The eliteprobe left a message.


Translating Protoss machine language into English.


Hi! Folks!

Welcome to my fanfic.

Before you read this story, there are some points you have to know to make everyone delighted.

This is a FriskXAsriel story; close this page now if you hate that.

OC are included in this story, one or two of them are even one of the main characters. Don't like that? Click on "the previous page" now.

I know my writing is poor, but I did my best, I will "Upgrade" sometimes it if my writing made some progress.

I like feedbacks and supports, it means a lot! So don't be shy to leave reviews after reading.

PLEASE, if you want to spread hate on my reviews, take a piece a paper to write on and rip it. You will feel better.

I accept constructive criticism. It's good to know where I can work on or fix.

I won't write lemons. Not only this is Rated-T, but also I have difficulties writing it.
If lemons are about to happen, I will simply carry over. Fill the details by yourself.

Only the story and OCs are mine, the game Undertale and its amazing characters belong to Toby Fox.

Some CRIME activities ARE included!

ALWAYS ask for permission if you want to use my OC or do anything to my story. Violators will be "greeted" with Photon Cannons accompanied with tons of flying "Cheese" and a report.

Lots of gaming stuff and lines from game characters.

Rated-T for violence and blood, intimacy, and coarse language. DON'T TELL I DIDN'T WARN YOU!

Main characters will have "bad times". (Don't worry it's not death, but is death the worst?).

Chinese and Taiwanese slangs included.

Feel free to PM me for questions, or visit my Tumblr-selfieprobe.

Still here?

Thank you for hearing me "rambling". Now let's go, into the final ending.

Special thanks to Keyblader Zen to beta this.

Chapter 1: The "Final" Ending

Frisk LV1 365:00

Last Corridor

-Save- -Return-

The SAVE file floats in front of its owner.

'Is this the right way to SAVE him?'

Every time, he was left behind, alone waiting for his final fate.

It wasn't his fault for being killed, or his wish to become a wicked flower. He gave his first friend his loyalty, friendship, and trust. What does he get in return? Despair, loneliness, and betrayal time and again.

But, she couldn't help. She tried everything she could do, even murder. She killed Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, and all her monster friends at least one hundred times.

On this RESET, she killed no one, and befriended every monster. Only one thing was different. She didn't accept Sans's invitation once and didn't buy his hot dogs. Although this change seemed to be irrelevant to saving Asriel, everything was worth a try to Frisk.

'OK, let's take Sans's judgment.'

What surprised her was, Sans wasn't standing in the corridor. He was leaning on a pillar with his hoodie on, tears were filling his eye sockets.

"Why?" Sans choked out, "Why would you do this?"

"None of your business, Sans. Just do what you have to do."

However, she was shocked by the reaction of the now-weeping skeleton.

"Frisk, you need to stop this madness! I don't want to see you hurting others and… yourself."

"But I… I…"

It was too much. The memory of her friends becoming dust under her blade. The betrayals, the pain, the sickening sensation of the knife cutting through monster flesh. It was a shock to her that she hadn't developed some sort of psychological trauma at this point.

"He's always left behind. After every 'true' ending, I have dreams about him."

-One of Frisk's dreams-

In the dark, Frisk was looking for someone.

"Asriel! Where are you? Please say something if you hear me!"

A beam of sunshine shone on a flower bed, Asriel laying upon it with a smile. But Frisk knew that he had given up hope and was ready to become a flower once more.

"Asriel, don't…"

Asriel was gone, leaving his clothes and a locket there. The demonic flower stood in his place.

"Who are you calling? I'm Flowey the flower."

"NO, you are Asriel, the prince of monsters!"

Flowey's signature demonic grin contorted upon his face.

"YOU IDIOT. You really think you can save everyone? Stop being so naive and face the music. You don't have a chance to save me, so get out of here or I'll kill you a million times over!"

-Back to now-

"I can't leave him there. I can't. It makes me feel I betrayed him, just like the first child did."

Sans's body posture loosened, his bony hand forming into a fist, then relaxing. He now came to realize that every noble act and gruesome murder Frisk committed was all for one monster who had died for a long time and destined to fade from all memories.

The question was this - why would Frisk go so far merely for Asriel?

An idea sparked in Sans's mind. Something his former mentor, Gaster, had mentioned to him when he was the royal scientist.

