A woman appears in front of me. Her face soft and her lips pressed together in a concerned frown. Her brown hair flowed down her shoulders. A feeling of familiarity came over me.

"Mom-" I breathe. My heart racing. It's her. My mom. She places a soft hand on my cheek. I become aware of the breeze blowing past us. We're outside in a lively meadow.

Tears well in my eyes, and my heart flutters.

The sun was slowly sinking.

"Mom it's you." There's so much I feel I need to say and I want desperately to hold her tightly. If only dad could see her- how beautiful she looks.

"Stiles." Her voice was soft and angelic and she gave a small smile. "Darling, you need to go back." The grass sways softly again my arms.

"Back?" I question, my head spinning. "But mom- there's so much." I find myself at a loss for words.

"Honey it's not your time. You need to be with your friends."

My friends? I feel the breeze stop and my heart sinks. Everything came rushing back.

"They're dying..." I pause, "aren't they?" She looks away for a moment and nods softly.

"You must return to them." She says softly her hand warm against my cheek. Tears stream down my face.

"Mom, what do I do? I'm human- I have no special powers or special insights."

"Darling." She smiles once again, "You will see the answer."

"Mom what does that mean?" My voice cracks as I fight a sob, my body shakes.

"Open your eyes stiles." Her voice slowly fades away as once again I fall into that dreaded darkness.