Hope you all enjoy! Sorry for the delay on chapters. I've been very busy with work, and I changed this around so many times. Hopefully this isn't too quick/confusing/sudden.


Her eyes slowly fluttered open, only to be met with a black abyss surrounding her

'Ino, over here'.

The blondes head snapped in the direction of the familiar voice. She took a slow step out into the dark, and left the light that illuminated her behind her. The voice called her again, and this time she ran forward to it. As quickly as she sprinted, the figure appeared - a light shining down on the silhouette. She didn't need a light to recognize the voice, and shadow that stood before her.

A smile curved on her face as she outstretched a hand to be met with his, it felt real and warm. Tears slowly cascaded down her cheeks as she could now see the slender face, and blue eyes, that she inherited from him, appear from the cascading light. He hadn't aged since the war, though she had gotten a little taller and become more womanly.

"Am I dead?"

'Not at all...but you have to wake up'. He smiled at her, with his fatherly grin, reaching out with his other hand he wiped the tears from under both her eyes and then patted her head. Messing up her hair, oh how he knew she didn't like that.

"Wake up?"

'Yes, Ino. Its time to wake up..I'm sorry all you've been through..'

"Please come back father..please, I don't understand any of this" She started to cry a little more, taking her free hand and wiping her tears.

His smile this time was more tender, and loving - 'You know what to do...and you know the truth...don't be deceived. Now wake up'

Again, her eyes fluttered opened. Everything was grainy, and hazy. She felt a tremendous swelling in her head as her vision started to become clear. It finally subsided after a few moments. She sat forward slowly, and looked down to see her left arm wrapped and in a sling, her head too was bandaged, and felt rather exhausted for someone whom just seemed to awaken after some time. Ino stared down into her lap, and watched as some of her notable long golden hair cascaded around her hand and pooled into her lap. Her head slowly shifted up towards the ceiling, and she turned it left to right, hearing a nice 'craaack' both times. Felt good to relieve some kind of tension. She turned her attention towards the window and the familiar town of Konoha was outside of it, she had seen this view before - but at the time she was the attending nurse, not the patient as she was now. She could tell it was early morning, which was relieving in a sense - that her body clock was still on time. The dew was dripping from the flowers outside the window which is mainly how she could tell. Being a botanist really aided her in this conclusion.


Her name, again, was breathed out of a familiar mouth. She felt herself stiffen, and slowly turned her head towards the body that sat in the visitor chair. Her eyes soon watered with happiness, confusion, and more emotions she couldn't describe at the moment.

"Sai.." Her lips quivered as she said his name.

The two stared at each other, and he finally moved swiftly from the chair to her bedside. He stared at her longingly - she felt her chest tighten rather quickly. Deja vu.

"Ino..." he breathed her name again, and she almost asked for him to speak it again. It had been so long since she had seen his face, heard his voice, felt his touch. And it was all too surreal. "You're awake...its been a few days.."

"How long?"

"Only two...you were really dehydrated, and your chakra was depleted as well". He chuckled, her eyes dropped to her hands feeling her heart flutter and then shot to his face again. Still in disbelief he was sitting in front of her after all this time.

"Sai...I'm so sorry.." Her eyes watered more, and a few tears finally escaped from the corners. He kept a stiff expression, and reached forward to wipe the tears from her cheeks.

"I don't need to hear it, Ino.." He stated suddenly, she looked up to him and he was still emotionless.

But after a few moments, a small smirk broke the tension. "I was informed by Sakura as to what happened...I cannot say that I am pleased you weren't truthful with me.."

Her back stiffened again, and her eyesight fell.

"But - I understand you weren't sure of what to do..." He turned his head towards the window, and took in a deep breath - slowly letting it out. "I unfortunately, cannot say I will ever understand what it is like to be in that position..."

"Sai - This whole thing is crazy...I've only ever thought you, I haven't been happy. I haven't been myself. I've missed you so much" Ino spilled out, she felt the blood rush to her cheeks and face and knew she clearly blushing. Her eyes started to water as she stared at him, his gaze watching the sunrise outside.

"I've thought of you every day.." He almost whispered, she could see a glimmer in his eyes - tears? She launched forward with her free arm and wrapped it around his neck, burying her face into his shoulder. He sat still for a moment, and wrapped both arms around her carefully - she knew he was being delicate due to her current state. They sat like this for a while, she could feel one of his hand stroking her long locks. The door wooshed open, and they both sat apart as a pink haired Kunoichi in a lab coat waltzed in.

