both occasions. The first time around he was defeated by his respected rival and best friend, Goku Jr. in a brutal battle that left the two of them broken, battered and bloodied. Five years later, however, he'd narrowly been able to avenge the loss to said rival and won the championship, which he currently held.

"Ugh- were you even listening to me?!" Reka exclaimed peevishly.

"Uh no, s-sorry." The half-Saiyan stammered, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment and blushing slightly.

"Can you solve this?" The redhead articulated slowly through grit teeth, irked at her crazy friend. There was something off about him lately and she couldn't quite place it.

"Yes, x equals four and y equals three." Vegeta answered, after glancing at the simultaneous equations and calculating inwardly for several seconds.

"Umm, that's right." Reka nodded weakly, thrown back. She knew how smart Vegeta could be, but given his chronic absence from school in recent times, his quick response came as a startling surprise. "Can you tell us how you came up with that?"

The young Prince was about to reply, till Reka shook her head and proceeded to hand him the red marker.

"On the board, I mean." She elaborated further.

"O-O-Okay." Vegeta's legs stiffened, stomach tightening a little too much, as his callous hand brushed with hers; so soft, dainty and fragile. He wanted to kiss that hand and those- enticing, cherry lips of hers. His face flushed just thinking about it.

"Vegeta, are you alright?" The red-haired student asked, slightly concerned with his off-behavior. This wasn't at all, like the wild, little, mischief-making scamp she'd known for years. "If you're not feeling well you can-"

"It's fine." He mumbled timidly and made his way to the whiteboard. The demi-Saiyan's hands trembled, his breathing a little ragged from his previous thoughts and unmistakable squiggles in his normally impeccable handwriting.

"Very good." Reka smiled. Vegeta froze, as he realized that she was right behind him, with barely a few inches separating them. Oh God, it was too close. Just being near her made his nerves spiral out of control. How could he possibly muster up the courage to ask her? "Alright, did the rest of you follow?"

Reka scowled as the group of fifteen under her tutelage, gave a few apathetic yawns and grunts. What Vegeta was doing with the rest of these buffoons, was completely beyond her. Seriously, what was so hard about the process of substitution and elimination?! That was baby stuff and what's more, they could use whichever method they preferred, rather than learning both! Reka chose to tutor her fellow ninth graders, who'd failed the last maths exam, so she could acquire some leadership experience, to help facilitate any early career endeavours in the near future. The only reason that idiot Vegeta failed was because he didn't show up and she didn't know why. It irked her! That moron had so much potential and yet he persistently spent his time in the shadows, withdrawn and elusive. She'd voiced her concerns to his little sister, her best friend Bra, but the latter merely brushed it off as a 'phase'. Reka suspected that Bra was hiding something, though she couldn't tell what it was. She didn't press the matter, however.

History. It was the last class of the week and the most boring, in the eyes of a certain, hotheaded half-breed. When the bell finally rang, Vegeta gathered together what little courage he had and ventured towards the shelter area, where he sensed Reka's miniature Ki signal. She was by herself, thank God. Throngs of students were taking off from every which way, umbrellas shielding them from the downpour of rain. So that explained why the red-haired gem remained behind. It appeared as though she were waiting for someone and from the looks of things, she hadn't an umbrella on her. Luckily, Vegeta remembered his. A golden opportunity lay ahead and he was loath to let it slide.

"Dammit, where is he?!" She hissed. Vegeta surmised that the girl was likely waiting for that stout, middle-aged chauffeur of hers . As soon as the zone was clear, the Saiyan tentatively traipsed his way over and stood next to her.

"Vegeta?" She turned towards him in surprise. "What're you doing here? Why haven't you gone home yet?"

"I was just- uh- speaking with Mrs. Asher." He lied, sheepishly eyeing his feet.

"Oh?" Reka frowned. Mrs. Asher was the head of history, a wizened old crone that moved slower than a tortoise and spoke, as though she were 3 centuries old. Perhaps that explained the delay. "Well- um- you wanna walk me home?"

