The Ice Behind Bars II: Redemption

Chapter I: Different

It had been three years since the late King Jamie's dark secret was revealed. The citizens of Arendelle had all started anew and the kingdom couldn't be any livelier. The marketplace was busy. The streets were like man mazes with people coming and going with their everyday lives. With the lake finally thawing and Arendelle having a new trade partner, the docks were full of ships, importing and exporting merchandise.

Inside the castle, Aphrodite and Brandon sat at the tall dining table, with Aphrodite on the head and Brandon to her right side.

"Good Morning!" Rapunzel greeted as she entered the room.

"Good morning." Aphrodite and Brandon said in unison while the former kept her eyes on the papers she was holding.

Rapunzel sat opposite Brandon and rubbed her hands together, ready to dig in her breakfast.

"Good morning…" Then came in a very sleepy Anna, still wearing her nightgown. She had bags under her eye and her hair was disheveled.

"Yikes. You look like the dead." Rapunzel said with a laugh.

Anna didn't reply. She just pulled a seat next to Rapunzel and sat before planting her face on the table, making the plates jump slightly.

"Rough night?" Aphrodite asked and sipped her coffee.

Anna nodded without lifting her head. "It's all because of your kids." Anna said while pointing a guilty finger towards Rapunzel.

"What, they woke you up for another chocolate cake in the middle of the night?" Brandon humored.

"Yes." Anna's muffled voice said.

Rapunzel took a bite of her fried calamari. "I doubt they were the only culprits."

Anna lifted her head but kept her chin on the table. "Well, yeah! She's a chocolate freak as well!"

Rapunzel giggled. "Can you blame her?"

Anna sighed. "No… but why did they have to wake me?! Why not you or mom?"

"Because they knew you'd join them." Aphrodite said. "They knew that if they had asked us we would have tucked them back in bed."

Anna opened her mouth to protest but closed it. "No comment." She then looked at Rapunzel's plate. "Yukh… how can you still eat that at breakfast?"

"The same way you eat broccoli and scrambled eggs, and Elsa eats a beef sandwich." Rapunzel replied with a smirk.

Anna frowned. Her eyes then widened a bit and she lifted herself up to look around. "Where are the kids anyway?"

"Gerda's giving them a bath since I woke up to find them covered in chocolate." Rapunzel said.

"They are evil, I tell you." Anna started. "They probably drowned Gerda in the bath and jumped out the window and pickpocketed every single citizen in Arendelle!" She gasped loudly, "Oh, Poor Gerda!" She dramatically shouted and made a fake sob.

They turned when they heard rushing footsteps and giggles.

"Speak of the devil." Anna said in a scary voice, even hissing like a cat.

A girl and boy dashed inside the room, both with brunette hair like their father's. They almost looked alike if it wasn't for their eyes since the girl had her mother's green eyes but as for the boy he looked almost exactly like Flynn with his hazel ones. They laughed as they chased each other and ran around the big table in circles.

"Emily. Eugene. Don't run. You just took a bath." Rapunzel scolded.

The two suddenly stopped and turned to her, their hands behind their backs. "Sorry, Mama…" They apologized.

"See?" Rapunzel turned to Anna. "They are sweet angels."

Anna looked at them. They smirked and pointed their tongues at her.

Anna gasped and stood to show them her fists. "Why you…" She sneered.

Rapunzel grabbed her from her nightgown. "Calm down, feisty pants."

Anna then collapsed in her seat and frowned childishly as she ate her breakfast.

"And you two stop messing around with her and eat your breakfast." Rapunzel leaned towards them. "You don't want to anger Queen Aphrodite now, do you?" She whispered.

Their faces went pale and they quickly took their seats, being all polite and avoiding to make eye contact with Aphrodite.

Aphrodite looked at Rapunzel. "I don't even wanna know what you tell them at night."

"The fact that you eat naughty children?"

"Seriously!?" Aphrodite exclaimed. She turned and looked at the children who quickly tensed up. "I don't eat children!" She said—too loudly.

Emily and Eugene recoiled before they quickly started eating their breakfast. "Y-Yes, Ma'am!" They said in unison.

Aphrodite's eye twitched. She sat back and lowered her head, feeling ashamed. Now children are scared of me?!

