I hope you enjoy this story, not sure how long it will be yet, we will see.

This story is based off of harry potter writen by j. K. Rowling

Enjoy :)

This was the only solution I could think of.

The only one that had a chance of working.

Harry has failed, he died along with voldemort's horcrux when he sacraficed himself. I wanted to go with him too but he would have never let me anyway.

With harry dead and no one left brave enough to finish him and his snake off, after their drop in moral, the death eaters were then able to pick off the remaining opposition.

The order and their support from the DA fought hard, but not hard enough. While death eaters were picked off a few here and there, we were droping at a rediculouse speed.

There was absolutely no chance of winning and the rest of the student population surrendered, they were never prepared for this.

So i did the only thing I could have done as the only one left fighting.

I ran...

I could do nothing else so i needed a plan, and that ment running away to think without being in panic and surrounded with the dead bodies of loved ones.

I ran through the castle of hogwarts untill i came to the place i figured they wouldn't think to look for me, at least not right away.

Once I got to the still open door of the chamber of secrets from earlier i closed and sealed the door.

As I walked into the main area of the chamber, I started looking for additional rooms that may be attached.

Finding one that i dub harmless enough to be in, the room consisting of a couch, desk, a few chairs and several book cases filled with books ranging from seemingly harmless subjects to what most consider dark arts.

I sit and try a push most of what happend that day away to deal with later when i had time.

And after what seemed hours of thinking only one thing came to mind that has the possibility of working, no matter how small that amount is.

Time travel...

Nothing so stupid as going back to kill voldemort when he is vulnerable, that could lead to somthing much worse and i don't want to even give that thought, somthing worse isn't possible in my imagination.

No, I want to go back and change things not stop him, that would never work, people like him don't just change. No he needs to be redirected.

I'm not stupid enough to only believe what i'm told and nothing else. I can think for myself, and i never did believe all of what harry said about tom riddle being the whole truth, just because he believed everything Dumbledore told him to be the only truth didn't mean i am that naive.

Just because Dumbledore was the leader of the light doesn't mean he wouldn't do whatever he saw fit for the "greater good".

He is not evil or cruel per say, but he has no problem with keeping people in the dark or only telling people what he thinks they should know, when they should know it, in order to manipulate his chess pieces around.

Thats what we are to him to a certain extent. Chess pieces. ..

It's a good thing i was never an overly cooperative chess peice.

So when i got the impression that Dumbledore thought tom riddle was beyond saving, i didn't quite buy it.

Sure tom was never going to be good in the traditional sense, but that doesn't mean Dumbledore actually tried to prevent anything from turning out the way it did, whether it was from lack of intervention or having the wrong approach and making him see you as a threat instead is unclear, though i think it was the later.

And considering his background in a orphanage and him being a slytherin with ambition, i'm not surprised he wanted to make a name for himself. Just happened to be in a way that was available to him.

Gain followers with his charisma by using their beliefes to draw them in even if he wasn't as fanatic like some. But having 7 horcruxs has to do somthing to your mental state, and by then he could care less who he killed. Doing it for fun to muggle-born and pureblood alike.

Thats where i have to make the change, give him a different path to walk where he can still gain power with less blood shed, like minister of magic.

Definitely the lesser of two evils.

I just have to go back and be in a position of influence, it's a useless plan if he doesn't listen to me, which leaves me with few options and only one that won't give me away without me doing it on purpose.

I will go back in time to adopt tom riddle and be the one who tells him about the magical world, i get off on the right foot and Dumbledore doesn't get very much influence over him. And everybody deserves a chance at having a family.

Now to find a way to make it happen.

First stop is the headmaster's office for the time turner, then to the ministry to get some forged paperwork for when i get there. I'll also need to stop by my parent's house to get everything i don't have in my beaded bag.

So before going to the headmaster's office, i walk over to the bookcase to scan for any usefull books.

I end up grabbing all of the books on the shelves i haven't read before which is most of them since there are ones i haven't even seen in the school library even the restricted section.

So about 5 floor to ceiling bookcases later i was ready to get going.

I stopped at the entrance and pulled out harry's invisibility cloak so as not to be caught on the way to Dumbledore's office.

Time to start my self appointed mission and hope it doesnt end too horribly for me. Probably wishful thinking.