My eyes open groggily as I awake to a pounding headache. The pain was harsh and came in waves of ruthless agony. I let out a sigh and try to move as little as possible as slowly turn over and look at my clock.
Every movement made the pain a thousand times worse but I had to check the time. The clock read, a blurry 12:30am.
I want to cry out, from exhaustion and pain. I had to get up. The pack meeting was in less than an hour.
Slowly I get myself to rise from the bed, as my headache grew increasingly worse.
As I stand the pain in my stomach grows apparent. I clutch my stomach as the pain turns into nausea.
Taking deep breathes I sit back down on the bed.
'I'm not going to be sick.' I think to myself, hoping desperately that it's true.
It seems to work for the moment.
Taking advantage of this I slowly stand again, and shakily get dressed.
The world seems foggy as I stumble out of the house and into my prized possession, my jeep.
Chills run down my back as I slowly turn on the engine.
The drive was long and grueling, but I hardly noticed any of it. I was stuck in a fog that left me hardly conscious.
Suddenly I found myself in front of Derek's house. I shake my head trying to wake myself up. My stomach squeezes in nausea, I take a deep breath.
"God this sucks." I mutter slowly getting out.
"Hey Stiles, you're late." Scott says walking up to me his eyes on the house.
"So are you." I retort. He just smiles his teen a bright white against the dark,
"Derek's gonna kick our ass."
"Tell me about it." I reply as we walk in. Inside the air is stuffy. Instantly I begin sweating. My head felt light.
"You two are late." Derek's gruff voice says.
"Yeah, sorry." Scott replies, I just shrug and sit down. Derek just glares at us for a moment and then turns back to Scott, Lydia, Kira, and Isaac who are standing around the table. Their voices slowly fade as I continue to sit heavily against the arm
of the chair.
"Stiles are you alright?" A voice asks suddenly, I look up to see Lydia's worried face. Everyone else was still talking, not laying attention. I just shrug, my stomach turns painfully.
"I'm fine." I say,
"No somethings wrong. Are you feeling ok?"
"No." I reply feebly, giving uo the act.
"What's wrong?" She whispers, nausea overcomes me.
"Lydia. Stiles. What are you doing?" Derek asks in a stern voice.
"Wait Stiles, you're not looking to hot." Scott says standing in front of me.
"Not feeling it either." I mutter, putting my face in my hands. I groan as my stomach twists again. "I'm..." I stifle a burp,"gonna puke."
"Get him outside." Derek almost yells,
Isaac and Scott pull me up, I clutch my stomach, trying to keep myself from vomiting.
Cold air consumes me as we reach the darkness of outside.
"Almost there Stiles." Scott says trying to reassure me. I moan in reply. Suddenly I'm being pressed against something cool, the railing. I lean over and gag loudly. Convulsions rush through me and I retch over the railing.
"Is he okay?" I hear Kira asks softly. Suddenly vomit expels from my mouth with a loud burp.
"Ahh that's disgusting." I hear Isaac groan.
"Sorry my suffering is an inconvenience." I mumble taking a breath before another round of bile takes my attention.
"You done?" Scott asks putting a hand on my shaking back. I shake my head and lean back over the railing, spit dripping from my mouth as I dry heave.
"God I feel like crap." I mumble wiping my mouth in my sleeve. I slowly turn around with a hand on my stomach to see everyone wide eyed.
"Are you okay?" Kira asks, I just shrug.
"I don't know, it's probably just the flu that's going around." I say, Derek looks concerned.
"You do" He says, I snicker softly, before my stomach cramps and it turns to a groan.
"Look I'm fine. It's just the stupid flu, it should be gone by Monday." I say softly, not wanting to upset my stomach further. Scott just looks at me worriedly. "Dude I'm alright, it's not like I haven't gotten the flu before." I say. He just nods, staying

"Well then meetings over. Everyone go home." Derek says with a sense of finality.
"Do you want me to drive you home?" Scott asks, I hesitate, "We can come back tommorrow and get your jeep." He promises.
"Alright," I sigh,"It's probably better that I don't drive anyway." I say feeling as though my body was on fire. I began sweating.
"You should probably head out. He's looking feverish." Lydia says taking notice. I just groan.
"This sucks." I grumble.
"Isaac go with them." Derek orders, "Make sure they get home safe and then you can stay at Scott's." He looks at me queasily, the idea obviously not something he wants to do.
"Alright." He finally replies. Grabbing my arm.
"I can walk myself." I say grouchily. To prove my point I take small steps trying not to moan with each one as my stomach protests.
It feels like it takes hours to get back to Scotts car. I'm gasping for air and feeling faint by the time I manage to stagger my way there.
"Dude you're really not looking good." Isaac says as I lean heavily against the car.
"Stiles do you feel like your going to be sick?" Scott asks walking up slowly, seeing my condition. I just shrug. "Stiles, buddy please, I need to know." He almost pleads.
"Look, I won't puke in your car if that's what your asking." I say holding my stomach lightly.
Upon hearing that he opens the door and I slide in and drop into the air with a groan. Both he and Isaac get in and turn to look at me.
"What are you staring at?" I mumble.
"You look like crap." Isaac replies instantly.
I just close my eyes and lean my head against the icy window not bothering to reply.
Scott starts the car and pulls out of the driveway. I open my eyes to see me keep sitting there looking lonely and sad. My poor baby.
It's not long before nausea swirls in my stomach as we rush around corners. Bile leapt up my throat with every bump. I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped to god I wouldn't barf. But I soon realized it was inevitable as my stomach threaten to heave. I can
see Isaac turning to look at me every few minutes his eyes full of concern.
"Scott." I gasp. No reply. Isaac turns again,
"SCOTT!" I scream.
"What is it?" He asks looking back at me through the mirror.
"Open the window." I say,
"Why?" He asks oblivious.
"Scott open the window, it looks like he's gonna blow." Isaac says frantically. Scott's eyes widen and he quickly slides down the window.
Fresh cool air blows in my face as I stick my head out the window, trying to prevent the convulsions. The nausea consumed me, making me groan as we hit a bump.
"Scott pull over." I hear Isaac say, trying to lessen the nausea. Doing this only made it worse. My back arches and my resistance became futile. Alien sounds were escaping me as I dry heave over the road. Isaac grimaces.
My body continues to convulse, bringing nothing but a little bile up.
"Why won't it stop." I moan fatigued.
"I'm sorry buddy." Scott says," alright I'm going to drive you home, I'll leave the window open just in case." He says apologetically. I just nod and lean against the seat holding my stomach.
I hear him and Isaac talking quietly to each other, but my head began to pound again taking my focus.
I open my eyes briefly to see their blurred faces looking worriedly at eachother.
Before I can ask what's wrong darkness consumes me.