Brandon chuckled and patted her on her shoulder. "There, there…" He comforted.

They all turned to look at the door when they heard one of the servant's muffled shouts, coming from behind the door.

"Princess! Princess, please! Wait, wait! You can't go in like this!"

They heard the thuds of Elsa's footsteps rushing.

The doors suddenly opened and Elsa dashed inside.

Butt naked.

Everyone's eyes widened in horror. Brandon spat all his tea out.

"Cover your eyes!" Aphrodite jumped at him, putting her hands on his eyes.

"Stop it, woman! You're squeezing them into my skull!" He struggled in her grip.

Rapunzel quickly covered her children's eyes as she blushed.

"Aunt Elsa is funny!" The kids laughed.

"Breakfast!" Elsa shouted and stopped in her track when she saw the horrified look on everyone's faces.

"Hm?" She tilted her head. "What's wrong?"

The servants quickly lowered their heads, ready to take in the blame.

Anna lifted a finger. "Uhm, Elsa?" Anna smiled.


"Why are you naked?"

Elsa stared blankly. "I wanna eat breakfast."

"You wanna eat breakfast." Anna repeated, her finger still up.

Elsa nodded. "I wanna eat breakfast." She confirmed.

Anna found herself speechless. "but… why are you naked?"

Elsa blinked and stared blankly again. She stood there silent for a moment, then… "I wanna eat brea—"

"You already said that!" Anna exclaimed.

Rapunzel sighed. "At least Aiden isn't—"

"At least I'm not what?"

Rapunzel, Aphrodite and Anna froze. Their heads slowly turned to see Aiden standing right next to butt naked Elsa.

He looked at them in confusion. "What?"

They were just speechless since the situation couldn't get any worse.

He tilted his head then turned it and saw Elsa.

"Hi, Aiden." Elsa greeted innocently with a smile and a small wave.

He blinked, not comprehending the situation.

When he did, however, he screamed. "AH! You're n-n-n-NAKED!" His face went red and he quickly covered his eyes with his arms.

Anna quickly climbed the table and grabbed a plate. "Pervert attack!" She pointed at Aiden.

"WHAT!?" Aiden screamed in disbelief.

Before he could do anything Anna smashed a plate on his head.

He fell to the ground, stars circling above his head.

"Ha! That's how you defend yourself from pervert attacks!" Anna said, puffing her chest in pride.

Rapunzel leaned her chair back a bit, looking at the unconscious Aiden. "I think you killed him." She deadpanned.

"He'll be fine." Anna waved it off.

"Uhm… Can you please cover her up already?" Brandon said, with Aphrodite's fingers still over his eyes.

"Mama? Can we go butt naked too?" Emily and Eugene asked.

"What!? No!" Rapunzel protested, looking down at them in surprise as they snickered with each other.

Anna jumped off the table. "Elsa… You really shouldn't run off like that."

"Why not?" Elsa asked.

A third servant arrived and quickly covered Elsa up with a big towel. They then all bowed with a worried look on their faces. "Your majesty! Please forgive us!" One said.

"The princess just ran out before we could stop her!" The other one continued.

"We were just about to help her get ready as you ordered."

Aphrodite lifted a hand and smiled. "I-It's alright. I know she can be… carefree sometimes."

"Please forgive us!" They said in unison.

"Come on, Elsa. I'll help you!" Anna said by putting her hands on her sister's shoulders.

The servants quickly turned and followed Anna.

"Boy, you really made quite the commotion back there." Anna giggled as they walked.

Elsa turned her head slightly and looked at Aiden from behind her shoulder.

Aiden opened his eyes and lifted himself on his elbows. "Ugh… OOF!" Then collapsed back like the dead when Emily and Eugene both jumped and landed on his stomach, laughing.

"Stop it, you two!" Rapunzel said and hurried to stop her mischievous children.

As Anna kept rambling on and on, she didn't notice Elsa's smile.

Anna shuffled between the clothes in the wardrobe. "God, Elsa. You really shouldn't come out like that in front of everybody."

Elsa sat on the bed, waiting for Anna to give her the undergarments. "Why?"

Anna paused for a moment then continued looking inside the drawers. "Well… It's just… wrong." She turned halfway around. "Here, take this." She threw Elsa a pair of panties then turned back to the wardrobe.

