It had been nearly a month since Allies attack and she had been healing nicely. Her pain and Bea's own fear of hurting Allie had kept them from being too physical, only sharing soft kisses here and there when they snuck away to their special places. They had sat close and held hands talking instead. These moments had only fueled Bea's want for Allie. Seeing Allie hurt and in pain had opened Bea's eyes to her ever shifting feelings for Allie. Bea had found herself craving Allies touch even more, found herself wanting those things she had been so scared of before.
Bea had realized she was wasting time with the fear. She knew what she wanted and she knew Allie was willing to give it to her, so when Allie had a few consecutive pain free days, Bea had sent Maxine to ask Allie to come to Bea's cell.
Bea was nauseous from her nerves though her excitement nearly outweighed it. It didn't take long for Allie to enter the cell without bothering to knock, "Hi," she was smiling. There were no signs of the bruises on Allies face or neck, or any other signs of injury except for the bandages still on her left hand. Bea couldn't help thinking how beautiful Allie looked as she stood against the door watching Bea curiously.
Suddenly all the fear vanished from Bea's mind and she decided to take what she wanted. She moved forward quickly pushing Allie against the door and taking her mouth. Allie tensed, but almost immediately melted into Bea as she moaned faintly. This kiss was different than any they had shared before. Bea felt it to her toes.
Bea worked her hands under Allies shirt wanting to feel her skin. At the feel of her warm flesh, Bea broke the kiss and looked to Allie for permission as she pulled slightly at her shirt. At Allies nod Bea pulled the shirt up and over Allies head and dropped it to the ground. She immediately put her hands back where they had been on Allie's ribs. She ran her thumbs against the skin there and found herself fascinated by the way Allie's chest moved with her heavy breathing. Bea could see her pulse beating at her neck and had to put her mouth there. Moved by pure instinct she found herself sucking at the area and moaned when she felt Allie moan and thrust her hips toward her. Bea matched it with her own and let out her own moan when Allie grasped Bea's hips and pulled them closer.
Bea barely recognized herself as she found herself grinding against Allie with abandon. Bea isn't even aware of her hands moving but she realizes she is massaging Allies breast unashamedly. They are both moaning constantly now the sounds muffled only by their constant kisses.
A loud knock on the door startles Bea so much nearly bites down on Allies tongue, thankfully she avoids the embarrassment.
Breathing hard Bea manages to pant out, "That's Maxine, our times up." Bea is slightly pleased with herself when she realizes that Allie is panting just as hard as she is. She's pretty sure she's actually smirking.
Allie smirks back at her, "Where the fuck did that come from?" she asks pulling Bea by the hips closer to her, burying her face in Bea's neck.
After their breath's finally return too normal, they part, "I'm going to go, but we are going to talk about this later," Allie says as she quickly leaves the cell.
Bea is soon confronted with a smirking Maxine, "You actually went through with it?"
Bea could only smile and nod.
Maxine smirked, "I'll leave you to luxuriate."
Bea was in the showers finishing up when the door opened and Allie walked in wearing her robe and carrying her supplies. They weren't alone, but her eyes met Bea's immediately and Allie gave her that smile, Bea craved so much. Allie moved close to Bea and wordlessly pulled down the lapel of her robe and Bea's eyes widened at the sight of a very pronounced hickey gracing Allies neck.
Bea was slightly ashamed, but more confusingly she really liked it. She almost stepped forward to touch it but remembered they weren't alone, then deciding she really didn't care she stepped into Allies personal space and holding Allie's gaze she grasped her neck running a thumb over the darkened skin. She could actually see Allie's pupils dilate as she leaned until their lips nearly touched, before Bea dropped her hand and walked away. She could feel the other women's eyes on her as she walked passed, but couldn't find it in herself to care.
"I heard an interesting little story just now," Maxine announced as she stepped into Bea's open door.
Bea looked up from the sketch she was working on, "Oh yeah."
"Yep," Maxine sat on the bed. "Seems a certain Top Dog was making a move toward Allie," Maxine said dramatically, acting shocked at the news.
Bea bit her lips trying to keep a smile from forming, but couldn't hold it at bay, "I only touched her neck," Bea admitted.
"I know, it was a sexy touch according to Jane," Maxine said chuckling. "What are you doing sexy touching Allie in the showers?"
Bea laughed with her, "I accidentally gave Allie a hickey and she was showing me," Bea was a little uncomfortable to admit her desires but powered on. "I got this urge to touch it so I did…" Bea smirked, "I may have teased her a little."
"Wow I didn't know you had it in you," Maxine admitted.
"Me either. I've never been like this, not even when I was still brave in my early teens," Bea put her sketchbook aside and moved to where she was sitting beside Maxine. "When we were in here alone, I took control. I was aggressive. I have never even wanted to do that before," Bea paused gathering her thoughts. "Allie brings out a confidence in me, I think. Maybe it has always been there, but it was just hidden because of Harry," Bea shrugged, "I never expected to be the instigator," she smirked, "But I like it."
Maxine laughed loudly and Bea soon joined her.
The next day when Bea entered the yard she was confronted with the sight of Allie leaning against the wall with one of the other women leaning with her arm against it beside Allie. It wasn't a threatening conversation as both women were laughing and smiling. Bea moved to her table where Maxine was watching the same thing. The woman leaned close to Allie and whispered something in her ear causing Allie to laugh.