"Hey kiddo, instead of endless of RESETs, why don't you take advice from a lazy skeleton?"

"If you want me to give up, the answer is never, Sans. If you try to stop me I will…"

Sans placed his hand outward, a grin forming in his face. Frisk certainly was stubborn, he had to give her that.

"Chill down kiddo! I'm not tellin' ya to give up. I'm offering you a way that might help you get the ending you want. I've got'n idea. I heard that someone is workin' on artificial SOULs. He might have the solution to your problem."


"The former royal scientist, Gaster. If I recall correctly his research was complete."

"But isn't Gaster…"

"Lost in the void? Yes. But his research handwritings are in Alphys's hands."

"So, Alphys can perform Gaster's research results."

"Ya got it kiddo. I will have a talk with her on your next RESET and learn the details; then we will meet here."

"Well, I'll RESET and get the 'true' ending… No the 'final' ending. I swear if all of this works. I will destroy the 'RESET' button. I will never ever send you back underground again."

"Stay determined, kiddo, good luck."

"Bye-bye. I hope next time is the last time we have a chat here!"


In the gap between RESET and her appearance on the flower bed, a monster's face appearing in Frisk's mind's eye.

"Greetings, Frisk. I believe we had met before. My name is Tempest."

"I heard your voice before, you were the stranger who helped me escape my horrible parents but are you just a human kid?"

The lizard-like monster grinned.

"I can take the form of a human child. Next time, if you want to run away from home, please tell me or at least plan for it. You almost gave me a heart attack. Not every child does this at your age."

"Was it another surprise for you to that I end up like this?"

"Nope. Wait, I'm not here for talking good old times!"

"I'm here to warn you. This 'final' ending is filled with obstacles and hardships. But... if you manage to make through, I give you my word, you will never think of RESET again."

"Don't worry. Thought I can't help you directly now, I will be watching over you, and give suggestions if you need them. Safe travels, my friend, may the elements illuminate your path."

Frisk woke up to find herself on a bed of golden flowers.


"Always here, shouldn't you be doing something? Go now. Show me your DETERMINATION! SAVE everyone you love!"

Frisk stood up, intent on embarking on her "final" journey.

-At the last corridor-

Frisk and Sans met again.

"Hi Sans."

"Hey there, kiddo. Now…l believed ya heard too much what I goin' to say, let's skip to the point OK? I've done some askin', I'm against the idea now."

"But… it might be my only chance."

Sans placed his hand on his head. He wasn't certain whether Frisk was filled with DETERMINATION or if immovable rocks filled not just her skull, but her entire body.

"According to Gaster's writings, and artificial SOUL has two parts. One is the vessel, the other is soul power. Let's put soul power aside first. When making a SOUL vessel, a piece of SOUL is required. But not any SOUL is suitable; it must be a RED SOUL which is filled with DETERMINATION. In other words, your SOUL."

"I don't give a shit, Sans."

Sans was astonished. Frisk would never say something rude like that. Had this child been keeping a very vulgar side of her at bay?

"I'm determined to do this, if you really know me, you wouldn't stand in my way. And… I might fall for him."

It all happened in the 15th true ending.

-Wind backward-

She met Asriel at the flower bed.

"Don't worry about me; someone has to take care of these flowers."

As Frisk looked to Asriel, a bizarre thought crossed her mind. It was a long-shot, but as implied in Zootopia, "Try Everything".

'If I kissed him, will he stay who he was? Like The Frog and the Princess.'

Without hesitation, she pushed her lips against Asriel's.

Asriel stood still as she broke the kiss. The young monster stepped backward with a hand on his lips, clearly in shock.

"Frisk… why did you do that?"

Frisk's face flushed. Speaking of Zootopia, humans from the surface may have gotten the wrong idea if they were to have seen this. Though, Asriel's fuzzy lips did have an exotic, cute charm about them.

What was she thinking!?

What was going through her head!?

"No…nothing. It's just a kiss goodbye."

'Besides, if this didn't work you will not remember what I did anyway..."


Well, as things played out, she was quite wrong. Not only this, but she was embarrassed every time she met him from then on.

She placed her palm on her lips. She could still remember that kiss. Asriel's lips were tender and warm.

After that kiss, she had a brand new view to Asriel.

After that kiss, she had fallen for him.

After that kiss, she was even more determined.