"Uh- yes, yes, I'll walk you." He gandered at her and pitched up his umbrella, holding it out, so she could come underneath. Rain never bothered him, since he could easily dry it off with a quick flare of his Ki, thus he let most of the flap shelter her and the two strode off quickly.

"Is something wrong, Vegeta?" The red-haired student asked softly, noticing his ceaseless discomfort, as they neared her house. The rain stopped a short while ago, so he closed up his umbrella. They'd walked in silence, for the most part.

'Ask her, dammit! Ask her, you idiot!' The half-Saiyan berated inwardly and yet he just couldn't do it! His heart was rocketing towards the skies, his frenzied nerves galloping in every direction! Dammit, he was a warrior! The blood of the legendary Saiyan Prince coursed through his veins, so why was he finding a simple task such as this, so freaking difficult?!


"It's nothing." He slurred immediately and proceeded to curse himself inwardly. Damn him for being such a spineless coward!

Reka shook her head and let the matter drop. They finally reached her expansive, two-story abode and the rosy-haired girl turned towards him.

"Thanks for doing this, Vegeta." She offered him an benign smile. "It means a lot."

"Hn." He replied, never one for words. Reka's smile widened and she wound her arms around his neck, gently embracing him. Vegeta's entire figure went rigid, as a rush of blood streamed upwards, virtually transforming his face into a tomato. A surge of liquid fire coiled through his bloodstream. A plug of air was stuck halfway down his trachea, rendering him breathless. Her body was so soft, pleasant and perfect. It melted against his, as though she were an innate part of him and he loved it. Gods, he loved it! Perhaps now would be the time to ask. Before he had the chance, however, Reka cut the companionable silence. "I'm here for you, you know, if you ever wanna talk or anything?" She softly murmured in his ear. He had to bite his bottom lip, to prevent a treacherous shudder from escaping. The alluring lilt of her soothing voice resonated within his heart and mind, it's blissful melody nearly driving him nuts.

Reka planted a prolonged kiss on his cheek, before shifting her head back, only to look at his flushed, almost sickly expression. He looked as though he'd smoked two dozen sticks of weed and it only augmented her concern. She sighed and proceeded to withdraw. As she whirled around, however, Vegeta grabbed her elbow and she whipped her head back, giving him a startled look.

"Wait I- I-"

"What is it?" The girl asked.

"I wanted to-"

Just then, the roar of an engine was heard and a metallic green lamborghini convertible moved towards them, heavy rock music playing inside. The sumptuous, sports vehicle came to a stop, right in front of Reka's house. Inside, was some rich-looking douchebag, with sandy brown skin and a detestable smirk that immediately made the half-Saiyan want to punch his face in. He wore aviator sunglasses, a lilac tank top and khaki pants. He had slicked back, dark hair, gelled nicely, with a thin lock hanging like a hook, from the middle of his hairline, much like Vegeta's own jet black tuft that masked his widow's peak and set him apart from his father.

The gaudy man stepped out of the car, with furrowed brows, as he saw some odd-looking stranger holding Reka, by the elbow.

"Hey babe." He began walking over. Vegeta clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth together, as the pretentious fool came closer.

"Thanks for standing me up, jerk!" Reka hissed.

"Who's this guy?" He ignored the comment, raising a brow and disdainfully appraising the demi-Saiyan, as though he were some sort of circus monkey. Of course, that was only half-true. Vegeta grew uncomfortably taut under the scrutiny of this mysterious jackass and barely resisted the urge to pound him over the head. Who did he think he was?!

"This is my friend, Vegeta." She replied, as though the question were completely idiotic. "You remember, don't you? The Junior Martial Arts Champion of the whole world?" She stretched her arms out wide, as she said those last three words. "I'm sure I mentioned him at least a hundred times."

"Ah, so you're the one." He smiled smugly, moving to stand before him with a challenging stare. "Must say, you don't look like much. After all I've heard about you, I'm kinda disappointed."

The Saiyan was just about to blast him to the other end of the Universe, when Reka shoved him aside.

