Summary: If they were to recall that day, those years what would they say? 12 chapter fic of the minor characters and the Second Titan War.
This is some of the issues I think the minor characters would have faced during the Second Titan War with my personal headcanons. (Sorry, just to highlight this: "my personal headcanons" so it may not match your headcanons and interpretations of the PJO/HOO characters.) As a heads up, there are no humorous scenes. So, if you don't like angst then I think this isn't right for you. Just a heads up. I'm sorry. I love angst.
OCs won't play a big role in the story. No romance.
I read this book by Max Brooks, "World War Z", and the way he wrote the book plus the narrative style he chose to use inspire me to write this.
Then an 8-hour long car ride made me think Will's and Clarisse's and Katie's then, boom, I was writing.
[Bold is Riley's point of view.] Non-bolded words are the character's in the chapter title.
Chapter 1: Annabeth Chase - Remembrance
[Annabeth Chase leaned on the Big House's porch railing. Her gray eyes staring out to Half Blood Hill, wisps of blonde hair that escape the ponytail flew across her face. She turned towards me when I stumbled up the stairs. The corner of her mouth twitches upwards. "Annabeth Chase! Oh my gods, this is such a huge honor! You're my hero. I-I heard so much about you!"]
Thank you, but you shouldn't have that camcorder. It'll attract monsters.
["I rigged it. Or, erm, Lou Ellen and Nyssa rigged it. It sends out a wave of frequency similar to mortals or something like that. All I know is that it doesn't attract monsters. Is it okay if I ask you a few questions about the Battle of Manhattan? It's for my parents. They're historians and would love to know more about the war."]
Go ahead.
["What was your role in the Battle of Manhattan?"]
I was the commander alongside Percy. We led the demigods to battle. The fighting lasted for two days. And it was extremely difficult. We were severely outnumbered. For every demigod, there were maybe 30 to 50 monsters to that person. Hellhounds, dracaena, empousa, laistrygonian giants, telekhines were some of the more common ones. The only reason why we weren't overwhelmed was the automatons I had activated throughout Manhattan and Percy's deal with the East and Hudson River Gods to sink any speedboats. The air and wind Gods covered any aerial assault. The monsters just needed to be stopped at the bridges. So we assigned each cabin to a bridge to defend. Percy and I fought wherever we were needed.
[Annabeth paused and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.]
Don't repeat any of the monster names I said outside of the barrier.
["O-Okay. Um, I heard Ares Cabin wasn't there?" Annabeth nodded.]
Right. There was an argument between Clarisse and Michael the day before about a flying chariot and whom it rightfully belong too. Michael won it for his cabin but decided to give it to Ares cabin. Clarisse's pride got in the way and they refuse to fight. Her cabin arrived later in the battle, the second day if I remembered right.
They came at the right time though. We were having trouble with a drakon. Without Clarisse and her cabin, I'm not sure how that day would have ended.
Even so, we were left shorthanded the first day. It was a stroke of luck Thalia and the Hunters showed up and covered Lincoln Tunnel.
["I also heard from one of my friends that all the mortals were asleep?"]
Yes, Morpheus had put a spell over the city. Every mortal that come within range fell asleep. The only exception being Rachel, our oracle. Have you ever spoke with her? Don't bring up helicopters when you do. It brings back bad memories for her. And she's the one person you definitely don't want to anger. In addition to the spell, Hecate influenced any incoming drivers to steer away from Manhattan. Time was slowed on some freeways as well.
The cars that littered the streets of Manhattan provided some excellent cover. Once the mortal inside is moved to a safer location, of course.
But even with the help of the Hunters and the Party Ponies, we were being pushed backed. The monsters advanced and we fell back to the Empire State Building. And in a surprise attack by the Titan Lord, he broke through our defenses. He headed for the Gods' Throne Room to destroy the connection between Olympus and the mortal world. He wanted to tear Olympus down, brick by brick.
But we stopped him. Me, Percy, Grover, and Thalia.
After the Titan Lord fell, the gods burst through the doors. And that was the end of the war.
["Can you tell me more about how Kronos was defeated?" Annabeth tensed.]
He was defeated. By Luke. Luke died a hero.
And don't say his name. It gives him power.
["But there has to be-" She gave me a look with her steely, gray eyes. "Don't push this topic or you'll regret it," they say. So instead I asked, "Didn't you take a hit for Percy?" Annabeth relaxed and rolled her eyes.]
Seaweed Brain had left his back wide open. There was no time to raise my sword to counter otherwise I would have.
Thank the gods we had Will Solace or I would have died.
["That's so sweet."]
Does that answer all of your questions?
["I guess." Annabeth nodded and pushed off the porch railing. She said goodbye and walked pass me, but she paused on the stairs. She looked back, eyebrows furrowed.]
There's something strange about you. You remind me of someone I once knew.
["Is that good?" Annabeth did not answer right away. Intense eyes bored into mine.]
Yes. You two had the same aura.
I'll see later, Riley. Hope your parents like the video.
["Oh! I got one more question! Can you tell me the story where Clarisse got her Ares Blessing?!" Annabeth ruffled my head.]
Go ask her yourself. I'm sure she would love to tell you.
[I pouted. "But she's so scary."]
Yeah, I suppose she is but if you want the story than you have to work for it.
Chapter 2: Regret
Thank you to ImALazyProcrastinator for being this fic's beta and any reviews really make this writer happy!