Hey guys! Welcome to Stick In The Mud- Revamped! Hopefully you'll enjoy reading this a second time as you did the first time. For now, I only have the prologue written but I'll be working on this as much as I can.

Sorry the prologue is so short but I wanted to keep it short and sweet. But from here on out, I'm going to try and keep them longer.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this!


Naruto slept soundly in his run down, one-bedroom apartment. He was dreaming pleasantly, not remembering much but of a familiar raven-haired man that constantly plagued his mind, his best friend, and his secret crush. "Sasuke." He whispered the name in his sleep and smiled with a sigh.

Not long after the words escaped his mouth, he was violently shaken awake. He looked through sleep blurred eyes and squinted, trying to focus on the face. "Sai?" After a couple seconds of rapid blinking, the image of his current boyfriend, Sai, appeared in his vision. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. "What's going on?" He asked as he noticed the man was glaring at him.

Sai scoffed at him in disbelief. He's been dating Naruto for about six months now, and for about three months they began to sleep over at each other's places. Every once in awhile, Naruto would say Sasuke's name out loud, leaving the raven in a state of anger and jealousy. "You fucking said his name in your sleep again." He practically whispered through clenched teeth. His hands were balled into fists, resting on his lap as he was sitting up.

Naruto's eyes quickly widened and he felt his heart to beat faster in fear. "L-look, I didn't mean it, okay? I-it was just a dream!" He nervously pleaded with the man, hoping to calm him down before things escalated.

Sai stayed silent and Naruto let out a breath of relief, thinking he was off the hook. At the sound, Sai quickly glared at his boyfriend. "How many times to I have to hear that fucking bastards name before you finally realize you're dating ME? This shit is fucking ridiculous, Naruto."

Naruto reached out and lightly grasped Sai's arm. A wrong move.

Before Naruto knew what happened, Sai had forcefully grabbed his arm, and while standing up, dragged Naruto off the bed and threw him to the ground. Naruto landed on the hard ground with an 'oomph' and he hissed in pain. "Sai, please, don't. I'm sorry. It won't happen again!"

With Naruto's arm still in his grip, Sai kicked Naruto in the side. "You always fucking say that." Another kick to the same spot and Naruto tried to squirm away as best as he could with his arm still trapped. Sai yanked him back and then pulled him up to stand. "And yet, here we are." He held up his fist and smirked in satisfaction as Naruto flinched. He put his fist down and waited for Naruto to visibly relax before he punched him in the face. "Until you fucking learn, Naruto, this is how we're gonna deal with it." He pushed the abused blonde to the ground and gave him one last kick. "I'm going home. I'll see you around."

He left the Naruto's apartment and Naruto waited till Sai was gone to let out the painful sobs he was holding back. He curled into himself, still lying on the floor. He didn't know how long he was crying before he passed out from exhaustion, hoping that he could get over Sasuke so the abuse would finally stop.

And there's the prologue! I'm excited to be working on this again and hope to get the next chapter out as soon as possible.

Hope you enjoyed!