It landed in Elsa's lap and she lifted it with both hands, looking at it like it was some strange thing. She stood and let her legs slip through, nearly stumbling forward as it got caught with her feet. After steadying herself, she pulled it up then looked at Anna. "Why 'wrong'?"

Anna was having the most awkward conversation she had ever had. "You ask a lot of questions, huh?" She giggled then stood, walking towards her sister. "Turn around."

Elsa turned. "Is it because people get cold without clothes?" She asked.

Anna helped her slip the Bra through her arms then moved to stand behind her. "Maybe? I don't know. Just don't ever go naked unless—" Anna quickly stopped herself, blushing.

"Unless what?"

"Nothing!" Anna dismissed then look at Elsa's long hair that was in her way. "Hair."

Elsa grabbed her hair and pulled it forward over her shoulder.

Anna's eyes widened a bit and her hands froze when she saw Elsa's old scars. Her smile fell and despite knowing that Elsa had many scars all over her body, the ones on her back were just too brutal for the eye to see. She looked at the mirror and saw Elsa's left eye. The eye where the white was black and the pupil was thin.

A demon's eye.

"But I don't get cold." Elsa reminded. When she noticed Anna go silent she looked at her in the mirror.

Anna noticed. She quickly buckled the bra and smiled. "W-Well, that's because you're lucky." She grabbed Elsa's hair and let it flow down her back, hiding the scars.


Elsa looked down at Anna's hand and saw her eyepatch. She hesitantly grabbed it and tied it around her eye. "Why do I have to put this on every day?" She said while keeping her head down.

Anna didn't know what to say. "Elsa…" She looked at Elsa's sad face. "I-It's because you're unique!"

Elsa lifted her head to look at her in surprise.

Anna moved to stand in front of Elsa. "Sometimes…" She tucked a strand of Elsa's hair behind her ear. "People aren't used to… Unique people."

Elsa put a hand over her eyepatch, thinking.

Anna's eyebrows furrowed. "Does it hurt?"

Elsa smiled reassuringly. "No." She shook her head.

Anna smiled in relief. "Now let's choose your dress so you can finally go eat your breakfast." She said then turned and walked to the wardrobe, not noticing that Elsa was looking at the mirror, eyeing her damaged body up and down.

"Here you go." Kai said as he placed Elsa's breakfast in front of her.

Elsa gasped, staring at her beef sandwich in excitement. She was sitting next to Anna with Aiden opposite her.

Aphrodite smiled fondly at her.

"Don't you feel like trying anything new?" Rapunzel suggested.

Elsa munched on her sandwich and looked at Rapunzel with her mouth full. "New?"

"You know… Eggs. Toast. Jam?" Rapunzel listed.

Elsa blinked as if not understanding a thing.

Rapunzel giggled. "Never mind."

"Let her be. She just loves it." Brandon said.

Rapunzel looked at Aiden who seemed lost in thoughts as he only stared at his food. "Someone isn't satisfied with his food." She teased playfully.

Aiden snapped out of it as everyone turned to look at him.

"Huh?" He lifted his head to see everyone staring at him in confusion. "Oh. I-It's nothing." He smiled. "I just don't feel like eating anything right now."

"Too bad. You're missing iiit." Anna teased while making circles in the air with her fork.

Aiden chuckled. "It's fine. Really." He made a quick look at Elsa's eyepatch and regretted it.

Memories flashed in front of his eyes as he saw Elsa smirking manically and fighting Anna. The scene suddenly changed and he saw her killing her father's mercenaries mercilessly.

He quickly shook his head and sighed. Come on, man. Snap out of it! She's no longer that person anymore.

Elsa looked at him, somehow having strange feelings. Was it worry? She looked down at her sandwich then back at him.

Aiden's eyes widened when he saw Elsa holding her sandwich in front of him. At first, he looked at the sandwich in shock. "M-Me?" He pointed at himself.

Elsa nodded.

Anna and the others smiled.

"U-Uh…" He slowly took the sandwich from her, staring at it like it was made of gold.

Elsa was sharing her food—No scratch that—Elsa was sharing her food with him.

Aiden split the sandwich then gave the other half back to Elsa. "Thank you…" He said smiling sincerely. She definitely made his day better.

