Title: Blood Type O

Author: Dae Yuy

Author's Notes: (sheepish wave) 'Lo all. Here I am again. I went back and re-read your reviews for Chapter fourteen and I couldn't not post this. You guys actually made me cry. So here's a chapter. I hope you enjoy. I'm afraid it feels a little juvenile now, I've been writing this story for nearly five years! Can you believe that? (but it hasn't been posted that long) If you go back and re-read the story you should see a difference in writing style and hopefully it was for the better. I should probably keep this short but I really want to ramble and thank you all for being so incredibly kind and good to me. I've never thought I was very good at writing and after reading the those magnificent stories that others have done, I still don't. I'm terribly sorry for the delay. I creeping back into GW, started reading fics again. I still love AtS and will always adore Gundam Wing and have recently gained a Gravitation obsession. I'm not sure how far the latter will take me yet. I like watching a show/reading a manga in it's entirety before I start reading and/or writing fan-fic not really a fan of spoilers lol. So without further ado and if you've actually read my rambles enjoy the next part. Thank you so much and much love!


Chapter Fifteen: Coming Back, Finding Out

He suddenly knew exactly where he was, and exactly where he would go. His hands moved expertly along the wall pushing invisible triggers causing a large section of the wall to slid away, opening to a bright, candle lit room, and in the middle a women stood.

"Who are you?" Duo asked, walking on near silent feet into the room. The women laughed a crystal laugh and looked at the teen with twinkling violet eyes.

"I think you already know the answer to that Duo Maxwell." she said approaching.

"Homiko." Duo whispered, eyes widening, "But... how?"

"I don't even know the answer to that question Duo." Homiko said sadly, "I don't know how I came to be here. I don't know how I came to live through you. But in my experience there is a reason for everything, and what I do know is that I won't be here, in this form tomorrow." she gestured, "It's a one time only deal."

Duo chuckled slightly, "So you're a spirit then?"

"I suppose. Vampires hardly have souls, so I don't understand how I'm a spirit." the braided woman said, looking away.

Duo gripped her shoulders, surprised to find her solid and warm, "That's not true!" Duo protested, "Vampires have to have a soul! I see it in Heero's eyes, I see it in Solo's eyes and I see it in Kikki's eyes. They just can't be empty husks. I won't except that."

Homiko smiled and brought her hand up to brush along Duo's cheek, "We truly are the same, you and I. I used to think like you. I used to believe the impossible."

"Why can't you anymore?" Duo asked, voice straining.

"I do through you Duo, I suppose. We do share the same soul, we're knitted together by a very thin thread, but it's there." Homiko moved closer and wrapped her arms around the younger man. Duo gasped at the touch and readily returned the hug.

"I miss my little girls Duo." she whispered, tears in her voice.

"I know." Duo replied, "I never knew her, but a part of me longs to hold Nixie in my arms, longs to see a smile sweep across her face when daddy comes home."

"I'm waking up I think." Homiko whispered, "I'm waking up in you. But Duo, I fear that... that... oh god... I fear that Heero will not awaken this time."

Duo pulled back and stared into the women's eyes, "What are you talking about?"

The pain was evident on Homiko's face, "He was starved for blood. If... if he does wake up then all he will be able to consume is blood for at least a week, all he will want to consume is blood. I think that is why I am here, in this room, to tell you my fears, to prepare you for the worst."

"Heero didn't say that..." Duo drifted.

"That a vampire can die from lack of blood? I suppose he assumed it was obvious, or he had alternate motives. Maybe he wanted to stay your fears." Homiko shrugged, "I cannot begin to delve into my husbands psyche, its always been unsurpassable even for me. I could touch his soul, but never read his mind." Duo brushed his cold hand over her warm face again, Homiko jumped at the cool touch.

"Your hands are cold." she smiled slightly.

"And you're warm." he said with blatant awe.

"Duo." Homiko said, "I feel my time is nearly up."

"No." Duo said sharply, "You can't go!"

She took his hand from her face and held it in both of her own, "I must. Take good care of Heero for me and Kikki. Remember, I will always be with you. I now live within you, you will just be in control for the most part. Within your... no our body lives three souls Duo. Shinigami, you and myself. You must keep the souls in balance. It is your job, your..." she smirked, "mission." Duo smirked identical to the women before him and nodded. Homiko leaned forward, stretching up on her toes and kissed the braided man, softly and gently. When Duo opened his eyes again, he was standing in the cold, dark tower room, wind whistling through the windows.

"Goodbye Duo Maxwell! Remember I am always with you!" Duo touched his lips where her warm kiss still lingered. He hugged himself just as an especially cool draft entered the room.

