It came as a surprise to everyone when Peridot first brought forth her own weapon; mostly because at the time, she hadn't even intended to do so. Yet it was impossible for her to ignore, what with the searing pain in her back from having fallen. Betrayed by her own gravity connectors! Surely, her former Diamond was mocking her from light-years away!

Still, everyone seemed to be enthralled by the set of shiny roller blades that now adorned her limbs. Steven was even kind enough to offer to teach her to use them.

Which is what led to her now, knees bent at an awkward angle for what felt like the millionth time, once again attempting to cross the threshold of the barn. Steven gives her a thumbs-up from the other side of the threshold, arms outstretched and ready to catch her if she falls.

Not this time, she insists to herself. Moving with all the grace of a disgruntled elderly person, she pushes forward, inching one rigid foot after another. Her face is determined, and her figurative blood is boiling.

"That's it, Peridot!" cheers Connie from the sidelines. "You're almost there!"

It feels like hours before she finally reaches the other side, Steven steadying her arms as she lets out a powerful sigh. "Yay, you got it! I told you you could!"

The technician's eyes are sparkling in accomplishment. "YES!", she cheers, carefully raising her arms. "I am the Rollerblading Master!"

Connie trots over to congratulate her. "You did great!" she says, gesturing to her stop-watch. "It took seventeen tries, but you finally beat your record. At this rate, you might even be on par with Lapis!"

The water gem, clad in casual attire, slides into view on a skateboard, pulling off a McTwist before dismounting.

Peridot crosses her arms at her, glaring under her protective helmet. "Showoff."

Lapis' countering raspberry is almost forgotten with the sound of footsteps outside. Garnet charges in, accompanied by Amethyst and Pearl, weapons bared.

The fusion addresses them with her fists raised, "There's corrupted gems running amok in the city. We need extra help to drive them out."

The pair of humans practically brim with excitement at this sudden opportunity. "I'll go get my bike," Steven replies, jogging out of the barn.

Peridot glowers at this revelation. "I have to use these," she deadpans, pointing downward, "Don't I?"

Lapis pats the short gem's helmet. "Shouldn't be too hard for the 'Rollerblading Master'~"


Garnet seems pleased with this result. She tilts her sunglasses in the other girl's direction. "Connie?"

The human purses her lips before responding, "Sure, but how am I going to keep up? I don't have any wheels!"

Amethyst steps forward, patting the girl on the shoulder. "You need wheels?" her form glows violet, shape-shifting herself into a scooter. "I'll be your wheels!"

Pearl, having listened up to this point, indignantly asks, "Garnet, you aren't seriously suggesting we do a drive-by, are you? And besides, what are we supposed to—"

The fusion grins at her.


Pearl knows that grin. She's known it for thousands of years.


She knows the motivation behind that expression.

"Garnet, no."

She can almost taste the pure evil behind it.


Even as she's being dragged towards the motorcycle, she knows it's already too late.


But that doesn't stop her from howling from her seat with a shriek that could pierce the heavens:


Yes, it's a multi-parter; also, it's been since February. I'm such a monster.