Disclaimer: I do not own iZombie. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Liv Moore went rigid, her pupils dilated and her vision was suddenly taken over. It was never pleasant receiving one of her 'visions'. Well, there were one or two which had ended pleasantly, especially on her latest brain, but the moment she was taken over by the vision and the moment she came out of it were always very unpleasant indeed. Although it didn't compare to envisioning the moment someone else died. It wasn't just that she could see it, she could feel it. The certainty of knowing you were going to die. The overwhelming fear, and despair. And this time it was worse than ever before, and Liv had experienced a few horrific deaths.

One unique thing about this death was it was self-inflicted. A girl about her own age hanged herself inside her bathroom, hoping that her neck would snap from the force of the impact. It didn't. The poor girl was left hanging there for a few long minutes, Liv experiencing the same agony and like the girl praying for death. Then as the life faded from her body the girl's final thought was of her best friend, who she had secretly been in love with for years and just couldn't take the rejection after finally admitting the truth to her.

When the vision was finally over Liv clutched her neck and desperately gasped for breath. She was fine, she always was, no matter how vivid the vision was or what the victim had been going through at the time, physically she was fine. Mentally was another story. If Ravi couldn't find a way to cure her soon she was sure she would go completely crazy from seeing all this death. It was easily the worst part of being a zombie, and she regularly ate brains. At the very least she would develop multiple personality disorder and need to be heavily medicated to stay a productive member of society/out of some kind of psych ward.

This time was worse of all though, as it just made her think about everything that happened over the past few weeks. Months even. Then all of a sudden there was a knock on the door and she ran to it at what felt like the speed of one of those vampires on The CW. When she reached the door she stopped with her hand on the door handle, closed her eyes and rested her forehead against it. She then spent almost a full minute repeating to herself over and over again it's not real, it's not real, it's not real. Peyton is fine, Peyton is fine, Peyton is fine. Then she flung open the door and with teary eyes looked at who was on the other side of it.

As she did this she whimpered, "Peyton?"