"Knock it off!" She reproached. "At least he had the courtesy to walk me home, you ass! Honestly, I can't believe you! You're such a jerk, leaving me waiting like that!"

"Hey, I'm sorry, I forgot!" He insisted. "I thought we were gonna head down to the docks, straight from your place."

"It's alright, don't worry about it." She rolled her eyes.

Vegeta watched the exchange, with an ugly sensation brewing in the burrows of his stomach. No, no, goddamn it couldn't be! He didn't want to believe it! Not him! Reka looked at the half-Saiyan, with an oblivious smile.

"Vegeta, this is Dai." She introduced, while Vegeta willed her not to say the rest, with everything he had. "He's my boyfriend."

The moment that last word left her mouth, the flame-haired student's entire world fell apart and turned to ash. No! Why?! Why?! Why?! This wasn't fair! How could a divine jewel like her, fall into the hands of this grubby, inferior, audacious little insect?! After all his plans and efforts to tell her, he'd been too late! He'd been stupid! And now she was completely lost to him, the only girl he shared any strong sense of affection towards, other than his sister and mother.

"I'm sorry about his rude manners." She gave Dai a heated glare. "Sometimes he just forgets himself, that's all."

"Whatever, can we go now?" The impudent man asked, voice laced with impatience.

"Seriously, what's the rush?"

"Nothing, I just wanna get there as soon as possible."

"Fine, fine." She turned towards Vegeta again, to say her goodbyes, only to find that he wasn't there. He always had a terrible habit of disappearing out of the blue and it vexed her! "Dammit!"

"Wh-Where'd that guy g-go?!" Dai asked frantically, looking around everywhere, as he too noticed, that Vegeta wasn't there any longer. People didn't just vanish into thin air like that! It was unnatural!

"He left." Reka pressed her fingers against her eyes. "Forget about it. I'll go get dressed and pack my stuff. Then we'll go."

Dai nodded slowly, mouth agape. He heard Mr. Satan persistently talk about some "disappearing trick" and surmised that, being a World Martial Arts Champion, this Vegeta weirdo must've mastered said trick. And so, brushing aside his worries, he and his girl took off, once ready. He was eager to make the very best of their first weekend together, swimming, sailing and hopefully, a little something extra, if he played his cards right. Then again, she was fifteen and technically considered underage, at least, until her next birthday. He was a year older and of legal age, so perhaps it'd be best to wait it out, lest he risk the possibility of serving an unwarranted jail sentence for statutory rape. Besides, they'd only been together for a day. It was too soon to engage in that sort of behaviour. Slick as he was, even he had a certain standard to maintain.

"Hey Vegeta, please don't be sad." Bra soothed, rubbing her miserable brother's back up and down, as he sat down upon his bed, his flaming head, huddled within his sinewy arms and knees. His face was downcast, as heartbreak pervaded through him, more agonizing and distressing than any pains or injuries he'd ever experienced before. "This stuff happens all the time. I'm sorry."

Only his monumental pride kept him from shedding tears over this devastating new discovery, but that didn't make it hurt any less. He'd confided his feelings for the rosy-haired jewel to Bra and only Bra, after his little sister noticed the way he kept dreamily eyeing Reka as of recent. He thought he'd been careful enough to avoid attention, but it appeared his sister was more astute than most. She hounded him thereafter, until finally getting him to divulge the truth. Nonetheless, he'd made her swear not to tell anyone, especially Reka and though tempted otherwise, she kept her word. He soon came to her for advice, asking how best to approach his dream girl, yet no matter the wisdom of Bra's counsel, he just couldn't follow through with it. She suggested that he let her handle it. Reka was her best friend, after all and surely, she could play matchmaker and weave those two knuckleheads together. Vegeta, however, was too arrogant and stubborn. He equated that to letting someone else fight his battles for him, a cowardly move that he wanted no part of. This was something he was determined to achieve, all by himself, just like that championship belt he'd seized from Uncle Kakarot's youngest. He and his father were the only ones who called Goku by his Saiyan name, though Junior respectfully added the title "Uncle" before it, due to the generational gap.