"Ino! You're awake!" Sakura exclaimed, and rushed to the bedside, "Sorry to ruin your guys moment..." She winked at Ino, and laughed - then turned her attention to Ino's monitors, and wrote some chart numbers down.

"You're doing so much better, chakra levels are back to normal, so are your vitals...how are you feeling? I can actually discharge you tomorrow.. If you stay stable for the next 24 hours that is," Sakura flipped the chart closed and held it in front of her, smiling at her bestfriend. Ino returned the smile, and nodded.

"I'd like that..." She exhaled, smiling.

"Your arm is gonna be another few weeks - I did what I could but it was about shattered from when he threw you" Her smile faded, and she scrunched her mouth looking displeased, "Your mom will be here later - Ill have her start sending for someone to take this stuff to your house".

Ino hadn't even noticed all the baskets laying around her room, her heart filled with a joy as she took in the warmth of everyones love in the measure of these gifts.

"Wait!" She exclaimed, and sat forward, "What happened to Kenshin?" Her eyes wide with anticipation. Last she remembered he was laying in a pool of his own blood, gasping for air like a fish out of wter.

Sakura turned towards Ino, and looked to Sai, they both nodded and Sakura began to speak "I did what I could.."

"So...he's dead?" She sat back, and blinked a few times.

"I'm not sure..." Sakura answered earnestly, she sucked on her bottom lip with uncertainty.

"After everything...I flew him home, to his family. They of course, took him from there but we haven't heard anything on his wellbeing. They haven't even contacted to check on you..." Sai explained, he stood up - and walked back to the visitor chair to pick up a book. Which was no surprise that he had one to keep him company - Ino wondered what topic he was reading about now.

"That was really nice of you Sai..." Ino thanked him, and gave a small smile.

"Don't think about going and seeing him though Ino...You're not well enough for travel. And besides that big one that threw you escaped...so we're pretty sure they're gonna plan another attack. Or who knows..we have one in custody, the others are dead". Sakura said, crossing her arms as she spoke, and tapping her foot. There was a reason they were so close, she knew Ino would want to go see him - to at least check on his well being. It was in her nurturing nature to want to do so, just as she had tried to find Sai so many times before when they were apart.

Ino nodded and bit her bottom lip, "Has the Intelligence department figured anything out yet?"

Sai crossed his arms, and leaned his back against the wall "So far - the one we captured, his mind has some Jutsu preventing them to delve too far. We've figured out names, and a few possible hideout locations, but as to who they even are and what their main goal is...we're still waiting. I was actually about to head there and you woke up.." He leaned off the wall, and walked towards the door. "Now that you're awake, I feel more at ease. But I promise we will find them, and destroy them..."

His back was too her as he sealed the promise, and then opened the door turning his head back with a smile "I'll be back later".

And with that he waltzed out, shutting the door behind him.

Sakura walked over to the end of Ino's bed and sat down, "He was really worried about you..."

Ino moved her eyes from the door to Sakura, and smiled "I kinda thought he hated me..."

"Not at all," Sakura stated curtly, "He's stayed here every night so far, leaves in the morning to the Intelligence division to help them out, comes back here. He didn't know how to process his feelings, ROOT really destroyed that for him, and now...he's shown so many".

She ran a hand back through her pink hair, and then tied it up, leaning back on the bed and letting out a deep breath. "He cares about you a lot Ino. Which I don't even understand how he put up with you..." She chuckled, and Ino stared at her annoyingly, but a small smirk finally broke the scold.

"I want to go see Kenshin..." She said, watching Sakura's face turn to concern.

"But what about Sai?" Sakura sneered, "And I just said you can't travel..."

"I know, I need to tell his family I can't go through with the marriage. Something isn't right...I saw my father" Ino exhaled out, her fist clenched.

Sakura turned her head to the side slightly, "You saw him?"

"Yeah, it may have been a dream...or something. But he told me not to be deceived... I feel like my Grandfather is lying to me about this arranged marriage shit," She grumbled, and sat forward a little more, "Shikamaru and Choji don't have too..I've never been told this - and my father told me all about our Clan's History... Something just isn't right..I've felt it the whole time".

"Well..you need to rest, I'd wait probably a week to travel..but you cant go alone," Sakura demanded, "I'll go with you...Who knows if that creep will find you again..."

Ino nodded and smiled, "thank you..."

"But, Ino..." Sakura started, "Does this mean - you're going to get back together with Sai? I'm just saying, we've all seen how he's been since you, after you, and now. He probably doesn't know it, but I think its Love. And if you aren't going to...just don't lead him on please. For me."

Ino's eyes almost watered, and she shook her head, "I've thought about him every day Sakura, you know this...and for you?"