"His sound was like heaven's harpoon. He was cute, considerate, and kind. His fur was cozy and warm. I loved his emerald-colored eyes. And…"

In response to her rambling, Sans let out a moan of disgusted annoyance, snapping her from her crush-induced trance.

"OK. OK! One, too mushy for my taste. Two, kiddo I know you love him, but I have some points here you have to consider."

Sans placed his bony finger in the air.

"Point one, no one knows what will happen if one's SOUL is broken. Die? That is the best-case scenario. The whole thing could make you a demon, like Chara the dirty brother killer."

A second bony finger erupted from San's closed hand.

"Two, even though the prince is back, will he be happy or curse himself?"

A third finger rose.

"THIRD, if you think RESET or LOAD can handle it, I have to tell you that can't work. You have to have enough DETERMINATION to do that, but if your SOUL is incomplete, your DETERMINATION is also not enough to SAVE or RESET. Meaning, whatever happens will be the last results... no turn-backs.

Yet another finger rose.

"Fourth, about soul power. Boss monster's soul power slowly flows into their child, making their child grow and parents age. But what will happen to the queen and the king remains unknown when their kid is brought back. Maybe their soul power slowly flows like when they have a child or maybe it instantly drains their soul power."

Sans's expression darkened, his hand now a fist.

"The worst situation is they die of lacking soul power, and even if the prince's parents gave all of it, that is not a one-hundred percent guarantee it will be successful. The worst scenario is the Dreemurrs are all dead, and that's the ending, for good. Got it, kiddo? You're not only risking your life, but also you Mom's and Dad's."

Giving a huff, Sans looked down.

"There's one more thing. What if the prince is brought back, but the rest of the royal family are dead? He will be lonelier than before. Are you willing to make him experience this?"

Frisk smiled, approaching Sans. She was certain everything would be fine. For someone without skin, this bonehead sure was a worry-wart.

"Sans, nothing will go wrong. I'm more determined that before, I will overcome everything with my DETERMINATION. Please, don't stand in my way. If you are really my friend, help me."

"I'm sorry old lady. I can't protect her from harm…"

Sans whispered the words to himself.

'This is why I never make promises.'

Looking to Frisk, Sans sighed in resignation.

"OK, kiddo. Looks like if I don't help, I'm gonna have a bad time. Meet me at the lab after everything's done. I'll tell Alphys and make her ready."


"Urah ha ha... Behold my TRUE power!"

'This is it. The last battle.'

"I can feel it... Every time you die, your grip on this world slips away. Every time you die, your friends forget you a little more. Your life will end here, in a world where no one remembers you..."

"Still you're hanging on...? That's fine. In a few moments, you'll forget everything, too. That attitude will serve you well in your next life!"

"Ura ha ha... Still!? Come on... Show me what good your DETERMINATION is now!"

Frisk SAVE her friends by using the glowing SAVE button which replaced ACT.

"Huh? What are you doing...?"

'The final person to SAVE.'

"Wh... what did you do...? What's this feeling...? What's happening to me?"

"No! NO! I don't need ANYONE!"

"STOP IT! Get away from me! Do you hear me!? I'll tear you apart!"

"...'Frisk'... Do you know why I'm doing this...?"

Before then, Frisk was doing everything the exact same way as she did before, SAVE her friends, and then SAVE Asriel by continuously pressing the SAVE button.

But this went outside of her expectations, as Asriel always calls her Chara in this fight. This fillled her with DETERMINATION to SAVE Asriel and live with him on the surface.

"Why I keep fighting to keep you around...? I'm doing this... Because you're special, Frisk. You're the only one that understands me. You're the only one who's any fun to play with anymore."

"... No... That's not JUST it. I... I... I'm doing this because I care about you, Frisk! I care about you more than anybody else! I'm not ready for this to end. I'm not ready for you to leave."

"I'm not ready to say goodbye to someone like you again... So, please... STOP doing this... AND JUST LET ME WIN!"

As Asriel unleashed his final attack, Frisk could barely stand still. She began to dream.

Asriel and her were eating Toriel's snail pie together, they both entered the same school, and… the kiss on the 15th true ending.

All those dreams filled her with DETERMINATION and hope, and helped her survived the death ray.



Finally, Asriel gave up.

Without hesitation, Frisk pressed the glowing SAVE button.


