Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of J.K. Rowling. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Hermione sighed heavily leaning against the back of the elevator as it ascended. Today was the day she was being transferred to the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Having spent the past eight years working in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, she was both excited and nervous for the change. She clutched her box of paperwork tightly, nervous about dropping everything as the elevator screeched to a halt. Swallowing hard she began her journey down the hall towards her new office.

It was a darker floor than her previous work station, causing her to shiver involuntarily. She had been here numerous times arguing laws and regulations, it felt a bit off that this was going to be her new home. At the far end of the hall was her office, sealed with an oak door and labelled with a golden plaque that read;

Ms. Hermione Granger

Deputy Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation

Hermione grinned and pushed herself into the office, along with her things. The room was very Victorian, filled with heavy wood furniture. There was a window behind her desk, enchanted to appear as though it was a sunny day outside. Plopping her box of things on her desk she stretched, before settling down at her chair. Drawing her wand she hummed as she organized all of her books and paperwork into their appropriate spots. A book tumbled away from its spot on her bookshelf by a loud knock at her door.

Seriously? She'd been her for no more than ten minutes.

Standing up she strode to the door and pried it open. A jovial face with sparkling green eyes met her,

"Welcome to the team Hermione!"

Harry nearly shouted, bringing her into a hug before shoving a bottle of champagne into her hands. Harry worked in the Aurors department, she was grateful that her friends was going to be her neighbour here.

"Thank you Harry, I'm just getting settled in."

Hermione smiled, setting the bottle on a shelf before turning back to her friend. Having just married Ginny Weasley, she hadn't seen him much since the wedding. Although they worked together in the same building he was hard to get a hold of for even just drinks after work.

"How about I show you around? I'm sure your paperwork can wait a few hours."

He added when she looked forlornly at her desk, sighing lightly she threw her friend a smile,

"That would be helpful, thank you. I just need to be back by 11, I'm supposed to be meeting with the Minister of the International Magical Office of Law, we have a benefit event tonight and I need to be brought up to speed."

She inwardly laughed, even after years of working at the Ministry of Magic, she still couldn't believe how unnecessarily long the names were for each department. Harry flitted her through the offices, introducing her to all of the heads of each sub department, some of whom she had worked with on a few of her legalization cases with the Department of Magical Creatures. The pair decided to grab a quick cup of tea, which Hermione was grateful for. Her head was full of names and faces that she was trying to remember. She also had received a stack of paperwork from a few of her peers that she was already getting a headache looking at. So much for an easy first day.

"How's Ron doing, when are you two going to tie the knot?"

Harry asked, taking a bite of his scone. Hermione smiled lightly, Ron had recently left his job as an Auror to help his brother George with his shop Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Hermione took a sip of her tea before answering,

"You two should go for a drink sometime. I'm sure not seeing you every day is hard for him, he was practically attached to your hip when you worked together. I know you and Ginny are busy, but try and plan something in the week or so?"

She avoided Harry's question, things between Ron and her had been a bit strained lately. With her upcoming promotion she had thrown herself completely at her work, the late nights and early mornings left little time and energy for her relationship. Especially since he left the Ministry, there was no chance for them to meet up for lunches, which had been their one saving grace. Swallowing hard she looked at her watch and jumped,

"Oh shit, I'm going to be late for my meeting."

She gave him a hard look,

"Harry, think about it, please."

She gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and stormed quickly down the corridor, her heels making a quick clacking sound on the marble floor.

When Hermione opened her door she was greeted by a tall figure in black dress robes, she gaped in shock for a moment before remembering how to speak properly,

"Mal…Mr. Malfoy, what can I do for you today?"

Hermione stumbled out, trying to fix her shocked expression at finding none other than Draco Malfoy lurking in her office. He raised a thin eyebrow, most likely at being referred to in such a formal way by her. A light smirk crossed his pale features and he bore into her gaze with his steel grey eyes,

"We have a meeting, I'm sure you got the memo…Ms. Granger."

He added slowly, his eyes flashing humourously. So he was the Head of the Department of the International Magical Office of Law. There had been so much restructuring going on within the Ministry it was hard to keep track of who was in which department. Realizing that she was standing in the doorway staring at her old school enemy, she quickly offered him a seat in the chair opposite her desk before she herself took a seat. Filing away the papers that she had been caring around, she pulled out some parchment and a quill. Just what she needed on her first day, to work with this twat.