Elsa smiled in satisfaction then continued eating her sandwich.

Rapunzel smirked. "My, my… maybe there's hope after all."

Aiden gave her a frown.

"Aphrodite. Brandon." It was Tyler.

They all turned to look at him.

"Something wrong?" Aphrodite asked.

"The ministers are requesting a meeting. Uhm… right now." He looked at her with a worried face and she quickly nodded, understanding.

"Well, then. You'll have to excuse us." Aphrodite stood as did Brandon. She walked towards Elsa and Anna and kissed them both on their cheeks. "Duty calls."

"Where's Catherine?" Tyler asked.

"I think… she's still asleep." Rapunzel informed.

Tyler sighed in irritation at her recklessness. That woman… He thought then turned to Aphrodite. "You and Brandon go. I'll go wake her up."

The two nodded then started walking towards the door while Tyler walked towards the one on the opposite side of the room.

The young adults watched the three go before Anna decided to speak. "Well, then." She stretched her arms up and exhaled. "I'll be going!" She said cheerfully and stood. "Kristoff's probably waiting. I promised I'll help him wash Sven."

Rapunzel nodded. "Alright."

"Can we go play outside?" Emily and Eugene asked.

Rapunzel smiled fondly at them. "Sure."


Rapunzel then turned to Elsa. "If you wanna come, you'll find us in the courtyard or at the stables with Anna and Kristoff, okay?"

Elsa nodded. "Okay."

Rapunzel then stood. "Well!" She clapped her hands together. "I'm gonna go change into something… specific for Sven." She kissed both her children on the cheek. "You guys wait here while I change, alright?"

They nodded.

When Rapunzel was out of the grand dining hall, Aiden felt the air go heavier. He found himself blushing at the awkward silence he was in with Elsa while Emily and Eugene were busy talking and teasing each other as they always had.

She was staring at him for some reason. Maybe because he was still holding the other half of her sandwich and not eating it?

"You… You don't like it?" She asked shyly.

Aiden looked up at her in surprise. "What? Oh! No, no! I love it! Thank you!" He then started eating it—almost too quickly.

Elsa smiled. She ate her last bite in a hurry and stood.

"You're going with Anna and Rapunzel?" He asked.

She shook her head. "The castle's library!" She announced happily.

Aiden chuckled. "Oh, right. Books. Forgot you love those."

It did take her two years to learn how to read properly and understand difficult books. Now she spent most of her time in the library.

She approached the children and leaned down. They quickly hugged her. "Love you, Aunt Elsa!"

"Love you, too!" She hugged back.

She then waved bye at Aiden.

He waved back with a nervous smile, not realizing that the two little devils were smirking at him. They were, after all, Flynn's children.

Tyler knocked on the door. "Hey… Catherine!" He called but no one answered. "Catherine?" He knocked again, harder.

He heard a loud snore and sighed. "Unbelievable." He turned the handle and entered the room. "Hey! Catherine, wake up!"

She was sleeping in the most awkward position he had ever seen. He blushed since her butt was up. Not only that but since she was wearing a nightgown, the hem of it was slid down her back, revealing her panties.

She snored again, this time, louder.

He rolled his eyes and started walking towards her. "Hopeless… just hopeless!"

He grabbed the jar of Water that was on the nightstand and held it above her head. His eyes widened when he noticed her scarred hand. The hand that was burnt entirely and the skin was melted.

She shoved my hand in the burning coal.

He found himself wincing sadly, remembering what she had told him when had asked. What kind of messed up mother did you have? He thought.

He smiled at her sympathetically. "Come on, wake up, sleeping beauty." He tilted the jar and poured water on her face.

Her eyes fluttered open and she jumped out of bed. "AH! Cold, cold, COOOLD!"

"Took you long enough!" Tyler said while crossing his arms.

Catherine frowned at him childishly; her hair soaked. "You could have just shook me awake, Grumpy!"

"I doubt that would have worked." He paused. "And don't call me 'Grumpy'."

She smirked. "It's because you ARE grumpy."

"I'm not grumpy!" He said angrily.

She laughed. "If you're not grumpy, then I'm not sleeping beauty!" She teased.

Tyler was taken aback. She heard me?!

He groaned stubbornly and turned. "Just go wear something and meet us in the negotiation room. Aphrodite will need you."

