Standard disclaimer applies.

Prompt: "Harry Potter universe (pleasepleaseplease)"

It wasn't her fault when Sasuke Uchiha fell off his broom in the middle of the Ravenclaw and Slytherin Quidditch game. He didn't see her coming up behind him, about to catch the snitch. Maybe it was more like tearing it out of his grasp, but his fingertips had only grazed it, so she called it a fair play. Maybe a bit of a dirty play, but she was just so done with the sneers in the hallways about her blood status. (She wasn't even a Gryffindor!)

But her damn conscious was getting the best of her, and so Sakura found herself sitting in the infirmary, still in her blue Quidditch uniform, waiting for him to wake up. She wasn't going to apologize, of course. That would be bloody mad.

But the nurse didn't know shit about healing spells, and so Sakura was the one to pour her own potion down his throat while he was still unconscious, hiding the bottle before the nurse came back.

She just wanted to see him wake up. That was all. Her leg bounced restlessly, shooting nervous glances to the door every few seconds. She really didn't want to deal with the Slytherin team coming in and seeing her next to the Sasuke Uchiha. They'd just call her a Mudblood again and make lewd remarks about what she might want from the youngest son of the Uchiha family, not only pureblood, but part of the sacred effing twenty-eight.

She didn't hear the door to the infirmary creak open. She was chewing on her lip and picking at a spot of mud on her fingernail—from her filthy hands to go with her filthy blood—when Itachi Uchiha walked up to stand beside her. Sakura just barely managed to not fall off her chair in surprise.

She was the Ravenclaw Seeker, for Rowena's sake!

Itachi Uchiha was still dressed in his Quidditch uniform like Sakura, only where hers were blue, his were green. No Uchiha was ever put in any house but Slytherin, of course.

As far as a pureblooded Slytherin went, Itachi wasn't that bad. He didn't sneer at her in the hallways or call her a Mudblood. Instead he just kind of looked through her, like she wasn't even there. She certainly wasn't in his orbit.

When he walked up beside her, not even glancing at her, Sakura was debating whether she should just get up and leave or stay out of principle. Pureblood or not, he didn't get to intimidate her into leaving when all she was trying to do was check-in on his little brother.

But it was just so awkward, sitting there with Itachi so pointedly ignoring her. Especially after she'd caught sight of the skull and snake tattoo on his forearm a few weeks ago.

Sakura had finally decided to swallow her pride and was getting up to leave when Itachi said, "Thank you for checking on him, Haruno. And for the potion."

He still wasn't looking at her and Sakura had to swallow down the slight panic she felt that he'd noticed she'd given Sasuke her own healing potion. Just how long had he been standing in the infirmary, watching her?

He could make her life infinitely more difficult. She didn't think she'd get in too much trouble for giving another student—an unconscious student at that—a harmless healing potion, especially when she was top in her Potions class. But if Itachi Uchiha told his little Slytherin friends that she'd done it . . .

To be fair, Itachi Uchiha didn't seem all that interesting in gossip or talking unnecessarily to any of the purebloods in his orbit, seeming to keep to himself and his studies, but he was a Slytherin. Cunning and manipulative arseholes.

"Don't go the Quidditch World Cup."

Sakura had been on her way out the door, and she spun around with fire in her eyes when he said that.

"You don't get to tell me—"

"Haruno." The way he said it was quiet, without the usual undertone of derision and disgust from other purebloods. "Trust me. You don't want to be at the World Cup." His hand started to go to his forearm then, just a bit of a flinch, and then settled back down like nothing had happened.

Then he actually looked at her, and Sakura realized this really was the first time he'd ever looked at her without it having been an accident in the hallway or at dinner from tables away.

His face softened, just slightly. Sakura nodded, her voice stuck in her throat.

He turned back to his little brother and Sakura stood there for a moment longer before swallowing thickly and walking quickly out the door.

She didn't know why he'd given her this kind of information, but she wasn't going to waste it. So she headed to the Gryffindor dorms to find Naruto.

Maybe it was in thanks for giving Sasuke the potion? She didn't know, but she'd think about it later.

Sakura felt a slow smile curl her lips, felt the holster up her sleeve that hid her wand. She most certainly wasn't going to not go to the Quidditch World Cup, that was for sure.

Author's Note: And I finally got to another prompt. Here ya go. Merry Christmas.

I am still taking prompts, but please tell me your prompt in a PM here or on Tumblr. Please do not put your prompt in the comments of any of my stories.

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