So, unbelievably here we are with the final chapter of my first historic Sherlolly fic. Thank you so much for coming along with me on this journey. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of writing it and hope you had as much enjoyment from the reading of it.
Before I move on I just wanted to thank Lilsherlockian1975 for her support with this fic and for her suggestions in some of the recent chapters. Having her to bounce ideas around with and generally chew the fat with is invaluable and I hope she knows how much I appreciate her.
Anyway there's only one thing left now...on with the ending.
Chapter 18
They kissed once more but this felt so different from previous times. Molly could feel Sherlock's naked body pressed against her own and the feel of his skin on hers just made her shudder in anticipation. She had replayed her first time with him so many times over the last few months but then they had been still half dressed, rushing in their need to be together, but now... Molly felt as if they had all the time in the world.
She let her hands slide down his sides feeling his muscles reacting to her touch. Bravely when she moved her hand to his back she let them glide down to cup his backside pulling him against her until she could feel his hardness against her thigh. She moved to accommodate him, spreading her legs and awaiting the moment when he would press himself inside her but he didn't. Instead he kissed his way down her neck and to her breasts.
She had forgotten just how good it felt to have him kissing and sucking and biting on each of her sensitive nipples in turn. By the time he had finished Molly knew she was close to that strange pleasure that he had called an orgasm and she felt she couldn't wait to experience it again. She found herself pleading with him to help her achieve it but when he lifted his head from her breasts he gave her such a wicked smile that she had to bite her lip and swallow hard, wondering just what he meant to do next. She soon found out as he moved himself lower still. His lips and tongue leaving a trail down her stomach until his head was between her legs. She had never seen a sight so sinfully wicked or erotic.
The moment he kissed her quim though she knew she was lost. She sank her hands into his luscious black curls as his tongue and lips caused the most amazing sensations in her body that she had ever experienced. Within minutes she was incoherently crying out his name as she pressed herself wantonly against his face hearing him groan as his tongue plunged inside her.
As she came back to herself he knelt up smiling as he wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. He looked so pleased with himself at the reaction he had caused in her that she found herself once again wanting to give him the same pleasure he had just given her.
She sat up, still breathing heavily, and matched his position on the bed so she could kiss him once more. He tasted different and she knew that it must be herself that she could taste on his mouth and tongue. It made her wonder just what he must taste like and it was that wonder which made her kiss down his neck, licking at his throat and enjoying the sounds it brought from him.
She placed her hands on his muscular thighs as she mirrored his movements on her; kissing and biting each of his nipples as he leant back against the footboard of the bed watching her progress through eyes that were merely slits.
As she reached his abdomen his erection was already skimming the skin of her cheek and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, hoping that what she was about to do was something he would enjoy. She had no reference point, no knowledge, she just acted on instinct.
As she took him into her mouth he let out a cry. She almost stopped, worrying that she had made a mistake but his words gave her confidence to continue. 'Oh God, don't stop...yes...that feels amazing.'
She took her time, enjoying the salty tangy taste of him as she slowly got used to taking him deeper and deeper into her mouth. Too soon though he stopped her and pulled her back up.
'Did I do it wrong?' She asked but he shook his head as he kissed her throat.
'God no, but I was too close to my finish and I want to be inside you when I come.'
His words seemed to go straight through her body and set her loins ablaze once more. He lay himself down on the bed and moved Molly so she was sat astride him and she moaned as she felt her quim come into contact with the hardness of his erection. Once again she felt totally out of her depth. There was so much she needed to learn but she was glad she had such a good teacher. She had always imagined that sex would be as they had first had it, with her on her back and him above, but it was quickly becoming apparent to her that that was not the case.
He told her to sit up a little and when she did he positioned himself at her entrance and slowly but surely she slid down onto him, gasping as he stretched and filled her. Memories of their previous coupling and how it had felt came rushing back to her but her memories had not done it justice. The reality was so much better than the remembrance of it.
Sherlock was pleasantly surprised by how enthusiastic Molly was about trying out new sexual experiences. He had suspected from the start that she would be an eager learner and she was not disappointing him...she would never disappoint him...but she was so much more than even he had realised. When she had taken him in her sweet mouth it had taken everything he had ever known not to come. He promised himself that should she be willing next time he wouldn't hold back but he knew that he needed to not overwhelm her with too much too soon.
