Hey! I am new here, this is my first fanfic ever. I hope u like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairytail

Warning: English isn't my first language, so don't expect a lot.


Chapter1: the break out

'It's painful...please! anyone save me! I can't take it anymore!' he thought.

He felt tears on his face but he didn't care, he was hurt all over his magical powers kept leaving his body slowly in a painful way. Then, he heard an explosion, he felt fear, he can barely open his eyes to tell what's going on! But that smell he kept waiting for it! It's Gray's smell! And there is also Lucy's, Gajeel's and Erza's too! They came for him finally!

But when they came in, it was horrible; they never thought it was that bad. It has been a week since Natsu's disappearance. They kept tracking the rumours until they found him. His arms were hanged to the ceiling with anti-magical cuffs, his right elbow seem to be broken and bent to an unnatural angle his right shoulder was dislocated he was full of wounds and bruises he was all bloody and most of all in tears! They never thought he will be in this pitiful state ever!

"Natsu, can you hear me! Natsu!" Gray was worried he started cutting the chains around his arms kegs and legs and cought him before he falls.

"Hey Natsu! Answer me please" The pinkette was limp in his arms, he was scared, was this the end? "Please flame brain, answer me!" he was in pain but still aware of his surroundings, he forced his eyes open and too tired to talk, it hurts his throat but he forced it anyways,he wanted to ease some of their worry "Gr...ay" his voice was hoarse and sounded that he was in pain. "Natsu! You alright? Argh! Stupid question. Hold on okay? I'll get you out of here" he felt Natsu in his arms as if trying to say something.

"Natsu! What's wrong?"

"Ign...eel sca..-" he stopped coughing up blood.

'Shit! How bad is it?' Gray thought . "It's okay Natsu it's there - he reached for it on the ground – don't try to talk okay? I'll carry you. try not to fall asleep until we reach help okay?" He wrapped the scarf around Natsu and wiped tears from his face and noticed Natsu's shaking ease when he felt safe.

"Erza! Go and search for that bastard with lucy and gajeel. I'll take Natsu to porliysca in the woods, he needs immediate medical attention " he saw her hesitate for a moment but they nod and then went running with lucy and Gajeel. They must be shocked as he was or more…

"Hang in there Natsu, okay? I know you are in pain but trust me I will help you okay? Just stay with me and do not fall asleep you hear me?" He felt Natsu nod a weak nod while his eyes is closed and his eye brows twitching in pain. 'As if I can sleep in this pain'. Natsu would trust Gray with his life after all , he came all the way and saved him after he was desperate and stared planning to ...suicide...

Gray moved to carry Natsu gently in his arms to avoid hurting him more, he noticed that his back muscles are too tense so he avoided stressing them. It must be from the long time hanging , 'Was he hung like that for the whole week to be in this condition!'He stood up with Natsu in his arms but most of his worries were the burns and the wounds by his torso. How the hell did Natsu get burned?!

"Natsu I need you to hear me , we are going now and I'm going to keep talking to you keep focusing on my voice. I know your voice hurts and so your eyes so just nod so that I know you are still with me, okay? "He felt Natsu nodding" if you need something or feel too much pain pull my shirt okay? Here we go" and off Gray runs into the forest.

Gray started running carrying Natsu in his hands , he kept talking to him about foolish things and things happened or used to do in the past and Natsu kept nodding ,but the sky suddenly got darker with clouds then Natsu stopped nodding and started shivering as a leaf in a windy day. "Natsu! What's wrong? Just move your lips I'll get what's happening."

Natsu stayed silent for a moment and then he thought it would be better if he tells him what's wrong with him even if he thinks it's nothing. He swallowed his pride and mouthed 'I am cold '.

Panic started seeping into Gray's heart 'Dear God! How come Natsu gets cold!' He tried to gain his composure. He had to stay strong for him. Only then he noticed that he is having a high fever. More heat was radiating from him than normal.

"Don't worry it's just your fever. Oh there you go"

He put him down on the grass slowly on his back and then took off his own shirt which he was amazed that he still putting on and wrapped it around him to warm him up. Then he was about to move when it's started to rain 'Oh God' He kept looking around for shelter and found a small cave. He carried him in and collected some wood to make fire. There was still long distance till they reach Porlyisca and Natsu wasn't in a condition to keep traveling under the rain . He placed Natsu by the fire and started checking his injuries .

He made a bucket from ice then fell it with water from a nearby river and then soaked a cloth in it and then he gently started wiping the blood from Natsu's torso but as soon as the wet cloth touched him, he flinched violently, as if someone had stabbed him! He immediately pulled away. 'Oh please! don't be what I think!'

"Hey Natsu, this may hurt but bear with me, okay?" he saw Natsu hesitate but then nodded he trusted Gray, so he won't do anything to damage him . Gray made a very thin needle from his ice and then he inserted it slowly into Natsu's arm just like a very thin injection's needle, but Natsu jerked as if he was tortured . He tried to stop Gray from going further but he couldn't move his arm due to his dislocated shoulder he only clunched his fist and his eyes was shut tight . Gray was afraid of this , he had read of this before it's a type poison that work on the nervous system and make it more sensitive to pain its very illegal torture style it may lead to the victim death ,they even stopped producing it . That bastard had used it on him!?

"Natsu did he injected something in to you?" he nodded

"Did he…did he injected it more than once ?" Gray hesitated

He knew Natsu's pain endurance, he knew that wasn't only one portion that made him like that, he knew deep inside but he didn't want to admit he know how bad it is .

Natsu nodded .he took deep breath and said "Did he do it twice?" he shook his head "three times?!" he then nodded

"Oh God , you must had been through alot" He saw a tear slipping from Natsu's eyes, he gently whipped it with the cloth in his hand.

"sshhh it's okay Natsu ,I'll take care of you, ok? You are save now" Natsu's head was not clear enough, but he was aware of the cracking bride within him. But he couldn't help it! He was in so much pain.

He slipped his hand through his hair trying to comfort him. And it did the trick Natsu felt comfort from his cool hands against his fever, that eased his headache a bit. It heped him relax for a bit for the first time in a while.

Next chapter : reaching help!
