He pressed her closer to him.
She could hear Anakin's slightly distorted breathing. Now came another sound. He had his lightsaber activated.
She knew she would die now, but nevertheless she was surprised. Because no second later, his lightsaber pierced her belly, protruding through and exiting beside her lekku. No sound made it's way out of her mouth.
Vader pressed her against him, for the last time. She heard him whisper; "I will not forget you, I loved you like a sister." And with that last word, he laid her gently on the ground.
Her eyes again filled with tears, not because of the pain. Looking up she met his eyes. He turned to leave, but he was halted at the sound of a whimper from behind him.
Vader turned back to her and saw her body quivering in pain, forming words with her lips.
"I loved you too Anakin, you will bring... balance..." She was shaken by a violent cough, spitting blood. Then her pains were suddenly gone. The sentence wasn't finished, but Darth Vader knew what she wanted to say. Her eyes were heavy and everything was black.
She saw again all her memories and moments with Anakin. The first time they met on Cristophsis, their first kiss in the Medical Bay after destroying all the Geonosian worms, Barriss' smirking face, and the surprised but understanding look on Rex's face. She visualized Rex's face right now, waiting for her return to the rebel base along with Kanan and Ezra.
Her final minute was spent relishing the memory of Padme's jealous face when Anakin broke up with her, when Padme glared at her knowing she was the real reason of Anakin's departure from her life.
Ahsoka Tano died a heroine. For the last time, Vader looked down at her lifeless body. He breathed in as Anakin, with Vader exhaling for him.
He began to limp out of the Sith Temple, with something different inside him.
Anakin Skywalker still lived.