It all started one very normal and uneventful day in the Valley of Peace. Everywhere in the village was calm a serene, untouched by the slightest disturbance of even a single bandit. Unbeknownst to the villages inhabitants however, that was all about to drastically change. But before we can get into that we have to start from the very beginning, and interestingly enough this beginning starts it a place that should be very familiar to you, your world...

Yes, your world, your reality, your dimension, but unknown to most people sometimes dimensions crossover, and that's how it all began, this is my story of how I came to be in the world of Kung fu panda, a world very much different to my own but at the same time strikingly similar.

It was early fall and unfortunately with that season always came the thing a girl like me dreaded most of all, School. Don't get me wrong I liked school and I was a pretty good student as well, but when it came down to getting along socially with my peers my skills left much to be desired. Most people thought I was some sort of closet weirdo or lonely hermit child and did there best to keep their distance away from me, and the ones that actually did know me a little bit personally hardly knew how I was really like behind all I did to mask and hide my true feelings. You see, I was one of those people who couldn't bear to have someone see anything but the perfect little angel I had to be. So even if something did upset me, you would hardly ever note it. All this and all the bottled up feelings I could deal with though, after all I had been doing it for years now. Unfortunately though, when someone deliberately shakes this bottle of emotions up it has no choice but to explode.

It was the first day back to school and I was about to embark on the beginning of my junior high school year. Starting out the day with science class and continuing on with my junior mechanics class ( my fav class) my day seemed to be going as smooth as ever. I could not have been more wrong...

It seemed like hardly any time had passed till it was time for third period...the dreaded PE class (inward shudder). Unlike most schools our PE class had a very large number of very athletic students present. I sat patiently as our teacher quickly explained to us what we would be doing.

"Alright," shouted our teacher in a tone laced with authority.

"All the girls in one group, boys in the other. Head to the locker rooms immediately and change into your PE uniforms." He commanded as the girls when off to the right and the boys to the left.

I inwardly sighed at this point, knowing all too well about the stresses that await me in the damned room. I shut my eyes as multiple feelings I can't identify rush over me. I clench my uniform in my hands as I take a deep breath and slowly enter the room. Unfortunately for me it looks exacts the same as it did last year, like the school board would EVER bother with something so trivial as to make sure the schools facilities were up to par. The entire room looked run down and broken after its 30 some years of use. The worst part though was far more frightening than any unkept building could be, the part I feared most about this room was the fact it was exactly that an OPEN room. No curtains, no walls in between, no piracy. I literally changed as fast as I could hoping no one seen me and ran out to the gym with the rest of the girls. Moments later I heard snickering behind my back and cautiously listened on the girls words.

"Did you see that girl back there, she is SO fat, I mean how did she even get in this class I thought this was a strictly athletes only zone." A blonde girl said as she gave me a sideways sneer.

"Hey don't be so hard on her...maybe she is an athlete, I'm sure with that two ton stomach she would make an awesome competitive eater." Cackled the girl brunette friend as the others laughed hysterically.

"What's so funny?" Asked Ron one of the boys that just came into the gymnasium.

"Oh hey Ron." The blonde said coolly

"We were just talking about that girl over there" she said subtly festering over in my direction.

"She is such a fatty, she doesn't even belong in this school let alone this class...I mean seriously how is she even going to be able to participate with all that flab going on? We will have to tether her down to keep her from bounce back off the walls." She teased harshly, fulling knowing by now I was hearing every word. She sent me a downright sadistic looking grin as Ron snickered and joined in her little demented fun.

"Yeah I bet if we ever played baseball shed pass out before she even made it to the home plate just to pick up the bat!" Ron mercilessly prodded.

My head sunk into my hands as tears tricked down my face. I wanted to be anywhere but HERE...little did I know I would get my wish...