AN: I am actually the worst updater in the history of updaters. SEVEN MONTHS, oh my lordie guys, I'm so freakin sorry. I keep telling myself that I'm going to be better at updating, that I'm going to work on the chapter, that I won't abandon this story. I'm going to be 100% honest here. I love this story, I haven't even gotten five chapters out and it's already one of my favorite things I've written. I am NOT going to abandon my baby, not today, not ever. It may seem like I've disappeared off the radar, but trust me when I say I'll get back on there eventually. I'm glad so many of you are supporting this even though it's clear I don't update as often as I should. You guys make me so happy, and every time I see one of your reviews it makes me think "huh, I should work on my chapter" And I'm shocked that this has 32 follows, 28 favorites, and 17 reviews! It's so much more than I deserve for this! So, to end this AN off, I'd like to state that I don't own anything and also like to extend thanks to MWolfe13 for being my beta. I'll see you all at the end of the chapter!
She didn't even wait for Master Makarov's greeting before blurting out the only logical thought in her mind, "Master, I think I might leave the guild."
Lucy stared at the desk in front of her, her face scrunched into a confused glance. After her outburst Master Makarov had only given a sigh before asking her to sit down. Lucy was quick to explain what she had learned from Loke. She told him about Eridanus, her implied kidnapping, and her role in the search. "I'm not sure why it has to be me, Loke didn't give me much time to ask questions." Lucy looked up. "All I know is that I want to help, but I don't know if I can."
Makarov gave her a knowing look, "And why is that, child?"
"I don't think I can leave my friends behind," she sighed and put her head in her hands. "You've all done so much for me. I've grown to love Fairy Tail like my family. What family leaves without saying goodbye?"
"This is about your team, isn't it?" he asks. Lucy looks up surprised and he smiles. "My child, I know you and your team well. I can understand why you wouldn't want to leave without talking with them. Them leaving has hit you hard, not hearing from them scares you. But this may be a blessing. I know it may not seem like it, but the best lessons are the most difficult. At some point, we all must learn to live without our friends to guide us."
"But Master, three spirit years, just for training. I'd never be able to see them again. By the time I get back, you'll all be dea-" Lucy couldn't finish. She choked back tears.
The master looked on in sympathy, handing her a tissue from behind his desk. As the blonde wiped her tears he sighed. "My dear, I do not have all the answers. I can tell you this, no matter what you choose, you will always be a part of Fairy Tail. We may all be gone, but we will always be your family, you can't get rid of us that easily." Makarov looked at her with pride, "Some may not understand at first, some may even be angry with you. But in the end, no one can tell you what to do. This is your decision and your decision alone. I can give you words of wisdom and place thoughts into your head, but you should do what you think is right. After all, that is the way of a Fairy Tail Mage."
Lucy gave a small smile at the reminder of her first day as a member of Fairy Tail. "Now," he said has a hopped down from his chair, "I think you have some thinking to do, and maybe," he said with a glance, "some packing." Lucy stared after the diminutive Wizard Saint with wide eyes as he left the room. Makarov gave a small chuckle as he made his way down to the bar for a drink. He knew his children, and he knew that they'll stand behind her in this quest. Because in the end, that's what family is for.
Lucy once again found herself alone with only her thoughts to keep her company. Only this time, she didn't need to spend such a long time moping. Lucy shot out of her seat and marched determinedly out of the guild, ignoring the calls from Levi and Mira as she went. As much as she'd like to talk with them about what was going on, it could wait. She'd made her decision and she was going through with it, for better or worse. As she marched down the street she found herself in front of her apartment all too soon. She quickly jogged up the steps and opened her door.
After gazing around for a while as Lucy walked in, she sat down on her couch with a sigh. The blonde just sat for a good while before spotting her communication lacrima. Slowly, she reached for the sphere, pausing just as her hand reached it. Did she really want to disappoint herself one more time? What if, once again, no one was on the other end? "They deserve to know," she decided. With a quick swoop, she snatched the lacrima up. Giving a sigh, she said, "Erza Scarlet." After waiting what seemed like hours for the ringing to stop, a connection was finally made.
Lucy stared in shock as she looked into Erza's face for the first time in three days before giving a grin. "Erza!" she exclaimed, relieved that she would be able to tell her teammates.
"Lucy," Erza smiled, "How are you?"
Lucy beamed "I'm fine, how are you? I haven't heard from you in days!"
Erza face shifted into one of exasperation, "Yes, Natsu and Gray managed to break it while they were fighting. It took me a while to find a store that sold them. They're both buying us food right now."
"Thank goodness," the blonde sighed, "I was worried something had gone wrong." Lucy bit her lip. Should she tell her now?
"Lucy," Erza's concerned voice called out to her, "Is everything alright?"
Lucy gave a small and nervous smile, "Yeah, things have just been a little weird."
"When are they not?" Erza chuckled, and Lucy's smile grew.