"Well… I'm at least glad that you were the one who woke me." She said while squeezing the water out of her hair.

He froze, blushing hard. He turned at her with his hand in a fist. "Don't spout crazy things, woman!"

She laughed. "Fine, fine!" She waved him off.

He turned and was about to close the door behind him when he heard her say…


Aphrodite sat in silence at the head of the table as two councilors and the minister sat at her left. Brandon sat at her right.

Tyler entered the room with his usual frown. He pulled a chair next to Brandon and sat.

Aphrodite exchanged awkward looks with him. She's late.

Brandon twirled his thumbs around. Where are you?!

The minister coughed, trying to do something to this awkward silence.

One of the councilors looked at his watch and sighed.

"She'll be here shortly." Tyler said.

Right when he finished his sentence, Catherine kicked the doors open. "Hello!" She greeted too loudly with her hands up in the air. "Great Catherine is HERE!" She made fake crowd cheers.

Yet the room was still silent.

Aphrodite facepalmed. Now I know what planet Anna came from.

The minister coughed again.

With her hands still up in the air, Catherine looked at them in confusion. "What?"

One of the councilors sighed. "Just… please take a seat, Princess Catherine."

She lowered her hands. "Oh, come on, Jeffy!" She teased, approaching the councilor.

"It's Jefferson to you, Princess Catherine." He corrected, feeling humiliated that she was giving him baby names.

"You don't have to show us your frowny face in the morning!" She stood behind him and hooked the corner of his lips with her two indexes. "Just… smile!" Then pulled them up, forcing a smile on the councilor's face.

Aphrodite just closed her eyes in embarrassment. Brandon watched her with wide horrified eyes and Tyler shook his head at her.

When no one said anything, she frowned. "Fine, fine…" She let the councilor go. "Sheesh… Tough crowd." She walked around the table and pulled a seat next to Tyler. She slouched in the chair then crossed her arms and pouted childishly.

Tyler looked at her. I can't believe she's a grown woman.

"Anyway…" Aphrodite started and removed her hands from her eyes. "You wanted to speak with us, gentlemen?"

"Yes, your majesty." The minister started. "We wanted to talk about Arendelle's lack of ties with other kingdoms."

"Don't we already have Corona as our trade partner?" Aphrodite asked.

"We do, Your Majesty. However… it is not enough."

"We've been having low supplies in the castle. It won't cover up yours and the staff's daily needs." The minister explained.

"We've also noticed that Arendelle isn't giving its citizens the proper defense and protection." The first councilor informed.

"What?" Aphrodite asked in surprise.

"There are few guards in the castle and barely any around the city. The Great Freeze took the lives of many innocent and brave men. What will you do if a huge army from another kingdom suddenly stood right outside our doorstep?"

"We'll fight them with what we have." Tyler said.

"Which isn't enough!" The minister said in irritation.

"You're not gonna allow your daughter to freeze them all to death, are you?" The second councilor said, making Aphrodite's eyes widen.

"Don't you dare shove Elsa into this! I don't want her to be involved in any of these matters anymore." Aphrodite angrily said.

"Hadn't she already?" The minister cut her off.

Aphrodite stuttered. "It was… d-different back then."

"How can you be so sure that she won't go all bloodthirsty on us again?"

Catherine quickly stood, ready to punch his face off, but Tyler held her down. She turned at him. "Can you believe this guy?!"

"Calm down." Tyler said.

Aphrodite smashed her fist on the table. "I believe in her! I know she'll never do anything like that again!"

"But are you SURE!?" The minister asked, wanting her to think rationally.

Aphrodite stared at him for a moment, not knowing what to say. She remembered what Elsa had done to that man whom she had shoved her hand inside only to pull his heart out with a wide smirk.

Slowly, she sat back down, her eyebrows furrowed. "What are you suggesting? Just get to the point."

The minister fixed his hair then exchanged looks with the councilors. "We were thinking, that it's about time Arendelle starts reconnecting with the world."

"How so?" Brandon asked.

"Make amends with Lothraine. Start an alliance with Weselton."

Catherine gasped. "Make AMENDS?!" She shouted in anger. "You want to make amends with the man who killed his own brother and tried to kill me on our wedding?!"