The sight of her above him, her eyes closed and her mouth open, taking in the feeling of being filled by him was breathtaking and he wished he could immortalise the image in more than just his mind palace. He wanted to remember this moment for ever.
Tentatively she bounced up and down on his cock and he struggled to mask his smile at her inexperience. It wouldn't do for her to think he were laughing at her, he needed to nurture her and give her confidence.
'Lean forward, my love, come...kiss me,' he covered her breast with his hand as he brought the other to her hip guiding her movements as they kissed. She was a quick study though and soon she was riding him, moaning and crying out as she used his body to give herself the pleasure she wanted. He loved watching her, feeling her getting closer and knowing he wouldn't have to hold back for much longer. His own pleasure would soon be past the point of no return but he needed her to climax again.
He caught at her breast as she rocked above him and gently bit down on her nipple until he heard her let out a loud groan. He repeated the move once...then twice and he felt the moment that she started to come, felt her muscles tighten around him pulling his own orgasm from him.
He thrust up into her almost lifting her off the bed as the two of them came, neither caring about how much noise they were making; they were both just lost in the moment.
As they came back down from their mutual high Sherlock rolled them so he could lie above her and kiss her deeply, feeling his cock starting to slip from her. He determined there and then that they would have sex again that night. It might take him a short while to recover but he could imagine nothing better than spending the whole night showing her just how much he loved and wanted her.
He could still hardly believe the significant change that this small woman had wrought in him. He had gone to that hospital in agony, expecting and fearing to lose his leg and be crippled for life and he had left with more than he had ever deserved.
He pushed the sweat soaked hair from off her face as he smiled down at her bending his head to kiss her once more. This time the kiss was slow...languid, it seemed to last for ever but still ended too soon. As he caught his breath he moved over her a little more and kissed her again. This time there was more fire to it, more passion as he let his tongue explore her mouth.
He was amazed to feel himself physically responding to her once more but he could feel blood pulsing into his cock making it lengthen and harden as though he hadn't just been sated.
By now he was fully lying on top of her and she opened her legs to him and bit by bit as he moved his hips against her he started to enter her. It felt as though he were in another world, one in which only the two of them existed, one where time ceased to matter. They had been kissing and touching for so long that he had no idea how much time had passed, all that mattered was her and how she made him feel and he felt good.
She let her hands trail down his back, scraping at his skin with her nails and it seemed to send pulses of pain and pleasure straight to his cock and he wanted her more than he had ever wanted anything before. He wanted to fuck her and make love to her all at the same time and hear her calling his name as she came, knowing that she was his.
He felt her pulling him into her encouraging him to go faster and deeper and he responded. He lifted himself off her slightly and thrust into her watching her expressions in the fast darkening room. He could hear her cries of pleasure and her starting to beg him for more and he wanted to give it to her, he wanted to give her everything he had.
He used his arm on one side to lift her leg higher so he could go deeper knowing he would be able to hit that spot inside her that would bring on her orgasm knowing his own would follow soon after. The contrasting feeling of the cool air of the bedroom and the delicious warmth of her tight, slick cunt was making him lose all sense of himself.
His muscles were straining and he knew that he was sweating with the exertion but it didn't matter all that mattered was reaching his climax and it was so close. Then all of a sudden her nails bit into the skin of his backside and she cried out his name. As she came she bit and sucked at the skin at the base of his throat and he never wanted to stop fucking her but it was too late and his come streamed from him pulsing into her as he slammed himself as deep inside her as he could physically manage.
By the time he had finished he felt as though he had run a marathon and he fell onto her knowing that she could take his weight, at least for a moment or two.
This time when they broke apart he lay on his back with Molly hugged up to his side and he could feel sleep pulling at him tempting him. Molly was kissing his chest as her hand moved across his stomach.
'Molly Holmes you will be the death of me. I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you.'
She leant up on her elbow and smiled down at him. 'Good, because I'm not going anywhere, losing me is one battle you'll never have to I have an inkling that you still have more to teach me. Am I right?'
'Yes, yes you are and I can't wait.'
And that's where we'll leave them, enjoying being together. If any of you were wondering Molly started her new job at Barts and thoroughly enjoyed it, because of that they put off having a family for a while but Molly was pregnant by their second wedding anniversary.
Let me know if you liked the ending...or even if you didn't and I'll be back soon with another fic, though the next ones quite a bit shorter. that is...if you want a new fic...let me know.