"It's just like something out of a horror film." Duo whispered with a wry chuckle as he headed back to Heero's chambers.


Duo entered the room and walked over to the slumbering vampire. He brushed Heero's bangs from his eyes and ran his hand along the soft, perfectly formed cheek. Everything about Heero was perfect.

"I never realized how much I loved you." Duo whispered, "I of course knew I did, but you being away really taught me how much I need you in my life. I promised myself long ago that I would never need anyone, ever again and I broke my promise. If I loose you Heero, I may loose myself. You can't go away Heero. Kikki can't be alone, she needs you. Please, come back to us." Duo squeezed his eyes shut against the tears, it was his turn to be the strong one. In the past he had always relied on Heero's strength to get him through, but now Duo had to take control.

"I can't help but wonder how you survived without blood after you self-destructed." Duo whispered, "If after a week you're blood starved then how...?" Duo shook his head, and put that question on his 'Things to Ask Heero' list once Heero woke up.

"Because you will wake up, right Love?" Duo asked. After running his fingers along Heero's face one last time. Duo walked over to the wardrobe and dug around for something to wear to bed then moved to take a shower, a nice, long, hot shower.

The braided teen unravelled his mass of hair and stepped under the warm spray, rejoicing in the feel of the water. It seemed far to long since he was last clean and as thoughts are prone to do once left alone, they began to wander. What if they couldn't find Xochi again? Would he keep trying until he had claimed Heero as his own? Would Heero die because of it? Would Heero even wake up? Duo shuddered at that thought and reminded himself again that Heero had to wake up. No matter what the Japanese boy would! Once Duo deemed himself clean he stepped out of the shower and hurried to dry off and dress, it was colder than usual in this place. After quickly braiding his hair Duo ran to the bed and curled up beside Heero, sucking up the warmth. He sighed, a sigh a mix of content and frustration, for the first time in a long time he was truly warm but also truly confused. Duo buried his face in Heero shoulder and tried to sleep.


Heero looked around the dark building, he knew this is where he had to be, he new that it was his duty to be here and he cursed his own fear. Over and over he told himself that he couldn't run, no matter how afraid he may be, he had to stay and live up to his promise. He tightened a fist, nails digging into his palm causing he skin there to bleed. In his other hand he gripped a beautiful sliver double bladed sword. The hilt twisted around with a oriental dragon in gold with rubies for eyes, and red, green and gold leather strips hanging from the end from a translucent ruby bobble. A gift from the Prince of the Long Clan in China, from when Heero had gone on one of his many 'business' trips, namely, chasing after Greg. "Kami grant me strength" Heero thought. Heero closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before snapping the silver orbs open and charging at full speed to the doors. A passer-by would only see a glint of silver.

Heero kicked the heavy steel door open, his steel toed boots making a large dent in the metal. Other than that, he made no sound as he progressed through the warehouse. "Chi' ." he scoffed, "How very original."

Heero being so focused on his task, did not notice a pair of familiar green eyes watching him from the shadows. He stocked through the warehouse like a leopard on the prowl, concentrating his energies on Greg's life force, what little he had left.

From the shadows, green eyes grinned as the young prince disappeared through the doors where his master slept. The young man jumped down from the rafters where he stood and casually walked out the doors. Hearing the dying stems of pain filled cries as the Demon lord was cut down.

"Oh well." the young Xochi said, "Guess I'm in charge now." He cackled lightly as he continued away from the warehouse to start his fortune, his future.


Heero's eyes snapped open, "Bastard." he rasped, "Xochi was there all along." He tightened a fist and fell back in exhaustion, closing his heavy eyelids and feeling Duo's grip tighten on his arm as the braided boy sensed his partner's angst.


Heero opened his eyes to the silver moonlight streaming through the bed curtains. An overwhelming thirst took him, and he salivated at the sent of warm human blood. His nose twitched and his tongue shot out to lick dry pale lips. Silver eyes flickered over to his side to see a slumbering braided youth. His fangs extended in lust for blood, wanting, needing the warm thick fluid. He longed to feel it course through his veins like a raging river in springtime. He rose fluidly imagining his hand reaching out to stroke that tempting velvet skin. The Japanese teen hissed in surprise as he was pinned to the bed, starring up into blazing orbs of violet.

"You don't wanna suck me dry, do ya Babe?" Duo asked coldly, in a dangerously flat tone, "Solo!!" he shouted, the loud sound making the vampire wince. The sandy blood youth rushed in.

"What is it Duo?" Solo asked.

"I need a human, quick. Fly if you have to." Duo ordered. Solo nodded and stumbled out of the room in his haste, calling for Hawke as he went.