"... Frisk ..."


"I'm so alone, Frisk..."


"I'm so afraid, Frisk..."


"Frisk, I..."

The whole world went white.

-After the fight-

In a dark place, Asriel was saying his "last" words. Frisk was silent in a physical sense, but responded mentally.

"Ha… ha. I don't want to let go."

'You can hug me anytime later.'

"Frisk… You're going to do a great job, OK? No matter what you do."

'I will SAVE you and live on the surface with you.'

"Everyone will be there with you, okay?"

'Including you… I won't leave you behind again.'

Her lip began to quiver.

"Well, my time is running out."

'Yeah, that's true, but 'our time' is beginning.'

She began to tense up.

"By the way, Frisk. Take care of Mom and Dad for me, OK?"

She was unable to bear it.

"No! It is 'we' are taking care of them!"


"Come with me please."

As Frisk seized Asriel by the hand, the darkness faded away and revealed their location - the flower bed which Frisk fell on. Without hesitation, she dragged Asriel to the Hotlands.

-At the lab-


A robot showed up. It was Mettaton.

"Oh, darling! You here to visit me!"

"Good to see you charged and repaired, do you know where Alphys is? I have something important."

"She went in that door with a skeleton; she seems worried. Hey! Sweetie! You brought someone with you! Hello, I'm Mettaton. What's your name, little guy?"

"I'll introduce him later, I'm in a hurry now. See ya!"

"Well, see you later darling!"

Frisk and Asriel took to the 'true lab'. Gaster's lab. Upon reaching their destination, they found the "DETERMINATION extraction machine". Sans and Alphys were waiting for them, filled with anxiety.

As not to worry Asriel, Frisk had requested that Sans take Asriel away until the process was complete.

"A…Are you sure about this?" Alphys asked with concern.

"Sans asked me that about like a hundred times. Yes, I'm sure, and I'm informed what might happen."

"Well, please step in this machine, I'll start the procedure. I'm going to take the minimum amount of your SOUL in order to minimize the side effects, but it isn't means everything will go right If you change your mind, just yell stop."

"I won't. Just do what you have to do."

-In the video room-

Sans was talking to Asriel.

"Promise me one thing... Never hurt Frisk. No matter what happens."

"Why would I hurt her?"

Sans eyes sockets turned black as he spoke in a threating tone, "Listen up, goat boy. I don't care whether you are a prince. Frisk did too much for you! She gained EXP and LOVE against her will! She betrayed her conscience by sending all her friends underground again and again! All of these was to SAVE you!"

Sans stood over Asriel, looking him in the eye as is socket glowed a bright blue, "If you dare to ignore her efforts and let her down, you are going to have a bad time."

As his eyes shifted back to their normal state, Sans reached out his hand, returning to his usual, comedic self.

"A ba-d time, Goat-boy... We're cool here?"

Nodding, Ariel accepted the gesture.


"The farting mat trick doesn't get out of fashion. Isn't it?"


Alphys was busy in making adjustments to the machine, Frisk waiting inside. After the adjustments were finished, she asked Frisk for the final time.

"A…Are you…"

Frisk interrupted Alphys before she could speak another word.

"Yes. I'm sure."

"W…Well let's start."

The machine began to split Frisk's SOUL into two pieces. Not into two equal pieces when she got a "game over", but into non-equal pieces.

One piece was three-fourths, and the other was one-fourth. The larger piece returned to her chest; the smaller one leaving.

Alphas took the small SOUL fragment and began to alter it. Gradually, an empty SOUL with a red outline appeared.

Frisk was happy that stage 1 is complete, but her eyelids became heavy. She felt her life force flowing away with her consciousness fading.

The last thing she heard is the machine's loud beeping sound and Alphys yelling.

"No, no, no!"


-On a grassland in the Land of Dreams-

Frisk woke up to see Tempest familiar, smirking face.

"Hello! We meet again, Frisk! What troubles do you bring now?"

"Am I dead?"

"You are now in the Land of Dreams. If go further down you will see the Gate of Death. In view of your conditions now, if I don't help you, the gatekeeper will take you to the gate and force you to pass it. After that, you are dead. However, I knew you would end up here, so I'm here to help. Drink this!"

Tempest removed out a beautiful, embroiled flask decorated with gold lines; filled with white, dense, luminescent substance similar to a monster SOUL.