"True, maybe weird isn't the right term. Enlightening might be what I was looking for." At Erza's questioning look, she explained, "Loke showed up today." She chuckled at the look on her friend's face, "Yeah, I was surprised too. He told me some things though, like why he didn't appear." Lucy looked down at her hands. "It turns out the Spirit King has a daughter. She's been missing for a while now and if they don't find her soon they might lose her forever." She paused, not sure how her friend would take her next comment. Would she be mad? Was she going to stop Lucy from going? Try to come with?
"Lucy," Erza asked. "There's more, I can tell. What is it?"
Lucy gave a sigh and looked her friend in the eyes. "Loke said that I'm the only one that can go and find her."
"I don't understand." Erza's face clearly showed her confusion.
"I don't really get it either. All I know is that there's a girl out there that's missing her father, that's missing her family." Lucy's face was set firm with determination. "And I can't let another girl go through that."
"Alright, when are we leaving?"
"We aren't, I am." Lucy looked away. "I have to go to the Spirit World for some training before I can find her."
"How long?" Erza whispered.
"Three spirit years." Lucy glances at her long enough to see Erza's eyes closed in grief.
"And you're planning on doing it," the redhead asks. Lucy gave a small nod. Erza nods right back. "Then we'll stand behind you." Lucy looks at her in shock and Erza's face softens. "You'll always be a member of Fairy Tail, a member of this team. But if this is something you believe is the right thing to do, then I'll stand behind you as a friend."
Lucy gives her a teary smile. "I really wish you were here so I could give you a hug." Her eyes shined, the tears ready to spill. "I really really wish I could give you a hug because I'm not sure when I'll see you again. They need me in the Spirit World as soon as possible and you're weeks away." At this point, she couldn't hold back the tears. "I'm going to miss you all so much!"
Erza smiled back with her own tear filled eyes. "And we'll miss you just as much,"
"Tell…" Lucy let out a sob. "Tell Natsu and Gray that I'll miss them so much, and that- that I'll never forget them, and I hope they'll never forget me. I love you all so much and I hope that you keep going on with your lives, doing quests, and causing mischief. I want the Fairy Tail that I joined to be the same when I came back, a home that everyone is welcome in." Both girls stare and smile as the tears stream down their faces. "Goodbye Erza"
"Goodbye Lucy."
Lucy put down the lacrima as the call ended. "I've done so much emotional thinking today, it's amazing I haven't cried before now." She let out a wet chuckle at the thought. She sat on her couch pondering her options for the night. She could summon Loke, maybe she should, but she's not sure she can do that yet. Or she could start packing, it could be a nice distraction. In the end, her body decides for her. As she falls asleep on her couch, she decides that Loke can wait until the morning.
AN: Since I seem to not be able to update AT ALL, I've decided that maybe personal reviews will help me connect with you guys better and maybe keep me a bit more motivated. So, after this chapter, you all can expect a nice personal PM in your inbox for any reviewers with an account. I'll also respond to any anon reviews that have questions in them here, in the after AN. I also really want to get your opinion on my writing style. I'll admit that when I write, I tend to use dialogue a lot. I'm an actor and that's usually what sticks out to me. One of my biggest pet peeves about writing is that it's so difficult to get the right tone and inflection you want on the dialogue. I just want to know if you guys want/need more substance in environment and descriptions when I write.
1-anime: Glad to meet a fellow music nerd such as myself. I'm in marching band too, in fact, our band camp is just about to start! Don't worry, I don't plan on having any major deaths in this. But as you can clearly see in this chapter, I'm not past a few tear jerking scenes xD. Also, I hope my one paragraph long apology in my first AN tells you all you need to know about when I update. If not, feel free to shoot me a PM! And thanks for such a thoughtful review!
GummySpectrums: You're wait for this chapter is over! I hope you enjoyed it!
Guest: I do believe you are correct about Edolas being in another dimension, it's just a different kind of phrase in my mind, I guess? Obviously, the Percy Jackson universe is a separate one from Fairy Tail, like Edolas. I hope that's not too confusing xD
Muntolove: Can't say that it was soon, but it was an update
MelodyTheKitten: I'm glad you didn't' hurt yourself when you stumbled and instead landed on this nice, cushiony story I have here. I'm glad this interests you, hopefully, we'll be getting to the fun stuff in the story soon ; )
Fairylove1501: Glad it was sooooo good! Here's your update!
MewNeko22: Just thought that I'd let you know that I did feel slightly pressured, but that was good because your review helped me start out the chapter xD
Glowing Roses: I have yet to see a more mature review on my stories, this sounds so official and it makes me feel fancy xD Glad I could please!
Constructive criticism is welcome, flames are not.
Question(s): What are you all doing with the rest of your summer?
Answer to last chapter question: Personally, I like to see a bit of both. Personal responses are great, but I know some stories are rather big and the "personal" messages end up being not so personal.