"I am so going to regret this." Duo said, sitting fully on top of Heero while he reached over to the bedside table for the knife he saw there. He brought it up and slashed his wrist, one quick thin red line. Duo pressed his wrist to Heero's lips, feeling the blood rapidly leave his body. Knowing precisely when to pull away, using Homiko's newly given knowledge. Duo cradled his wrist as Hawke hurried in, carrying an unconscious human women. Beautiful black hair tumbling over her shoulders, thick black eye lashes resting lightly against her cheeks.

"Duo! What did you do?" Hawke asked, shoving the women at Heero who took her and hungrily bit into her neck.

"I had to do something quick." Duo said, giving a weak smile.

"You shouldn't have been staying with him when he's in this condition." Hawke admonished, "What if he killed you?"

"He wouldn't have." Duo said confidently, knowing that Heero's human soul would eventually gain control and stop the vampire side from wreaking more havoc than could be repaired.

Heero looked over at Duo with glazed blue eyes which widened once he caught site of the wrist Duo cradled in his hand.

"Duo! Wha..." Heero touched his lips, "You didn't." he whispered.

"I did." Duo answered. Heero cursed in rapid Japanese and gently lifted Duo's wrist to his mouth, licking he wound causing it to slowly heal over, slower than it should have. Heero scowled down at the wrist and shook his head as he felt dizziness wash over him.

"You should rest Heero." Duo said gently, "You were nearly dead. Homiko made me promise to look out for you."

"Homiko?" Heero asked quietly.

"Yes. She visited me last night." Duo replied, remembering the warm light of the tower room and the kiss. That kiss was one of the oddest things he had ever felt, it was like kissing himself but different. Her lips were warm, not icy as he expected them to be and soft, softer than anything he had ever felt. Wait, Duo leaned forward and caught Heero's lips in his own then abruptly pulled back, gasping.

"Hawke, leave us." Duo said, in a voice not entirely his own.

"Yes Princess." Hawke bowed doing as bidden.

"What's going on?" Duo demanded, "What was that?"

"What was what?" Heero asked, giving the braided boy a puzzled expression.

"T... that feeling I just had. Something about a prince and a sword." Duo shook his head, "And why did I have the feeling."

"I'm not sure." Heero said brow furrowing, "Maybe it's because Homiko is waking up within you. She used to be able to well communicate through souls with me. A prince and a-," Heero inadvertently cut himself off with a yawn, "and a sword? Sounds like what happened while I was searching for G..." Heero's eyes drooped, "When I was searching for..." another yawn interrupted his speech.

"Rest now Heero." Duo whispered gently. He looked over at the window and frowned as he realized it was still night, he checked his watch and gasped. It was still night because he had slept through an entire day! Yet he still felt tired. Duo shrugged, his body has never lied to him before so he couldn't understand why it would start to now. He lay back down, next to the prince and was soon swept away to sleep.


"Is there nothing you can do to help?" Trowa asked, turning abruptly towards Hawke, his eyes flashing.

"I am afraid not." Hawke said humbly, "His Majesty must work through this on his own or parish."

"That is not what I wanted to hear Hawke. I didn't reveal myself to you for you to only give me bad news." Trowa said lowly, angrily pacing the marble floors of the throne room. With each step he took, the ground trembled slightly beneath his feet, the vibrations trickling up Hawke's legs.

"Be calm Trowa." Quatre said. He was sitting on the edge of the small pool that adorned one side of the room, the water stirring slightly as the blond spoke.

"How can you suggest that Quatre!" Trowa snapped, "Heero is as close to a brother as I ever had and I will not just sit idly by watching him parish. The people are counting on him to unite the powers!"

"Don't take your anger out on me Barton!" Quatre said, the water churning in the pool, the waterfall hastening its pace down the slick surface of the wall. The ground trembled more as Trowa stocked towards the smaller blond, his pace like that of a great wild cat on the prowl.

"Enough of this you two!" Wufei shouted, eyes blazing ruby, "Your petty squabbling will not help Heero get any better! Duo is worried sick in there and all you two can think about is revenge!" Wufei pointed harshly in the general direction of Heero's chambers, the torches blazing at the entrance to that wing.

"What's going on in here?" Kikki's voice broke the tension, "Is Papa all right?"

"I'm a afraid we aren't quite sure Kikki." Quatre said gently.

"That isn't necessarily the most reassuring thing you could have said." Kikki replied gloomily, slumping down where the blond had vacated only moments before. Wufei, Quatre and Trowa shared a tense look over the girl's head.


TBC... So everyone still love me? heh