"What's this?"

"It's called the Eternal Flask, it collects spent Mana and… Oh, forget it! All your you need to know is that the liquid in this flask is called SOUL power and it helps your SOUL to recover."

Frisk hesitated, looking at the flask.

"What are you waiting for? An invitation? I can hear the gatekeeper coming, hurry! And get back to the real world! Your friends are worried!"

A sound of a horse dashing came from the other side of the grassland.

Frisk immediately drank the sticky substance. It tasted like Toriel's butterscotch pie. As she drank, she felt herself being filled with immeasurable power, eventually becoming so overwhelming that blanked out. As her vision faded, she heard Tempest arguing with the gatekeeper in Chinese.

She woke up.

She found herself in a bed with her friends surrounding her.

They were all horrified and surprised.

"Frisk… I was so worried. I thought you were dead."

"What happened, Azzy?"

"After Dr. Alphys took your SOUL, your life signs were gone. We tried everything to SAVE you, but all in vain."

Asriel couldn't continue, beginning to sob.

"But your SOUL somehow grew back and you came back to life." Sans added, easily seen to be more furious than worried.

"I'm sorry to make you worried."

She noticed the eternal flask was in her hands and at half capacity.

"The container, did you use it Azzy?"

Asriel said nothing, only to lower his head.

"This is the bad news. Though we put the container into the prince, the soul power didn't fill it up as we expected. At any moment now, he will turn into a flower." Alphys sighed, seeming disappointed in herself.

When all hope seemed to be gone, suddenly, Tempest's words resonated in Frisk's mind.

"All you need to know is that the liquid in this flask is called SOUL power…"

An idea sparked. Without a second's hesitation, she grasped and tilted Asriel's head, stuffing his mouth with the flask, forcing him to drink.

Asriel's soul slowly filled up, only for it to be white with a red outline.

-At the surface-

"I haven't seen my child for some time, I wonder if she is fine." Toriel sighed.

"Your majesty, all of us know how strong that punk is. Maybe she's just running around the underground one last time." This was Undyne's comforting reply.

Toriel and Asgore felt something familiar. Something they only had known when their loved one was alive.

"Tori, did you feel that?"

"Don't call me that Dreemurr, and yes I notice it. But…this is impossible."

They both looked back to the barrier to see two figures. Their mouths widened in shock at the two.

One was their child, Frisk.

One was holding hands with their child, Frisk.

One was Asriel, the prince of monsters.

One was their long dead son.

"H…Howdy, it's me, Asriel."

Asriel's voice shook at his words.

It was real.

"It's you, my child!"

Toriel shouted the words, holding her chest from shock.

"How this can be? Am I dreaming?"

Asgore whimpered the words while pinching himself.

"Yeah, your majesty. This is ASRIEL as it is."

Sans grinned at his pun.

Toriel chuckled, tears flowing from her eyes.


Papyrus chastised Sans in annoyance, placing his hand on his face.

"I can't understand what ya sayin', bro since I only have a 'BONE' head."

This pun caused Toriel to laugh from her stomach.

After the skeleton brothers finished their entertaining conversation, or rather bickering, Toriel and Asgore ran to the couple for a heartfelt embrace.

Tempest was sitting on a cloud, looking to the Dreemurrs with a smile.

"Not a top class ending, but good enough."

Tempest whispered the words, folding his arms.

The Prince is back.

Here starts a new ending.

But new problems?

-Somewhere in the void-

"So you wanna play with me? Well, then I will play with you to the end! All of you!"

Author's notes

Phew! That's ch1.


With the help of an OC character, and Gaster? The Prince is back to life.

The soul vessel idea is from GLITCHtale. If you guys haven't watch it, I recommend it a lot.

This chapter took me some time since English isn't my native tongue.

Change log:

Fix some grammar issues, and some minor problems

Merged the chapter!

The "Upgrade" was complete.

Added more scenes, details, and fixed problems.

Most of the dialogs and scenes descriptions are not changed.

I made another patch, with a spell checker, believe me, It was fully red!

A Beta help me to fix up the chapter. It looks quite better now!

Special thanks to Keyblader Zen to help me improve this.

Please leave a like or review, if you want.

Here's my tumblr, selfieprobe welcome to ask questions!

eliteprobe warp-out.

Oh! Stay determined!