"As much as an asshole as he's been in the past, I've seen Sai come such a long way from ROOT. He's not the original Team 7," She paused and looked out he Window, Ino knew her mind was trailing off thinking of Sauske, "But, he's become apart of Team 7. He's family..and I can't let you get his hopes up if it's not the real thing..."

"Don't worry Sakura..." Ino stated, they shared a smile and Sakura stood up. Swiftly grabbing the chart off the bed and walking towards the door, "Feel free to walk towards the garden if you please, I'd like to see you up and walking around so we can really discharge you tomorrow.." She winked, and left the room. Leaving Ino to ponder of their conversation.

Ino had made a few rounds around the hospital, feeling her strength return with every step. She meditated for a little, and sat in the gardens for a long time - as her mother brought her lunch and they talked. Ino thought to tell her mother about ending the marriage - but decided to wait and not ruin this nice moment they were having. Her mother had clearly been worried, and Ino expected all the babying she was receiving.

After her mother left, Ino sat in the sun and relaxed for a while longer. Counting her blessings in a sense, after being kidnapped and thrown into a cave - she had never realized how much she missed the sun.

Finally, she returned to her room, and tended to all the flowers that had been sent to her. Reading all the cards and combing them together, starting to slowly pack. She walked to her bed and laid down, quickly falling asleep.

She awoke to her door opening, the sun was close to being completely set.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were sleeping..." Sai stated, he flashed his signature smile and held up a bag of food, "I brought Ichiraku, Naruto said it'd help you get better.."

"Of course he did..." Ino muttered, shaking her head. She sat up, and stretched slighty as Sai pulled out the containers of Ramen.

"I wasn't sure what to get you...but the owner made a simple one and said to give it to you," He handed her one, and she opened it to be greeted with a very pleasant smell of what seemed to be a chicken broth, tons of vegetables, and of course - ramen noodles. Ino smiled, and they started to eat.

"I'm happy to see your feeling better.." He stated, after a few moments and put his bowl down as he finished taking a bite, "But...Ino...I know you'll be married soon, and I wanted to say I wish you the best..."

Ino almost dropped her bowl, and stared at him so confused "Why have you stayed the past couple of nights? And brought me food...if you're just going to wish me the best".

"I care about you," He stated bluntly, "I understand that feeling, but I also know you're set to be married".

He stopped, and grabbed her right hand, the arm that wasn't broken, "I have had a lot of time to think the past month, and hearing you were in trouble worried me greatly. But...I read a book," Ino almost rolled her eyes at the statement, of course he did, "And..I learned from it that if you cannot be with someone - it is better to be supportive, than harbor a hatred. Ino I could never hate you, I was upset for a long time...".

Ino stared at him, with nothing to say. Part of her wanted to scream and tell him that he was her choice, but she also needed to see Kenshin and make sure everything was completely ended. They sat there a little while longer, as Sai changed the subject. But Ino felt as if her heart had broken for a second time this year, this time by her own choice.

The next day came, with a sleepless night. After Sai basically proclaimed he'd be supporting her marriage,and not fighting. She found the gesture to be polite, but of course wanted him to fight for it as much as she wanted him.

Ino had been so conflicted laying in the hospital bed. Wondering why she didn't just tell him her plan, but also needing to talk to her family and Kenshins. She did after all promise Sakura not to hurt him, and she couldn't stand to hurt him again if for some reason none of this worked out in her favor.

The sun was now slowly starting its descend into the evening, the sky was painted with golds, purples, and pinks amongst the bottoms of the low hanging clouds. Ino had been discharged around mid afternoon earlier in the day. All of her gifts were already delivered during the day, thanks to some workers from the flower shop.

She now sat at the dinner table with her mother, who was being overly motherly and tending to every little thing for Ino. She had been so worried since she had found out about her daughters kidnapping. Relieved to have her home, especially since they hadn't been on the best terms since everything.

"Have you heard from his family?" Ino asked as she spooned some more broth to her mouth, her mother knew who she was talking about without Ino having to say a name.

"Unfortunately, no" Her mother said curtly, "That boy was by your side the whole time, since he got back to the village..."

Ino stirred the spoon around the tomato broth her mother had made, she could tell with the tone of the last sentence her mother spoke, wasn't exactly appeased by that fact. She hadn't ever voiced that she disliked Sai, but her actions and tone about him since this arranged marriage said other wise.

"I'm not marrying him..." Ino spoke.

"Well of course, you're going to Marry Kenshin..." Her mother responded - the doubt of his wellbeing clung to her words though.