"That guy's nothing but a weasel!" Vegeta seethed, position unmoving. "He doesn't deserve her! I should've just killed him on the spot!"

"Hey, come on, just relax." She shook his shoulder a little. "You know that wouldn't get you anywhere."

"But it would feel so good." He chuckled evilly, deluged with wicked glee, as he imagined getting that abhorrent scumbag's blood on his hands. Bra shuddered at the deranged tone of his gruff voice. Sometimes Vegeta could act like such a crazed, bipolar crackpot, but she didn't let it get to her.

"And what would Reka think of you then?"

The flame-haired teen's heart submerged even further, at the mention of the dazzling beauty that he'd foolishly allowed to slip between his fingers. Who was he kidding? She was never his. But, maybe if he'd acted earlier, that could've been different. Pangs of sorrow crushed his spirit, from the inside. He placed a hand over his eyes.

"I should've told her." He said grievously, gravelly tone plagued with heart-wrenching remorse. "It's all my fault. I'm a coward."

"Hey, don't say that." Bra girded her slim arms around his neck, embracing him from the side. "You didn't see this coming. Its not your fault. And you're no coward. You're the bravest person I know."

Vegeta's lips quivered a little, as tears threatened to spill. He hated being so soft and weak. It wasn't like him at all! What would his father think, if he saw him now, pining over some girl?! But Reka was no mere girl. She was something special, a benevolent goddess. While everyone else feared and reviled him, frequently calling him a 'freak' behind his back, she'd always been his friend, even when he could be a handful, as he was in his younger years. They had their fair share of fights, but they'd always been closely knit. She, Bra and himself were dubbed the "troublemaking trio" back in elementary school, often engaging in pranks and other forms of destructive, antisocial behavior. Of course, they'd eventually sobered up and though Reka and Bra were still as close as ever, Vegeta had become more reclusive over the years and spent a lot of time alone, training and meditating. Nonetheless, she was still a great friend and over the last few months, he'd developed odd feelings for her that he couldn't quite understand. During the day, images of her beautiful face and body would consume his every thought and at nighttime, he would dream about holding her, kissing her and making love to her, with everything he had. But now he knew that wouldn't come to fruition. Her embrace and that kiss made it all the worse. He couldn't bear the thought of her kissing or loving any man, other than himself. It stung him deeply, leaving a gaping wound in his heart that nothing could possibly heal. It hurt, oh God, it hurt so bad! He trembled and hesitantly wrapped his strapping arms around Bra's waist, needing some form of solace. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and couldn't help it, as a wretched tear escaped, followed by another and then another.

Bra's chest tightened. She hated seeing Vegeta this way. He never cried. He was the strongest, most hardheaded dimwit she knew, well- aside from their father. For him to show such vulnerability around anyone, even herself, was absolutely mind-boggling. It grieved her to see him like this, but then, even the most stoic warriors had to have a tender spot, somewhere in their hearts. He must've felt much deeper about this than she'd thought and so she tightened her hold around him, intent on providing him whatever comfort she could.

"It's alright, Vegeta." Bra cooed, stroking his dark hair. "You can let it all out."

More tears left the deep, ebony eyes of the lovelorn Princeling, until he was sobbing against Bra's lithe neck, venting out all his regrets and sorrows. Though his younger sister, she felt like a mother consoling her child, as Vegeta continued clinging to her, as if she were his last grip on reality.

"Pathetic." Vegeta sniffled, completely disgusted with himself for his pitiful behavior. "A Saiyan warrior crying like some snivelling baby."

"I don't mind." Bra murmured solemnly, running her fingers along his feathery mane. "You can cry in front of me. I won't think any less of you. You're still my big brother and I'll always love you."

Vegeta's heart melted and he let go of everything, without any reservations. He would never show this side of himself to anyone other than her.

A/N: Hurts doesn't it? :(

Review and let me know your thoughts, my dears! :D