"Which is all in the past. You're no longer the new Queen of Lothraine. You're back to being the Princess of Arendelle. You are no threat to him anymore." The councilor explained.

"Look, Mister Jeff, Jeffy, Jefferson or whoever you are!" She pointed at him. "I don't think you cleaned your ears well last time you took a bath!"

Tyler gave her a 'seriously?' face.

"I repeat… They tried to 'KILL me'!" Catherine slowly said, wanting to make him hear it correctly.

"Sit down, Catherine." Tyler said with a warning tone in his voice.

She turned at him. "Don't tell me to sit down, Tyler! I'll NEVER trust Lothraine! My own life is at stake here!"

"Then I'll freaking protect you, dammit!" He snapped, holding her hand tightly.

She found herself gaping at him.

Aphrodite was looking at them with a bored look. Seriously?... These two?! They are the very opposite of each other.

Catherine and Tyler's faces turned red. He quickly let her hand go and crossed his arms, acting tough as she quickly sat and avoided eye contact.

After a moment, Catherine sighed. "Fine… We'll make amends with Lothraine."

"I'm very glad you finally agreed to that, Your Highness." The minister said with a smile.

"Whatever." She stubbornly looked away.

Aphrodite shook her head at her in amusement. Catherine… you never changed.

"Now… We three have been discussing this matter." The minister said while pointing at himself and the councilors. "We've decided that it's best to invite the dukes and highnesses from the other kingdoms to a ball. You will meet new people from all over the countries which will help you build better relationships with them. Strengthen your ties."

Aphrodite nodded.

"We all know It is your duty as Queen to seek what's best for Arendelle… that's why…" The minister trailed off, exchanging nervous looks with the councilors.

Aphrodite's eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

The minister gulped. "W-We, as your councilors… r-recommend that…" He inhaled. "Princess Elsa shouldn't attend the ball." He said quickly.

Aphrodite blinked then suddenly laughed a bit. "I'm sorry, what?"

Brandon could already feel her tensing up. He quickly put a hand over hers, to keep her cool.

Aphrodite looked at him and he gave her a nod, wanting her to calm down.

"Queen Aphrodite… Please understand. The people outside Arendelle are still wary of her highness." The second councilor said. "They will only see her as a woman who killed her father."

"Killed her father?!" Aphrodite exclaimed. "He locked her in the dungeons for YEARS! He deserves more than death! She practically gave him mercy by killing him!"

"W-We know that, your majesty, but they don't." The minister tried to reason. "And I'm sure you don't want them to know what had been really happening to her all these years."

Aphrodite leaned back in her seat and put her fingers on her temple.

"Besides… No one can turn a blind eye, knowing she was back from the dead."

Aphrodite's eyes widened and she felt her heart squeeze.

"We understand you don't want her highness to feel any different. But still… we can't deny that she really does have abnormalities." The minister continued.

"Besides…" One of the councilors started. "We all know she has a… special case."

"I agree with Councilor Jefferson." The minister started. "Princess Elsa isn't stable."

Aphrodite stayed silent for a moment, trying to think.

When she sighed, everyone leaned forward to hear her.

"I agree with your suggestion." She said. "We will prepare a ball. However…" She removed her fingers and glared at the councilors. "Elsa will attend the ball like any other person."

"But your majesty!" They stood to protest.

"My decision is final." She cut them off while holding her hand up.


"This meeting is over, Gentlemen. You are dismissed."

The minister and the two councilors gawked at her. Jefferson sighed. "Fine then… I'll only hope that this decision of yours won't turn around to bite you."

If only they'd known that Elsa had been standing outside the room and had heard every single word they'd said.

She gritted her teeth, feeling hurt. Even after all this time, people still feared her. She quickly turned and walked away, keeping her head down.

I'm not a freak! I'm not—

She looked at her hand and her eyes widened by seeing the frost covering her fingertips.

A freak.

Sup! Okay, guys if Anyone wanna know how Elsa will look in this fic, I've already posted a pic on my DeviantArt Lany 19. She won't be having her usual braid since... idk I feel like I got bored of it xD Having her with loose her is way better.

Hope you like it so far. Stay tuned for more :) Oh! and tell me what you feel about Elsa so far and if I'm going too fast or too slow with her "opening up"