"That's who I meant...I'm not going to. Shikamaru, and Choji don't have to have arranged marriages, you and father were not arranged. This is all a lie, and I know it. I'm not sure why you and grandfather are doing this...but I'm not marrying Kenshin" Ino spoke bluntly, and let out a displeased breath.

Her mother stopped, and folded her hands into her lap, the two sat in silence for what felt like an eternity.

"You're right...about everything..." Her mother finally admitted, which took Ino aback, she wasn't expecting that response.

"Why?" She turned to her mother, setting her spoon down on the table.

"It's your Grandfather..I even asked for an explanation - and never exactly got one" Her mother stood up, and started to clear the table of some of the dishes, making sure to put more rice, and vegatables on Ino's plate "Please eat those, you need to get better".

"So you just went along with it..." Ino said angrily, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Feeling a twinge of confusion, and irritation creep through her.

"Ino - I know you probably would like to have a grudge against me, you probably do, "Her mother stated, her back turned to her as she washed dishes. "But I have no say in what happens with the clan - I was not a Yamanaka prior to me and your Fathers marriage. I don't have much say when its come to Clan decisions...".

Ino stared at the food in front of her, and blinked a few times absorbing all of the information in.

"I'm going to go to bed...Thank you for everything," She stood up, and started to walk out of the room, turning on her heel to face her mother "I love you" Giving a soft smile, and padded to her room softly.

As she entered her room, she plopped down on the bed, and stared into the vanity set that reflected her image. She looked tired, and damaged - the broken arm, and bandaged head almost made her laugh. She moved towards the vanity and unwrapped her head, seeing a few scratches on her forehead. Then proceeded to un-bandage her arm, and was shocked by the blue/purple/yellow discoloration from the bruising. She stared at it for a few moments before standing up and heading to the shower.

The warm water almost cooled her skin, the steam felt great in her lungs. Though at first the droplets stung the skin on her broken arm, it finally eased the muscles and the aching pain subsided. She showered for a while before finally getting out and getting ready for bed - as she sat in bed and rewrapped her arm. She looked up and around her room, and then noticed a bouquet of paper flowers. A wide smile reached her, and she walked over, cradling it in her arms, she walked back to the bed and laid back holding them above her as she stared at the craftsman ship of every folded flower. She then laid them in the bed next to her and quickly fell asleep with a smile.

The first rays of morning shone on her face, and she awakened slowly. As much as she tried to close her eyes and go back to sleep - she couldn't. Ino dressed herself and quietly padded out of her room, to the front door, and out into the streets of Konoha. She waved to the few people who were out, and continued to walked towards a place she hadn't been to in a while. She walked towards the outskirts of the town, near the west side - and ventured into a small temple. The outside bore the 'Yamanaka' clan symbol on a giant stone. She walked inside, the hallway was very short, and broke into a giant garden. Her whole family was full of botanists, and the Clover Flower was the Clan's symbol, tons of them grew her behind the small temple walls yearly. The soil here was perfect for growing anything - sometimes they'd grow certain herbs here quickly for the town if an illness broke out rapidly. Everything grew so vibrant and lush her. She walked through the garden, to the other side of the temple, and walked back in. Taking a few hallways, she came to a small chamber that seemed a little eerie - but she knew she'd find him here.

He was kneeled down in the center, praying to the Clan Symbol that was decorated with clover flowers, vines, and beautiful tapestries.

"Grandfather.." Her voice almost trembled.

"Oh Ino, you're up very early.." He spoke, and turned with a smile on his face. He was a slender man, whom clearly resembled her father - he had silvery blonde hair that aged as he did, and was tied up into a ponytail that was about waist length. He typically wore robes, that seemed to comfort him in his older age. He was always so joyful, kind, and wise. He always held a special place in Ino's heart, unfortunately as of lately - she hadn't been very happy with him.

"Something has been bothering me..." She went straight to the point - nervous to dishonor him, but her heart was set on this.

"What ails you my beautiful granddaughter? Is it Kenshin? He's slowly recovering..." He spoke tenderly, approaching her.

"That's great news...but I will not marry him," Ino stated firmly. Her eyes narrowed at him, as she had picked up a disdain for this word. It left a sour taste in her mouth.

"But why not? You can't do this to the cl-"

"Yes. I can. Father didn't have an arranged marriage, nor did anyone else. The Nara and Akamichi Clans do not have arranged marriages. Why should I?" She said curtly, cutting him off midsentence.

"Because, we need to strengthen our Clan..."

"You-you're angry at father, for marrying who he wanted too. My mother is an amazing woman, and they created me. I am a strong successor to this Clan...you don't even know Sai" Ino erupted.