Bea could feel the jealously bubbling up inside of her, it was an unpleasant feeling.
Maxine must have been able to tell she was upset, "All you have to do is stake a claim," she pointed out.
"How do you suggest I do that?" Bea asked her eyes never leaving the pair in front of her.
"You have to pee on her leg," Maxine causally suggested.
The words shocked Bea into looking at Maxine, "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I don't mean literally," Maxine rolled her eyes, the spoke as if speaking to a child, "You have to make a gesture that leaves no doubt that Allie and you are a thing."
"I already marked her neck and look where that got me," Bea said gesturing to the still laughing pair.
"A hickey can easily be explained away; you need something more impactful," Maxine suggested.
"More impactful huh," Bea said distractedly, a plan already running through her head.
Bea relaxed when the woman finally left Allie leaning against the wall. Bea watched as Allie crossed her arms taking in her surroundings. When her eyes landed on Bea she smirked and raised an eyebrow.
Bea returned the look, finally making a decision she stood up and made her way toward Allie, who watched her every step. When Bea was finally in front of the other woman she didn't hesitate as she pulled her by the neck and kissed her. Allies arms immediately wrapped around her and pulled her closer. Bea was vaguely aware of a silence behind her, as she lost herself in the kiss.
Bea broke the kiss finally only because she needed to breathe. Allie was breathing heavily against her, Bea could feel her gripping the back of her shirt, "Did you just claim me Bea Smith?" Allie asked teasingly.
Bea laughed and put her forehead against Allies, "Yes I did."
Allie raised her head and snuck a quick glance over Bea's shoulder and chuckled, "I think their all in shock."
Bea groaned and put her face into Allies neck, "I don't want to look."
Allie laughed out right now, "Well I know for sure now that, you're the jealous type," she was teasing again.
Bea pulled back to look into Allies face, "I didn't even know I was the jealous type until I saw you all chummy out here" Bea defended herself.
"Well," Allie pulled Bea impossibly closer by the front her shirt, "I didn't know that I was turned on by a jealous girlfriend until know," Allie divulged smiling.
Ba was leaning toward Allie's mouth again when she heard, "Oi, Bea! Are you two going ta fuck or what?" It was Boomer being as tactile as ever. The whole yard erupted into catcalls and wolf whistles. Bea sighed and stepped back to a more respectable distance, flipping Boomer off in the process.
Allie straightened up, "Kaz is heading this way," she warned quietly, causing Bea to stiffen and turn.
"Nice show," Kaz commented smirking. "I've always been slightly bewildered by Allie's taste in women."
Bea frowned and Kaz laughed, before turning and walking away, saying something to the rest of her crew making them laugh.
"I don't get her sometimes," Bea complained.
Allie laughed, "How bout I meet you in your cell in a bit?" she suggested with a sly grin.
Bea answered it with one of her own.
Bea was laying on her bed when Allie entered her cell nearly an hour later. With that familiar smile Allie closed the door and moved toward the bed. Bea started to sit up but was stopped by Allie climbing over her to straddle her hips. Allie leaned down and took Bea's lips in a deep kiss.
Bea actually whimpered in disappointment when the kiss ended too soon and she tried to pull Allie back to her but Allie took her hands and held them away from her. Bea calmed down once Allie leaned back down and started trailing kisses down her neck as her hands started to caress her stomach.
Allie moved lower and pulled up Bea's shirt to rain kisses along the older woman's stomach. Bea moaned embarrassingly loud when Allie pulled her pants down just far enough for her to lavish attention to Bea's hipbones.
Sitting up Bea pulled off her own shirt and reached for Allies needing to feel Allies bare skin. They shed their shirts and bras in record time and then Allie fitted herself between Bea's legs and their torsos pressed together as she took Bea's mouth in another toe curling kiss.
Bea was so lost in the kiss she jumped as her nipples were caressed by very skilled hands. All the sensations were so amazing Bea had never been so worked up.
Allie caressed her way down Bea's stomach and dipped just the tips of her fingers into the waist band of Bea's pants and then she stopped. Bea lifted her hips to try to get Allie to go further, "Are you sure?" Allie whispered as she nipped at Bea's collar bones.
"Yes, please," Bea barely recognized her own voice.
Allie wasted no time as she dipped into Bea's pants. They both moaned at the first caress of her fingers.
Bea opened her eyes and found Allie gazing down at her in a way that instantly brought tears to Bea's eyes. Bea reached up and pulled Allie down into a kiss, feeling herself rapidly approaching release. She used Allie's mouth to muffle her moans as her world shattered.
Bea opened her eyes confusedly, "Did I fall asleep?" she asked drowsily.
Allie was leaning on an elbow drawing lazy designs on Bea's stomach and chest, "Just for a bit. I'll take it as a compliment," the blonde teased, bending to kiss Bea lightly.
Bea was the one to deepen the kiss, "Thank you," Bea said sometime later.
"You don't have to thank me," Allie laid on the bed more comfortably pulling Bea against her side. "There is literally no other place I had rather be than right here," Allie admitted.
Bea chuckled, snuggling closer, "Me either, and that's saying a lot considering we're in prison."