"Who?" He grumbled

"Exactly," She huffed, "I-I love him Grandfather. He's an amazing Shinobi, and you destroyed my happiness in the process of trying to make some super Yamanaka. I don't love Kenshin, I barely know him. I don't want to leave Konoha to live in his village..."

"The wedding has been set Ino, that is enough!" He almost yelled, his tone turned angrily, "After he is well, you two will be wed".

"No, No I wont!" She yelled at him, "You can disown me all you want. But while Kenshin was losing his battle, Sai saved me. Sai was there. You don't know him Grandfather, he trained with ROOT, if youre so concerned about a 'strong' Clan. I AM going to his village, and calling it off myself".

"You will not..." He demanded, he was now glaring at his Granddaugher, who was clearly defying him.

"Watch me," She snapped, and glared at him. Before she knew it, her grandfather had struck her across the face. In all the years she could remember - she never once saw him resort to violence.

"Listen here, Ino...we have a deal with the Hayashi's. You will not ruin it - you will listen to them Ino. Be wed, and become part of the Hayashi clan..." He stated, his arms folded behind his back as he scolded her.

"Grandfather, what is wrong with you?" She questioned, really confused on her Grandfathers sudden burst of anger.

Something in her gut was sitting right with her. She quickly brought both hands up, creating the symbol for her Mind-Transformation Jutsu. The pain she felt from her broken arm quickly subsided as she disappeared into her grandfathers mind.

She once again, found herself surrounded in darkness. Something felt off though, like she was being watched. She continued forward into the darkness until she found him floating and almost curled in a ball. Ino soon realized there were what looked to be pieces of paper floating around him - he was under a jutsu. She walked forward, and tried to touch him, but was shocked slightly. She sat down, and unwrapped he arm, staring at the bruises and how some looked better than others, but the pain was still unreal.

Ino began to close her eyes, and start to chant different jutsu's to see if she could break through the one that was currently placed on her grandfather.

She wasn't sure how long she had been going through numerous jutstu's, delving farther into his mind and slowly extracting the one that was placed onto him. Ino knew something was off about this whole situation, and now it was all finally coming to light. Ironically, so was she, as she opened her eyes, and sucked in a deep breath of air. She dropped her arms, and felt a terrible throbbing pain coming through her broken one - but as she opened her right fist, she found a piece of paper with a jutsu transcribed on it.

Her heart dropped, as anger welled up. This wasn't her clan's, but another's she had started to become familiar with. She tucked it into her hip, under her skirt, and quickly started to wrap her arm and put the sling back on as she shouted at her Grandfather. Ino slowly rocked him, and he came too - very confused.

"I-Ino, what are you doing here?" He chuckled, "I guess I took a nap on the floor".

Ino smiled, she could sense he was back, "Grandfather, do you feel okay?"

"Yes, just a little sore, and kind of confused..." He muttered, and started to stand up with the help of Ino.

"Lets get you home..." She hummed a little more happier than earlier, as they walked out of the hallways into the Giant garden that laid in the center of their small Clan temple, Ino felt a need to ask some questions.

"Grandfather, where did you meet the Hayashi's at?"

"Oh, our clan's have known each other for a while..though there has been a small rivalry due to our Clan being more proficient in mind jutsu's. Just don't tell your soon-to-be-husband that...he'll be angry" He laughed, "Ino, I find it so weird you chose to marry him".

"Huh? What about the arranged marriage?" She blurted out, realizing her Grandfather seemed to of lost part of his memory.

"Arranged Marriage?" He questioned, rubbing his chin "You told me all about him, and said you met him during the war. I've always supported your happiness, Ino" He patted her hand that wasn't wrapped, and Ino felt another anger welling up inside of her. The jutsu he was under had completely wiped part of his memory, and made him someone else completely different. How long had he been under it?

"What happened to your arm dear?"

"I trained a little too hard..." She almost whispered, as they walked out of the Clan Temple, and down the streets, he didn't live very far from it.

"Grandfather, I'm afraid I cant marry Kenshin..." She said, as they stood in front of his small house, he looked at her and took her right hand - patting the back of it again.

"Oh dear..I was surprised you even considered him. Like I said earlier...that clan is full of envy. But you'll find a nice gentleman one day," He gave her a hug and wished her goodnight. Disappearing inside his home.

Upon that, Ino looked to the sky and realized it was already late afternoon. She had been in the temple all day breaking the seal that was on his mind - she felt a solace in knowing that things were now back to normal for her Grandfather. But, she now had a new mission underway, and decided to head home before leaving for Iwagakure.

Thank you father...